…and would like to extend a warm thank you to all you forumites who have posted strategies, suggestions, advice etc. Actually, this last week I’ve done it twice now. I was pretty hesitant joining a pug to do Shroud but I took the leap. The first run was terribly nerve racking. Part two was difficult and seemed awfully chaotic. I lost one person there but had my focus on her just as she died so was able to rez & heal her immediately. I usually use “F” keys to focus but was having trouble getting it right now that it was F1-F12 when I’m used to maybe F1- F6 or so (heck I usually just play with me, my GF and son). I remembered reading – on the forums- recently to simply click on their red bar. I got fairly used to that after a bit. We finished without a hitch.
In the second run, the last fight was a bit tough. We were beating down the devil and *wham* down goes our Monk. Uh oh! Then another person went down. Then another. I was hitting that mass heal as fast as I could. I started to think I better rez these guys. Then I remembered reading here on the forums to keep everyone else alive. When people were linking devil beaters at the beginning of the dungeon the Barb leading the quest had one of those crafted silver holy burst greater outsider banes. Heck, if I keep that guy alive we should be ok. So I left the three dead and kept everyone else up. We won & then I got everyone else up so they could grab their treasure.
Anyhow I’ve broken the ice on healing Shroud and all through it I kept remembering the things I read on the forums that helped me get through without being a complete noob. Wish I could remember the names of some of the posters I’d been reading, but there are too many. Anyhow, Thanks all!