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  1. #1
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Default Korsat – 18Wizard/2Monk Undead Blitzer

    Hi everyone,

    EDIT: update 23 changed blitz and now it doesn't charge up when you kill mobs with burst or instant kill spells. The build still work as THF with the exact same progression as before, it is more efficient in FoTW though. To keep up blitz now we need TWF, so the build changed a bit => feat progression and initial stats updated for TWF version below (remember don't take dwarven axe but battleaxe or warhammers).

    With this build you can have top melee dps while keeping full caster abilities and an awesome survivability.

    Just some number:
    - 120+/hit with both TWF and THF
    - 19-20/x6 critics for over 1k crit even out of blitz
    - Energy burst hitting for 2500-5000 aoe every 30 seconds for 20sp
    - 50%displacement+10-25%dodge+10-35%incorporeal = when blitzing in wraith form 75% chance of being missed
    - Death aura heals for 100 x tick with 30% crit chance every 2 seconds aoe
    - Evasion with around 60 reflex save, immunity to most fortitude and will effects
    - 50 to 60 spells dc depending on ED
    - 900 to 1100hp and 2500sp
    - CC via otto irresistible, PWS, ice storm+solid fog+limbchopper+tendon slice and more

    I will not keep this longer, you can check what the build can do from this short video:

    Korsat, dwarf 18Wizard/2Monk THF version – lawful neutral 36 pb with 3 wizard past lives

    STR 50 (18+5tome+8item+1exc+2insight+3echrono+5primal+2sh ip+2yugo+4tenser)
    DEX 18 (8+4tome+2ship+4tenser)
    CON 46 (14+5tome+7item+1exc+2insightful+2dwarf+5primal+2s hip+4lich+4tenser)
    INT 54 (18+5tome+7lvlup+9item+1exc+2insight+4enhancements +2ship+4lich+2yugo) --> 56 with +10goggles and +3planar focus
    WIS 22 (8+4tome+6item+2ship+2lich)
    CHA 14 (6+4tome+2ship+2lich)

    Korsat, dwarf 18Wizard/2Monk TWF version+know the angles – lawful neutral 36 pb with 3 wizard past lives

    STR 38 (13+6tome+8item+1exc+2profane+2ship+2yugo+4tenser)
    DEX 34 (13+4tome+8item+1exc+2profane+2ship+4tenser)
    CON 48 (17+6tome+8item+1exc+2insightful+2profane+2dwarf+2 ship+4lich+4tenser)
    INT 58 (18+6tome+7lvlup+11item+1exc+2insight+2profane+3en hancements+2ship+4lich+2yugo)
    WIS 36 (10+6tome+11item+1exc+2insight+2profane+2ship+2lic h)
    CHA 28 (6+4tome+11item+1exc+2profane+2ship+2lich)

    1 Monk – power attack (monk), insightful reflex
    2 Wizard - extended
    3 Wizard – maximize
    4 Wizard
    5 Wizard
    6 Wizard – quicken (wizard), mental thoughness
    7 Wizard
    8 Wizard
    9 Wizard – PL: wizard
    10 Wizard
    11 Wizard – empower
    12 Wizard – heighten
    13 Wizard
    14 Monk – THF for THF version, or TWF for TWF version
    15 Wizard – cleave for THF version, or ITWF for TWF version
    16 Wizard
    17 Wizard - improved mental thoughness
    18 Wizard – IC: slash
    19 Wizard
    20 Wizard
    21 - great cleave for THF version, or GTWF for TWF version
    24 – OC
    26 - +20 negative spellpower
    27 – epic mental thoughness
    28 - PerfectTWF or +20 spellpower


    Changes in enhancements selection with EK (had to drop some spell crit and +1 int in archmage tree):
    Eldritch Strike, Spellsword 1&2(acid and electric), Improved mage armor3, thoughness1, Improved shield3, Martial training, intelligence1. 14 ap= +7
    For TWF renunce at archmage and invest into harper for intelligence modifier to hit and damage and know the angles.

    New Gears:
    Epic diefic diadem
    Epic noxius ember
    Epic litany of the dead
    Epic Mentau's goggles/Deadly goggles of accuracy/Shadow Sight
    Deathwirm cloak
    Epic bracers of the demon's consort
    Belt of the seven ideals
    Seal of house dun robar
    Deadly ring of accuracy/Ring of the stalker/Consuming darkness
    Epic mabar robe/Dragonscale robe
    GS boots
    Backstabber gloves/Sanctified Gloves

    SKILLS: you have enough intelligence to simply max everything you want. Remember 11 points into heal (affects negative spellpower).

    Hope you guys like it!

    Have fun!
    Last edited by korsat; 02-04-2015 at 01:50 PM.
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  2. #2
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by korsat View Post

    SKILLS: you have enough intelligence to simply max everything you want. Remember 11 points into heal (affects negative spellpower).
    I made a second video to show you equip and stats, remember that spellpower numbers are in Legendary Dreadnought ED, you will get higher numbers on arcane EDs or Shiradi Champion, or just twisting in Fey Form in place of unhearty.

    As you can see I use 3xeChrono set for the +3 caster level on Energy Burst (CL 31).

    I picked up evocation SLAs to play shiradi and have some ranged power when needed (Twilight equip in the video).

    Any feedback is apreciated
    Last edited by korsat; 10-14-2013 at 04:15 AM.
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  3. #3
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Where does it state that energy burst is evocation?

  4. #4
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Where does it state that energy burst is evocation?
    Nowhere but it's tested. It works
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  5. #5
    Community Member Arkadios's Avatar
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    Any enhancement changes to fit some EK into it since u20?
    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    wow. i actually made it to someone's sig! O.o


  6. #6
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkadios View Post
    Any enhancement changes to fit some EK into it since u20?
    T1 and T2 cores looks cool to have, then +15 hp,10 prr and martial training are the most interesting. I don't think I'll have the ap to spend more in the tree.

    I'll test more on the next days to let you know stay tuned!
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  7. #7
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by korsat View Post
    T1 and T2 cores looks cool to have, then +15 hp,10 prr and martial training are the most interesting. I don't think I'll have the ap to spend more in the tree.

    I'll test more on the next days to let you know stay tuned!
    How does Korsat generate DPS ? I see the Cleaver in the final build video, but on levels 1-20 are you doing THF dps, or just using casting DPS ?
    I imagine the Monk was for Evasion, but did you do any handwrap DPS as you leveled ?

    I have a first life Dwarf fighter at lvl 20. Would Korsat work for him, or are caster PL's required?

    Thanks for the build.

    ps. I am running Avenlight on another toon at lvl 14 now and really enjoying it.
    Last edited by pappo; 02-19-2014 at 11:00 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member vampiregoat69's Avatar
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    nice build so far I like it but can you post your enhancements so I can have a better look?

  9. #9
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pappo View Post
    How does Korsat generate DPS ? I see the Cleaver in the final build video, but on levels 1-20 are you doing THF dps, or just using casting DPS ?
    I imagine the Monk was for Evasion, but did you do any handwrap DPS as you leveled ?

    I have a first life Dwarf fighter at lvl 20. Would Korsat work for him, or are caster PL's required?

    Thanks for the build.

    ps. I am running Avenlight on another toon at lvl 14 now and really enjoying it.
    Glad you like it!

    Well from 1-20 really everything works. even wraps use if you have good ones but a staff or axe with dwarf enhancements are preferable imo.

    Casters past lifes are not really needed... let's say that are useful for spell penetration (otto irresistible etc.)

    What you really need are 36pb and +5 str/int tomes for a complete rock build. But if you don't have you can just drop your intelligence a bit and leveling strenght by 1 or 2 points to get OC.

    Actually Korsat dps are higher than in the video (138 spellpower slotted, 3 more levels and feats). Once you max fury and LD with energy burst twisted AOE dps is really awesome.

    I'll take a new video soon when I find time to show enhancements, now I can anticipate that I dropped +2 spell penetration from AM tree and something from PM to get tier 1&2 EK (the new cleave, acid weapon, martial weapon proficiency and shield+mage armor just T1). Will check better later on on those
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  10. #10
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Checked, changes in enhancements:

    Changes with EK:
    PM: -Necromantic focus-T2 Efficient maximize (-4 ap)
    AM: -1Intelligence-2%Crit.chance-3Spell penetration (-10ap)
    EK: +Eldr.Strike+Spellsword+T2Toughness+T3armor+T3shie ld+Martial training+1intelligence (+14ap)

    pro: 55 prr in lich form, 14% doublestrike before epic PL, 1000 hp in fury, 1 more cleave with aoe effect to reset momentum swing, acid burst
    con: -3 spell penetration (I don't care much I have many other ways of cc), -2%spell crit chance (major loss imo), -1 necro dc (Still able to break 50s in magister if needed...if needed but when?)

    Have fun
    Last edited by korsat; 03-05-2014 at 06:43 PM.
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  11. #11
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by korsat View Post
    Checked, changes in enhancements:

    Changes with EK:
    PM: -Necromantic focus-T2 Efficient maximize (-4 ap)
    AM: -1Intelligence-2%Crit.chance-3Spell penetration (-10ap)
    EK: +Eldr.Strike+Spellsword+T2Toughness+T3armor+T3shie ld+Martial training+1intelligence (+14ap)

    pro: 55 prr in lich form, 14% doublestrike before epic PL, 1000 hp in fury, 1 more cleave with aoe effect to reset momentum swing, acid burst
    con: -3 spell penetration (I don't care much I have many other ways of cc), -2%spell crit chance (major loss imo), -1 necro dc (Still able to break 50s in magister if needed...if needed but when?)

    Have fun
    Korsat - thanks for the response.. I am still having great time with Avenlight.
    As far as spells, can you share what spells you used as you leveled? Also were you in Wraith form most of the time?

  12. #12
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    You could start max con/int rest to str and use CON to damage. I doubt you'd have to hit issues, you'd get 1 higher dmg mod, 3 more fort and 84 more hp.

    Are you really not using an improved deception item? It is a must for any melee build planning to do ee imo.

    Also it pains me to say but eBracers of the Demon Consort is not really useful anymore imo, at least I ditched it on my PM long long time ago (basically right after u14 release), you could use Scorched Bracers if you really want to keep the abishai set (I don't find that set good enough anymore either btw) or go for something better. If you do go for CON to damage the loss of the +3 profane str would be meaningless as well.
    Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
    Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
    ---- Death N Taxes -------------------------------------------------------Argo -----

  13. #13
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Why is this build called Undead Blitzer??

    Oh, because you use Master's blitz, and you're in undead form...

    For some reason, I was thinking you were saying this build was especially effective against the undead, and I couldn't figure it out.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  14. #14
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    You could start max con/int rest to str and use CON to damage. I doubt you'd have to hit issues, you'd get 1 higher dmg mod, 3 more fort and 84 more hp.

    Are you really not using an improved deception item? It is a must for any melee build planning to do ee imo.

    Also it pains me to say but eBracers of the Demon Consort is not really useful anymore imo, at least I ditched it on my PM long long time ago (basically right after u14 release), you could use Scorched Bracers if you really want to keep the abishai set (I don't find that set good enough anymore either btw) or go for something better. If you do go for CON to damage the loss of the +3 profane str would be meaningless as well.
    Major reason to start with 18strenght+5tome is to get overwhelming critical without leveling strenght since you got both cleaves. To do this you need 36pb and +5 tomes so yes, maybe if you don't have access to those going int/con based, put the rest in strenght and pick up T4 Throw Your Weight Around from dwarf tree may be a better option.

    Not sure about to-hit really, I can say I don't have problems with 50 strenght and tenser now. Low strenght may be a little more problematic on early levels.

    Abishai still one of the best options for the +3 caster level on Energy Burst and many slots available, but I'm willing to look around for something better if it exists.

    DQ bracers? I find the 20% proc for +30 hp combined with gs and lich form phenomenal, especially now that a lich can easy get 55 prr, even on EEs or when not using lich form. Really sometimes I try to wear other bracers and my survivability changes considerably. Though I'm open to new ideas, maybe some exceptional seeker or greater parring may be good in place when running in wraith form?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Why is this build called Undead Blitzer??

    Oh, because you use Master's blitz, and you're in undead form...

    For some reason, I was thinking you were saying this build was especially effective against the undead, and I couldn't figure it out.
    Yeah that is the idea actually I'm finding fury very fun with it's cc and huge numbers but to solo quests there's nothing better than blitz (you can blitz undeads too).

    Quote Originally Posted by pappo View Post
    Korsat - thanks for the response.. I am still having great time with Avenlight.
    As far as spells, can you share what spells you used as you leveled? Also were you in Wraith form most of the time?
    While leveling you can play as a caster or melee both will work. Better strategy imo is to buff yourself (shields, rage, haste, displacement, death auras, gh and tenser later on) and fight in a wall of fire or ice storm. (try to fight in an ice storm+solid fog and see your enemies move like slugs, then add limbchopper with your cleaves)
    Last edited by korsat; 03-06-2014 at 12:30 PM.
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  15. #15
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by korsat View Post
    Major reason to start with 18strenght+5tome is to get overwhelming critical without leveling strenght since you got both cleaves. To do this you need 36pb and +5 tomes so yes, maybe if you don't have access to those going int/con based, put the rest in strenght and pick up T4 Throw Your Weight Around from dwarf tree may be a better option.

    Not sure about to-hit really, I can say I don't have problems with 50 strenght and tenser now. Low strenght may be a little more problematic on early levels.

    Abishai still one of the best options for the +3 caster level on Energy Burst and many slots available, but I'm willing to look around for something better if it exists.

    DQ bracers? I find the 20% proc for +30 hp combined with gs and lich form phenomenal, especially now that a lich can easy get 55 prr, even on EEs or when not using lich form. Really sometimes I try to wear other bracers and my survivability changes considerably. Though I'm open to new ideas, maybe some exceptional seeker or greater parring may be good in place when running in wraith form?

    Yeah that is the idea actually I'm finding fury very fun with it's cc and huge numbers but to solo quests there's nothing better than blitz (you can blitz undeads too).

    While leveling you can play as a caster or melee both will work. Better strategy imo is to buff yourself (shields, rage, haste, displacement, death auras, gh and tenser later on) and fight in a wall of fire or ice storm. (try to fight in an ice storm+solid fog and see your enemies move like slugs, then add limbchopper with your cleaves)
    I'm going to have to second the con idea. Yes it will involve dropping OC, but being able to only have to worry about 2 stats instead of 3 might be worth it. Plus doesn't lich give a bonus to con, thus tacking onto this idea?

  16. #16
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    FYI the spellsword abilities will drain your mana FAST, although it works great when you have mana due to echoes of power.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  17. #17
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmanis View Post
    I'm going to have to second the con idea. Yes it will involve dropping OC, but being able to only have to worry about 2 stats instead of 3 might be worth it. Plus doesn't lich give a bonus to con, thus tacking onto this idea?
    Hey night well thinking more about it really the only stat I worry about is intelligence, all lvl up there and any sort of gear and enhancement to max it.

    Strenght and cons are pumped "only" by +7/+8 item, +2 insightful and exceptional (for total of +10/+11 each) +5 tomes +tensers +primal scream. The investment is really cheap (not tomes maybe but since I have them...).

    I could trade +8 str trinket with +8 con trinket and have a +1 total con more. Then start with 18 con and 14 strenght. This gonna push my con from 46 to 51 (let's say 52) and my strenght from 50 to 44.

    Result with -6str no OC, +6con with Throw Your Weight Around: +90hp, +1 to damage, -3 to hit, -2 AP to pick up Throw Your Weight Around, no overwhelming critical.

    Since HPs are close to 1k already the plus 90 is good but not essential, -3 to hit is not a big deal but the -2 AP even if not much can be used for something more useful. The important thing is that +1 to damage compared with +7% dps from OC is sheet. Unless you can raise your con more than that, this is not a good tradeoff to me.


    Still, if you don't have +5 tomes and 36 pb the con/int route is a better choice. But if you have those it's easy to chose the best.

    Oh, yes lich gives you +4 con and int but wraith not, this means that when running in wraith for the 35%incorporeal+50%displacement+%dodge you will also have -2 to damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    FYI the spellsword abilities will drain your mana FAST, although it works great when you have mana due to echoes of power.
    I don't see it draining my sp that fast (1sp every 6 seconds you gain it back with essences of cunning), if you worry about sp just be careful with the 10sp cleave. 2500 sp is a good pool.
    Last edited by korsat; 03-10-2014 at 03:49 AM.
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  18. #18
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Default Korsat on a Warforged ??

    I have an old Wiz toon sitting at level 7, that I have not done anything with.
    It is a 2nd life Wizard and I wondered if I could LR it into this Korsat build.
    Is it possible, or does it only work with Dwarf?
    If it is possible, how would you change STATS or Enhancements for a WF.

    Thanks for the build.

  19. #19
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pappo View Post
    I have an old Wiz toon sitting at level 7, that I have not done anything with.
    It is a 2nd life Wizard and I wondered if I could LR it into this Korsat build.
    Is it possible, or does it only work with Dwarf?
    If it is possible, how would you change STATS or Enhancements for a WF.

    Thanks for the build.
    Hey man!

    Advantage with dwarf if the axe bonus and some more hp. Since wf and bf have hp bonus and improved ppwer attack it's possible to go with them too. Just you will need accuracy +10 item on that i do not use with dwarf.

    Initial stats are exactly the same! 18 str 14 con 18 int. Lvl up int only, +5 str tome needed for OC.

    I still run the same build and it rocks for survivability and aoe dps. Only change in equip if i find time ill take a video soon.

    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  20. #20
    Community Member
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    i'd just note that now OC doesnt have the str and cleave reqs.

    other than that looks really cool!

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