This sounds fun. Put me down for now.
Galcian - 20 half-orc barbarian
Just realized that I forgot to ask something that I probably should have asked about before. On the day of the raid, how will we all get together? Should I send you a tell upon logging in, or is there a different way that you do these things?
Just felt like asking just in case, do not want to miss this opportunity over a silly detail!
I tried using telepathy the last time, but accidentally used the wrong frequency and now have a house full of koala bears.
This time around I would suggest checking the LFM panel. I'll have a post there ~20 mins before the scheduled time of the event. The post will be under Tobril and have a bit of text about this thread, should be pretty easy to make out from any other stuff going on.
If you get a bard that hasn't done this then I'd love them to get the chance. If not I'll bring Rokkum. Might even snag a heart and respec him for it...been meaning to do it anyways and Augment Summoning would be as good as anything for that last feat spot.
Tajawuka 20 Bladeforged Paladin running divine ETR's (3 ranger/monk/fighter pl's, 3 martial epl's) - Toolbots working on Morninglord Cleric life #2 (3 wizard/sorc/druid pl) - Evisra 28 rogue
I won't sign up, since I don't know if I'll be around that evening, but if I see your lfm still needs people, I'll be there.
I'd like to recommend that anyone on Mind Flayer duty have cold resist, last time I tried this the Flayers had some sort of cold shield or cold DOT that killed the **** out of me (~45 cold dmg every couple of seconds on hard difficulty after the flayer had been killed, it had a Cold Shield graphic on while we were fighting it, but I didn't notice any damage while I was hitting it... was too busy fighting renders to check my buff/debuff line to see what it was exactly, but it lasted at least 10 seconds after it was dead). I'm not sure if this is a new trick, or just something that I've never experienced before.
There are several different ways to run this raid, with different strategies being more effective on the various difficulties.
Please, new people, listen VERY carefully to the leader, this time and every time you run it afterward. There are many different things that need to be done, and everyone's job is as important to passing as the next person's.
Added one grizzled veteran.
I’m probably going to do “pick 3” and have a new kid pick up the 4th.
It seems that the easiest way to explain the rocks is that they are like
the stone salve in the lordsmarch medusa quest. Working out a balance
between showing stuff and still getting things done is tricky, but at least
everyone should have a pretty good idea of what is going on in this raid.
(that’s the plan anyhow)
Note to self: Consider FRAPSing runs like these.
Yes x1000
There are multiple methods, and those methods often have slight variations.
The actual action is like 6-8 minutes, explaining the plan will take at least that long or more.
Many ways work, the one I’ve selected is rather antiquated but easy to implement with new personnel.
(we will be doing pick/charm 3, 1 left, rest right /w 1 heal, other heals in center, collapse to entrances on charm)
I really wish I wasn't working at the time your running it, because I have never been in a succesful run of HoX and have no idea what I'm doing in there. If your still waiting to run it 2 hours later Id be happy to join on my wizard arasaka.
Last edited by Havok.cry; 12-06-2011 at 01:14 PM.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
If ya need help, I can tank Xizzy and hold her and puppies in place to make it easier fir you to go over things. I do it for my guild all the time and we've gotten a completion time of less than 6 mins. I dont mind being a chew toy to help people learn. It's quite fun actually.
I have to stick to the posted time otherwise scheduling gets really crazy.
Hopefully these efforts can make a small dent in the horrid PUG scene,
participants taking what they learn and applying it elsewhere.
Just a reminder, I’ll be handing out something INCREDIBLY AWESOME
to help with this sort of thing.
Edit: so anxious I am a day early. Hope to see everyone tomorrow.
Last edited by zorander6; 12-07-2011 at 07:59 PM.
Cannith - Falconsbane(8 - 3rd life), NeedOil (14), NeedMead, Needfood, hobbitarcher(5)
Sarlona - Zebidiahh (19.8), Anotherpers(20), Smurgh(16), Falconsbane(14), Needoil(15)
The first rule of the trashcan guild is expect to die...
There is no second rule.