Dear Eladrin
It has been over a year since my last post on this hopeless topic, but while I was here for a completely unrelated matter anyway I figured I would take a moment to catch up. Imagine my surprise, amazement and disappointment with the new Half-Elf Dilettante feats.

What a great concept – they look/sound AMAZING! My pleasant surprise however, quickly turned to disappointment since they are so significantly better than Human Versatility.

When we last spoke on the HV issue it was said that great plans were in the works for improving Human Versatility, is this still the case? Is there a likely timeframe involved?

By allowing the Human Versatility boost to qualify as a required PrE class boost, Humans would actually gain a bit of versatility (and better bang for their AP as it were). Currently six PrEs have class boost requirements that could be mirrored by Human Versatility:

Frenzied Berserker (Damage Boost)
Kensai (Attack Boost)
Stalwart Defender (Armor Class Boost)
Defender of Siberys (Armor Class Boost)
Assassin (Damage Boost)
Mechanic (Skills Boost)

Thief-Acrobat (Haste Boost) is currently not mirrored by HV, but the substitution could still be allowed.

Now from other posts we know that currently PrEs can only have a single optional list requirement and that Enhancement Skills are being combined rather than separated by class. Merely allowing HV to sub in for class boosts would only immediately help Frenzied Berserker and Assassin (and possibly Thief-Acrobat if HV-Haste boost added), but would still nevertheless be a worthwhile step in the right direction!

However, perhaps as an alternative suggestion in order to circumvent the PrE limitation, could HV not be coded into the Enhancement list as having boosts by the required names rather than HV-AC, HV-Atk, HV-Dam, HV-Saves, HV-Skills? Or simply list HV as all boosts?

Another possible benefit of this change could be the easier implementation of Racial PrEs:

Give Dwarves Dwarf AC boost and Dwarf Intim and suddenly they can qualify under the current rules… Same for Drow/Warforged allowing access to Assassin/Frenzied Berserker while we await Scorpion Wraith/Juggernaut.

As the Enhancement boosts are the closest to the real use of AP, it would nice to see Human Versatility get the boost it has long deserved. If not, it is likely that it will be grossly (and unfairly) overshadowed by Half-Elven dabblers…

Clearly this is impractical for immediate inclusion, but even just knowing it is being progressively worked on is a start in prevent us from mixing with Elven blood. Thanks and keep up the great work!
