Cartwheel Charge__ PLEASE test….
I noticed today that when I Cartwheel Charge my AC goes down by 1 for some reason.
I tried this with or without armor on. In fact I took all my Gear off even the Cosmetics.
Strength, Load, Dexterity and Reflex Save go up as I thought.
I find it strange that AC goes down.
After the 12sec timer is up the AC goes back up that lost 1.
I see this change on the Character Sheet “Stats” Tab under “Armor Class”
Would some else with a Thief-Acrobat please test this to see if this is just me or if this is a Bug?
Maybe some combination of Enhancements / Guild Buffs / FEATs I am missing as causing this issue.
With luck this is just a Display issue.
Cartwheel Charge:
After tumbling, you gain a +2 Morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity for 12 seconds.
Passively provides: +2 to maximum dodge, and +20% Doublestrike.