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  1. #1
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Dec 2017

    Default U51 — magus & exalted (deepening faith/arcana) not granting 10% spell points

    Looks like they’re granting @ 1% vs the 10% they should. My character had 5280, and went to 5330 or 50 spell points and it should have been near 500+. I took screenshots of before (confirming after every step) and after to make sure this was duplicated and not happening on deepening faith (I was in MotE) but found that it was when I reallocated my third destiny to EA.

    So my guess is they use the same mechanic since the exact same set of points in both cases was approx 1% vs 10% grant. Thanks!

    Otherwise it all looks really nice so far. I do wish you could unlock tiers 1-3 by TOTAL points spent, not total spent in tree (still locking out t5 & t4 to tree spend) but t1-3 would be nice to have unlocked by total spend. That would give a little more flexibility and I think it could help build flavor. Looks really, really nice, and I like the space in which you have to travel to do the unlocking.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Merrillman View Post
    Looks like they’re granting @ 1% vs the 10% they should. My character had 5280, and went to 5330 or 50 spell points and it should have been near 500+. I took screenshots of before (confirming after every step) and after to make sure this was duplicated and not happening on deepening faith (I was in MotE) but found that it was when I reallocated my third destiny to EA.

    So my guess is they use the same mechanic since the exact same set of points in both cases was approx 1% vs 10% grant. Thanks!

    Otherwise it all looks really nice so far. I do wish you could unlock tiers 1-3 by TOTAL points spent, not total spent in tree (still locking out t5 & t4 to tree spend) but t1-3 would be nice to have unlocked by total spend. That would give a little more flexibility and I think it could help build flavor. Looks really, really nice, and I like the space in which you have to travel to do the unlocking.
    I have not seen any percentage boost on my L30 Alkie from either or both trees. I spent a bit of pp resetting to test various combos, no joy.

    Only the 50 points per core.

    So net/net I've got my DC's back to pre-U51, some cool down reduction, and I think some SP cost reduction however lost a chunk of SP pool from ED cores not working and limited to a single SLA from prev 3.

  3. #3
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Both the Magus and Exalted Angel Core provide the same benefit; -10% Spell Point Cost Reduction.

    This (in a way) extends your SP by 10%, but only applies for Spells (which can be reduced), but not SLAs (which stay at a set cost).

    Looking over it, I'm not sure if this was intended or not, since it also qualifies as extending your SP amount by 10%.

    But otherwise, yeah, it doesn't provide +10% total Spell Points in the old fashion we are familiar with.

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  4. #4
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    Also every base core you take in the magus of eclipse doesn't grant you +1 in DC spells.
    is not working.

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