Celcia – The “Impossible” Dream
First Life
32 Point Build
H/Elf 20 Fighter 8 Epic TN
This is a work in progress AC intimitank build. First of before getting flamed I know this build is not finished and needs more work but its an idea for making a first life EE viable tank. With the healing amp and incite from items and enhancements mean its fairly easy to heal and with the AC HP pool and PRR mean you don’t take huge amounts of damage as well as nice saves.
The character would obviously improve with tr, past life’s temp buffs like yugo pots, GS HP item, etc but not really necessary. The DPS isnt on par with a pure DPS toon ….its a tank :P holding agro hasn't been an issue and with being a half elf the twin intimidates are nice to have in emergency, also the cleave and G cleave are very useful for increasing damage output and damaging mobs in aoe to assist tanking.
The amount of toughness included in the build can be reduced but was in a HP arms race with another guildie .
STR 34 (Base 12, Tome 5, Enhancements 8, Gear 7 (Gloves), Ship Buffs 2) 38 on Fabricator proc.
DEX 30 (Base 14, Tome 5, Gear 7, ship buffs 2) 34 on Fabricator proc.
CON 70 (Base 18, Level Ups 7, Tome 5, Feats 1, Enhancements 11, Gear 14, Destiny 6,
Stalwart Stance 6, Ship Buffs 2) 74 on Fabricator proc.
INT 15 (base 9, Tome 5, Gear -1, ship buffs 2)
WIS 14 (base 8, Tome 5, Gear -1, ship buffs 2)
CHA 28 (base 13, Tome 5, Gear 8, ship buffs 2)
HP:2192 (vigor of battle stance)
DR:15/Evil, 15/Pierce, 15/Lawful (EE Djinn), 1/-.
Dodge: 4% (can be improved)
Defense chance at level: 77%
Fort: 65
Ref: 39
Will: 31
+5 to all in stand against the tide stance
Fort 158%, 183% in stand against the tide stance
1: Shield Mastery, Toughness, Dilettante :Paladin
2: Dodge
3: Power Attack
4: CON, Cleave
6: Toughness, Great Cleave
8: CON, Imp Shield Mastery
9: Toughness
10: Imp Crit Slash
12: CON, Focus Slash, Toughness
14: Weapon Special Slash
15: Toughness, Force of Personality
16: CON, Mobility
18: Toughness, Weapon Prof Bastard sword
20: CON, Combat Expertise
21: Toughness
24: CON, Epic Toughness
26: Holy Strike
27: Great Con
28: CON, Toughness
Helm: White Dragon, (+3 ins con)EE socket 20 vit and sonic rez 35
Goggles: Drow Smoke Goggles,
Armour: Flawless White Dragon Plate (T1), socket 35 hp (can upgrade to more)
Bracer: Fabricators Bracers,
Ring: Ring Of The Buccaneer,(lvl 20 upgraded t3) socket deathblock
Boots: Spiked Boots, EE socket acid 35 and fire 35
Gloves: PDK Gloves,
Ring: +10 con 20 tumble ring
Belt: Dagger Tooth's Belt, EE socket fear immune and nat armour 7(can upgrade)
Cloak: Ghost-Waking Cloak EE
Trinket: Brawn's Spirit, epic socket ins dex 2
Neck: Jorgundal's Collar, EE socketed con 7(upgradeable) and imp dragon blood
(exc con 1)
Shield : Bastion EE
Sword : Nightmare full upgraded socketed Vampire slayer augment (when i get it :P)
Swap out gear :
Ring : Ring Of The Djinn, EE (socketed con on neck to reduce con loss on swap)
Swords: E chimeras Fang, GS trip poss, Twinblade, Charoush's Inferno,
Skills : (+5 stat tomes eaten at level 19 so on tr or lesser more skills points available for maybe umd)
Balance: 48 (base 11, Tome 3, Ability 10, epic skills 8, Gear 25,
ship buff 1)
Jump : 19 (base 6, Ability 12, ship buff 1) armour and shield seem to negate epic skills and good luck 2)
Intimidate 84 (base 23, Ability 9, Tome 3, feats 2,epic skills 8, gear 22, enhancements 3, Unyielding Sentinel 6, Hidden 7 (poss from stalwart), ship buff 1
Enhancements :
17 H/Elf:
Core 1, CON, Elven Acc, STR, Elven Acc.
Imp Dill Pally 1, Imp Dill 1, Lesser Divine Health, Dill STR, Imp Dill 1.
63 Stalwart Defender:
all 6 cores
3 item defence, 3 durable defence, 3 stalwart defence mastery, 3 threatening countenance, 3 armour expertise, 3 stalwart shield mastery, 3 inciting defence, 1 resilient defence, 3 hardy defence, 3 shield expertise, 1 CON, 1 CON, 3 reinforced armour, 3 strong defence, 1 swift defence, 3 tenacious defender, 3 reinforced shield
Epic Dest
Capped out Unyielding Sentinel
4 CON, 3 shield prowess, 3 legendry shield mastery, 2 brace for impact, 3 block energy, 3 harden.
level 3: improved combat expertise
level 1: CON
level 1: CON
Many stats can be improved with different gear layouts and upgrading augments to the newer level 25+ ones
Hope this helps