Hello Wayfinderians!
Minion Monday will return with a raid night, streamed live on twitch.tv/ddostream.
Our static group is currently around level 23-25 and LFM players (within the epic lvl range 20-30) to join us for some raids.
We plan to raid with Wayfinder once a month, having spots open for you to join us!
For November 28 we are looking at Heroic Shroud (Elite), Epic ADQ (including pre-raid) and if time permits/all Minions flagged Master Artificer/Lord of Blades (all ran with the 23-25 crew and attendants)
Want to join us?
- Apply here with a reply to this post or a pm to me or contact me on twitter: @marimcmillan
I'll reserve your spot and will open an LFM on November 28 for the available spots.
- look for the ingame LFM on Monday November 28, around 21:30 GMT+1 (Amsterdam time) and send me (Mariconic ingame) a /tell with your reserved spot name
- final open spots will be filled with any takers that moment
You can also contact Edwardt (Wayfinder inhabitant) ingame for more info or to pass your reservation through him.
The previous run there was plenty of interest so get your spot reserved while it's still open!
*Casts a cookiestorm* Have a cookie and get flagged!
Mari McMillan