nobody's mentioned it yet but...
Arche Age. - yes its a korean grinder (yet to be released in the US, EU, Oceania), but it looks pretty darn good and is in line with the persistent world of SWG days.
Wurm online - a game with destructible terrain and again persistent worlds, not as flash looking as Arche Age but still its in line with the SWG era to.
Personally I'm looking for a game that allows freedom of leveling (i.e not having to follow a set path of go here, then there etc..) SWG did it but in a not so good way of gaining xp by just killing things at level, so it is possible to do. I'd like a game that allows the freedom to create activities by the players as well, yeah thats my RP side coming out but.
I had way more fun RP'ing a trader in SWG going out hunting crafting materials and then selling them to crafters in face to face RP transactions than i've had in any game since.