I've only ever done ToD on my
ranger (nearing 20 completions) so the only experience I have with this quest is basically trash duty. I'd like to come along if you need someone with experience at clean-up, but I'm currently travelling so my internet is shaky at best.
TR Paladin has recently hit 18, and the inspiration for me making him was a guildy tanking Horoth on his pally while accidentally leaving his Madstone Boots on, and not getting banished (yay for not rolling 1's!). I'm built to tank (DoS III, unbuffed AC 57, 684hp, 46/32/30 saves) but I'm thinking I should gear him up a bit better before trying Horoth. I'm currently wearing almost completely Cannith-crafted gear, and the only GS item I have so far is a Triple-pos DwAxe.
Should I try my hand at tanking VoD and hound first, to get some tanking experience in a raid that isn't so hard to regain control of if the tank goes down? (This is my first tank, after all) My intim is ~42 unbuffed, I'm guessing it needs to be higher, since my dps isn't great yet (even with all the additional threat I produce). I'm planning an earth II hp item and con-opp SP items, too, just need to run some Shrouds for shards. I guess I'm asking what sorts of numbers you'd be looking for in a decent Horoth tank, to give me something to shoot for.