Are there any spanish speakers here on Argo who use voice chat?
I am learning spanish (I took a couple classes in high school and am now revisiting the subject). I know the basics but I need to practice.
I'm looking for someone who would be willing to group with me and speak primarily in spanish. It would be awesome if they were Spanish (I'm learning Spain spanish, not LA/SA spanish) and want to work on thier english at the same time (rather than someone else in the same boat I am in). However, I would take what I can get.
Basicly, I'm looking to setup what is commonly referred to as an Intercambio.
I realise there are other websites that promote this sort of thing but I figure, why spend time just learning spanish and in fake conversations with someone if I can find someone who plays DDO and play at the same time.
Anyone interested? In the off chance that multiple people are interested, we can setup a scheduled night and get everyone in a party to play and have some fun.