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IMO, this is mostly because DDO is no longer an alt-haven like it was when the cap was 20.
Before, even a first life character could be amazing at high-end epic quests. The number requirements were not too high, and we really benefitted from a diverse group formation, to the point that almost everyone had a handful of alts to "cover gaps" if needed: A cc-wiz alt, a rogue alt, a healer alt, a tank alt, etc. You had to gear all those characters, and most gear or ingredients were either unbound or BtA. So you could bring your healer to play an eVoN and pass down the SoS shard you looted to your DPS barbarian, or get your CC wiz into TTT and pass the Midnight Greetings shard to your rogue. The game allowed everyone to play with any character they might have and reap their rewards account-wide, with very few exceptions (once you crafted an epic item is was bound, the few BtC items out there, etc).
Since MotU and the introduction of Epic Destinies, only people with A TON of free time can reasonably have alts and expect to run high-end content. This have the tendency for most people to have one single uber character, with all past lifes (since they are focusing in a single character, why not?^), all btc gear, only have to craft one or two items of the crafting systems (TF weapons, shadow armors, dragon armors, etc)... and the system is still designed with the underling thinking that we have ten alts to spread the love.
That is why so many people now get to the new quests, farm them to the death, and asks for more. Because they are not playing to challenge themselves. They are playing for the loot (and there is NOTHING wrong with playing for the loot), and once they have the loot, they get bored.We have plenty of challenging content out there, people just don't run them. Cannith Challenges are still hard to six-star most of them. Titan still requires a ton of coordination and is a raid where raw power is meaningless. Ditto for Abbot. And all failing, there is always self-gimping for challenge (build a flavor character, never access your TR chace, build a new character in a new server, etc).