Sorry ENGRAV0, didn't mean to offend, was just playing with Cow. I've been Army for 12 myself.
Acutally, I found the quote kinda entertaining years ago cuz my ex-brother-in-law was a sonor operator on a boomer and he said it to me, then......I was watching Das Boot and they said the same thing. And night I was in the middle of our drop zone pulling security on week long exercise and I found myself thinking.....'god i want a beer',....not a woman but a since then, it just kinda has always stuck in my head. Oh, that and when the Reagan was in port here for a visit a couple months ago, it was funny downtown watching all the antics of the guys in white on liberty
Heck, I love sailors, we were just joking around with that age old rivalry of Joe's pick on Joe's when there's no one else to pick on, services pick on otherr services when they're around, and all us mil types have each other's back when picked on by civilians.
Edit: Oh, and I agree. That's why I tried to think of an example that happened to us the other day. Being vague is kinda scary too, I'd hate to have to continually look over my shoulder wondering if Turbine is hiring some jackboots to look for us doing things like that