I am a DPS Elemental Sorcerer. I am very distressed by what I see so far, and how disproportionately we seem to be affected. It seems like I am utterly hosed by this “NERFULAR BOMB.” Please post the caster trees as soon as possible, and go to detail about caster levels, where we will actually get healing if we can’t use rejuve, and the ACTUAL scaling of mobs and monsters. Please get rid of max caster level. Please lower spell costs. My spell points are going to get torched (the way it seems) and I’m gonna look like the wall shaped shadow of my former self like in the T2 apocalypse. This is really nuking the nukers. It’s the only play style I enjoy. Please don’t go scorched earth. I paid a lot in money and in time. I just cannot, and am not willing to do it all over again.