Devs, with respect, please:
* consider ALL (personal, crafting, bags, folders, inventory) banks being sortable by level, slot and alphabetically.
* consider KEYWORD (like “insightful” bringing up all items w insightful properties) searches
* personal bank space needs at LEAST to fill the blank spaces w 2 more tabs. Expand the grid to 10x10.
* make all consumables stack to 1000.
* have a cosmetics “stable” tab like horses and pets. ESO has a nice system of cosmetic “storage” for reference.
* have like magical items stack as long as all properties are identical (I.e. mythic +2 bonus items celestial topaz would be a different stack than run of the mill celestial topaz).
* stop giving already owned pets as rewards. They take up space. We can’t sell them and we can’t use them. Also a great example of how to handle cosmetic pets is ESO.
* There should maybe be an astral shard turn in for duplicates in pets like you have for dupe armor in getting glamerdust — and even if it was 3 AS or even PLAT it’s better than throwing it away for nothing.
All of these things will save people loads of complaints to you and more importantly, open things up for better use of the spaces we do have for things that are important. BTW, nice job on making S/S/S materials universal. I spent considerable time clearing those out, and you should know that Lahar is bugged in the 12. You have to completely close out the window for conversion on every single new s/s/s you want to mash into material. It would be easier if you could just keep dragging from inventory into the conversion window.
Thanks for your consideration.