Hi everyone,
EDIT: update 23 changed blitz and now it doesn't charge up when you kill mobs with burst or instant kill spells. The build still work as THF with the exact same progression as before, it is more efficient in FoTW though. To keep up blitz now we need TWF, so the build changed a bit => feat progression and initial stats updated for TWF version below (remember don't take dwarven axe but battleaxe or warhammers).
With this build you can have top melee dps while keeping full caster abilities and an awesome survivability.
Just some number:
- 120+/hit with both TWF and THF
- 19-20/x6 critics for over 1k crit even out of blitz
- Energy burst hitting for 2500-5000 aoe every 30 seconds for 20sp
- 50%displacement+10-25%dodge+10-35%incorporeal = when blitzing in wraith form 75% chance of being missed
- Death aura heals for 100 x tick with 30% crit chance every 2 seconds aoe
- Evasion with around 60 reflex save, immunity to most fortitude and will effects
- 50 to 60 spells dc depending on ED
- 900 to 1100hp and 2500sp
- CC via otto irresistible, PWS, ice storm+solid fog+limbchopper+tendon slice and more
I will not keep this longer, you can check what the build can do from this short video:
Korsat, dwarf 18Wizard/2Monk THF version – lawful neutral 36 pb with 3 wizard past lives
STR 50 (18+5tome+8item+1exc+2insight+3echrono+5primal+2sh ip+2yugo+4tenser)
DEX 18 (8+4tome+2ship+4tenser)
CON 46 (14+5tome+7item+1exc+2insightful+2dwarf+5primal+2s hip+4lich+4tenser)
INT 54 (18+5tome+7lvlup+9item+1exc+2insight+4enhancements +2ship+4lich+2yugo) --> 56 with +10goggles and +3planar focus
WIS 22 (8+4tome+6item+2ship+2lich)
CHA 14 (6+4tome+2ship+2lich)
Korsat, dwarf 18Wizard/2Monk TWF version+know the angles – lawful neutral 36 pb with 3 wizard past lives
STR 38 (13+6tome+8item+1exc+2profane+2ship+2yugo+4tenser)
DEX 34 (13+4tome+8item+1exc+2profane+2ship+4tenser)
CON 48 (17+6tome+8item+1exc+2insightful+2profane+2dwarf+2 ship+4lich+4tenser)
INT 58 (18+6tome+7lvlup+11item+1exc+2insight+2profane+3en hancements+2ship+4lich+2yugo)
WIS 36 (10+6tome+11item+1exc+2insight+2profane+2ship+2lic h)
CHA 28 (6+4tome+11item+1exc+2profane+2ship+2lich)
1 Monk – power attack (monk), insightful reflex
2 Wizard - extended
3 Wizard – maximize
4 Wizard
5 Wizard
6 Wizard – quicken (wizard), mental thoughness
7 Wizard
8 Wizard
9 Wizard – PL: wizard
10 Wizard
11 Wizard – empower
12 Wizard – heighten
13 Wizard
14 Monk – THF for THF version, or TWF for TWF version
15 Wizard – cleave for THF version, or ITWF for TWF version
16 Wizard
17 Wizard - improved mental thoughness
18 Wizard – IC: slash
19 Wizard
20 Wizard
21 - great cleave for THF version, or GTWF for TWF version
24 – OC
26 - +20 negative spellpower
27 – epic mental thoughness
28 - PerfectTWF or +20 spellpower
Changes in enhancements selection with EK (had to drop some spell crit and +1 int in archmage tree):
Eldritch Strike, Spellsword 1&2(acid and electric), Improved mage armor3, thoughness1, Improved shield3, Martial training, intelligence1. 14 ap= +7
For TWF renunce at archmage and invest into harper for intelligence modifier to hit and damage and know the angles.
New Gears:
Epic diefic diadem
Epic noxius ember
Epic litany of the dead
Epic Mentau's goggles/Deadly goggles of accuracy/Shadow Sight
Deathwirm cloak
Epic bracers of the demon's consort
Belt of the seven ideals
Seal of house dun robar
Deadly ring of accuracy/Ring of the stalker/Consuming darkness
Epic mabar robe/Dragonscale robe
GS boots
Backstabber gloves/Sanctified Gloves
SKILLS: you have enough intelligence to simply max everything you want. Remember 11 points into heal (affects negative spellpower).
Hope you guys like it!
Have fun!