How hard would be to put an option to don´t remake char at epic reincarnation ??? this bothers players at least 50 times out of 51 epic reincarnations. Slows down the reincarnation process and don´t add any fun to the game. Every player complain about it and today the best thing of being an epic completionist is to never redone the toon at all. And here is another problem:
If me, epic completionist, want to redone my character from 1-20 I can´t. Since I don´t have any more past lifes to grab it is impossible for me to do it. DDO could add a generic endless past life giving something symbolic like 20hp, 2 prr and mrr or something just for the players with all epic reincarnations so we could remake the heroic levels.
So the options would be:
1- Epic reincarnation keeping every heroic choice.
2- Epic reincarnation redoing heroic choices.
3- Uber epic reincarnation for players who want to redo the heroic options.
Or even simpler: Do you want to do again your toon from 1-20? Y / N
These days people want to get home and play the game without bothering with the shenanigans. No one wants to deal with options, sound configurations, graphics configurations and so on. DDO must be a simpler game and in order to achieve it there must cut all the fat that don´t work and have no purpose today. Many things had a purpose in the past (like difficulty to find quests to make players spend more time on that content) and don´t have a reason to exist today. SSG wants DDO to go over level 30 and the playerbase get it but this must not be only a MATH issue increasing numbers, it must be something that makes the game more fun while not forgetting to fix what is broken or what never scaled in epics, because it will be even weaker in legendary.