Completionist Dilemma – Rogue life
So, for my static group, it’s my turn to handle the traps and I still need my rogue life. The other players in the group are going to be playing Sorc, Pali, and Favoured Soul. I was hoping to try something a little different than usual, so I was thinking:

Dwarf – D-axe dual wielding, throw weight around
10 rogue - traps, umd, and improved evasion
7 wizard – Eldritch Knight with tensors, and vamp form from pale master
2 fighter – for 2 feats
St 14
Dex 14
Con 18
Int 16
Wis 12
Char 6
(I've got + 4 tomes on everything and 36 point build)
Lots of cleaves, self healing (death aura), buffs etc...
Anyone play anything like this? What did you think? What do you suggest? Am I missing something?