Do you really need the +100% hate?
Do you really need the additional saves (you already have Improved Evasion)?
A Monk 12/ Fighter 8 would put out very high hate as i see it as it's a high dps build with very high hate amp.
Dodge also qualifies you both Ninja Spy and Defender. Haste Boost (3 at Fighter 7) would be your bread and butter in most everyday quests, to rip the kill count apart (and the build would).
The extra feats from 8 Fighter also add a bunch of feats which means more HP.
I had been planning the 12 Monk/ 8 Fighter for a while however mostly as a sturdy DPS guy, but i dont really see what a the 6 levels of Paladin will give over it. The extra hate? 12/8 should do prime DPS with +100% hate or so, saves, 12/8 has IE at least while, sure, the other saves would be on the low side.
I can see 2 Paladin levels, but are more really necessary?
Your 2nd stat allocation also shows low attack stat and a high-end tank absolutely mustnt be missing high-ac creatures, because if you do start missing, aggro goes bye-bye real quick.
18 Strength pre items? I wouldnt even trust you hold to aggro on the demon of the deeps.