Is Mabar still a random cluster......
I pretty much farmed Mabar to death, it was very painful and very random to complete the dragon fights. I stopped playing before last October and don't think I participated in Mabar the year before. Has Turbine done anything to improve the reliability and functionality of this server event baloney? Tspoon
Looking forward to Mabar........
........however; I was hoping to see some sort of Spectral Dragon Armor (heroic or epic or both). I mean, the Spectral Dragon Scales you get after each completion of the quest. Use a similar system just like all other dragon armors in game. I think that would of been a really cool event item that would not only keep people involved with the event, but also be a fun new set of armor that many could enjoy. :(
As far as the +5 / +6 Tomes go, 1 per character is not bad. There are some negatives and positives to this being available, but at this point, with everything else that has been released in game, I do not see this as game breaking in anyway.
I personally look forward to the Mabar Event every year. A nice break from other stuff.
Looking a gift horse in the mouth
I tear Turbine up all the time for stupid things they do and the broken content. Even in the past on Mabar. But I don't get how you can complain about this. Everyone cries play to win but here Turbine is giving you a +6 tome before they are even selling them in the P2Win store and yet people want to complain. Some of you sound like a spoiled rotten Kardashian kid on Christmas morning.. bah we wanted a red Lamborghini Veneno and not a black one... By all means if you don't want a free tome don't take one but complaining about it is just silly. I mean it's not even a grind really from what it looks like you just simply kill one dragon a day and move on to other things. Like I said I toss plenty of stones but this time I'm actually impressed with them for adding new life into an event and a reward that most people can appreciate and will be happy with. Unlike lots of the Mabar rewards a tome can be used on any class/build so seriously this is what makes you makes you rmad?