Originally Posted by
From my memory:
Hired several tech to deal with lag issues.
Are hiring more people right now.
Lag issue solutions are currently divided between: making effects more efficiently applied, and too many attacks at level cap, and ____
There will be a mega server, but initial tests on the mega server indicate that lag issues must be solved first.
Cosmetic Bag is very, very difficult because mirror of glamming links to the real item.
Horse Bag is going to replaced with Horse Stable like the backpack tab for companions (creatures that follow you around).
This is difficult but much less problematic than Cosmetics.
Sample of what this looked like was shown.
Talking about fitting a new iconic into this year if the extra time works out, otherwise next year.
Psionics will have to wait not only due to work on spell system but the additional work of balancing such, but is a favorite to do someday.
Alchemist took much, much more time than anticipated and Psionics would be greater.
Would like to add a new stateroom to the guild airship and its about 9th on the to do list, but keeps getting pushed back.
Class balancing is an ongoing process.
Bows required a complete rework of the Bow animation and when it is done the Bow will be in much better shape.
New Bow tree will be later, and while it will add to the Bow options it is not consider a Bow fix in itself.
Bows will not fire faster at level cap due to too many attacks increasing Lag issues, but they are working over the Bows (implied level cap Bow will be improved).
On the same note, the Haste Action Boost might need to be replace with something just as attractive like massive crit bonus due to Lag issues.
Epic Destinies explained somewhat in detail.
Seems to be going towards their versions of some of the ideas I and others presented:
Epic Destiny will be more like Heroic Trees in function.
There will be a pool of points to spend when you reach level 20.
There will be points earned per each level gained to spend.
You will be able to spend points on multiple Epic Destiny Trees.
They have pinpointed which Epic Destiny Trees are very popular and which are not.
The unpopular trees will be improved.
One of the goals is that thru the pool of points and improving the overall effectiveness of the Trees, entry into Epic will be enjoyable (or some other words therein).
They know people want Monks improved, but its Bow time atm.
They have lists of things to do on Monks including making Finishing Moves more dramatic.
No answers on individual items, because this is not the format for that.
Server opened up for new update.
Goal of doing these Q&A talks more often.
We should see more ask Sev anything format with Cordovan.
The questions about Mini Expansion were:
Salt____Marsh is too big for a pack.
Might be 8 or 9 (rough guess not commitment) dungeons.
They realize that ViP should either get:
1) a discount on the Base Pack
2) or bonus items.
The tech to make that happen (I guess seeing you are VIP when purchasing) is being put in place and will be available to use by the time Mini Expansion arrives.
So, they realize that Vip needs to feel Mini Expansion still worthwhile to be Vip.
Also, realize that the LotR Mini Expansion was not as attractive as usual and future could be improved upon.
Savage Island (whatever the Dino pack is) will not be this year, but enthusiasm is too great to withhold in the future.
There is unlikely to be a Greyhawk World due to the scope required for creating a new world and the demand for people to return to Forgotten Realms (which they will do sometime in the future) and continue with Eberron.
Sev did not want to discuss Copywrite issues, saying simply if they bring in a new world they want it to be BIG.
Planescape will have to wait for the same reasons (although he is inclined to do that world), due to the fact that it would be so intense there might not be any new content for a year in order to create the new world (which is not a good business model at this time).
No comments or complaints about the new owners.
Was a comment on having applied for _____ (I forget) and therefore he could not discuss yet.
Also, artists are getting new texture and particle tools and ____ (which is the equivalent of a graphic update of sorts).
Half Elf is being redone as we speak.
Other races have been used so often that it might be a mistake to rework.
Therefore instead of improving the Elf race, they brought out the Wood Elf as an model upgrade.
New races with better looks instead of redoing all the old, to prevent shocking players.
(Here is where the mention of iconics came in).
No mention of a new class in the works.
Currently focused on Epic Destinies.
There will be a level increase with the next Big Expansion, however the Epic Destinies MUST be done first.
(And there will be the Mini Expanion before the Big Expansion.)
No mention of how high the level cap will go, but mention that they read player feedback about the level cap increase in detail and decided they must do the epic destinies (implication of other thoughts of reading feedback not said).
Comment by Cordovan that the new Epic Destinies will be more enjoyable/better than the old?
Other questions answered....
Half Elf will have new skin/model.
Oh and yes, Reaper points will be increased, but only after the new reaper system is created which should reduce lag, creating a Reaper Ranks along with Leadership for Party Leader sharing part of their Reaper Rank power to help newer players survive in reaper better.
Also, Epic Destinies will become more approachable by new players.
Another Lag issue is that the internet as a whole is far more unstable after the Virus hit than before.
Mention of until December for redeeming code (but please check and make sure that is right)?