insta death more powerful??? nope , nerf
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Held monsters will take 50% more damage from all sources, including magic. You could mass hold some mobs then lay a FW down on them, and it will be doing more damage on them than it does now. This combined with epic monsters' HP being reduced and buffs to and lowered SP cost of many damage spells, nuking is back on the table in epic content and even better in normal content.
Arbitrary blanket immunities being removed means instant death spells can be used again - necromancy just got a lot more powerful as well. Now it should rival enchantment in usefulness. It'll even do more damage on a failed save.
Many spells that were previously useless have been increased in power. Power word kill will be able to deal with many otherwise difficult orange nameds, especially those without SR, or could be used to thin out the most dangerous monsters in a given encounter (like spellcasters). Circle of death is like a mass enervation/death effect. Who knows how the symbol spells have been buffed?
We even get a tiny mana regeneration effect.
Actually i believe wail of the banshee is going to get..... a cool down timer.... hope you have a high DC... .im sure someone has mentioned this by now though...