View Full Version : Update 38 Systems Preview

03-12-2018, 06:08 PM
Hello everyone!

We have just opened up Lamannia with the first preview of U38!

Here's a few relevant links to some relevant places:

(https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-3-12-18))Release Notes
(https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-3-12-18))Artificer Feedback Subforum
(https://www.ddo.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/279-Artificer-Changes)Druid Feedback Subforum (https://www.ddo.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/264-Druid-Changes)

03-12-2018, 06:16 PM
Just a note that the Release Notes are in a particular early "draft" state, so it is likely some of the numbers are inaccurate, some of the changes are not in this build, and there may be things in the build that are not reflected in the notes.

Also, Torc has a more-current writeup on Druid changes specific to this Lamannia build than what are in the notes: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/494786-Lammania-Druid-Update

03-12-2018, 06:28 PM
Fixed an issue where the wrong ambient sounds were playing in Eveningstar and Eveningstar Cavern.

this is the 2nd best thing in those notes! you don't even know how happy this would make me if this is really fixed.

03-12-2018, 07:32 PM
in short, in this update I will have many changes both on druid and arteficer...very good SSG, I'm curious for the new package of adventures...that...how do you talk about it would say that it is in the port...yet the "dragon worship" was not in the forgottenRealms? or did I miss something?

03-12-2018, 07:33 PM
Epic Destinies

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.
Grandmaster of Flowers: +10 Melee Power per Core
Shadowdancer: +10 Melee Power per Core
Fury of the Wild: +6 Melee Power per Core
Primal Avatar: +10 Melee Power per Core
Divine Crusader: +3 Melee Power per Core
Unyelding Sentinel: +5 Melee Power per Core
Legendary Dreadnaught: unchanged

In what world does it make any sense for the bard tree to have a higher melee power boost than the barbarian?

03-12-2018, 08:32 PM
In what world does it make any sense for the bard tree to have a higher melee power boost than the barbarian?

Any class can play in any destiny.

Those cores aren't the ONLY benefits granted by the tree.

03-12-2018, 08:46 PM
Epic Destinies

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.
Grandmaster of Flowers: +10 Melee Power per Core
Shadowdancer: +10 Melee Power per Core
Fury of the Wild: +6 Melee Power per Core
Primal Avatar: +10 Melee Power per Core
Divine Crusader: +3 Melee Power per Core
Unyelding Sentinel: +5 Melee Power per Core
Legendary Dreadnaught: unchanged

On behalf of all of us Melee Warlocks, please please consider giving some melee power to Shiradi Champion. Please? Pretty please?

03-12-2018, 08:57 PM
Epic Destinies

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.

In what world does it make any sense for the bard tree to have a higher melee power boost than the barbarian?

How many Warchanters and Swashbucklers do you see in Fatesinger instead of Legendary Dreadnought?

03-12-2018, 11:19 PM
Left my RM feedback.


03-13-2018, 12:43 AM
"Fixed a launcher issue that will correct some Direct X installation problems on Windows 10. The Direct X Web Installer is now installed along with the launcher."

So finally will cut down on all the new players esp Steam forums which only a few of us frequent (wrt to this issue, oh, plenty of others as well.)

03-13-2018, 03:31 AM
On behalf of all of us Melee Warlocks, please please consider giving some melee power to Shiradi Champion. Please? Pretty please?

Why would a melee warlock be in shiradi? it is far less than optimal compared to several other destinies.

03-13-2018, 07:26 AM
Why would a melee warlock be in shiradi? it is far less than optimal compared to several other destinies.

Rainbow/double rainbow. Although I don't think anyone can truly play a melee warlock. Attacking with weapons is beyond suboptimal on a warlock.

03-13-2018, 07:46 AM
Hello everyone!

We have just opened up Lamannia with the first preview of U38!

Here's a few relevant links to some relevant places:

(https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-3-12-18))Release Notes
(https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-3-12-18))Artificer Feedback Subforum
(https://www.ddo.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/279-Artificer-Changes)Druid Feedback Subforum (https://www.ddo.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/264-Druid-Changes)

No bug fix planned for this update? I mean, are you looking at Cyclonic Blast (no knockdown immunity while using Stand Against the Tide stance and/or Celestial Spirit - Core 5 from Enlightened Spirit tree) from wisps and Baba Lysaga in Baba's Hut.

03-13-2018, 07:58 AM
... snip...

Fixed a launcher issue that will correct some Direct X installation problems on Windows 10. The Direct X Web Installer is now installed along with the launcher.
Direct X Install has been added to the "Repair" tab. This can be found by opening Options from the menu then switching to the repair tab.
Corrected an issue so the Akamai SDK updates properly on a Mac installation.
A link to the Character Transfer Guide has been added to the transfer wizard in the launcher.
The DDO installation log path no longer includes a reference to Turbine.
An "Explore Log Folder" menu option has been added to the game launcher that will open the folder where the launcher and game client logs are placed.

Top quality QoL changes there!

03-13-2018, 08:26 AM
I mean, are you looking at Cyclonic Blast

Cyclonic Blast has tons of bugs and they have no intention on fixing them. From the limited dev response we've gotten:

- The few that acknowledge it's broken like that it is since it adds 'challenge'.

- Most of them flat out don't acknowledge that it's broken and act confused when you ask them about it on the livestream. Not gonna name names on this one.

- The one dev in the history of DDO that agreed it's bugged and they will take a look at it no longer works for them.

So yeah, don't hold your breath on them ever fixing the bugs with Cyclonic Blast.

03-13-2018, 10:43 AM
Epic Destinies

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.
Grandmaster of Flowers: +10 Melee Power per Core
Shadowdancer: +10 Melee Power per Core
Fury of the Wild: +6 Melee Power per Core
Primal Avatar: +10 Melee Power per Core
Divine Crusader: +3 Melee Power per Core
Unyelding Sentinel: +5 Melee Power per Core
Legendary Dreadnaught: unchanged

In what world does it make any sense for the bard tree to have a higher melee power boost than the barbarian?

Please add Ranged power to these destinies too, since you're taking away Vistani melee power to ranged attacks

03-13-2018, 10:57 AM
So just to clarify, new quests are not on Lam yet? Correct?

03-13-2018, 11:37 AM
So just to clarify, new quests are not on Lam yet? Correct?

Correct. The second preview for U38 is expected to highlight the new adventure pack.

03-13-2018, 12:57 PM
Why would a melee warlock be in shiradi? it is far less than optimal compared to several other destinies.

I usually like to play 2 rogue 3 bard (swashbuckler) 15 Warlock. Between blasts, bursts, and aura the Double Rainbow/Prism with Nerve Venom works really, really well, especially when using weapons with burst effects like Thunderforged and Meteor Gems. I have enough fate points to grab both Draconic Energy Burst and Sense Weakness, should I choose, but normally I just twist in the energy burst.

03-13-2018, 03:51 PM
Please add Ranged power to these destinies too, since you're taking away Vistani melee power to ranged attacks

Tell what you think is backwards in that sentence. Does that not sound broken to you? Yep, melee power applying to ranged attacks sounds broken to me.

03-13-2018, 03:54 PM
Melee Power:

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.
Grandmaster of Flowers: +10 Melee Power per Core
Shadowdancer: +10 Melee Power per Core
Fury of the Wild: +6 Melee Power per Core
Primal Avatar: +10 Melee Power per Core
Divine Crusader: +3 Melee Power per Core
Unyelding Sentinel: +5 Melee Power per Core
Legendary Dreadnaught: unchanged

That certainly looks like a quick fix for melee players in Epics.

What about a fix for the Heroic Levels. Will we have to wait a year or more for some balance there? The LFMs are dominated by "Life Grinders" in uber-blasting/casting mode. That does not leave much for heroic melees to do other than strike at empty air.

03-13-2018, 03:58 PM

The base damage of the Duality handwraps has been changed to 1d6+3. The base damage of other Ravenloft-era handwraps and collars is now 1d6+2.

I'd like to be the first to request a SALE on Filigree/Sentient Augment removers in the very near future! I have other toons that might be able to better use some filigrees that my Monk currently employs.

03-13-2018, 05:05 PM
Melee Power:

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.
Grandmaster of Flowers: +10 Melee Power per Core
Shadowdancer: +10 Melee Power per Core
Fury of the Wild: +6 Melee Power per Core
Primal Avatar: +10 Melee Power per Core
Divine Crusader: +3 Melee Power per Core
Unyelding Sentinel: +5 Melee Power per Core
Legendary Dreadnaught: unchanged

That certainly looks like a quick fix for melee players in Epics.

What about a fix for the Heroic Levels. Will we have to wait a year or more for some balance there? The LFMs are dominated by "Life Grinders" in uber-blasting/casting mode. That does not leave much for heroic melees to do other than strike at empty air.

This isn't really a boost for melees in the epic levels. See, Legendary dreadnaught is +88 Melee power in epics (+18 base from cores, and +70 from that blitz that people build to keep maxed all the time when it matters). LD also has lots of other good stuff (like +1 crit multiple on 19-20, 50% damage on helpless foes, plenty of buffs, etc).
Presently all the other destinies are seriously inferior from a mechanics perspective to LD. It's so much superior that even most classes the do ranged do LD. It's quite annoying because LD is a BAD quality of life destiny (it is a pain in the ass to keep blitz up the bajillion buffs) and a total no group support destiny.

After this change, Shadowdancer will be +60 vs the 88 of LD, making it PROBABLY about equal mechanically for melee rogue builds and possibly for dex based rangers who are equipped to use its 6 sneak attack dice to advantage. Shadowdancer is also a really good quality of life destiny.
Fatesinger might actually be used a fair bit by swashbucklers now (+60 vs +88 again).
GMOF might get used by monks more now, but I think monks are going to go into eclipse after this patch again. Typical builds of monk are getting like 35 less MP now.
Not sure about the new primal avatar, but +60 melee power might appeal to rangers and druids.
The unifying thread here is it used to be something like, compare +24 or so MP to getting +88 from LD, which made LD win pretty much every single time. Now it'll be comparing +60 to +88, which will admit a lot more trade-offs than before.

03-13-2018, 05:34 PM
Tell what you think is backwards in that sentence. Does that not sound broken to you? Yep, melee power applying to ranged attacks sounds broken to me.


03-13-2018, 05:53 PM
Epic Destinies

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.
Grandmaster of Flowers: +10 Melee Power per Core
Shadowdancer: +10 Melee Power per Core
Fury of the Wild: +6 Melee Power per Core
Primal Avatar: +10 Melee Power per Core
Divine Crusader: +3 Melee Power per Core
Unyelding Sentinel: +5 Melee Power per Core
Legendary Dreadnaught: unchanged

In what world does it make any sense for the bard tree to have a higher melee power boost than the barbarian?

It makes no sense at all to me either. Two destinies that are specifically for melee focused toons get the least amount of melee power. Legendary dreadnaught only gets +3 per core. I don't get it.

03-13-2018, 06:06 PM
It makes no sense at all to me either. Two destinies that are specifically for melee focused toons get the least amount of melee power. Legendary dreadnaught only gets +3 per core. I don't get it.

my theory is that it has to do with the amount of MP out of the 40 builds that Steelstar tested that they could get from enhancements, etc and in the EDs. I'm too lazy to do the math if that's true.

either that or to make off destinies suck less.

03-13-2018, 06:17 PM
It makes no sense at all to me either. Two destinies that are specifically for melee focused toons get the least amount of melee power. Legendary dreadnaught only gets +3 per core. I don't get it.

It makes sense. Dreadnaught and divine crusader have the most amount of melee power still. Ld has +82 potential and divine crusader has 68 potential plus doublestrike and spell power. Other trees. Now have 60 meaning they are still behind the others but maybe people will actually run in them. Melee power is almost everything these days. Melee power or go home.

03-13-2018, 06:56 PM
It makes no sense at all to me either. Two destinies that are specifically for melee focused toons get the least amount of melee power. Legendary dreadnaught only gets +3 per core. I don't get it.

end game is all about DPS, so if an ED won't be useless, you need to do DPS. You could argue other roles like tanking and CC are important, but there are so many non-ED ways to CC it's irrelevant, and tanking has a destiny called Unyielding Sentinel. So...

MP it is.

I am arguing we need RP in other destinies for the exact same reason, they are worthless today and would be slightly less worthless if they offered even sort of competitive DPS options.

03-13-2018, 09:36 PM
This isn't really a boost for melees in the epic levels. See, Legendary dreadnaught is +88 Melee power in epics (+18 base from cores, and +70 from that blitz that people build to keep maxed all the time when it matters). LD also has lots of other good stuff (like +1 crit multiple on 19-20, 50% damage on helpless foes, plenty of buffs, etc).
Presently all the other destinies are seriously inferior from a mechanics perspective to LD. It's so much superior that even most classes the do ranged do LD. It's quite annoying because LD is a BAD quality of life destiny (it is a pain in the ass to keep blitz up the bajillion buffs) and a total no group support destiny. ...

My choice terms may have been poor. By "quick fix", I was sort of implying a "band aid" instead of tourniquet. I suppose I am assuming that all this love going to casters is to provide a bench mark for rebalancing melee toons sometime next year. And maybe even ranged toons as well.

03-13-2018, 09:50 PM
Please add Ranged power to these destinies too, since you're taking away Vistani melee power to ranged attacks

Vistani Weapon Versatility now applies only to daggers and throwing daggers.

03-14-2018, 10:49 AM
Vistani Weapon Versatility now applies only to daggers and throwing daggers.

Was what I wrote unclear? Throwing daggers are not a viable strategy, so I'm asking for Ranged Power is destinies to make them more attractive versus LD or to a lesser degree, Fury.

03-14-2018, 12:02 PM
The same logic would seem to apply to ranged, but concern is probably that Shiradi and SD are already pretty good for throwers with their super high attack speed. It's at least a lot closer than it is for melee.

I would love to try something other than LD on my artificer. It's such a dull destiny for an otherwise interesting character. But I get that there are some ranged builds out there that are at the very top of the meta combining some of the highest DPS with ranged survivbility and they don't want to do anything that would buff those further.

03-14-2018, 01:29 PM
I also agree on ranged power in ED like shiradi, maybe also shadow dancer.

03-14-2018, 01:56 PM
Was what I wrote unclear? Throwing daggers are not a viable strategy, so I'm asking for Ranged Power is destinies to make them more attractive versus LD or to a lesser degree, Fury.

Throwing daggers are not viable because throwing weapons don't have a feat that provides parity to Shuriken Expertise. Don't try to skew the data for your personal goals there Mr. Shuriken-thrower. I agree to an extent that ranged power should be bumped slightly, the issue however is that bump benefits shurikens above all else and that is why there will be no bump.

Instead you should campaign for a throwing master/expertise whatever you wish to call the feat. That way throwing daggers become viable, as do any other niche throwing builds beyond shurikens.

That's just my two cents on the subject.

03-14-2018, 02:13 PM
Instead you should campaign for a throwing master/expertise whatever you wish to call the feat. That way throwing daggers become viable, as do any other niche throwing builds beyond shurikens.

there we go. <insert neon flashing lights>

03-14-2018, 04:18 PM
Henshin Mystic core Melee Power has been adjusted from (10/10/10/10/10/25) to (3/3/3/3/3/15) to bring it closer to other Enhancement trees.So you're still moving forward with your plan to hit your "lowest performing Monk build we tried" that is "almost certainly not the best THf build in practice" the hardest while nerfing your highest performing outlier Monk build the least?

03-14-2018, 05:26 PM
So you're still moving forward with your plan to hit your "lowest performing Monk build we tried" that is "almost certainly not the best THf build in practice" the hardest while nerfing your highest performing outlier Monk build the least?

We are still moving forward with the planned changes to bring the overall DPS of the Monk class closer to analogous builds in other classes, yes. Which does include Henshin Mystic.

We've been looking at feedback posts and Lamannia play + build data, talking through peoples' points and various edge cases. We've also been playing through content on Lamannia using specific builds and combinations that people have raised concerns about.

So far, the adjustments appear to be working as expected and bringing Melee Monks in their various forms closer to similar builds in other classes. While it's certainly still possible to make an underperforming Monk build (it was before these changes as well), everything we've seen so far suggests that Monk builds that are presently useful will continue to be so (Which, again, does include Henshin Mystic).

We'll be keeping an eye on further feedback on the Forums and (especially) in the remainder of U38 Lamannia Previews, and as we've stated before we intend to take a more focused look at Two Handed Fighting sometime after U38. We've discussed (and will continue discussing) various proposed alternatives (making HM's melee power staff-only, etc.). At the moment, though, we believe that our proposed changes are effective at bringing us closer to our overall goal of a better-balanced Melee ecosystem and are still planning on moving forward with them.

If people are interested in providing further focused feedback, we'd be most interested in seeing feedback from Lamannia play (now or in our second Preview coming soon) and in-depth comparisons of Henshin Mystic and Thief-Acrobat. (Ideally, Lamannia play feedback comparing those two, which would be the MOST useful, but that's a taller order. ;) )

03-14-2018, 08:02 PM
We are still moving forward with the planned changes to bring the overall DPS of the Monk class closer to analogous builds in other classes, yes. Which does include Henshin Mystic.

We've been looking at feedback posts and Lamannia play + build data, talking through peoples' points and various edge cases. We've also been playing through content on Lamannia using specific builds and combinations that people have raised concerns about.

So far, the adjustments appear to be working as expected and bringing Melee Monks in their various forms closer to similar builds in other classes. While it's certainly still possible to make an underperforming Monk build (it was before these changes as well), everything we've seen so far suggests that Monk builds that are presently useful will continue to be so (Which, again, does include Henshin Mystic).

We'll be keeping an eye on further feedback on the Forums and (especially) in the remainder of U38 Lamannia Previews, and as we've stated before we intend to take a more focused look at Two Handed Fighting sometime after U38. We've discussed (and will continue discussing) various proposed alternatives (making HM's melee power staff-only, etc.). At the moment, though, we believe that our proposed changes are effective at bringing us closer to our overall goal of a better-balanced Melee ecosystem and are still planning on moving forward with them.

If people are interested in providing further focused feedback, we'd be most interested in seeing feedback from Lamannia play (now or in our second Preview coming soon) and in-depth comparisons of Henshin Mystic and Thief-Acrobat. (Ideally, Lamannia play feedback comparing those two, which would be the MOST useful, but that's a taller order. ;) )

I would love to, however the one character I have built to be used for test cannot be copied to lamannia. I used that character on the main server weekly or daily. But the last two or three times Lamannia was up, the character Toy wasn't available.

03-15-2018, 04:44 AM
I would love to, however the one character I have built to be used for test cannot be copied to lamannia. I used that character on the main server weekly or daily. But the last two or three times Lamannia was up, the character Toy wasn't available.

That might be because Toy is leader of a guild? Pass it over to an alt and Toy will then show up. I have this problem with my toon that is guild leader.

03-15-2018, 07:16 AM
We are still moving forward with the planned changes to bring the overall DPS of the Monk class closer to analogous builds in other classes, yes. Which does include Henshin Mystic.

We've been looking at feedback posts and Lamannia play + build data, talking through peoples' points and various edge cases. We've also been playing through content on Lamannia using specific builds and combinations that people have raised concerns about.

So far, the adjustments appear to be working as expected and bringing Melee Monks in their various forms closer to similar builds in other classes. While it's certainly still possible to make an underperforming Monk build (it was before these changes as well), everything we've seen so far suggests that Monk builds that are presently useful will continue to be so (Which, again, does include Henshin Mystic).

We'll be keeping an eye on further feedback on the Forums and (especially) in the remainder of U38 Lamannia Previews, and as we've stated before we intend to take a more focused look at Two Handed Fighting sometime after U38. We've discussed (and will continue discussing) various proposed alternatives (making HM's melee power staff-only, etc.). At the moment, though, we believe that our proposed changes are effective at bringing us closer to our overall goal of a better-balanced Melee ecosystem and are still planning on moving forward with them.

If people are interested in providing further focused feedback, we'd be most interested in seeing feedback from Lamannia play (now or in our second Preview coming soon) and in-depth comparisons of Henshin Mystic and Thief-Acrobat. (Ideally, Lamannia play feedback comparing those two, which would be the MOST useful, but that's a taller order. ;) )
If I could instal & run the Lama client on my Mac natively I would. As is, that doesn't work out so well so I'll have to just wait and see how this all shakes out.

That said, it just doesn't make sense to me that the Handwrap outlier way-to-good performing build keeps the +Ws & all 25 of it's Capstone's Melee Power; while your worst Monk build needs it's Capestone's Melee Power halved. It's not just that I enjoy stick builds, nor that I have a thing against Handwrap builds (love 'em actually) that's got me buggered here. It's that the whole line of reasoning + baseline test results don't lead me to the conclusion that Henshin needs more/harder nerfs than Shintao. Just can't see a way to make sense of that.

(Though my stick build loving self is extra annoyed that with any reduction in stick DPS there's a consummate increase in how fast a Quarterstaff gets whittled down on /quest basis. Mobs take even longer to kill, sticks ware down just as fast. But as long as it's balanced, right?)

03-15-2018, 09:23 AM
That might be because Toy is leader of a guild? Pass it over to an alt and Toy will then show up. I have this problem with my toon that is guild leader.

****, you are right! LOL I will file that as a bug.

03-15-2018, 09:28 AM
Instead you should campaign for a throwing master/expertise whatever you wish to call the feat. That way throwing daggers become viable, as do any other niche throwing builds beyond shurikens.

I do like this idea- one of my past suggestions...

Brutal Throw
Usage: Passive
Prerequisite: +1 Base Attack Bonus,
You can use your Strength bonus instead of Dexterity bonus to determine bonus to attack with Thrown weapons if it is higher.
For non-shuriken throwing weapons - knock down targets hit on a natural 20 + confirmation for 6 seconds without a saving throw (same as great Crossbow).
For non-shuriken throwing weapons - +1W

03-15-2018, 09:35 AM
So you're still moving forward with your plan to hit your "lowest performing Monk build we tried" that is "almost certainly not the best THf build in practice" the hardest while nerfing your highest performing outlier Monk build the least?Its called the "nerf-buff-nerf syndrome. When monks ffirst came out, quivering palm worked wonders, then came the nerf. Fast forward many years later and in come the buffs to melee power in the H- core. Now, apparently some people started whining about monks doing well again, so here come the nerfs.... a way of life here in DDO

03-15-2018, 10:44 AM
Stick builds are getting the proverbial shaft withe the MP nerf. handwraps will be fine. I play a handwrap build, but honestly, I don't believe will not see too much change.

The funny thing is, I tend to miss out on the over-powered monks, so I am naive to this. I took a few months off and I didn't buy RL when it came out initially, but when I came back, I realized that the new wraps were OP. There is a huge improvement even from the free RL morningtords over the epic scraps I used to run with. I will never have duality before it is nerfed, so I am not missing anything. That said, I do agree Henshin is getting the shaft. To me, its BAU. I enter a quest, I stun everything with Dire Charge, I hit stunning fist, quivering palm, tomb of jade, and attack repeatedly, and I tend to do very well with kills. I run in GMOF usually, so once I hit 25 on the counter, I hit EIN with a large mob...I am usually middle of the pack in kills...never too far behind the leader. I help the party win...this is a team game as far as I am concerned.

I really don't expect too much drop off as GMOF will get a boost in MP. In some cases I have the most kills(see slave lords), but this "nerf" will not affect my play-style. In fact, once I get the nerfed Duality, I will be more powerful that I am currently, but that's it. That's endgame for me. I may take another break after this update to let things sort themselves out, but first, I need a few more strahd runes:)


03-15-2018, 02:20 PM
Throwing daggers are not viable because throwing weapons don't have a feat that provides parity to Shuriken Expertise. Don't try to skew the data for your personal goals there Mr. Shuriken-thrower. I agree to an extent that ranged power should be bumped slightly, the issue however is that bump benefits shurikens above all else and that is why there will be no bump.

Instead you should campaign for a throwing master/expertise whatever you wish to call the feat. That way throwing daggers become viable, as do any other niche throwing builds beyond shurikens.

That's just my two cents on the subject.

You must be new here.

I've been asking for a throwing expertise feat on these forums since you were in diapers.

03-15-2018, 06:10 PM
Melee Power:

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.
Grandmaster of Flowers: +10 Melee Power per Core
Shadowdancer: +10 Melee Power per Core
Fury of the Wild: +6 Melee Power per Core
Primal Avatar: +10 Melee Power per Core
Divine Crusader: +3 Melee Power per Core
Unyelding Sentinel: +5 Melee Power per Core
Legendary Dreadnaught: unchanged

Please consider bumping Legendary Dreadnaught up from 3 Melee Power to at lest 5 or 6. I love that SSG is finally giving some love to melee characters, but why not make it universal instead of having LD lose ground to all of the other destinies by leaving it unchanged? The premise was most likely that LD receives enough Melee Power from blitzing, but please keep in mind that this will create imbalances between melee characters. LD is all about Melee Power, but now a rogue in Shadowdancer with great DPS via assassinate and execute can also get an extra 50 MP that is on all of the time while the fighter in LD stays pat? A fighter in LD gets 15 Melee Power from core abilities, and possibly 70 from Blitzing if he can keep blitz at max - which is almost impossible to do with Warlocks in the group (and when aren't there?)

03-15-2018, 08:23 PM
So with the reduced MP in henshin, it seems to more or less preculde any staff wielding monk multiclass build that isn't taking 18 or 20 levels of monk in terms of build viability. The loss of build diversity (for staves in particular) is concerning as it is a nice feature that few mmo's can boast of. Was there a reason you did not wish to retain the prior core MP values but make them specific to staves, with reduced values for non staff weapons?

03-15-2018, 08:41 PM
Please consider bumping Legendary Dreadnaught up from 3 Melee Power to at lest 5 or 6. I love that SSG is finally giving some love to melee characters, but why not make it universal instead of having LD lose ground to all of the other destinies by leaving it unchanged? The premise was most likely that LD receives enough Melee Power from blitzing, but please keep in mind that this will create imbalances between melee characters. LD is all about Melee Power, but now a rogue in Shadowdancer with great DPS via assassinate and execute can also get an extra 50 MP that is on all of the time while the fighter in LD stays pat? A fighter in LD gets 15 Melee Power from core abilities, and possibly 70 from Blitzing if he can keep blitz at max - which is almost impossible to do with Warlocks in the group (and when aren't there?)

sure, only if they nerf blitz tho. LD still has maximum potential melee power and many other good melee buffs.

03-15-2018, 09:46 PM
Please consider bumping Legendary Dreadnaught up from 3 Melee Power to at lest 5 or 6. I love that SSG is finally giving some love to melee characters, but why not make it universal instead of having LD lose ground to all of the other destinies by leaving it unchanged? The premise was most likely that LD receives enough Melee Power from blitzing, but please keep in mind that this will create imbalances between melee characters. LD is all about Melee Power, but now a rogue in Shadowdancer with great DPS via assassinate and execute can also get an extra 50 MP that is on all of the time while the fighter in LD stays pat? A fighter in LD gets 15 Melee Power from core abilities, and possibly 70 from Blitzing if he can keep blitz at max - which is almost impossible to do with Warlocks in the group (and when aren't there?)

LD has a lot going for it which is why it's the most popular destiny for both ranged and melee. That popularity is also why everyone wants it buffed.

LD gets 100% action boost up time (now with no delay!), 50% helpless damage, and crit bonuses in addition to having the most melee power.

The one thing that LD needs to stop having blitz removed on zoning. That's obnoxious.

03-15-2018, 09:59 PM
We have just opened up Lamannia with the first preview of U38!

Any plans on fixing the filigree that are still broken, such as Purity for example (disease immunity still non-operational), since Barovia was supposed to be a major thing?

03-16-2018, 04:19 AM
Not sure if this is the proper place to make the suggestion, but given the bleed through with the systems changes in general. Might I make a suggestion for new Legendary feats?

Scion of Shavarath:
You gain +2 Healing Hands charges if you are an Aasimar.
Add 2d20 Evil damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)
Gain; Blade Barrier SLA.

Scion of Irian:
You gain +2 Healing Hands charges if you are an Aasimar.
Add 1d20 Light damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)
Melee, ranged, and offensive spell damage have a chance to proc a burst of blinding light. (Similar to Brazen Brilliance on Echo of The Sunsword.)

Scion of Lamannia:
You gain +1W when in a wildshape form.
Druid Mantle spells are doubled in effect.
Melee, ranged, and offensive spell damage deal 1d10 random elemental damage and have a chance to proc an AoE burst of random elemental damage. (Scales with the appropriate Spell Power)

Additionally a level 24 Master feat for Shapeshifting would be nice as well.

Master of Wildshapes:
You gain +1W when in a wildshape form.
If you are in a bear form; gain the effects of +20 PRR and MRR, +10 natural armor, and +15 melee power.
If you are in a wolf form; gain the effects of +2 sneak attack die, +10 reflex saves, and improved deception effect on attacks.

03-16-2018, 05:25 AM
Scion of Shavarath:
Scion of Irian:
Scion of Lamannia:

Don't be silly.
The Scion feats are all named after planes from the Greyhawk setting, not Eberron or FR planes.

03-16-2018, 05:59 AM
Don't be silly.
The Scion feats are all named after planes from the Greyhawk setting, not Eberron or FR planes.

I can't tell if you're being silly, if I'm not making that connection, or what.

That being said; Shadowfell and Feywild are both present in Eberron and Faerun.

The entire point of the proposed feats were to add flavor and bonuses associated with those Planes of Eberron. They add gaps in the power structure as is (AKA: druids) and give a new place for Aasimar Healing Hands, which the devs have mentioned adding ways to add to that ability with time. Shavarath is definitely the most appropriate place to put a Blade Barrier SLA for anyone to use, slap on the evil or perhaps slashing damage proc and boom. You've got a thematic fit for all of the sources.

Edit: I actually looked it up. They seem to be named as a mix of Planes from the various worlds and settings of 3.5E.

Double Edit: For reference..
Greyhawk: Arborea, Celestia, Elysium, Mechanus, and Limbo.
Faerun/FR: Astral, Shadowfell, Feywild and Elemental Planes.
Eberron: Technically none. Mabar and Shadowfell are coterminous during Night Revels. And Thelanis is a form/splinter of the Feywilds.

03-16-2018, 10:52 AM
Thank you all for coming out to the first U38 Preview! We are working towards putting out a second preview which will include changes to Druid and Artificer based on feedback here as well as both the new adventure pack and named loot coming in U38. We expect this second preview to be coming be going live in the week of the 27th-29th but that could change based on schedule interruptions (Who knows, maybe we'll have 5 more storms that bring 2 feet of snow and 50 mph winds between now and then :p)

03-16-2018, 05:26 PM
Throwing daggers are not viable because throwing weapons don't have a feat that provides parity to Shuriken Expertise. Don't try to skew the data for your personal goals there Mr. Shuriken-thrower. I agree to an extent that ranged power should be bumped slightly, the issue however is that bump benefits shurikens above all else and that is why there will be no bump.

Instead you should campaign for a throwing master/expertise whatever you wish to call the feat. That way throwing daggers become viable, as do any other niche throwing builds beyond shurikens.

That's just my two cents on the subject.

i think weapon versatility benefits all ranged chars and the changes crash this, whit te update there are a unbalance between MP and RP. MOre RP to all EDs may balance the choice os the ranged chars (all archer is fury and all monk is legenday)

03-17-2018, 11:50 PM
Thank you all for coming out to the first U38 Preview! We are working towards putting out a second preview which will include changes to Druid and Artificer based on feedback here as well as both the new adventure pack and named loot coming in U38. We expect this second preview to be coming be going live in the week of the 27th-29th but that could change based on schedule interruptions (Who knows, maybe we'll have 5 more storms that bring 2 feet of snow and 50 mph winds between now and then :p)

What are you saying? with how bad snow storms are in boston will give us more preview time?

03-18-2018, 12:24 PM
We are still moving forward with the planned changes to bring the overall DPS of the Monk class closer to analogous builds in other classes, yes. Which does include Henshin Mystic.

So far, the adjustments appear to be working as expected and bringing Melee Monks in their various forms closer to similar builds in other classes. While it's certainly still possible to make an underperforming Monk build (it was before these changes as well), everything we've seen so far suggests that Monk builds that are presently useful will continue to be so (Which, again, does include Henshin Mystic).

Steel, this honestly sounds like you're saying stick builds were underperforming before the changes and will continue to be underperforming after the changes, so the devs aren't really concerned.

03-18-2018, 01:07 PM
Steel, this honestly sounds like you're saying stick builds were underperforming before the changes and will continue to be underperforming after the changes, so the devs aren't really concerned.

I can confirm that that's not what I'm saying.

03-18-2018, 04:24 PM
I can confirm that that's not what I'm saying.

Are you saying that stick builds are better than people are claiming, and the changes simply keep the same power curve in relation to handwraps builds? For example:

Current power levels -
Handwraps Monks>>>Stick Monks>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Most Other DPS>>>THF Builds

New power levels -
Handwraps Monks>=Most Other DPS>>>Stick Monks>=THF Builds

If you keep the Henshin MP for Qstaffs only, then when you make adjustments to THF in general later on to bring them up to par, Henshin stick builds will get pushed too far ahead?

03-19-2018, 01:10 AM
I can confirm that that's not what I'm saying.

Something that's been bothering me here. Where's the Warpriest changes? They didn't make it with domains, despite a few discussions on the PC forums. Now granted I'm no longer on the PC to see anything else, but is there going to be any news or smaller changes (Such as making Divine Might a divine bonus so it stacks) in the meanwhile?

I'm kind of curious if Warpriest got set on the backburner while you all chip away at a third FVS tree. Which is kind of disappointing as both Clerics and FVS could use the Warpriest/War Soul changes now before we get to this melee pass you're talking about.

03-20-2018, 01:43 PM
Something that's been bothering me here. Where's the Warpriest changes? They didn't make it with domains, despite a few discussions on the PC forums. Now granted I'm no longer on the PC to see anything else, but is there going to be any news or smaller changes (Such as making Divine Might a divine bonus so it stacks) in the meanwhile?

I'm kind of curious if Warpriest got set on the backburner while you all chip away at a third FVS tree. Which is kind of disappointing as both Clerics and FVS could use the Warpriest/War Soul changes now before we get to this melee pass you're talking about.

The divine enhancement pass (and 3rd FVS tree) are on the books as the next enhancement system to update after druid/arty. It was originally before, but the class changes they made sort of disrupted where they were originally going. I'm too lazy to find that dev post but they are next. Probably with the WhitePlume content release in Q3?

03-21-2018, 02:23 AM
So with the reduced MP in henshin, it seems to more or less preculde any staff wielding monk multiclass build that isn't taking 18 or 20 levels of monk in terms of build viability. The loss of build diversity (for staves in particular) is concerning as it is a nice feature that few mmo's can boast of. Was there a reason you did not wish to retain the prior core MP values but make them specific to staves, with reduced values for non staff weapons?

I would guess their testing involves more levels than just cap. Things like 6 fighter/6 monk maintaining 70 melee power from enhancements, with a SoS, at level 12, with crit range/multiplier and fire stance multiplier. Or things like 6 monk/6 rogue maintaining 40 melee power from enhancements, with an elemental bloom, with crit range, fire stance multiplier, crit multiplier, attack speed, and double strike.

Maybe they wanted to balance those against a 12 ravager barbarian able to maintain 0 melee power from enhancements, with only crit range, 0 multiplier, 0 fire stance multiplier, 0 attack speed, and 0 double strike. The ~0 that is ravager is pretty awful in heroics.

Maybe they want to tweak the overall game once both are closer together?

03-21-2018, 07:53 AM
Something I thought of in passing; why doesn't the Sentient Filigree on-hit weapon procs scale with melee/ranged power? When the system was first proposed and I suggested the damage effects, I sort of hastily agreed to the damage die progression because frankly I was willing to take anything I could get. But now that I've actually had time to farm out some Filigree's and slot a set on my sentient weapon I find the damage is atrocious, especially when sitting at level 30. Is there any chance this can scale with melee power? Even 50% would be an improvement, though I think 100-150% would round it out nicely.

03-21-2018, 07:44 PM
Hello everyone!

We have just opened up Lamannia with the first preview of U38!

Here's a few relevant links to some relevant places:

(https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-3-12-18))Release Notes
(https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-3-12-18))Artificer Feedback Subforum
(https://www.ddo.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/279-Artificer-Changes)Druid Feedback Subforum (https://www.ddo.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/264-Druid-Changes)

So why are you toning down the melee power in the henshin mystic tree? Melee builds already struggle enough to stay alive from not being 1 Shot in high end reaper so why take away our damage when we need it to be viable. Now i will be losing out on some dps that could have kept me alive before getting 1 hit or 2 hit. tisk tisk just making more players focus range builds over creating a better diversity that is already tilted towards the range play style.

03-21-2018, 08:00 PM
I would guess their testing involves more levels than just cap. Things like 6 fighter/6 monk maintaining 70 melee power from enhancements, with a SoS, at level 12, with crit range/multiplier and fire stance multiplier. Or things like 6 monk/6 rogue maintaining 40 melee power from enhancements, with an elemental bloom, with crit range, fire stance multiplier, crit multiplier, attack speed, and double strike.

Maybe they wanted to balance those against a 12 ravager barbarian able to maintain 0 melee power from enhancements, with only crit range, 0 multiplier, 0 fire stance multiplier, 0 attack speed, and 0 double strike. The ~0 that is ravager is pretty awful in heroics.

Maybe they want to tweak the overall game once both are closer together?

I could see your break down here to be understanding but ddo is more Epic gaming than heroic lvling when it comes to loot and difficulty. So it does stop the diversity of any multiclass characters later in their epic lvls. Yes they can be seen as strong heroicly but no one stays at lvl 12 vs staying at lvl 30 where that huge impact in melee power reduction is affecting the most.

03-21-2018, 08:13 PM
Are you saying that stick builds are better than people are claiming, and the changes simply keep the same power curve in relation to handwraps builds? For example:

Current power levels -
Handwraps Monks>>>Stick Monks>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Most Other DPS>>>THF Builds

New power levels -
Handwraps Monks>=Most Other DPS>>>Stick Monks>=THF Builds

If you keep the Henshin MP for Qstaffs only, then when you make adjustments to THF in general later on to bring them up to par, Henshin stick builds will get pushed too far ahead?

I think what is being said here is the multiclass fighter THF builds using henshin mystic tree for their extra MP is being focused to bring them down to a fair playing field to regular wrap builds or pure barb/other melee builds that are using the monk fighter multiclass build. In my opinion the diversity is there and one of the best dps builds ive seen melee wise is a pure lvl 20 fighter using THF feats. DDO has always targeted melee builds and this is just another way for them to do so furthering the gap between range and melee diversity where range again get another step.

03-22-2018, 12:53 PM
Not sure if this is the proper place to make the suggestion, but given the bleed through with the systems changes in general. Might I make a suggestion for new Legendary feats?

Scion of Shavarath:
You gain +2 Healing Hands charges if you are an Aasimar.
Add 2d20 Evil damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)
Gain; Blade Barrier SLA.

Scion of Irian:
You gain +2 Healing Hands charges if you are an Aasimar.
Add 1d20 Light damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)
Melee, ranged, and offensive spell damage have a chance to proc a burst of blinding light. (Similar to Brazen Brilliance on Echo of The Sunsword.)

Scion of Lamannia:
You gain +1W when in a wildshape form.
Druid Mantle spells are doubled in effect.
Melee, ranged, and offensive spell damage deal 1d10 random elemental damage and have a chance to proc an AoE burst of random elemental damage. (Scales with the appropriate Spell Power)

Additionally a level 24 Master feat for Shapeshifting would be nice as well.

Master of Wildshapes:
You gain +1W when in a wildshape form.
If you are in a bear form; gain the effects of +20 PRR and MRR, +10 natural armor, and +15 melee power.
If you are in a wolf form; gain the effects of +2 sneak attack die, +10 reflex saves, and improved deception effect on attacks.

Personally, I want a form of vampirism that scales with repair amplification...... Scion Of Shadowfell does not........ nor does any other form of vampirism scale with such....

03-22-2018, 01:47 PM
Epic Destinies

The Melee Power in the Cores of each Epic Destiny have been adjusted to give an overall boost to melee in Epics:
Fatesinger: +10 Melee Power per Core.
Grandmaster of Flowers: +10 Melee Power per Core
Shadowdancer: +10 Melee Power per Core
Fury of the Wild: +6 Melee Power per Core
Primal Avatar: +10 Melee Power per Core
Divine Crusader: +3 Melee Power per Core
Unyelding Sentinel: +5 Melee Power per Core
Legendary Dreadnaught: unchanged

In what world does it make any sense for the bard tree to have a higher melee power boost than the barbarian?

And where is the ranged power????