yes because people who can farm a lot of cove items certainly don't have the time to grind epics ...o wait
Players with no heavy fort shouldn't run epics but my cleric has 4 epic plates in the bank and is using the pirate one. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, in fact it is great, but guess some expect me to have an epic marilith ..because that would the best and would make me a competent player, right ?![]()
I'ma flip this around.
Where are the Quantum Entropy-hosted "Learner Shroud/HoX/VoD/Epic [Insert Name Here] LFMs"?
I don't see you guys nearly as often as I used to, and I've been lurking my way into pugs incognito lately. That leads me to speculate that:
1. The Guild has shrunk.
2. The Guild runs in-house quests and raids, and would rather short-man than pull a Pug in.
3. Blind chance preventing me from coming across any LFMs.
I'm guessing the middle option. And *say* that's the case - well, its easy to preach when looking at the problem from a third-person perspective.
Me and MsE just spent half an hour after a failed HoX working with a cleric who had 202 HP & 0% Fort @ level 19. We would've spent longer, we were actually going to run Sins for him to get the Con +6/GFL belt, but the unnamed cleric had to log. Hopefully we'll hook up with him/her later and keep helping him out.
Both him and I went into our "goodies bags" and pulled out some gear to help him out with, including the taps necessary to go grab himself a Minos - I wanted to walk him there, but he said he would handle it on his own later, that he knew where to go.
But that's one guy. And there will be five more like him tomorrow, and the next day. And two of the five won't want to hear a word of your advice. Because spend any appreciable amount of time Pugging, and you'll realize that its either spend a couple of hours nightly playing babysitter, or declining them and short-manning, or waiting until someone more qualified comes along.
And while we're at it, these unnamed people have guilds - some of them fairly large. Where's the guild support, huh?
What's wrong with wanting to ride shotgun in your backpack?
After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.
My healer wears the crystal cove full plate plus some other cove items and my rogue got the light armor plus some other stuff from the cove on. They do just fine in epics. I dont see a problem with the cove gear. Of course there is better gear available and I'm working hard on getting such, but this will take time so for now part of the cove epic tier 3 items is all I and maybe some others got. In my case it worked out fine till now ... but of course, my toons have more than 300 hp's and they do heavy fort.
Just one thing, if you use myddo, to screen do you always assume the person is going to bring use what they exactly have on to the quest?
I remember responding to a EDQ2 lfm, then getting a snide reply, your LitII's will not work here.
I switch a lot of gear around, and on most of my toons i often have my haggle helm on instead of my mino's legens or minII helm, when i log off or on, and yeah ive been called up on it. Noob!!! your level 20 and have no heavy fort!!!
This is why MyDDO is great in theory, but lousy in practice.
Officer of Renowned
Many of my casters now have Archmagi +15 haggle hats as swap out items. After buffing the pirate hat comes off and the minos goes on.
(Admittedly they aren't very geared up as I've capped up a toon from almost every class - none with a lot of end-game work - trying to learn each and every class)
Looking at MyDDO it would appear like I had 0% fort (although I would still have over 300 hp of course)
edit - NaturalHaz beat me to the point :P
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
You mean you actually helped someone instead of coming here and posting their stats? Im shocked, that gets a +1.
TLR at bottom
Lets see.
The guild has shrunk due to people having real lives and getting busy. Couple that with our strict recruitment policy and it dwindles fast.
Personally I have been tring almost exclusively since halloween. First my 20 barb, who went pure paly, ran 20 raids and then 12/6/2 archon half orc. I remember him being around lvl6 in his current life when mobar came out. At the same time my cleric ran to 20 as a 12/6/2 fighter mutt, that build is now 13/1 wiz monk I believe. Hes running with a lvl 14 monk, who was my original 12/6/2 fighter monk (wfd). Around that same time I ran a 20 rog trd into a 12/7/1 ranger mutt, to cap, hes currently 17 on an 18 paly 2 monk life. Shortly after that I ran my original str rog up as a 12/7/1 hotd/monk healing amp and trd him into my current sig alt which is 15 clr/1 rog/1 barb. Add rl into the mix and I have hardly done any raiding or epics. The few I have run have been groups guildies put together.
I rarely pug when I level because me and a guildie are always leveling 2 accts at the same time. We have been for about 2 years now. I dont like asking others to come along and help because it usually takes longer than people like to run both alts around. We both also have families so sometimes one or both of us is afk for a quest or two. We will run our guys to the quest, throw some buffs, then go afk the rest of the time. Pugs seem to frown on that so we usually only group with friends, maybe once in a long while guildies.
So while I cant speak for guildies, I can speak for myself. Ive done a ton of helping/leading/training over the years. I bet ive put together more 12 man full pugs of most of the old raids then youve ever even done of them. When ftp started I cleaned out 3 accts full of random loot. And im not talking trash, vorpal khopeshes, +6 stat rings, +15 stat items, arhcmagi helms, 100's of taps, mana pots, whatever. Prolly my first 2500 rep came from a giveaway thread that was stuff I gave away completely free.
Id also like to point out, that there was a time,when a lot of the people running end game werent taking any pugs. Getting into a tod pug or an edq or ev6 pug was a rarity, even harder to succeed. We were pugging out spots all the time for these raids (all the time meaning whenever we ran em, and most we were running 2-3 times a night). We took people into tods with no boots. We took 4-5 arcanes into shroud. I gave out hundreds of mana pots teaching pug healers how to do ev6 and edq, literally, hundreds. We didnt have to do any of that, we can fill a raid exclusively from channels/guild/friends lists. We were pugging spots in echrono the 3rd day it came out (thank garth for that, I dont think we could all get together and he always wants to run with no spoilers first before taking others)
All these fast shrouds so many people enjoy, it was us who changed that. Part 2 was a 15 minute affair using the old method. We pugged for months to get the server to change that (whos on the wall??? Who can pull devil? ****** you said you could pull devil!!! Anyone remember that ****)
There was also a time I took a lot of flack from a lot of people on the server for letting EW into my raids. I almost never excluded people from a raid from their guild tag. EW had ballooned in size after swallowing a few smaller guilds, and a lot of people put EW on their dng list unless they knew the person. There were a ton of EW that klnda got lost in the shuffle of the growth of the guild. I always took people who hit the lfm so long as I had a spot and they could full fill the role I was looking for.
The point is, dont come here accusing me of not doing my part. Ive been doing my part for years, and will continue to do so as my personal life allows. For the rest of my guild I cant say, I dont speak for them. We are not a training guild. We are not a newbie guild. Almost all of us have belonged to several other guilds, some of them rather large, who consisted of all kinds of players. This is the group we have settled with, and like to guild with. They are people we trust to get the job done no matter the circumstance, and keep drama out of the game. So calling us out for not putting on QE sponsored training runs is a little silly. We dont do that. Period.
We do however take nubs into our runs. Anyone has a chance to get into one of our runs unless we personally dont like them, or their drama (drama we like is fine).
I also dont mind the occasional thread making fun of newbs but its getting to be a little too much.
When ftp launched a lot of us helped others in various ways. I dont expect one person, or every person to do everything every night. But coming here and showing us your latest myddo decline isnt helping anyone at all.
Oh yeah, no reason to fail hound on normal with a dead cleric~
Very fun run. Pugs were freaking out when we didnt take a cleric. 1 paly, 1 fighter, and 1 battle bard umding heal scrolls on the pups. They did have songs at least
So to sum it up, Ive done plenty, and will continue to do plenty, because thats how I am.
Yes you spent some time with a guy, and tomorrow there will be more, and some wont want to hear it from you. Welcome to being a vet. Thats how it is. Now you know how the rest of us feel, multiply it time a few thousand at once and you see where at when you started playing.
And yeah, there are whole guilds of people who suck. A lot of people were asking the same thing about your guild a while back and Ill tell you the same thing I told them. Relax, and give it some time.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
Sooo true.
I'd say 95% of the time I MyDDO someone is when I'm on a healer and someone is going down like they were throwing the fight. Especially when heal requests come in capital letters or a snide remark follows a death that I know wasn't my fault.
The other 5% is waiting for a quest to fill just out of boredom or curiosity.
Never while filling a quest. I want to get the thing started not waste time dragging out the filling process. Of course I don't start LFMs for Epic Raids of Epicness or anything.
- Thank you NaturalHazard for your kind words of encouragement.![]()
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.