Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
Ask Gornn! http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=156209
Ask Gornn! archives http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Categ..._Gornn_Archive
"It's only elitist if you're not actually better than everyone else."
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
There is no converting me. I know this Gornn dude is a farse. I have had a true seeing spell cast on me and I know he's a fake.
Gornn will soon be a distant memory for all of Khybar and it's forums.
In fact I might just start a petetion to have Gornn banned from Khyber and sent to another server.
I hate Gornn. So it is said. Let it be written. Let it be done.
Babygirl should start her very own Flying Monkey Squadron, here.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
Ask Gornn! http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=156209
Ask Gornn! archives http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Categ..._Gornn_Archive
"It's only elitist if you're not actually better than everyone else."
...she do love Gornnn?
Grawwl (Father of the Bennette Family Warriors) - now with FP of the defender and Bloodstone!) || Graaol || Graaul || Graaveen - the Healing Uncle
---"You have no characters" <-- LIES!!!