Come… follow me into a dream…
I find the DDO icon and double click…
Upon logging in, I notice something different!
Where normally I see the typical list of DDO game servers
I find hundreds more available!!
Some show filled to capacity while others show empty and open to the public.
I find a server with the name “Dungeon Master Chen’s” with population 4/6.
I click it and proceed to log into a strange, new, completely user created and hosted Dungeon!
Joining the party currently underway, I start to admire the Dungeon masters creativity.
Funny how creative some people can get when all of the building blocks are made available to them.
I smile as I see familiar Stormreach objects.
Soon, I arrive at the location of the party to see them in melee with bugbears and kobalds!
Noting how the dungeon master was able to cleverly set triggers that launched them only after they entered into that room. I quickly join in and help defeat this first wave.
But, where is the reward? The chest?!
The party soon takes note that its been placed by the DM in another cleaver loction, set high above the chamber.
One of the players, talks to the DM via voice chat.
“OK DM Chen, how on earth are we supposed to get to that?!”
After a few seconds of purposely suspenseful pause he replies.
“Up on ravens wings sore, riches of many kingdoms door...”
Players reply, “Great another Riddle!”
I hope you can imagine the rest of this dream with me…
Now perhaps I should explain a little more about myself.
In “real”, I work to give ideas and see into the future.
Visionary of sorts, Im paid to help take us into the next step.
There is something about Ideation that I find interesting.
Some love new ideas and embrace a vision, knowing not to be obtainable at the moment but use it as fuel to continue today.
And others hate them and gripe about the lack of resources on current projects.
So, seeing and saying such things are a blessing and a curse, often simultaneously…
But alas that is not my job. My job is to draw lines into the future and help others wonder with me.
That said.
Some might also know that I come from a strong FPS games backround.
Where some like the Nova Logic's Delta Force series allows for players to create maps and serve them.
Imagine if in the not too distant future, your clan could do the same, but in the world of Dungeons and Dragons Online?!
Interesting… yes… (I say, as I draw my first DDO dungeon on a napkin..)