Yo ho ho, ahoy matey! This guide covers the event "Euphonia's Challenge: Treasure of the Crystal Cove!" taking place in Smuggler's Rest and, well, Crystal Cove!
Finding Smuggler's Rest
Speak to Sailor Calatin and travel to Smuggler's Rest! Calatin can be found in The Harbor district of Stormreach (where new players arrive once they leave Korthos Island).
Press the "M" key on your keyboard to bring up the in-game map:

Sailor Calatin looks like this:

In Smuggler's Rest, Euphonia will be on the nearby boat where Calatin is standing. Speak with her to discover that she's in dire need of a courageous hero!

Just looking at Euphonia you can tell she's searching for a hero worthy of bountiful pirate loot:
Participating in Euphonia's Challenge: Treasure of the Crystal Cove
Upgrade your pirate hat, get amazing new items, and loot all sorts of booty by taking care of Smuggler’s Rest’s pirate problem! Tip! Pirates in Smuggler's Rest won't attack you until you've swung first. After all, they're operating under the assumption that you're just another friendly pirate. Foolish fools! These greedy pirates have also got their grubby hands on doubloons, named treasure maps, and treasure compasses!

As you explore Smuggler's Rest, pirates spawn according to the level of nearby players. The Challenge Rating (CR) of pirate mobs will adjust for a group of players between levels 10-12 so they shouldn't run into any problems! However, if the same party had a level 18 player in their midst, that could bring in some pirates with enough hitting power to put the other party members in an unhappy place. Tip! Get even more doubloons and treasure map pieces by chugging Pirate Grog, which is available in the DDO Store! Grog causes humanoids outside of Smuggler’s Rest and Crystal Cove to drop doubloons and treasure map pieces when they normally wouldn’t!
Smuggler's Rest: The Loot Breakdown
Doubloons: A currency used to trade for a variety of items and item boosts at Euphonia's Barter Box!
Treasure map piece: Trade treasure map pieces at Euphonia's Barter Box to unlock travel to the Crystal Cove.
Treasure compass: Required to travel to Crystal Cove. Only good for one successful run through the Crystal Cove. (If you don’t succeed Euphonia’s Challenge, you’ll get your compass back)
Named treasure map: Used to reveal other special instances filled with tasty XP and loot!
Trading at Euphonia's Barter Box
After jaunting around Smuggler's Rest, slaying every dangerous pirate in sight, you'll probably have a good pile of doubloons to spend! That means you're now ready to purchase something from Euphonia's Barter Box.

Let's assume we didn’t find a treasure compass slaughtering pirates – although you're more than likely to find some this way. But, in our case, we're looking for a treasure compass in the Barter Box:

If you know the proper name of what you're looking for, the easiest way to find it will always be the search tool.
Travel to Crystal Cove!
Make sure to check with Euphonia every now and then to see how many more map pieces she needs to open Crystal Cove!

The doors to Crystal Cove will open once Euphonia is able to put the map together! The doors are located directly across from where Euphonia is standing.
There’s still one more thing you’ll need to go to Crystal Cove – a Treasure Compass! You can get the compass by killing pirates in Smuggler’s Rest, trading doubloons for one at Euphonia’s Barter Box, or by buying one in the DDO Store! Once you have your compass, click on the doors facing Euphonia and travel into the depths of Crystal

Cove! Kobolds and the Crystal Cove!
Meet your new kobold friends!
Kobolds would generally rather stab you than be your friend, but in Crystal Cove they need your help to get their job done!

Foreman Wee Yip Yip needs 100 crystals, and the kobold miners are ready to start excavating them!

You can track the kobolds' progress in your quest objective panel.
Tip! Crystal Cove can be completed by a group, or solo! If you have trouble achieving your goals solo, grab a hireling from the DDO Store, or visit a hireling vendor in-game!
Kobolds need incense torches to find their way to the crystals! You can purchase additional incense torches and more via Foreman Wee Yip Yip!

Be careful not to purchase too many supplies, as they cost crystals! Additionally, it becomes impossible to buy more supplies if Wee Yip Yip dies.

Remember to drop any items your purchase from Wee Yip Yip into your hotbar for easy access as you play!
Guide the kobolds to crystals by placing and connecting torches throughout Crystal Cove!
Tip! If there's a specific direction you're interested in mining within Crystal Cove, you can pick up torches from the default layout to cut the cost of buying all new torches.

Make it easier for the kobolds! Buy more torches to place along the path – including special torches that can help keep them alive and more!
So you've reached 100 crystals, and now you're looking at a slightly different objective window.

Your mission isn’t over yet! From now on, the kobolds are collecting crystals that go directly in your pockets! Be warned, however, because even darker and deadlier things lurk deep within Crystal Cove… Kobold Tip! You could always take "The Kobold Approach" to success:
Step 1: Kobolds
Step 2: Crystals
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit
How to Buy and/or Upgrade Items!
Once you've completed Crystal Cove, any extra crystals you gathered during the optional objective will be turned into green dragonshards, which are used to upgrade items you've acquired from Euphonia's Barter Box. Just like the treasure compass earlier in this guide, successfully bartering for anything in Euphonia's Barter Box requires the right set of items found throughout the event. To get the item you want, you’ll need a combination of various items you find throughout the event. There are many barter deals to make, and it's even possible to purchase level 20 items outright – provided you have the right barter items! And that's how you play Euphonia's Challenge. We hope you have fun, and remember – keep one eye open, and the other secured safely behind your eye-patch! Yar har harrrrr! You can add your own tips, Crystal Cove tactics and barter requirements below!
Older Information
NOTE: THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS APPLICABLE TO DDO's 5th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. It is still possible to turn in outstanding party invitations, however, so we will keep this section of the guide below, just in case someone stumbles across the invitation and wants to know what to do with it. - The Turbine Community Team -
Getting your pirrrate hat!
You've arrived at Smuggler's Rest; you've found Euphonia! First, cool your britches. Then, look in your inventory for a “Birthday Parrrrty Invitation.” Trade this invitation with Euphonia to get your very own pirate hat!
The invitation looks like this!
Redeem your invitation by placing it into Euphonia’s Hat Box, and get one of the six tiers of pirate hat:
Tier 1: Swabby’s Kerchief
Tier 2: Freebooter’s Bandana
Tier 3: Corsair’s Skullcap
Tier 4: Captain’s Chapeau
Tier 5: Admiral’s Tricorne
Tier 6: Dread Admiral’s Tricorne
The tier of pirate hat your character receives is based on various factors, but the biggest factor is how much you’ve played DDO with the character in question! Tip! Didn't get the hat you were hoping for? No worries! Slay pirates (and other baddies) throughout Smuggler's Rest and Crystal Cove, earn doubloons, and barter for any pirate hat tier you want – dyes and item upgrades too!
Upon clicking the box, this window will open:

The "Euphonia's Hat Box" window automatically finds the hat associated with your invitation, so don’t worry about finding the proper hat to trade for – just drag your invitation into the Offer box!

Above is an image of the Tier 6 "Dread Admiral's Tricorne." Even if you don't begin the birthday event with this (seriously) awesome hat, it's entirely possible to earn one by participating in the Euphonia's Challenge event!
And why would you want a swanky pirate hat? Well…
Higher tier pirate hats increase the drop-rate of doubloons, maps and compasses!
Pirate hats can be enhanced with auras that aid kobold miners in Crystal Cove!
It looks more convincing when you make your character shout, "YARRRR!"