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  1. #41
    Community Member Thucydides04's Avatar
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    Don't expect me to accomodate your desire to NOT complete a quest. That is what DDO is about, completing quests. People need to stop acting like a bunch of victims.

  2. #42
    Community Member Xim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    I seem to remember a lot of vets farming parts 1-4 when the Shroud came out...

    I guess, even though we did it, it's really stupid that newbs today do it...

    I would think that with a 2006 member date you should remember what was happening when the shroud came out.

    We weren't faming parts 1-4 for ingredients but we were trying to complete the quest at level 14-16 (because cap was 16) without gs weapons/items.

    Part 1 we figured out portal placement and yes portal keepers spawned often.

    Part 2 we would have assignments on bosses and they would be taken to all four corners with clerics running around healing.

    Part 3 we were trying to solve all the puzzles without a solver and "the wall" was commonplace.

    Part 4 it was very seldom we got here unless we had 3 clerics, and yes no fs with 3k sp pools.

    Part 5 once we finally got there was never a guarantee completion.

    So yes we click on the portal because we remember when we couldn't always get to part 5 let alone complete.
    Last edited by Xim; 04-18-2011 at 10:30 PM.
    Xylin, Xylon, Xylen, Zylin, Ximm, Hauk, Haukeye, Haukeyes, Haukfu,
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  3. #43
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImFour20 View Post
    who are you to determine how someone else plays the game. if they dont want to complete, you have no right to force this

    In an attempt to answer your question;

    MMMMMMMRRRRHHHH!!!!! Look at ME!!!!!!!! I'm Bandy!!!! And I'm the guy who's guild ( wearing matching T-shirts with AOK logos designed by Gucci ) just drug your worthless ass through the Shroud, and is now hitting the alter!!! MMMMMMRRRRRHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    Disclaimer: If you are not in AOK you will not get the humor in this. That is OK though, because since you are not in AOK, you really aren't important to us to begin with
    Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
    Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
    Proud officer of :Archmagi

  4. #44
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    honestly i've never seen problems in any AoK group that i've been in.

    perhaps people should consider politely asking when they join "hey (insert party leader's name) will i have a few seconds to /death after part 5?

    if you ask them for it, i'm pretty sure you will get it.

    BUT, if you go into a run and just expect may not get what you want.

    the problem stems from people ****ing around after harry dies in part 5 and wasting a minute to get takes less than 10 seconds...again, ask when you join and you will get a window to get out. (unless you **** someone off lol)

    the AoK guys aren't complete asses to everyone...just those that whine :P

    tl;dr just be nice and ask when you join and you'll get time to recall
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
    MrBlonde - Omakase Omnomnom - Austrian Deathmachine - Consonar Crazy Ivan

  5. #45
    Community Member Thucydides04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    honestly i've never seen problems in any AoK group that i've been in.

    perhaps people should consider politely asking when they join "hey (insert party leader's name) will i have a few seconds to /death after part 5?

    if you ask them for it, i'm pretty sure you will get it.

    BUT, if you go into a run and just expect may not get what you want.

    the problem stems from people ****ing around after harry dies in part 5 and wasting a minute to get takes less than 10 seconds...again, ask when you join and you will get a window to get out. (unless you **** someone off lol)

    the AoK guys aren't complete asses to everyone...just those that whine :P

    tl;dr just be nice and ask when you join and you'll get time to recall

    Actually, we prefer you /death at about 30%

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thucydides04 View Post
    Actually, we prefer you /death at about 30%

    If you have no issues 5-6 manning it, and are 'dragging people through shroud' anyways. Would it be a big deal if anyone not completing would /death out after they got their box in Part 4?

    I'm with the person that posted earlier in the thread. When I'm not completing, I stay during part 5 to be nice and help out the DPS to get it done quicker.

    You can deny it if you want, since it probably isn't a common occurrence, but if someone(or a few random puggers) did this even once(and that person wasn't on your radar), you would most likely blacklist them. . .or at least remember their name and decline them in future runs.

    I dont play on Argo and have no beef with this guild personally. I just couldn't understand the reasoning behind not wanting to wait 30-60 seconds for loading screens from DD after spending 30 minutes with them in the raid.

    In any case, your raid, your rules. Enjoy!

  7. #47
    Community Member Anyria's Avatar
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    Default Actually...

    Quote Originally Posted by ImFour20 View Post
    if someone(or a few random puggers) did this even once(and that person wasn't on your radar), you would most likely blacklist them. . .or at least remember their name and decline them in future runs.
    Actually, you would probably be put on a preferred grouping list if this occurred.

    Just Saying

    - Dopi

  8. #48
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImFour20 View Post
    I dont play on Argo
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

  9. #49
    Community Member Thucydides04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImFour20 View Post

    If you have no issues 5-6 manning it, and are 'dragging people through shroud' anyways. Would it be a big deal if anyone not completing would /death out after they got their box in Part 4?

    I'm with the person that posted earlier in the thread. When I'm not completing, I stay during part 5 to be nice and help out the DPS to get it done quicker.

    You can deny it if you want, since it probably isn't a common occurrence, but if someone(or a few random puggers) did this even once(and that person wasn't on your radar), you would most likely blacklist them. . .or at least remember their name and decline them in future runs.

    I dont play on Argo and have no beef with this guild personally. I just couldn't understand the reasoning behind not wanting to wait 30-60 seconds for loading screens from DD after spending 30 minutes with them in the raid.

    In any case, your raid, your rules. Enjoy!
    I meant /death at 30% in part 5.

    As a general rule of thumb AOK Shrouds have the following practices:

    If you are the first person into the shroud, open the portal and go in.

    If you need a buff don't ask for it there is something out there that has that buff.

    Sleet Storm and Grease should be used copiously in all 5 parts of the Shroud.

    If you are the 1st person into part 2, run and pull all 4 named bosses to south-central immediately. Do not stop and kill any mobs.

    In part 3 ensure that you run all over someone else's puzzle if you port into a 2 person room.

    Trigger horrid wilting whenever possible.

    Do not wait for buffs before going into part 4.

    If you are the first person into part 4 start the fight.

    After part 4 click the altar and portal as quickly as possible.

    After part 5 click the altar as quickly as possible.

    This guide does not cover any shenanigans over voice chat.

    Chances are if you are a pug in a mostly AOK shroud, your presence is requested for our entertainment.

  10. #50
    Community Member Milamber69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImFour20 View Post

    If you have no issues 5-6 manning it, and are 'dragging people through shroud' anyways. Would it be a big deal if anyone not completing would /death out after they got their box in Part 4?
    Basically, if you see an AoK shroud pug up its because we are either bored and like to watch new players trip over their own feet or simply want to make it faster than what it already is. We are not so stubborn that we think an extra 6 people aren't going to add more dps to the run and therefore make it (sometimes) faster. So this is why we have the lfms up, people like yourself can finally get the first completions and we shave a little extra time off our runs.

    This all reminds me of the old 'zerg!' and 'dont zerg!' threads that were very common about a year ago. 2 different types of playstyles, if its not yours, then dont come along.

    You are complaining about not having enough time to recall in part 5 so that you can farm shards or niacs wands, but you see, we are also farming. We are farming for large ingredients and like most farming runs, they need to be quick. We dont need you for part 5 at all let alone when harry is at 50%, 25% or 10% so do yourself a favor and simply /death. That way everybody is happy, you get to farm and stay off timer and we dont have to wait around for your small talk and well wishes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Hi Welcome was first used in the DDO Forums on June 13th, 2009 in the Argonnessen forums by Milamber69.
    Milamberr ~ Tempes ~ Coldrage ~ Temphealz ~ Temptunez ~ Tempstar

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milamber69 View Post
    We are not so stubborn that we think an extra 6 people aren't going to add more dps to the run and therefore make it (sometimes) faster.
    thank you for being honest

    Quote Originally Posted by Milamber69 View Post
    people like yourself can finally get the first completions and we shave a little extra time off our runs.
    and here is where you go back to your old ways. Was there really a need in that comment being directed at me?

    You dont know me or whether or not I DD at the end of Shroud.

    If you take note of my posts, you'll see I tend to be the Devils Advocate when I can rationalize both sides of an argument(why post in a thread just to say 'i agree with everything you said OP'). I know, it requires a little more thinking to understand both sides of a situation, but I promise it's /usually/ the best approach(especially when it comes to internet forum debates).

    But what do I know? I've only been playing DDO for 9 months, don't have a forum join date before 2009, and dont have 10 capped TRs(only 2 capped TRs so far).

    There's nothing wrong with being respectful to other people.

  12. #52
    Community Member Rhenry851's Avatar
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    Actually, as an ex-Stormbringer and PWNY, I often find AoK to be a bit Slow in clicking the altar.

    More ingredients, completions and Tier III on Argo FTW!!

    Visit Papa Smurf's Pawn Shop, often in the marketplace near you.

  13. #53
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    All of the blame always points to the troubled individual who joins a raid with AOK in it and don't expect hijinks!

    PS: <3 your work Ishy Bubblehead!

  14. #54
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Goddamit, you pop in game and say hi RIGHT NAO. Or tomorrow. Whatever works for you.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
    ~ Ascent~

  15. #55
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    See, now here I am wishing that I were in more AoK Shrouds...

    It's all playstyle I guess.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
    ~ Ascent~

  16. #56
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    I actually got kicked from a PuG that was one of the guild raids who semi-zergs shroud and only completes. Personally, I have been in a group ran shrouds like that before, and have no problem doing it again. HOWEVER, we were waiting FOREVER for a healer to join. I recommended just giving the DD at the end and changing the LFM to possibly attract a healer and get the party started. Holy cats and dogs living together sh!tstorm did I bring down on me.

    For the record - I complete every shroud. I personally want the large ingredients and the completions. However, I realize there are quite a few individuals who are not of the same mindset. Throwing a DD or allowing 10 sec to recall out seems like a minimal concession to make if it fills the group and lets us step off quicker.

    I realize everyone has the ability to play how they want, but 'forcing' someone to complete a shroud when they don't want to because it is 'good for them' seems a little elitist. Maybe that is the attitude/reputation you are going for. I don't know. I do know that in the time that we waited for a healer 2 other shroud groups had already completed. When I was kicked I joined another party and am pretty sure we still completed before the original group. Seems a little reverse thinking that you will sit around forever waiting for a group to form and then claim you want to keep looting until the end and not allow a DD just to save time on the run. (Wasted time for group to form > wasted time for looting ... for those of a mathematical mindset).

    However, those groups that do run shrouds that way are perfectly capable of doing so. And to be fair, they were definitely up front about no DD in the LFM so I knew what I was buying into. I just was not a regular of such parties and still don't really see the logic behind it and asked a question. There was no malice in the questioning, it was just a desire to, again, get the party started. If you are putting up a PuG and someone joins then waits 30 minutes (probably an exaggeration - not sure the exact time we waited) I think a couple suggestions / questions about the LFM to attract more people is not out of line. It is definitely not the norm in shroud runs, and if you can't handle someone questioning the logic, personally then I think there should not be a PuG LFM put up.

    Again. Personal opinion. While the incident does stand out, mostly because of the agression I brought down on myself by asking what I thought was a harmless question, it can't be that important because I'm pretty sure I didn't squelch anyone and don't remember the name of the guild that was running the raid which I'm pretty sure I would if it mattered that much me.

    Regardless happy shrouding and for the noob puggers ... I got a DD for you - just don't take more than 20 sec getting out or then you are completing.

  17. #57
    Community Member Milamber69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImFour20 View Post
    thank you for being honest

    and here is where you go back to your old ways. Was there really a need in that comment being directed at me?

    You dont know me or whether or not I DD at the end of Shroud.

    If you take note of my posts, you'll see I tend to be the Devils Advocate when I can rationalize both sides of an argument(why post in a thread just to say 'i agree with everything you said OP'). I know, it requires a little more thinking to understand both sides of a situation, but I promise it's /usually/ the best approach(especially when it comes to internet forum debates).

    But what do I know? I've only been playing DDO for 9 months, don't have a forum join date before 2009, and dont have 10 capped TRs(only 2 capped TRs so far).

    There's nothing wrong with being respectful to other people.
    Please forgive my personal attack, I was high on Platypus Venom at the time. Im simply saying, its straight forward. If you want to leave before completion, then do exactly that. We won't screw you around with timers and what not as long as you dont screw us around with waiting after the big red guy has died.

    I resent your comment regarding me going back to my old ways, I have always been like this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Hi Welcome was first used in the DDO Forums on June 13th, 2009 in the Argonnessen forums by Milamber69.
    Milamberr ~ Tempes ~ Coldrage ~ Temphealz ~ Temptunez ~ Tempstar

  18. #58
    The Hatchery Rapthorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xim View Post
    I would think that with a 2006 member date you should remember what was happening when the shroud came out.

    We weren't faming parts 1-4 for ingredients but we were trying to complete the quest at level 14-16 (because cap was 16) without gs weapons/items.

    Part 1 we figured out portal placement and yes portal keepers spawned often.

    Part 2 we would have assignments on bosses and they would be taken to all four corners with clerics running around healing.

    Part 3 we were trying to solve all the puzzles without a solver and "the wall" was commonplace.

    Part 4 it was very seldom we got here unless we had 3 clerics, and yes no fs with 3k sp pools.

    Part 5 once we finally got there it was an absolute easy no chance of fail at all guarantee completion thanks to a bug.

    So yes we click on the portal because we remember when we couldn't always get to part 5 let alone complete.

    Fixed Part 5 for you.

    Proud Co-Leader of <o>

  19. #59
    Community Member Mr_Tank's Avatar
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    First off Spisey!

    Second how is it not common knowledge that we in aok do this in any and all pug shrouds, and have done so for years? I guess int is a pug's dump stat.

  20. #60
    Community Member Thucydides04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metaljaw View Post
    I actually got kicked from a PuG that was one of the guild raids who semi-zergs shroud and only completes. Personally, I have been in a group ran shrouds like that before, and have no problem doing it again. HOWEVER, we were waiting FOREVER for a healer to join. I recommended just giving the DD at the end and changing the LFM to possibly attract a healer and get the party started. Holy cats and dogs living together sh!tstorm did I bring down on me.

    For the record - I complete every shroud. I personally want the large ingredients and the completions. However, I realize there are quite a few individuals who are not of the same mindset. Throwing a DD or allowing 10 sec to recall out seems like a minimal concession to make if it fills the group and lets us step off quicker.

    I realize everyone has the ability to play how they want, but 'forcing' someone to complete a shroud when they don't want to because it is 'good for them' seems a little elitist. Maybe that is the attitude/reputation you are going for. I don't know. I do know that in the time that we waited for a healer 2 other shroud groups had already completed. When I was kicked I joined another party and am pretty sure we still completed before the original group. Seems a little reverse thinking that you will sit around forever waiting for a group to form and then claim you want to keep looting until the end and not allow a DD just to save time on the run. (Wasted time for group to form > wasted time for looting ... for those of a mathematical mindset).

    However, those groups that do run shrouds that way are perfectly capable of doing so. And to be fair, they were definitely up front about no DD in the LFM so I knew what I was buying into. I just was not a regular of such parties and still don't really see the logic behind it and asked a question. There was no malice in the questioning, it was just a desire to, again, get the party started. If you are putting up a PuG and someone joins then waits 30 minutes (probably an exaggeration - not sure the exact time we waited) I think a couple suggestions / questions about the LFM to attract more people is not out of line. It is definitely not the norm in shroud runs, and if you can't handle someone questioning the logic, personally then I think there should not be a PuG LFM put up.

    Again. Personal opinion. While the incident does stand out, mostly because of the agression I brought down on myself by asking what I thought was a harmless question, it can't be that important because I'm pretty sure I didn't squelch anyone and don't remember the name of the guild that was running the raid which I'm pretty sure I would if it mattered that much me.

    Regardless happy shrouding and for the noob puggers ... I got a DD for you - just don't take more than 20 sec getting out or then you are completing.
    Likely was not an AOK shroud. If we can't get a cleric then we just go without one.

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