ten thousand times this.
You beat me too it I was distracted by the deletion of Anaurock.
Haunted Halls is great but, give us more than one quest.
Take a look at Tangleroot.
Tangleroot has 2 conjoined instances with a total of 10 quests.
This is development time spend wisely build a dungeon then create different quests within. Many a pnp GM knows how to reinvent a new quest in an old dungeon the adventurers have already visited.
And before I forget STOP THE INSANITY with the BTA or BTC loot if it's not tradeable it's trash!
Yep, 16-19 is oversatured. Put more spice earlier in the road.
I have been talking since MotU was released that almost every quest in FR can be 20 levels lower and still fit perfectly within their lore (with the exception of Demonweb) and equivalent DDO quests. King's Forest chain? Equivalent to Khortos. Schildylryn chain? equivalent to STK. Druid's Deep? only animals and plant creatures as opponents. Easy level 6-ish. High Road? Sharn Syndicate equivalent. Heck, Vault of Night (a level TEN raid) feels more "epic" that both Thunderholme raids.
But we all know why those quests are not on level 10-15 range. It is because of Iconics.
Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
Almost-never-played-alts: Arquera - Chapolin - Fabber - Herweg - Mecanico - Tenma
I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.
After you're done perfecting that, maybe... Council of Wyrms????
You guys are great! I'm really excited about this new content. I think the majority of players enjoy the Xoriat quests, which is among the best content in Eberron.
Hopefully, the Temple of Elemental Evil quest will contain at least one sly reference to its video game predecessor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tem...l_(video_game)
I do hope that Anauroch gets done at the end of 2015 or in 2016. That area would build on the Netherese story arc and would be a welcome addition to the Forgotten Realms content.
Awesome, Greyhawk comes to DDO, my dream come true!
Even if it is officially a FR version of TOEE , I know it is really Greyhawk.
Very excited about this and can't wait for more details.
Conn Niall Paladin
Cormac Mac Airt Ranger/Rogue
If it is a Paladin with some version of Conn.... it is probably me.
Eh, I honestly don't feel like anything with mobs called 'Netherese Arcanist' should be in heroic (at least change out those mobs). Why? Because Netherese Arcanist is a 3.5 Epic Prestige Class built around Epic Spellcasting. Like Elven High Mage. Netherese Arcanists cast spells like 'Proctiv's Move Mountain'. Yeah...MOVE MOUNTAIN. They first cast an epic spell to slice the mountain off, then use that one to make it fly. Then they turn it upside down, and put a city on top of it.
The Arcanist Kings of old were even scarier, but I don't think that the current Shar-warped Netheril has more than one of them left. Of course, there's a couple puttering around the Realms, doing very little other than amusing themselves with spell research and magic item/artifact creation.
This is really great news to have! (and very interesting that it doesn't come from an Exec Prod) For me personally, it's a mixed bag.. the Delirium quests are not my favorite so I'm not terribly excited about revisiting those, but the Cult of the Dragon quest sounds cool.. and I'm super duper excited about the possibility of Temple of Elemental Evil in the future. also, I suspect I am in the minority here, but I hope that there is a way to allow lower level characters to experience this module.
Good point about Greyhawk and TOEE. I think that having a DDO version of TOEE in the Forgotten Realms shows that Turbine has some flexibility in its IP with WoTC, despite what some players have suggested on these forums.
TOEE could be one very large quest that includes parts of the entire T 1-4 module series such as the Village of Hommlet. It will be interesting to see the final product.
Last edited by The_Human_Cypher; 11-11-2014 at 07:44 PM.
First, thanks for the update on things to come!
As far as more Xoriat quests, I am kinda meh about it until I see it. The ones in game currently are not my favorites so I do tend to skip them mostly. They are fun the first time or on a lark to run them, but not so much for repeatable content, IMHO. Of course these new ones could totally rock, so I'll hold back on judgment.
Regarding Anaurouch , not sure where you got feedback it wasn't wanted. I know a small vocal bit that hate the Realms, but they are the minority for sure.
As far as giving us more table top feel adventures like HH, I friggin love it! ToEE! Hearing this really makes me excited and can't wait to try it out. Please make it huge and epic!
Also related to the TOEE and Greyhawk: where will TOEE be placed in the DDO game world? Might we actually get to visit Greyhawk?!?!
My copy of T1, T2 and T1-4 was read and reread so many times it fell apart to shreds. It's a good classic. Dungeon ecology is one of the primary reasons why it is a classic. Keep on the borderlands is another good example. DDO hasn't always done a good job with dungeon ecology - especially years 3-4.
The best i can see you doing with TOEE is something similar to Tangleroot. Keep on raiding the same dungeon, until you kill the final bad guys. You haven't done this recently, so I guess that would be ok. I don't see being able to team up with the "bad guys" to defeat the other "bad guys".
Another thing is that TOEE was meant for levels 1-8 . . . so you'll have to epic-size the dungeon.
If you're looking at deserts and want a blast from the past, might I suggest reading X4 and X5? A little less known, but popular enough to come back in X10. There's also I1-I4, but I never really like them too much. But they have more of an Egyptian feel.
Though honestly, I like The Pit. But maybe I'm sick.
Thanks for the update. Always appreciated. How many quest in update 24? I heard 3 . But I may not be reading your post right, I am seeing 2 new quests.-Doom
Kahzadoom~Nexus~Irondoom~Doomlord~XvKing DoomHammer~
Xoriat Born~Doompriest~Doom~Xzr~Legion of Doom~Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu
Bug report form link
Please NO Tangleroot Clone!!! Freaking hate that series of adventures. I know people enjoy it but I have never understood why. I can barely handle Sorrowdusk Isle and that has the same basic set-up. Ruins of Threnal is also another is the same vain although I think once they fix the level range of the adventures (*hint hint*) it will be better received. With the revamp to Coyle, I can't wait to watch him "die" a few times this life. The loss of xp will be worth it.
Hopefully they adjust the level range (because they are listening to the players), maybe lower the level to 12-15 and mark it an Extreme DungeonAnother thing is that TOEE was meant for levels 1-8 . . . so you'll have to epic-size the dungeon.
But can't wait. Let's skip U24 and do U25. Doesn't sound like many people are too excited for more Xoriat crud.
YupThough honestly, I like The Pit. But maybe I'm sick.![]()
Splinterskull is superior to Grey Moon/Cult of the Six in almost every way imaginable!
But the biggest difference is that Splinterskull doesn't require you to cross half the slayer zone to get to the questgiver between each d@rn quest!
Also: You can Teleport to Splinterskull - You can't to Cult of the Six! {not a problem for the early Grey Moon quests but a pain for the later quests!}.