How Xp Rune will work:
At the beginning you buy empty Xp Rune (should be easily accessible). Then when you activate it, all XP you would normally gain, will be cumulate to Xp Rune. You can activate or deactivate it anytime. Then you can “consume” it, and gain all culumated XP. Xp rune will be destroyed by this process.
Who is this proposal addressed to?
• Everyone on Cap (Currently 30 level) – This will prevent you from feeling uncomfortable, when you finish quest and gain no XP at all (especially with all Epic Destiny already on Cap)
• People that gain level, but for some reason what do some quest, and don’t want level up (for example for Reaper points or if you have find good group of people and want do some more quest with them, without losing XP)
• For people that like doing quest on level, and even they banked all XP, there are still some quest on level that are not finish.
• For people that don’t not like some part of game (for example quests on level 11-13) and wish to level up to more interesting part of the game.
This idea could be easily exploits, thus I suggest some limitation.
Heroic and Epic version.
This limitation will prevent cumulate high XP quest on Epic level, and super-fast leveling on Heroic content after TR. Heroic version can cumulate only XP when you are at levels 1-19, and Epic version only on level 20-30 (Cap).
Formula for Heroic XP Rune.
This limitation will prevent cumulate high XP quest on higher Heroic content, and again super-fast leveling on low level Heroic after TR. The Formula should be something like this:
• You can cumulate amount of XP per day depends on your character level – Character level x 1000XP per day
• For example on level 5 it’s 5000XP per day, and on level 15 it’s 15000 XP per day
• There is hard cap on 1 mln XP per Heroic XP rune
Formula for Epic XP Rune
This limitation will prevent cumulate high XP quest on best XP/min ratio or optionals, and again super-fast leveling on other Epic content. The Formula should be something like this:
• You can cumulate static amount of XP per day: 200000 XP
• On Cap (currently level 30), this value is doubled (400000XP per day)
• There is hard cap on 3 mln XP per Epic XP Rune
Uses per life
This limitation will prevent any form of high exploits like duping items.
• You can use 1 Heroic XP Rune per life
• You can use 2 Epic XP Rune per life
I know that this idea is not perfect and will require some work. But in the end, this item will benefit in more happy customers:
• People will stay on Cap for a little longer.
• Less frustration that you are forced to play some unwelcome content
• Less frustration that you must abandon group because you just level up
• Less frustration that you lose some part of XP, just because you can’t bank more than one level on character.
• Less frustration that you have don’t time to finish all the quest you want on level
so... What do you think?