So I'm looking to try a Divine Phoenix for a first life... and have a few questions
From reading through the thread, it sounds like it might not be a bad idea to switch things up by doing the following:
Level 2 - monk bonus feat - Stunning Fist
Level 3 feat - power attack (no monk past life to take here anyway!)
Next monk bonus feat - Improved Sunder
That would get basically replace one toughness and the 'blank' feat at level 3 with improved sunder and stunning first. Does that make sense to do?
Also, I'm curious about the level order. I know you need paladin 3 by 6 for extend, and you want evasion with monk 2. Why monk at 9? Instead of 7? I'm guessing that postponing the 4th level of monk is to pick up the tier 2 prestige before whatever monk 4 gets?
And finally, on skills - do you need to max UMD every level, or is there a cut off? With the limited skill points you can't really max it and keep up as well on the concentration & balance. Why concentration, btw? Do you do a lot of in combat scrolling?
Thanks for what looks like an interesting build!