Last night I was on with one of my many alts running through WW elite. Great party composition, given there were 3 Drow including myself, I knew as usual, I was in a party with at least a few folks who have done this once or perhaps a million times before. One dude decided he was going to take the initiative to be the teller of all things WW, which was fine by me because there may have been one or two noobs who might have needed his advice. Since my gf was sleeping, I wasn’t gonna be barking orders so F it.
The trouble was, even though this guy spoke with conviction, truth was, he really didn’t know the quest as well as myself and at least 2 other people in the party, including the 32 pt Elvin Cleric. To add insult to injury this fellow swore like a trucker, which normally doesn’t bother me much, but when every other word out of your yap is a swear, it begins to grate. Anyway, in the midst of telling people to do this and to do that, I began to notice some people, like myself, who actually knew what was going on, were doing their own thing, which was good, because you know, we wanted to finish it.
Well, after part 1, our 32 pnt cleric decides he doesn’t need a noob barking orders at him, such as, “okay, now go shrine” explains that, and then drops the party. He was kind enough to afterwards send me a tell and apologize, which I responded telling him he had no need to apologize to me, because were it not for the fact that I wanted xp on my alt as badly as I did, I sooooooo would have dropped with him.
Point is, if you decide you want to be the “leader” try to at least exemplify some leadership qualities. Try to avoid giving orders in such a way as it could be confused with telling a 3 year old how to use the potty. And it is also important to bear in mind that, while you may have run a noob quest 10 times, and think you got it down, it’s likely…extraordinarily likely, that members of your party have run it 1000 times, with 8-9 different characters.