heh, you just reminded me of a Reaver I was in the other day... Group was slow to fill and even slower to start. The Raid Leader decided that a multiclass non-capped bard would heal the entire raid. I was fine with it since I've run Reaver without any heals at all... so whatever.
While waiting I tossed up some disco balls, and for shiggles Sleet Storm (Sleet Storm is the new grease). I had accidentally extended it. Oops.I danced in my disco, others did too. Finally we started the raid, so I tossed out some Cloudkills since my stupid sleet storm was extinguishing my fire walls when the ele's came. No big loss. Suddenly 1 person dies... then another then another... we're down to like half the people.
The bard shouts over the mic "I couldn't heal because of the lag because that guy griefed us!". Mmmm ok. Whatever. One of the dead says "Looks like we have a griefer in our group!". Next thing you know everyone starts spattering all sorts of **** over the mic and in chat... about how I caused lag intentionally to cause a wipe...
My sleet storm finally went away and I drops some massive FWs - Ele's are dying away, piece o cake. I've 6 manned Reaver, so I figured we'd be fine. One by one the survivors of my "griefing" start recalling, calling me all sorts of names... And there I was... Alone. With the Reaver. I proceeded to practice my "tanking" and "kiting" skills, and finally Teleported myself out.
When I popped out they had a new LFM up specifically calling me out as a griefer (think that might be against the TOS, bud). I lolled. I put up my own LFM and instead was instantly invited by another Reaver raid forming outside the door.
We went in, I disco'd, I danced, I sleet stormed everyone for shiggles, we laughed as I fell on my ass. We danced, we laughed, we finished. Good times.
Moral of the story:
Don't Sleet Storm and Cloudkill in raids it'll make bards not able to heal causing a wipe.
It happened on Argo™