Hello Wayfinderians!
Minion Monday will return with a raid night, streamed live on twitch.tv/ddostream.
Our static group of 6, currently around level 22-24, is LFM players to join us for some raids.
We plan to raid with Wayfinder once a month, having spots open for you to join us!
Since we aren’t flagged for most of the raids yet, we will start the monthly cycle with the lower level raids or those that don’t require flagging.
For October 10 we are looking at Heroic Shroud (if all Minions are flagged), VoD and HoX (might give Legendary a shot if group feels strong).
Want to join us?
- Apply here with a reply to this post or a pm to me
- look for the ingame LFM on Monday October 10, around 21:30 GMT+1 (Amsterdam time)
- contact Edwardt (Wayfinder inhabitant) ingame
*Casts a cookiestorm* Have a cookie!
Mari McMillan