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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Hoglum's Avatar
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    Default So I healed my first Shroud…

    …and would like to extend a warm thank you to all you forumites who have posted strategies, suggestions, advice etc. Actually, this last week I’ve done it twice now. I was pretty hesitant joining a pug to do Shroud but I took the leap. The first run was terribly nerve racking. Part two was difficult and seemed awfully chaotic. I lost one person there but had my focus on her just as she died so was able to rez & heal her immediately. I usually use “F” keys to focus but was having trouble getting it right now that it was F1-F12 when I’m used to maybe F1- F6 or so (heck I usually just play with me, my GF and son). I remembered reading – on the forums- recently to simply click on their red bar. I got fairly used to that after a bit. We finished without a hitch.

    In the second run, the last fight was a bit tough. We were beating down the devil and *wham* down goes our Monk. Uh oh! Then another person went down. Then another. I was hitting that mass heal as fast as I could. I started to think I better rez these guys. Then I remembered reading here on the forums to keep everyone else alive. When people were linking devil beaters at the beginning of the dungeon the Barb leading the quest had one of those crafted silver holy burst greater outsider banes. Heck, if I keep that guy alive we should be ok. So I left the three dead and kept everyone else up. We won & then I got everyone else up so they could grab their treasure.

    Anyhow I’ve broken the ice on healing Shroud and all through it I kept remembering the things I read on the forums that helped me get through without being a complete noob. Wish I could remember the names of some of the posters I’d been reading, but there are too many. Anyhow, Thanks all!

  2. #2
    Community Member Infant's Avatar
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    Grats on you first raid to heal! For me it, was also a leap of faith to jump into the first Shround PuG on my cleric.

    Few remarks:

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoglum View Post
    Part two was difficult and seemed awfully chaotic. I lost one person there but had my focus on her just as she died so was able to rez & heal her immediately.
    If a person dies in part 2, it is most probably not a very experienced player. Don't worry too much about this death.

    In the second run, the last fight was a bit tough. We were beating down the devil and *wham* down goes our Monk. Uh oh! Then another person went down. Then another. I was hitting that mass heal as fast as I could.
    This is one reason why so many people on the forums here recommend having nice HP. So that you can fight Harry (Velah, other bosses) and allow your healer to keep you up by casting Mass Heal alone (500 hp is a good mark for this). Allows for easier DP stacking in between and better resource conservation. Obviously, you can't reasonably expect this to be the case in a normal Shroud where you meet a lot of new players. But still a thing to keep in mind.

    I started to think I better rez these guys. Then I remembered reading here on the forums to keep everyone else alive.
    Probably the right decision. If you are solo-healing or don't really trus your other PuG healer, it might be best best to keep healing. However, I would expect/ask someone else to res in pt5. Rogues, arties and bards have high enough UMD. Everybody else can and should have a rez clickie.


  3. #3
    Community Member Dragbon's Avatar
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    Goodjob on soloing healing shroud. I know its hard and not many people can do it.

    I remember my first solo shroud heal. The other healer of the raid DCed as we zoned into part 4 so I had to solo heal part 4 and 5the and it was about my 10th run on it so it was hard.
    Last edited by Dragbon; 02-24-2012 at 07:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Esserbe's Avatar
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    Good job, I know that feeling. Since you used Mass Heal, I'm going to assume you have Quicken (and if not, please do get!). Quickened Mass Heals are the most SP efficient way to heal, but I like to keep a finger on a quickened mass cure just in case. I rarely chuck one out, but sometimes the damage spikes too quickly.

    You made the right decision, too - in case of deaths, your priorities are as follows: Yourself, and then the players you believe are best equipped to deal with the situation.

  5. #5
    Community Member Uma-Quixote's Avatar
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    I tend to heal normal shroud these days just with mass cure lights on my fvs...she has all the enhancements, emp heal, and a superior devotion VI clickie..usualy heals for 100 or so and crits for 250 -300+..occasionally needs to chuck in a mass heal but usually only a couple per Harry fight. Rarely have a death.

  6. #6
    Community Member DaSawks's Avatar
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    I salute you Mr. OP. Healing Shroud is not easy and can be very nerve wracking. I find that if I communicate more I need to heal less. Here are some statements I make before a fight.

    "If I cannot see you I cannot heal you."
    "My blue bar is not your red bar. Chug a pot, whip a wand, chuck a scroll if you need to."
    "Do not jump out in part 4 or 5 if you are hurting. The hjeals will come."
    "Mass Heals/Cures will be on (insert player name here). If you are not near (IPNH) then you will not get H/C."

    I find if I talk with the other healer we do much better as a team. Things like
    "Let me dump SP first, then you go."
    "If anyone dings, please scroll RD them. I will continue to cast heals."
    "When I am out of SP I will charge the beaters and burst /aura repeatedly."

    It is also important to find a good spot to heal from. In part 2 I stand between the SW area and the Barrier area. In part 3 I stand inside the blades until after they make the first pass. If you stand outside from the get go you may be out of heal range.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    No, although VIP players do get free Gold rolls on Daily Dice, so that might fit into your criteria. But when it comes to chest drops, chain rewards, general Daily Dice rolls (what number you get), etc., VIP does not confer additional "luck".

  7. #7
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    I healed Shroud on this toons first life. After getting flagged and going in blind. I was sooo lucky to have been the backup healer. The main sent me about 2 dozen tells explaining what to do.
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
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  8. #8
    Community Member Koowluh's Avatar
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    Congrats! The shroud learned me not to focus on the skulls but more on the live people too. Most skulls appear due to bad luck or just plain incompetenece. Voicechat has really helped me as well, and the first thing I do when beating Harry for the first time is saying who my designated healmonkey is. "Mass heals are going on Person X, stay close to him/her for healing."

    This way, I can focus on just healing him/her and keeping an eye on the blades.

  9. #9
    Community Member butcheredspirit's Avatar
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    All I can say is congrats!

    You got a completion so you defiantly made some good decisions.

    I remember my first time...very nerve racking, I put it off and put it off.

    Good luck & onward to tier 3 greensteel!

  10. #10
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infant View Post
    Grats on you first raid to heal! For me it, was also a leap of faith to jump into the first Shround PuG on my cleric.

    Few remarks:

    If a person dies in part 2, it is most probably not a very experienced player. Don't worry too much about this death.

    This is one reason why so many people on the forums here recommend having nice HP. So that you can fight Harry (Velah, other bosses) and allow your healer to keep you up by casting Mass Heal alone (500 hp is a good mark for this). Allows for easier DP stacking in between and better resource conservation. Obviously, you can't reasonably expect this to be the case in a normal Shroud where you meet a lot of new players. But still a thing to keep in mind.

    Probably the right decision. If you are solo-healing or don't really trus your other PuG healer, it might be best best to keep healing. However, I would expect/ask someone else to res in pt5. Rogues, arties and bards have high enough UMD. Everybody else can and should have a rez clickie.

    Artie or bard sure but I know I'm always madstoned on my rogue in part 4/5 even though without it I'd have no fail heal scrolls.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infant View Post
    Everybody else can and should have a rez clickie.
    Having a green steel raise dead item is a requirement for running a raid you have to run 10-20 times before assembling such item?

  12. #12
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    Nicely done....

    You will find that if you run with those who are a little on the squishy side that a mass cure (highest level you have a devotion/ardor/pot item for) in between mass heals will keep the squishies up. You did an excelent job on keeping the live ones alive and leaving the dead ones to the other support to rez. Had you tried to filter in a rez or 2 with mass heal some of your higher HP guys would have suffered and it would have cost you a lot in SP (casting cures for speed) to keep up.

    When you feel good try the solo heal... its a rush too

  13. #13
    Community Member Nailog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by assimilateur View Post
    Having a green steel raise dead item is a requirement for running a raid you have to run 10-20 times before assembling such item?
    Welcome to DDO, where the first requirement to running raids is having raid loot!

    Wyestone and Juuts on Cannith.

  14. #14
    Community Member Infant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by assimilateur View Post
    Having a green steel raise dead item is a requirement for running a raid you have to run 10-20 times before assembling such item?
    Sorry, was a misunderstanding . I don't expect a new player to have a GS item in Shroud. I also would not lock out someone from my Shrouds for that reason.

    However, I would expect a raise clickie from a geared player.

    What I was ponting at, mainly, is that if you see someone go down in pt. 5 and you know your healers are new/unexperienced and you have the ability to rez, it's best to step back from Harry and rez (and, if possible, rebuff the person in question). It's also good to annouce that, so that the healers don't have any doubts that they can keep healing. Not doing so can result in the fact that BOTH healers try to resurrect the person in question, or that one of them stops healing and the other can't handle the incoming damage due to inexperience.

    Artie or bard sure but I know I'm always madstoned on my rogue in part 4/5 even though without it I'd have no fail heal scrolls.
    Fair point. Probably a matter of preference. If I trust my divines, I would do the same. However, very often, in pugs, I would rather accept lower DPS and the possibility to self heal and UMD other scrolls.


  15. #15
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    One of my only two capped guys is a monk and I took the Rise of the Phoenix enhancement, but I find it difficult to properly raise people. As in, not everyone can hear me over VOIP so even announcing doesn't reliably keep me from wasting ki or another guy from wasting mana. Not to mention that at times raising someone is probably unwanted if a divine caster could hit them with a true resurrection instead.

  16. #16
    Community Member Llewndyn's Avatar
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    Default Congratz!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoglum View Post
    …and would like to extend a warm thank you to all you forumites who have posted strategies, suggestions, advice etc. Actually, this last week I’ve done it twice now. I was pretty hesitant joining a pug to do Shroud but I took the leap. The first run was terribly nerve racking. Part two was difficult and seemed awfully chaotic. I lost one person there but had my focus on her just as she died so was able to rez & heal her immediately. I usually use “F” keys to focus but was having trouble getting it right now that it was F1-F12 when I’m used to maybe F1- F6 or so (heck I usually just play with me, my GF and son). I remembered reading – on the forums- recently to simply click on their red bar. I got fairly used to that after a bit. We finished without a hitch.

    In the second run, the last fight was a bit tough. We were beating down the devil and *wham* down goes our Monk. Uh oh! Then another person went down. Then another. I was hitting that mass heal as fast as I could. I started to think I better rez these guys. Then I remembered reading here on the forums to keep everyone else alive. When people were linking devil beaters at the beginning of the dungeon the Barb leading the quest had one of those crafted silver holy burst greater outsider banes. Heck, if I keep that guy alive we should be ok. So I left the three dead and kept everyone else up. We won & then I got everyone else up so they could grab their treasure.

    Anyhow I’ve broken the ice on healing Shroud and all through it I kept remembering the things I read on the forums that helped me get through without being a complete noob. Wish I could remember the names of some of the posters I’d been reading, but there are too many. Anyhow, Thanks all!
    It's a big accomplishment, not to be taken lightly, as most of the skills you will use to heal later in the game and in the tougher raids you learn in the Shroud. I didn't read too far into the thread but if someone dies in part 4 you can rez them after the fight, but not during...

    I remember my first time healing Shroud, I had jumped in because there was a healer there already, a well known one on Ghallanda. I told that person I was new and would back her up, and she said fine she was used to solo healing it. Got through part 1 and she DCed and never came back (think her comp fried)... I was a sad, sad panda. I informed everyone it was my first time and people moved a little more gingerly into part 4 :P

    Outside of centering my heals on a rogue who died and thus having 5-6 seconds of heals hitting no one but me before I realized what was going on, we finished part 4 with 5 of us standing. It was intense, and at that moment I knew after I get this completionist feat I was going to go full on Man-Cleric... I don't think there is a bigger rush than when the s#** gets thick and there is all out pandemonium and you keep everyone (or everyone-ish) alive... it's an awesome feeling.

    Dangit, now I need to roll up another cleric. Thanks a lot!

    PS - As an aside, once I got comfortable healing the Shroud I ONLY centered heals on the rogue to 1) Show how awesome I was at keeping people alive, 2) Grief those rogues or "melee casters" who were used to dying and thus used that time to get a drink or whatever, and 3) Because rogues/ non traditional tanks need love too, and with my magical band of pee based healing I was the one to give it to them.

    PPS - in hindsight that got a little creepy, but it's out there, nothing I can do about it now.
    Last edited by Llewndyn; 03-07-2012 at 10:25 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jandhaer View Post
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  17. #17
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by assimilateur View Post
    Having a green steel raise dead item is a requirement for running a raid you have to run 10-20 times before assembling such item?
    I think that was misspoken in so far as some should have a raise in some shape or form.
    Pallies have an raise ability as do monks. Rogues and rogue splashes should have UMD and a scroll or two. On top of that a ring o the ancestors is a farmable/ purchasable( if you don't own the pack).
    This is on top of tII GS.

    Should everyone have it? No I don't expect everyone to have it but I do expect at least a handful of people in any raid group to be able to raise.
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  18. #18
    Community Member NovaNZ's Avatar
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    Hail Hoglum.
    Congratz on your Shroud.
    PS - extra congratz if u are Dwarf!
    Quote Originally Posted by DawnofEntropy View Post
    Who wouldn't want to see Flizik the dwarf jamming to 'Devil went down to georgia' and smoking a pipe ...

  19. #19
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    Congrats. I had to solo heal part 4 one time because the other healer DC'd. It is nerve racking. Especially when my toon was a lvl 18 cleric/ 1 fighter 28 point dwarf melee cleric who at the time had under 1600 max SP and only basic gear. Its all about correctly timing that quickened mass heal. Usually when there's another healer I don't use mass heal at all, just alternate my best 2 mass cures. I've run shroud maybe 25 times now and have yet to solo heal it again. I would love to try and solo the whole thing. It would be a good challenge, the shroud has gotten incredibly boring. These tier 3 ingreds are taking forever.
    Last edited by axel15810; 03-12-2012 at 09:16 AM.

  20. #20
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    A far cry from my first solo healing Shroud Pre U9.

    Started off fine, there was a hiccup in P2, with not getting the split properly, but we moved on to P3 and 4 without too much trouble.
    Then it hit the fan. WF FvS Soul Survivor, Ardor6 running. Empower Healing, Max, Quick Mass Heals just weren't doing the job. I tried to wait and time them, but ended up tagging it like two times in a row, and was falling behind, so I threw in a Mass Moderate. Mass Heal. Mass Moderate. Mass Light. Mass Heal. Mass Mod...and people started dropping anyway.
    We got him down with like 5 people left. fortunately 3 were Rez-Capable, so we managed to bring back I think 3 or 4 people before we got locked out. Went on to Harry and just got slaughtered.

    Some good came out of it though! I got a bit of a chuckle off the WF-Fighter.
    -Him: U need better gear. Why aren't you wearing +6charisma?
    -Me: Waste of a slot. I'd only get 30sp out of it.
    -Him: No. makes heal better. U need something. U suck.
    -Me: Well I can't get anyone to help me get Mystra's Corset.
    -Him: What's that?
    -Me: It's an end-reward trinket that gives your Mass Cures a chance per target to copy the spell. It's awesome, you can get like 3 heals for the price of one.
    -Him: Well you need to get your guild off their _____ to help cuz ppl are dyin with ur fail.

    I realize it wasn't that funny an exchange. But really, what's a guy to do? Ardor didn't boost Mass Heal at that time, afaik. So all you get is the Positive Energy enhancements and metamagics. Charisma doesn't boost it. Once you're capped, there's only so much you can do.
    Last edited by Dematto; 03-15-2012 at 11:51 PM.

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