You are probably wrong.
1) game doesn't send all actions to all players. It sends updates and it sends them regardless on what players doing.
2) Actions can be grouped. There won't really be 10000 actions, there will be still 100 actions per a time period with list of changes made from last update. And the list can contain only few items (such a toons new positions, state, spells, etc) - it also need to update state of monsters.
Very naive implementation of such protocol is sending state of everyone in the instance in single packet as fast as it possible. This naive protocol doesn't need acknowledge scheme, because any lost packed it soon on later replaced by other packed with fresh update. Without waiting for acknowledge, such a protocol can be very fast and effective. Of course, i don't expect, that DDO uses this naive implementation. There will be a lot of optimizations.
Thelanis: Shewind the Airbender (Sorc20/Epic5 -> Bard20/Epic8 -> Rog20/Epic8/Epic2 -> Harper_FvS20/Epic4 -> Art20/Epic8/Epic8 -> Rng20/Epic10 -> Drd6),
Azaxe (Rog18/Wiz2 -> Sorc20/Epic8/Epic10->Sorc(EK)17)
Getting off-topic here, but I have to point out that fragmentation is a reality on all file systems, without exception. There's no perfect allocation scheme. Some file systems might proactively defrag themselves, while others might wait for a user-mode application (either a scheduled task or launched on demand by an administrator). Windows, for instance, has a scheduled task that runs once a week that defrags all the volumes. This occurs online, and a file can be defragged even while it is being read/written by another application. So if the Turbine servers are running Windows (I would assume they are, but not necessarily), the downtime is not to defrag them. And note that whether the file system defrags itself or an application initiates it, there is always an I/O impact on the system because data actually needs to be moved. The best time to defrag is when the system is relatively idle.
Just to make sure. This is 19 hours and not 7 hours? :O
Turbine should use 24 hour time to avoid this.
Our time goes from 11am -> 12pm in an hour.
It then goes from 11pm -> 12 am in an hour. It's, uh.. silly, in my opinion.
Anyway, based off what we've been given, it's 5 hours. Or so we think.
**edit** Oh, my stupidity. 7 hours, not 5.
I, uh.. Oops. I saw "Oct-7" and misread that as hours. In my defence, 7am - 12pm is 5 hours. >.<
Last edited by Soulfurnace; 10-07-2013 at 08:15 AM.
I started playing this VIP again about a week ago and this is the second night ruined in a week. It is a public holiday here and I was really looking forward to playing tonight, especially since I convinced my son to join VIP today and now we can't play. I am rather peeved about it. Why can't these 'scheduled' down times be staggered so it isn't the same people having their nights ruined all the time?
Please don't get me wrong, just saying what i have seen and have noticed... I just wish we knew where the lag issue is coming from because not everyone is getting it and we get it at random times.
I trace routed it and it was 1 hop away from main server causing the issue...
I hope this down time fixes the lag / stutter in sarlona before the Mabar event so it won't crash again like during the testing.
This is to fix an exploit (highly likely, but Turbine won't confirm - EVER), which was killing the economy of Sarlona. (And reports of others, though I didn't see anything on those.)
Much as I sympathise with you (same boat, all downtimes mess with me)... A duping or cloning exploit kinda needs to be fixed. (Even though they've taken days.)
Oh, and every thread on said exploit has vanished, bar one. I think that's turbines way of saying "shush, we're on it".
Amen to that brother...
I have been playing for a few years...
and well 95% of the maintenances.. they all take place during my prime game time... but.. I love the game... enjoy the game and my friends... so I take the bad with the good...
such is life... one day the Devs will think about the entire player base.. not just the home base.. but... well.. until then.. all we can do is wait.. and just consider this night ruined...
rather enjoy when the maintenance or downtime is in the US game time.. and people cry murder and fuss to have the time returned or some sore of " I am sorry " present from Turbine...
The answer is simple: they do maintenance at a time that's both convenient for them and the majority of users. That sucks for the minority but it's not realistic to expect people to come into work at 11 pm to do routine maintenance just to prevent a few people from losing a few hours' worth of play time.
No, but a shift of a couple hours one way and then next time a shift of a couple of hours the other way would just about half the downtime for said minority and not punish the same minority who are paying the same money as the majority, but for less prime play time. Is that unreasonable? Mine went down at 7 and I would usually play until midnight, so that is 5 hours down time for me, not just a 'few' hours.
I work in a financial services company..
we have to stagger our downtime's and maintenance's not matter how critical or simple.. to spread out the impact, not constantly hit the same client/clients with downtime every single time... or else, they would indeed move to another institution for business..
you should treat all people with the same respect regardless of if they are a mass or a minority... shifting the maintenance 2 hours earlier or later would flex the times, and not kill entire nights of play for those of us not in the US... fair is fair no?
and yea, I know.. the US is the majority, the US rules all... and crushes anyone else... yada yada... But I am drinking my milk.. and one day..
love the game... thank you for the devs for the love and effort they put in the game... but do us all a favor not in the great US of A.. just slide the downtimes a bit... to allow us NOT in the us... to not be impacted by the maintenances throughout all eternity... kindly...
They do shift the times around to some extent. I've seen shutdowns at 5, 7, 9 and other times. Usually it's mostly in the morning US time, but there are solid business reasons for this, whether people want to accept them or not.
When you use a service based in another country, this is just something you have to deal with. I've had to myself in many cases. It's not ideal, but it's not the end of the world.
And this isn't a financial service.