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So I’ve decided to assist with the lack of raid/epic healer situation by getting a FvS up to snuff.
As such I’m working on the best all-around list that can handle most epics/raids. (maybe a little questing/farming as well)
Based on recent experiences I want all three raise options. (the need to save abbot-gone-awry or other mass wipes has been pretty common) I stuck with true res/res and scroll raise dead if necessary, raise dead as a spell won't help in the times that it's needed usually.
At least 3 mass cure timers seems like a necessity as well. (epic DQ)In U9 the 3 most SP efficient ones will be MCCW, MCLW, MCSW (in that order) I have all 4 but only ever use 3 though I haven't solo healed eDQ yet (done most other things though).
Any input from experienced elite/epic raid healers would be appreciated.
Basic build concept is a 20 WF FvS, dumped WIS, Lord of Blades, hate-tank if needed. Win! Better than caster as less hard spell choices to be made.
Divine Favour
Remove Fear
Obscuring Mist
Resist Energy
Lesser Restore
Remove Paralysis
Eagle Splendor
Magic Circle
Searing Light
Remove Curse Swap this for mass aid maybe.
Divine Power
RecitationI have deathward here and don't have Mass DW
Restoration (thought about neutralize poison, but pots/wands should suffice) CCW is getting a huge efficiency boost, I'd consider having it in place of restoration and just use greater restoration and scroll restoration. With an epic ornamental dagger running it'll be almost as efficient as Heal and could have some uses (oh s***! button if heal is on timer instead of hitting a mass cure perhaps).
Raise Dead scroll it, I have SR here (as no Mass SR)
Break Enchantment
True Seeing I scroll this (used 2 out of my 100 stack, most people have tharnes/something else or I make the cleric cast it) or Protection from Elements (leaning protection and carry true seeing scrolls) In U9 the new light spell will go here, it's awesome DPS la
MCMW This is the least efficient of the mass' in U9, I'd drop this one for ... something?
Thought about harm, but most PM’s seem to be able to take care of themselves.
Mass SR I have Greater Restoration here but I guess it can be scrolled but is more expensive in those terms than other options and I find it gets regular enough use.
Greater restoration and mass protection are candidates as well. Greater restore can be scrolled and
mass protection has always seemed like it wasn’t truly needed, sort of like stalwart pact.
Epic Chainmail Coif (only need shard) will grant always-on 50% to 7th and lower cure spells, thus MCSW. I rely on Amara's/Tokala's for +75% boost to 8th and lower. Might slot greater devotion VIII on a ToD ring down the track if it's needed for healing duties.
Holy Aura
Mass DW I have MCCW, Holy Aura and Death Pact but I don't get much use out of Death Pact as I'm so unlikely to die anyway and if I do die it wouldn't help anyway (550 HP, soon to be over 600)
Tough choice - MCSW, Death Pact, Summon VIII
I could maybe live without the fourth mass cure, especially its effectiveness is limited to amrath belt cliky duration.
Death Pact is nice, but I’m a bit torn on that one as my cleric tended to not use it often.
Air elemental from summon VIII is insanely awesome. I had this for a while but swapped it out, may swap it back in if I get rid of death pact, not sure.
Mass Heal
True Res
Summon IX or Enervation (enervation for sure if using summon VIII) Enervation for sure anyway, in U9 not being able to use a woo woo stick will make you want to help the casters make their holds/F2S' stick sometimes.