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  1. #1

    Default Collectable "Any" dispensers

    I'd like to get more accurate information about Any dispenser ratios, and help from others would be great.

    I'm looking for groups of 100 pulls, ideally from Precious Cargo on Epic Hard or Tavern Brawl on EC or EN so you can pull some valuable Ornate Charms for your troubles. I run Precious Cargo in Exalted for wings, and it takes me around 45 minutes to do 100 pulls. (50 runs at around 55 seconds each.)

    All you need to post is the total number of each collectable you pulled; I'll figure out the school and rarity totals and update the grand totals here in the OP.

    Count  Collectable
        8  Adventuring Oratorios
       77  Ancient Texts
       17  Archaic Logbooks
       86  Brass Censers
       35  Crypt Moths
      172  Flint Knives
       11  Hairy Trumpet Mushrooms
       60  Ornate Charms
       20  Pouches of Bone Fragments
        2  Shimmering Spore Pods
       10  Token of the Spider
        2  Vial of Dragon's Blood Ink
      500  Total
    School     Count  Percent
    Arcane       108   21.60%
    Cultural     242   48.40%
    Lore         102   20.40%
    Natural       48    9.60%
                 500  100.00%
    Frequency  Count  Percent
    Common       370   74.00%
    Uncommon     108   21.60%
    Rare          22    4.40%
                 500  100.00%
    The main headline so far is that Ornate Charms drop around 1 out of 8 clicks.

  2. #2


    sithhound posted these results from Tavern Brawl:

    Quote Originally Posted by sithhound View Post
    100 runs so numbers are also percentages.

    Common(73): 11 Ancient Text, 19 Brass Censer, 5 Crypt Moth 38 Flint Knife.

    Uncommon(21): 4 Pouch of Bone Fragment, 3 Archaic Logbook, 3 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom, 11 Ornate Charm

    Rare(6): 3 Adventuring Oratorio, 1 Vial of Dragonblood Ink, 2 Token of the Spider

    Lore(17): 11 Ancient Text, 3 Archaic Logbook, 3 Adventuring Oratorio

    Arcane(24): 19 Brass Censer, 4 pouch of Bone Fragments, 1 Vial of DragonBlood Ink

    Natural(8): 5 Crypt Moth, 3 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom

    Cultural(51): 38 Flint Knifes, 11 Ornate Charm, 2 Token of the Spider

    Jumped in talked to dude, went into sneak, and dropped down to loot the Adventurer's Pack.

  3. #3


    Sylvado posted these results from Tavern Brawl:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sylvado View Post
    This was my 100 today. I hide during the drop to save a little time and go in on EN to save the mouse click. Sometime entering while the audio from the previous run is still going.

    Common(77): 11 Ancient Text, 16 Brass Censer, 13 Crypt Moth 37 Flint Knife.

    Uncommon(20): 4 Pouch of Bone Fragment, 4 Archaic Logbook, 1 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom, 11 Ornate Charm

    Rare(3): 2 Adventuring Oratorio, 1 Token of the Spider

    Lore(17): 11 Ancient Text, 4 Archaic Logbook, 2 Adventuring Oratorio

    Arcane(20): 16 Brass Censer, 4 pouch of Bone Fragments

    Natural(14): 13 Crypt Moth, 1 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom

    Cultural(49): 37 Flint Knifes, 11 Ornate Charm, 1 Token of the Spider

  4. #4


    Here's my results from Precious Cargo today:

    2 Adventuring Oratorios
    19 Ancient Texts
    2 Archaic Logbooks
    20 Brass Censers
    2 Crypt Moths
    31 Flint Knives
    3 Hairy Trumpet Mushrooms
    1 Mortar and Pestle
    13 Ornate Charms (woohoo!)
    5 Pouches of Bone Fragments
    1 Shimmering Spore Pod
    1 Stone Fetish

    EDIT: Looks like I accidentally ran one run on EN, getting a Tier 5 Mortar and Pestle and Stone Fetish. I'll convert those to their Tier 6 versions for the totals in the OP.

    EDIT 2: Gah! That Stone Fetish would have been an Ornate Charm. Oh, the humanity!

  5. #5


    Did another Ornate Charm farm today. Needed 10, but hung around for 100 pulls. Good thing, too; the first run after I pulled my 10th charm was a double-charm run, and then I pulled like 2 more for a total of 4 charms in the final 9 runs. (18 pulls.)

    1 Adventuring Oratorio
    16 Ancient Texts
    2 Archaic Logbooks
    17 Brass Censers
    7 Crypt Moths
    31 Flint Knives
    2 Hairy Trumpet Mushrooms
    14 Ornate Charms
    4 Pouches of Bone Fragments
    1 Shimmering Spore Pod
    4 Tokens of the Spider
    1 Vial of Dragon's Blood Ink

    EDIT: This run took almost exactly 40 minutes, averaging 24 seconds per pull.

  6. #6
    Community Member sithhound's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Here is a second run of Tavern Brawl I collected but never posted.

    100 runs

    Common(76): 20 Ancient Text, 13 Brass Censer, 8 Crypt Moth 35 Flint Knife.

    Uncommon(21): 3 Pouch of Bone Fragment, 6 Archaic Logbook, 2 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom, 10 Ornate Charm

    Rare(3): 0 Adventuring Oratorio, 0 Vial of Dragonblood Ink, 3 Token of the Spider

    Lore(26): 20 Ancient Text, 6 Archaic Logbook, 0 Adventuring Oratorio

    Arcane(16): 13 Brass Censer, 3 Pouch of Bone Fragments, 0 Vial of DragonBlood Ink

    Natural(10): 8 Crypt Moth, 2 Hairy Trumpet Mushroom

    Cultural(48): 35 Flint Knifes, 10 Ornate Charm, 3 Token of the Spider

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by sithhound View Post
    Here is a second run of Tavern Brawl I collected but never posted.
    Nice, thanks much. OP updated to include these.

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