I've been playing for a couple of years and must say DDO is THE computer game for me. The story, caracters, choises, changes, areas and specially players are great!

But there are the 5% community. Those who rant noobs and newbs. Those who zerg the whole quest trough because they did it 200 times before and have all the plat and all the gear.

You vere newbs too once. You needed help.

Those who could KILL u for having to go RL for 2 poor minutes.

You will (if you're lucky) have kids too. Maybe you have...

And all those poor lifeless whats-their-problems who has forgotten that this is a game.

Just a game.

Ok, you can't save, you can die, and even lose some ingredients and plat in a dungeon that went bad. Its part of the experience. A part of the thrill. A part of the game.

But back to the good part:
I meet a LOT of interesting and nice players. I met a lot when I was newb and they had manners and the time. I try to live up to that legacy. To have time for the player with the question. Thanks alla you good players (not in the best/fastest, but in the slow and with good feeling) I have the pleashure of playing PUG's with.

Enjoy the game.