Incorrect, metamagics apply their full values to heals as of u14. Spellpower from enhancements and gear is halved.
Did the calc a while ago, feel free to check the numbers :
If you look at the most common non crit heal (i.e. no clickies used, 50% from gear was what most healers had)
Pre u14 heal, 40% enhancements, 50% gear, emp. healing active :
150 x 1.9 x 1.5 = 427.5 hp
Post u14, 90+15 devotion item (easy to get by lvl 20) :
150 x (1+(0.8+0.9+0.15)/2 + 0.75) = 401.25 hp
Add a better devotion by lvl 2x, 112+18 :
150 x (1+(0.8+1.12+0.18)/2 + 0.75) = 420 hp
Add some destiny goodies and heal does in fact hit for more than it used to. For mass heal, getting a superior devotion IX item wasn't exactly easy. Devotion items affect all spells now regardless of their level, so the average healer gets a big buff here compared to the "enhancement bonus but no equipment bonus" state most were stuck with pre u14 for mass healing. High end healers that already had gear to enhance mass heal will quickly get a small buff as gear is updated.
Seriously, the only case where i could see a problem is a low healing amp / tons of hp meatsack. Those builds are quite uncommon, so heal&mass heal were/are/will be topping off 95+% of players anyway at every cast.