sadly your photography skills have diminshed :P the titan one is stil lthe best :P
Last edited by spyderwolf; 07-01-2008 at 12:38 AM.
...this is not limited to 11 people...there are more than enough VERY competent "Super PUG's" to lead an Elite Hound...sign-up, we will make a sport out of it...
Kehgeld of Sarlona
Noone else will step up?
Gone are the days of the heros....
Kehgeld of Sarlona
It's been changed to Sat... he must have forgotten to change the botton of the OP...
Roving Guns - Sarlona
umm alittle off topic but im sure kegheld will like to see this
5 guilds and an unguilded were preset...super pug
And all I had to do was go afk for a few minutes while my dog went nuts after a stupid cat.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Man, take one night off due to wife aggro and you miss everything... <sigh>
Rrend - Nobble - Serberus - Nuckles - Indifferent - Rrender - Rrendage - Rrendtron - Rrendfu - Rrendsoul
Proud Member of Caffeine on Sarlona