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  1. #1
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Default DC’s Needed in Reaper?

    So if DC’s pre-50 needed to be 100+ for R1, effectiveness, and an additional 2 per reaper level, what is the base you need now? For example my Evocation DC was 117 or so (with pots), and 125+ Draconic twists, and now are maybe 102 (more for energy burst). My secondary Enchantment was 105-106, and is now around 84. They are hitting 20-30% less at least. I can’t tell what I truly need, and hence, how to plan gear, filigrees and augments. Anyone know the actual numbers you need to have in reaper??

    Any suggestions? L30 TIEF SORC. Fully geared (no raid gear, server pop too low and will almost never be able to raid enough to actually get a piece or even threads. server = Orien). All three sparks on gear filled. Ottos, THAB (3, 1 raid THAB bought on AM), Nystuls Full set (1 rate Nystuls/Electrocution) for MRR cap & HP). Also a Draconic Soul (CHA, rare) added today. Non raid CHA 91 (w lasting Eagles). Only epic completionist. No heroic completion or racial completion. Lots of gear Tetris to do after update, so any suggestions would be helpful. Esoteric Intiate set. Wild Flame (9 filigrees)/Nightmothers (Meridian Fragment) Sigil of Regalport (3 filigrees). Thanks.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Aug 2018


    seems strange a single raid channel on discord has 800+ members and there seems to be plenty of people raiding on Orien

  3. #3
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by SoulDustar View Post

    seems strange a single raid channel on discord has 800+ members and there seems to be plenty of people raiding on Orien
    Not when I can be on, unfortunately. I sometimes have to wait 2 hours before I can even start, and by that time there’s no point. I can’t be on for 3 hours+

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    May 2010


    Yugo pots: easy to farm the favor for +1 DC to all schools

    I'm going to assume you are wearing the Gloryborne Gloves. If not, get them for stacking +2 to all DCs.

    Where do you have +2 Profane DC? Shattered Onyx, I would guess, since neck slot is taken by Regalport.

    I'm also going to assume you already +2 stacking DC augments slotted for every school you use. If not, work on getting those.

    Filigree: 4-piece Eye + 4 piece Otto = +5 DC to all schools.

    The Esoteric Set used to be +1 DC better than the other sets, but it's not anymore, so feel free to investigate wearing one the others. I know lots of Sorcs who got Medium proficiency from EK and wore Flamecleansed even before, previously giving up 1 DC but now with equal DCs, and more defense, and with different gear layout possibilities.

    Also, if it ends up fitting your gearset better, Brightgaze is an alternative to Regalport.

    So, it's technically raid gear, but Legendary Alchemical is unbound as are most of the ingredients. If you can scrape up 200 threads (some of the raids are quite easy to do short-handed), that's an extra +1 DC to all schools, and for another 250 threads, +6 to a single school (+2 more than what you get on a non-raid Spell Focus Mastery item).

    +6 to a school also drops on random loot now, which is stupid since it doesn't drop on paid-expansion named loot.

    Obviously more raid gear would get you farther still, but there's a few ideas to look into to inch up your DC.
    Last edited by kpak01; 08-17-2021 at 08:23 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Gear tetris i would not chase the loot dragon right now its all just filler after u50 you'll just waste alot of time and mats

    3 updates maybe less we'll get real gear again to chase and you'll probably just end up deleting it all except for a few twink raid items

    Not much that can be done but tough it out until after u51 could change race maybe dragonborn gets you more evoc conj dcs
    Damonz Cannith

  6. #6
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by SoulDustar View Post

    seems strange a single raid channel on discord has 800+ members and there seems to be plenty of people raiding on Orien

    Yeah I can’t play till 10 pm eastern at earliest and its only luck when I can play. Job is very demanding. Run 1.4 billion in assets. I sometimes work till midnight. No one on then. If you follow the charts of activity, orien is dead last consistently (I mean ALWAYS) with the high being no more than 300 “LFM” at the HIGH of the day (and no guarantee it’s even a raid, let alone that it’s a raid I want something from on top of that, like Shroud for Greensteel). So it’s not as easy as it may look. Other servers have double that regularly. Orien is dead last but that’s where my guild is and my friends so can’t leave. They need to merge the two lowest pop servers. I am not going on discord with 800 members. The bing bing of notifications would frikking kill my ability to work.

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