Favor was added a ways back to make players run all the quests in the game over again. There is another way that would reward players, and add crafting that wouldn’t break the game.
Right now there is no crafting in the game. The Shroud is like crafting, but you have basically one of 16 pre-set options, so it is not actually crafting per se.
And Turbine has a problem of figuring out how to make players WANT to run quests more than once for favor, since many quests are simply not worth running because they give next to no xp for their level and no loot worth having, so once you run it for favor you never go back.
So here it is – have every quest give something like favor points. One per level of the quest, -2 for short quests +2 for long quests. Every repetition is -1 until you hit 1 point, and the timer either resetting like ransack or something longer maybe.
What do you ‘buy’ with those points? Magic. Buy an item, pick any enhancement you want (other than super rare ones)and make bound item with whatever available enhancements you want on it.
House D would give weapon enhancements. Except vorpal and wops for example, you could make any weapon with whatever combination of damage you can fit to your level -2 and poof its yours.
House K would do armor and protection spells/enhancements. House J healing, House P arcane spells, Coin Lord/Free Agent would be skill and stat items. Desert/Gianthold not sure, Vale nothing except for Shroud. Necropolis maybe also healing/undead protections etc.
So you want a ring that casts a level 10 fireball 3 times per day? Sure – 1000 points (or whatever) Want it maximized? 2000 points. A shield with +5 armor and +4 saves? As long as it matches your level sure. A wand of Heal 1/day, or maybe Restoration etc – it can all be yours once you get enough points build up.
Exceptions would be things like Raise dead, any spells over level 6 maybe, rare weapon effects…but most should be up for grabs. It is magic, there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to make anything with enough points that you could find randomly.
This would give players a reason to run all the quests over again, and more than just a couple, as repetition would lower your points. It would add crafting that isn’t something stupid like “Gather 10 pelts and make a +1 pelt” or whatever.
Most importantly, it would add real crafting that people have been dying for since day one, a staple of D&D – “I pay that wizard 50k gold and in 2 weeks I get a staff of power”
And it would again be a carrot to have people run and enjoy content – knowing that at the end of it you can customize your character far more than you can now.