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  1. #1
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    Default To the Quality of life changes list: option to don´t remake char at epic reincarnati

    How hard would be to put an option to don´t remake char at epic reincarnation ??? this bothers players at least 50 times out of 51 epic reincarnations. Slows down the reincarnation process and don´t add any fun to the game. Every player complain about it and today the best thing of being an epic completionist is to never redone the toon at all. And here is another problem:

    If me, epic completionist, want to redone my character from 1-20 I can´t. Since I don´t have any more past lifes to grab it is impossible for me to do it. DDO could add a generic endless past life giving something symbolic like 20hp, 2 prr and mrr or something just for the players with all epic reincarnations so we could remake the heroic levels.

    So the options would be:
    1- Epic reincarnation keeping every heroic choice.
    2- Epic reincarnation redoing heroic choices.
    3- Uber epic reincarnation for players who want to redo the heroic options.

    Or even simpler: Do you want to do again your toon from 1-20? Y / N

    These days people want to get home and play the game without bothering with the shenanigans. No one wants to deal with options, sound configurations, graphics configurations and so on. DDO must be a simpler game and in order to achieve it there must cut all the fat that don´t work and have no purpose today. Many things had a purpose in the past (like difficulty to find quests to make players spend more time on that content) and don´t have a reason to exist today. SSG wants DDO to go over level 30 and the playerbase get it but this must not be only a MATH issue increasing numbers, it must be something that makes the game more fun while not forgetting to fix what is broken or what never scaled in epics, because it will be even weaker in legendary.

  2. #2
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blarhblarhblarh View Post
    How hard would be to put an option to don´t remake char at epic reincarnation ??? ...
    I would sign for this change. The Reincarnation process is awful. Anything that would let me skip it would be a benefit. I would also be happy if they allowed an upload of a character planner file and it would rebuild the character for you from that rather than requiring us to all play data entry clerks.

    The reincarnation process is
    - required for character power
    - essential for game success
    - the worst interface that players face in the game.

    Something should be done.

  3. #3
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    Template files would def be the way I'd prefer it too - not only does it accelerate the super tedious TR process, but it'd let players share actual builds, not just post walls of text to follow. Basically Paths, except player driven, and not completely sucky It'd also make testing on lam a whole lot more streamlined too since usually I have about an hour of repetitive building before I can even start to test.

    Authenticating builds for your char would be the only problem - ie making sure you have exactly the right amount of skill points, tomes, etc. required...but I think that's a hurdle worth jumping

  4. #4
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    The DDO templates are so old that they may not let you create a character if you use it. And many new players fall on this trap. The templates could be updated in minutes by the staff but most of them are 10+ years old and even back then they where bad and unusable.

    Another good option we could do all levels the toon on a trainer BEFORE starting all the leveling process. I really liked the old ED system cause It had less bureaucracy to level, therefore it would be faster than repicking everything and being forced to do longer pauses without helping the group to finish a quest.

  5. #5
    Community Member btolson's Avatar
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    I would settle for the "UI Layout [Save/Load] [Filename]" command being upgraded (or modified with an extra parameter) to remember your hotbar links. Re-doing my hotbars with all my gear, spells, metamagic settings, etc, is the most time-consuming part by far. I have stuff on all 20 bars, gotta be at least 130 items I drag back to their proper place every time I ER.

    This should be really easy for them to do, just iterate and write the IDs of each ability, etc.

    If you later load a configuration that contains an ability you no longer possess after reincarnating, it would just be greyed out and unusable, just like when you reset enhancements or swap a spell - the exception handling for that is already built into the hotbar system, no work required for that. This is low-hanging fruit.

  6. #6
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    Please make it so it’s not like Ddo doesn’t know how we built our character down to the last point

  7. #7
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    Yup i agree, the epic should have a remember or forget setting. as for the toolbars remembering everything when you start back at 1 that wouldnt fly because you may be doing something different that life.. once again a remember settings function would be nice there as well.
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
    This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!

  8. #8


    Eat your own dog food before release please, DEVS.
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  9. #9
    Community Member gravisrs's Avatar
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    Or just introduce templates as files that can be loaded to character creation screen (during first character creation or any kind of reincarnation).

    Then at every trainer give an option to "continue my path" as it is for current template. For rift between worlds trainer give same option as iconic ("just get me to lvl 20 using the template").

    And same deal, once you choose not to follow your path at any lvlup [or template progression cannot be applied, eg you don't have completionist, you don't have access to this class etc.] you just abandon "template" progression and from now on you just do everything by hand.

    Oh and if you need template file format, you can use same as DDO Builder app
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  10. #10
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gravisrs View Post
    Or just introduce templates as files that can be loaded to character creation screen (during first character creation or any kind of reincarnation).

    Then at every trainer give an option to "continue my path" as it is for current template. For rift between worlds trainer give same option as iconic ("just get me to lvl 20 using the template").

    And same deal, once you choose not to follow your path at any lvlup [or template progression cannot be applied, eg you don't have completionist, you don't have access to this class etc.] you just abandon "template" progression and from now on you just do everything by hand.

    Oh and if you need template file format, you can use same as DDO Builder app
    And now that is all being built as requested , SSG should also let us dump out a character to that same template file.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    And now that is all being built as requested , SSG should also let us dump out a character to that same template file.
    Holy scope creep.

    But plus a million to original suggestion.

  12. #12
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    A thousand times yes I wish this was an option.

  13. #13
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    It is not a new request - its been asked many, many times before over the years.

    I am fairly certain the reason its not been implemented is that they fear the CS nightmare that can and will happen if it does not work perfectly every single time - and even some times when it did work correctly and the player just misremembers. So, the gain from making such a feature likely does not outweight the risks.

    Further, to those taking the suggesting further with player made templates etc. Please consider that skill points and access to the completionist feat differ based on tomes and past lives so even when following a template manual interference is needed to adjust when the numbers dont add up (or the templates need to be much more complex). Further, if place points in trees are added the number of points different characters have differs even more - most of all in reaper tress but also in ED trees and heroic trees, and even further not all characters have access to all universal trees. So, making templates is very much not as simple as it would be in a game where all characters have access to the exact same.

    Thus, while I certainly like the idea presented in this tread, I am sorry to say that my gut feeling is that Dev time is better spent elsewhere. The idea seems so deceptively simple on the surface but infact it is more complex and risky in terms in CS time both for actual errors and incorrectly perceived errors (or even just incorrectly claimed errors).
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  14. #14
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    The reincarnation process is
    - required for character power
    - essential for game success
    - the worst interface that players face in the game.
    I don't agree to your points 1 & 2. Maybe you are biased, because I'm pretty much able to play all quests which do nit require grouping with my non-TR'd characters so far.

    Even with my guild group I wouldn't say "required", although I must say that with my first-lifer characters I'm not that powerful, of course. Instead, it often feels quite depressing for me to see that everyne is so much better and more poweful than me, and rather to say that "my character must become better", I'm rather seeing it as "they are TOO powerful and need to become weaker again", so to say.

    I'm not in for an arms race. Quite the opposite.

    The usual train of thought is this way : "I#m too weak. I must become stronger." I don't believe that this way of thinking is atually necessary. For example, if you want to have real fun, then you'd have to be as weak as the weakest player in the group. In real life, this might mean that even a professional should give kids a chance if he or she plays basketball or football with them. Constantly overthrowing them might make them leaving the feald and not wanting to play the game ever again.

    Unfortunately, this kind of mind set is found too often nowadays. People are rather selfish and troll others instead of giving in and actually help others.
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  15. #15
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrik_Fassbauer View Post
    I don't agree to your points 1 & 2. Maybe you are biased, because I'm pretty much able to play all quests which do nit require grouping with my non-TR'd characters so far.

    Certainly there is some bias (on both our parts). I agree that one can complete quests without TR'ing (as Hardcore proves) but point 1 was not that you have to TR to be able to play but that it is a critical part of the path to increase character power. Point 2 was that the ability to keep improving your character kept a lot of players playing (and paying) and helped keep the lights on for DDO. I can accept that you do not find this compelling but I do not think that your view is in the majority at this time. I doubt that there are enough players with your mind set to have kept this game going.

    At least you don't disagree with point 3 which is that the TR process should be improved.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrik_Fassbauer View Post
    I don't agree to your points 1 & 2. Maybe you are biased, because I'm pretty much able to play all quests which do nit require grouping with my non-TR'd characters so far.

    I'm not in for an arms race. Quite the opposite.
    Good for you. I also don´t see DDO as a competition. I left DDO when the company choosed to make reincarnations a thing. Before this some players had 2 or 3 accounts loaded with chars for every ocasion. I left cause I already knew all content and a simple number increase would not add or take anything from my experience.

    But after they decided it reincarnations become the meta. They decided that R1 would be the running speed. They decided how players would run DDO. But they forgot about quality of life while reincarnating. You may don´t care for reincarnation today but most players who want to play DDO in the next 2 years will care for it specially after update 51 that past lifes help more to increase power than gear. Don´t tame me wrong, there are tons of ways to have fun in ddo like:
    -running slayers only.
    -not running reaper
    -only running reaper
    -only raiding
    -zerguing quests
    - A dude have dozens of chars at the same level and love to solo with all of them to see how classes are different.
    - and so on.

    And they are all good. But DDO was build around reincarnation, this was the company choice to profit more with the content and the players who stayed agreed with it in some level or the other. So two things about reincarnation:

    1- It exists.
    2- It should be less painful as it can be. And people who seen it from the start knows that a two week TR cache was slow until a couple of months ago and even if is not so slow as it used to be it still takes over 20 seconds to get 1 item from it when it is very full.
    3- Must feel fun not a chore. Talk with players: many choose the class with the gear they already have on because they don´t want the trouble to find gear in the mules. Reincarnating can take up to 2 hours with an organized player from the time he got all the xp to the time he is on level 1 ready to start his journey.

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