The Dragons Tapestry is also dead. I joined for one day in December and found myself without a guild the next time I logged in a few days later.
The Dragons Tapestry is also dead. I joined for one day in December and found myself without a guild the next time I logged in a few days later.
NAME:Masters of Dark Arts
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Large 150+ members
PLAY TIME: All time zones
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Zanzum or any officer
DESRIPTION: A great guild that works together and are driven by greatness. Become a member of MDA and experience Greatness for yourself.
Crusaders of Justice has a new website
If u can change it for us please![]()
Leader of Crusaders of Justice
Laruanna, Wolfsgirl, Metalgirl, Elysoun, Evilsgirl and a few more to come
Please add our guid to the list
NAME: The Legion
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: Min Level 4, Race Any, Class Any
PLAY TIME: 19:00 to 00:00 EST
CONTACTS: Guild Leader Hailz, Officers Nishoba, Eodeem, Fodeem, Psiblade, Vycerous.
DESCRIPTION: A casual guild to DDO'ers who doesn't need to take things too serious and just want to have some fun playing DDO. Mostly mature players in our ranks. The guild was founded by the former "The Gutbusters Brigade" member Hailfire amount some other ex-members including myself (Deem), Vadoris and Takhisis. The name was initially inspired by the movie named The Legion.
Last edited by KanedaEX; 02-23-2010 at 01:46 PM.
TYPE: casual, friendly, mixed f2p/p2p
SIZE: Small
REQUIREMENTS: no crappy attitudes allowed
PLAY TIME: 7-12pm EST (but most of the day, really)
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Eustless. Officers - Glane, Pickt
DESRIPTION: a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. small friendly guild. tries to hunt together and help each other out whenever possible.
Hi there
Crusaders of Justice have got a new shiny webpage so i hope u can change the old link in the master list.
Ctype Completionist//Dtype//Etype//Ygolonar///Archibald
Officer of Crusaders of Justice - Orien
DDO player since release 2006 in Europe - since 2009 on Orien
NAME: Silver Shield
TYPE: RP, Casual, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Group 4 members at the moment - looking to expand
REQUIREMENTS: Be open minded and Rp your characters
PLAY TIME: 4pm-11pm Central Time
DESRIPTION: Currently a small semiRP guild, looking to get organized and grow.
Not all who wander are lost.
Community Member
NAME: Sabbath Day Slaughter
TYPE: Static
SIZE: Group (1-6)
REQUIREMENTS: Availability to play Sunday mornings,
PLAY TIME: Sundays, 8 am to 12 pm GMT -6
CONTACTS: Marooque
DESRIPTION: Static group, looking for members.
NAME: Naughty Desires
TYPE: Casual, F2P, P2P, VIP
SIZE: Small (but actively recruiting)
REQUIREMENTS: Be a mature player, and like to have fun.
PLAY TIME: Most active, Evenings EST
CONTACTS: Contact any member or visit website and an officer will be in touch.
NAME: The High Council
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: 45+
REQUIREMENTS: Stoner friendly
PLAY TIME: Almost always
CONTACTS: Greenmachine, Alythrae, Hammerhands, Wynnd, Wulften, Horded, or any member you see.
DESRIPTION: We're a very laid back guild that likes to have fun. We're friendly and always looking for new members. We have a vent and are getting a website soon.
NAME: Knights of the Dinner Table
TYPE: Casual, freindly, social based.
SIZE: Medium, to small affluence, depend on time of day.
REQUIREMENTS: Having fun and been respectfull
PLAY TIME: We usually have people on most of the time.
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Vengyr, Officers - Aedin, Elavil, Illiana, Redxrage, Selinniel, Yaegar, Dhon, Halena
DESRIPTION: A guild just to have a chance for player to come togheter and have a chance to play in this great game. No biggy rules and obligations. Power player abstain, you'll just be desapointed.
WEB SITE: None at the present moment.
Last edited by MerceeSakes; 03-28-2010 at 08:03 PM. Reason: Lack of Participation
TYPE: Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Group (1-6), Small for now working at getting more ppl
REQUIREMENTS: Min Lvl 10 must be active.
CONTACTS: Leader: Shelena, Officers: Llelandra, Dicer
DESRIPTION: We are a casual gaming group that enjoys raiding, questing, and favor farming.
NAME: DDO Cast Build Guild
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Large (26+)
PLAY TIME: Sundays noon est
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Mockduck
DESRIPTION: The DDOcast Build Guild was created by Innundel and DDOcast creator Jerry Snook (Mockduck) to serve as a place where people can get together and run unusual, "experimental", normal and never-before-played builds in a nonjudgemental and helpful environment. It's also a great way for people who listen to the podcast (and make the show) to have fun questing together. Our "official" meetup time is Sundays starting at Noon, Eastern Time, but the guild is growing to the point that folks are on throughout the week.
NAME: Epic Fail
TYPE: Premier Raiding Guild, Player -vs- Player
SIZE: Peak hours between 25 and 50 active members total 155 members
REQUIREMENTS: Excellence in Character, Willingness to Help Others
PLAY TIME: Mostly evenings in the America's
CONTACTS: Guild Leader (Spanken) - Contact spanken in game via mail for recruitment procedures
DESCRIPTION: This guild is commited to excellence in character. That means being excellent to each other and anyone we encounter in Orien. It also means that we try to make our characters the best they can be, play them to the best of our ability, and pass along our knowledge to those who seek to benefit from it. We are both casual and hard-core. We are both tolerant of new players and min-maxing power-gamers. We are serious about raiding and also favor and farming when necessary. As a foundation of the server it is our goal to progress through the content available in the most efficient manner possible using superior tactics and gamesmanship. We enjoy the challenge of a quest or the thrill of combat within the lobster or any other setting.
NAME- For Loot and Glory
TYPE- Fun !!!
SIZE- Large
REQUIREMENTS- We are a no worries guild. The only requirement is no drama. Have fun and loot,loot ,loot till your little hearts content.
PLAYTIME- Mostly someones on all the time
CONTACTS- Guild Leader- Starlissa, Successor- Sgtlaw or mostly anyone u see on can get in touch with one of us or an officer at anytime.
DESCRIPTION- We are semi big but dont recruit just to recruit. We run with our people and make sure they are of the no worries catagory. Our guild chat is lively and people will always lend a helping hand. We like Loot running rares and slayers and will run people through a place they dont know. But we make no demands on your time or character. We are who we wanna be, not who we are "surpose to be"
NAME: Defenders
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: Very Large (~400)
CONTACTS: Kusto, Mordsith, Vianessa, Dayvian, Celinor, Brezren, Zimdar, Nutmeg, Isani, Badgerblayde
DESRIPTION: An open guild that pools buying power, quest tactics, and knowledge. Allied with other large guilds throughout Orien, the Defenders is a group that goes out of its way to invite new and lower level players, while offering vast incentives to players and officers of all levels.
NAME:Wayward Lobster
TYPE: PvP optimist, RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: small~growing (20+)
REQUIREMENTS: PvP optimist, we will call on you to pawn. Willing to play with new players a must.
PLAY TIME: All time zones
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Shadowsaun or any officer
DESCRIPTION: A small and growing guild of new players and vets alike. We aim to play and level together and also have pvp events. There are no fees and all are welcome.
WEB SITE: Using this site currently. Contact us in game or PM me directly.
NAME: Forgotten Legion
TYPE: Casual, friendly, social based, but we also raid
SIZE: Medium
REQUIREMENTS: Having fun, be respectful, follow our forum rules
PLAY TIME: Evenings on weekdays, all times on the weekends
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Turtle, Officers - Betelgeuse, Dredre, Ceasar, Jimmy, Engelita
DESCRIPTION: We're a casual guild with a few simple rules that takes players of all types. We also run raids on a steady basis but that's not all we do. We just like to kick back and have fun running quests, socializing, dragon watching, or even just shooting the breeze on guild or voice chat.
NAME: Orien Raiders
TYPE: Casual to an extent, working on raiding and getting the guild geared/ready for raids
SIZE: Large, 30 + members and counting
REQUIREMENTS: Check your ego at the door, have some concept of what teamwork means, 18+ years of age
PLAY TIME: Most of us have no life and members are generally on at all hours of the day/night
CONTACTS: (GM) Boomstick, Boomster, Boominator
Officers: Mirkava, Raviage, Lusenut, Indiagie, Arabesque, Charlandra
DESCRIPTION: Orien Raiders is a TEAM oriented guild. We help each other out with a variety of things and do not hold a holier than thou attitude that some raiders do. Having said that let me explain that while we do not have a problem with helping you, we also expect you to help yourself. You should play what you enjoy, but also do the necessary research in order to play your best game. We don't do zerg fests unless it's a group of us that have done whatever quest/farming so much that we could run it in our sleep (Ex: Tapestry farming) but we will not run off and leave people behind.