View Full Version : Early Look - Cleric Domains

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08-17-2017, 07:58 AM
Personally, I'd like to see the original tabletop version with the spells rather than SLAs. But ultimately what we have is the best way to translate domains like War into DDO. As spells for War domain are mostly in our spellbooks already and aren't exactly good spells.

You were supposed to get an additional domain spell slot (like you get with Spontaneous casting). So it doesn't matter if the domain spell is from cleric spellbook or not, it goes only into that special spell slot.

I suppose SLAs may be a nice way to simulate such slot. And such SLA could also get additional perks such as no materials needed and/or reduced SP cost/cooldown.

But the problem of such SLA approach is that you can then have 2 same spells (SLA and regular spell), overriding the spell cooldown completely and possibly causing unwanted DPS overcharge.

But that can be avoided by careful implementation of Domain spells so it is not a big deal.

Domains should have just been additional SLAs, maybe with very minor one non-SLA benefit per Domain on level 1, but with 2 domains chosen at level 1, as the ruleset demands.

2 domains could have been simulated by choosing 2 domains at level 1 and then a domain spell could be choosen as an SLA feat on level up between two domain SLA choices.

It can still be done like that even with this proposal, just give players a choice for one SLA between two chosen domain SLAs at certain levels.

Non SLA benefits like huge DC boosts and spellpower changes are just too much and will no doubt cause OP builds. +4 Necro DC is outrageous. So they should be replaced with SLAs

Domains shouldn't be a way around a cleric tree pass.

08-17-2017, 10:51 AM
You were supposed to get an additional domain spell slot (like you get with Spontaneous casting). So it doesn't matter if the domain spell is from cleric spellbook or not, it goes only into that special spell slot.
The domain cleric really should get a first level spell appropriate to their domain type at level 1 or 2. A high level spell at level 20 would be great as well. And really DDO should try to sync the domains with the "master of' feats.

I suppose SLAs may be a nice way to simulate such slot. And such SLA could also get additional perks such as no materials needed and/or reduced SP cost/cooldown.
The primary advantage of SLAs is the ability to use metamagics for free. No other perks are really needed.

But the problem of such SLA approach is that you can then have 2 same spells (SLA and regular spell), overriding the spell cooldown completely and possibly causing unwanted DPS overcharge.
That's pretty much how my favored soul and archmage wizard work now. heavily metamagiced SLAs and non-metad quick cast spells at the front of the hot bar. Heavily metamagiced normal spells at the end of the hot bar for special occasions ( as they are too expensive for constant casting ). I'm pretty sure that's how most sorcerers and divine disciple clerics work as well.

This isn't so much about giving the cleric DPS overcharge as giving him the chance to join the other DPS casters. "Hey Domain cleric! Come on over and join us in the pool. The water's nice."

Domains should have just been additional SLAs, maybe with very minor one non-SLA benefit per Domain on level 1, but with 2 domains chosen at level 1, as the ruleset demands.

2 domains could have been simulated by choosing 2 domains at level 1 and then a domain spell could be choosen as an SLA feat on level up between two domain SLA choices.
Sort of. For spell casting domains that might make sense depending if DDO even has enough spells that match that domain type [ not counting summoning ( because its weak until DDO figures out how to balance summon strength and difficulty level ) or long duration cleric spells ( because it gives no tangible benefit ) ] But for weapon-centered clerics who use magic only for buffs and healing not so much. Looking at the 4 "melee" types I'd say none of them qualify as over-powered ( now that war got nerfed ) so I see no issues there.

Non SLA benefits like huge DC boosts and spellpower changes are just too much and will no doubt cause OP builds. +4 Necro DC is outrageous. So they should be replaced with SLAs
Agreed. Increasing DCs will simply add to the issue of DC power creep. Though I do like the concept of a benefit that is slowly increased every cleric level or every few cleric levels. ( rather then a straight +1 caster level at level 1 )

Domains shouldn't be a way around a cleric tree pass.
Isn't that coming as well? I'm kind of hoping they make some effort to address domains in the enhancement trees. Even something simple like changing the core enhancements from (+5 fire +5 light ) to ( +5 fire +5 light +5 domain spell type if applicable )

08-19-2017, 03:58 AM
i wonder if you will also revise enhancement tress of the divine class

08-19-2017, 05:29 PM
I'm now imagining a War Domain 18 Cleric/2 Monk dwarf party healer/tactic build.

Heal, heal, heal, dire charge, stunning fist, heal, heal, buff, stunning fist. Quick calc shows a potential 117dc Dire from that build. Thinking though, you'd probably never hit doing it.

I'd be much more likely though to make an earth domain so I can double up on BB and Earthquake.

But, I'm most definitely curious in just adding 5 cleric to a build just for the free displace sla. At 5 cleric you also get cure serious, which is a massive bonus to this idea imo. Imagining a 12 monk 5-6 cleric 2-3 xx build. It could actually be added to quite a few builds.

Another option is Strength domain 12 Fighter 6 Cleric 2 Monk, but I feel like 6 monk is far better here just because of shadow veil. Makes for an interesting Sylvanus style build though.

08-21-2017, 07:10 AM
Coming to the thread late, so apologies if this was already addressed and I missed it. But I don't see why domains are being added as a ton of class-specific feats rather than by revising the Divine Disciple* tree. Make it like Archmage, wherein you pick light or dark path at lvl 1 and your domain at lvl 3 with the core enhancements; all of your domain SLAs or other bonuses are granted by the 6/12/18 cores.

From the FvS post:

We are working on a Divine pass, but for this pass instead of solely focusing on class trees we wanted to update the base classes.
My bolds for emphasis.

Apparently applying changes to the core class is easier than an enhancement tree pass.

I think that they had great success with the small U30 pass on Arcanotechnician and then the small U36 pass on Battle Engineer. Both were incremental rather than transformational and did not establish a new power bar, but instead tried (and succeeded imo) to bring Artificers up a bit in the meta. But in the BE pass they also made changes to the core class, and that seems to have informed their methodology for the Cleric and FvS changes.

08-21-2017, 11:47 AM
About lore:

Animal domain: clerics with this domain are nature lovers. Turn undead should or charm animals or work in aberrations. Destroy animals should be an anathema for a nature cleric.

Elemental domains: the turn undead should work in elementals of the opposite element

Chaos domain: should be more as a mini-shiradi random proc (or colors proc) More about randomness

Death Domain: once more, this domain is about creating undeads, not destroying undeads. Turn undead should charm (command) undeads, not destroy them

Sun domain: This is where the extra bonuses to turn undead should go. Although they should not be very large, you should not link the efficiency of this core cleric option to a single domain, but to the radiant servant prestige (which is based on that by lore)

Luck Domain: a healing spell or a free raise when you die is thematically appropriate. You are lucky!

Why Magic Domain doesn't have generic DCs increases? Magic is about efficiency of all magic, not only blasting. That domain should be DC efficiency, improved metamagic, better casting etc.

Devs: design the domains less about number inflation, more about fun aptitudes (as randomness in chaos domain, for example) thematically appropiate

About number balance:

These domains are better than the 5 feats of wizards. They have better SLAs than sorc has in his prestiges. For example: Level 14 in Knowledge domain: You gain +4 Spell Penetration. You gain +2 to the DC of all spells. +4 spell penetration is the same to 2 feats of spell penetration. +2 DC to ALL schools is better than 5 feats invested in school focus feats (+1 to ONE school each). How many feats does this ability equate?

Seriously… smaller bonuses are more appropriate, and if is need more would be added in the enhancements. Or are you going to give specializations to the wizzie, and bloodlines (aka pathfinder bloodlines) to the sorcerer? It is not convenient to have too many differences in DC, penetration and spell power within clerics with different domains, and with fvs. They should be small differences. You are repeating the same mistakes again and again.

Add earthquake to the fvs/cleric spell list. And align weapon. They are iconic divine spells.

08-21-2017, 12:00 PM
From the FvS post:

My bolds for emphasis.

Apparently applying changes to the core class is easier than an enhancement tree pass.

I think that they had great success with the small U30 pass on Arcanotechnician and then the small U36 pass on Battle Engineer. Both were incremental rather than transformational and did not establish a new power bar, but instead tried (and succeeded imo) to bring Artificers up a bit in the meta. But in the BE pass they also made changes to the core class, and that seems to have informed their methodology for the Cleric and FvS changes.

I'm not sure where you get "applying changes to the core class is easier" from in your quoted segment. Maybe it is just a better fit from a functional perspective. Changes to the core class have a different impact on trade off and power balance as well as the availability to/impact on multi-classing than changes to the enhancement trees.

Why assume their decision was based on what was "easier" for them vs. what was more comprehensive or a "better" design/result. Which may or may not have been more work for them.

08-24-2017, 08:49 AM
I confess that I have not read all 13 pages of comments, so please forgive me if I am not the first to express these ideas.

First off, I agree that clerics need a boost to keep up with the other classes. However, I think there is a strong danger of them becoming OP, rendering most other classes obsolete. For example:

- Clerics may make better evokers than sorcerers, with an extra +4 DC (not counting Divine Disciple bonuses); dual spell power focus; and phenomenally powerful SLAs like Firestorm and Sunburst, in contrast to sorcerer SLAs like Fireball and Lightning Bolt.

- Clerics may make better crowd control than wizards, druids or bards, with +4 DC and SLAs like Blade Barrier and Earthquake.

- A War Domain, Warpriest Cleric may make a better melee fighter than warrior classes, let alone Favored Soul, with full BAB (from Warpriest); +6 Strength (from Warpriest); +6 damage; and proficiency with all exotic weapons, which not even Fighters get. (At least they no longer have the base damage boost.) To make them more on a par with FS, I'd get rid of the +6 damage and exotic weapon proficiencies, and instead give them parity with Favored Soul using their deity's favored weapon.


08-25-2017, 03:15 AM
These are mostly way too OP

A lot of the SLAs given being given are way too strong to be SLAs. The elemental ones are stronger than what Savants get (without spending AP either!!)

The Domains that give +4 DCs arr also excessive. +1 or maybe +2 would be more sensible

Please just limit this to adding a few extra spells to the regular spellbook and the Turn undead boosts. The currently proposal makes a perfectly fine class OP and devalues other casters, especially Sorcerors. Then people get a little more flexibility and role play options without breaking balance

08-25-2017, 08:32 AM
- A War Domain, Warpriest Cleric may make a better melee fighter than warrior classes, let alone Favored Soul, with full BAB (from Warpriest); +6 Strength (from Warpriest); +6 damage; and proficiency with all exotic weapons, which not even Fighters get. (At least they no longer have the base damage boost.) To make them more on a par with FS, I'd get rid of the +6 damage and exotic weapon proficiencies, and instead give them parity with Favored Soul using their deity's favored weapon.

I agree on the DC bonuses. But war domain better than warrior classes? Quick compare

11 extra fighting feats including several the cleric can't get. ( including up to +20 tactical DC )
Kensei: +10 damage (+ focus ) +40-60 melee power +1 crit range and multiplier
Stalwart: good PRR and MRR bonuses ( early ) +3 damage +6 Str, Con ( stacking ) bonus hp
Vanguard: eventually significant shield damage. +5 damage +10 melee power

War Domain Cleric:
+6 damage
free exotic proficiency ( really what character actually uses two exotic weapons? )
+10 Tactical DC
Holy Sword spell ( +1 crit range and multiplier )
from Warpriest: +6 Strength ( non-stackable with basic strength enhancing items )
from Warpriest: +4 favored weapon damage ( which generally isn't exotic )

Yeah the fighter class isn't shaking in its boots as the pure cleric melee still isn't near its league. Tier 5 of warpriest is so lacking I'm tempted to recommend Tier 5 Radiant servant instead. At least that way your constant self-healing will make up for some of your weaker defensive and offensive capabilities.

The real power though would be in the war domain cleric / fighter multi-class. Like most of the melee domain types, it really looks like it was designed not for the cleric but for the cleric-multiclass. ( in this case fighter )

08-25-2017, 06:39 PM
I agree on the DC bonuses. But war domain better than warrior classes? Quick compare

11 extra fighting feats including several the cleric can't get. ( including up to +20 tactical DC )
Kensei: +10 damage (+ focus ) +40-60 melee power +1 crit range and multiplier
Stalwart: good PRR and MRR bonuses ( early ) +3 damage +6 Str, Con ( stacking ) bonus hp
Vanguard: eventually significant shield damage. +5 damage +10 melee power

War Domain Cleric:
+6 damage
free exotic proficiency ( really what character actually uses two exotic weapons? )
+10 Tactical DC
Holy Sword spell ( +1 crit range and multiplier )
from Warpriest: +6 Strength ( non-stackable with basic strength enhancing items )
from Warpriest: +4 favored weapon damage ( which generally isn't exotic )

Yeah the fighter class isn't shaking in its boots as the pure cleric melee still isn't near its league. Tier 5 of warpriest is so lacking I'm tempted to recommend Tier 5 Radiant servant instead. At least that way your constant self-healing will make up for some of your weaker defensive and offensive capabilities.

The real power though would be in the war domain cleric / fighter multi-class. Like most of the melee domain types, it really looks like it was designed not for the cleric but for the cleric-multiclass. ( in this case fighter )

I'm glad you managed to politely respond to that. I don't think I could have managed without being somehow insulting or demeaning. As it definitely felt like an extremely uninformed opinion or someone trying to bait.

08-25-2017, 08:20 PM
I'm not sure where you get "applying changes to the core class is easier" from in your quoted segment.

I'm not sure how this is hard to understand, but I'll try to explain. It's simple logic based on known facts.

The class passes are 6+ years old and are still not yet completed. If making a pass on the enhancement trees of a class was quick and easy, it would have been done many years ago. And we wouldn't have classes waiting for a pass for one year, much less many years.

We have dev statements that creating the third tree for Artificer, or FvS, or Druid would take a lot of dev hours, and so they just don't do those things. As evidenced by the lack of those trees.

And we have the recent history of the alternatives. The U36 pass on Battle Engineer was half Enhancement tree and half core class changes. And the core class changes were far more significant to how the class plays than were the Enhancement tree changes. They could have just bumped the power of the Artificer class by bumping the BE tree, but they didn't. And it's clear that they took a lesson from this experience.

Instead they changed the core class. And now, very recently from the Artificer core class changes which were very successful, they are looking to change the core class of Cleric and Favored Soul.

As Gomer Pile would say: Well, Surprise, surprise, surprise (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TnkJ8_BmSI)!"

Now are you sure where I get "applying changes to the core class is easier?"

08-26-2017, 02:03 PM
I'm glad you managed to politely respond to that. I don't think I could have managed without being somehow insulting or demeaning. As it definitely felt like an extremely uninformed opinion or someone trying to bait.

yeah pretty much. War domain is pretty lack luster especially if warpriest remains as terribad as it is now. Melee in general need a TON of help in the modern meta and the cleric pass may be a way to throw us some kind of bone, but I wont hold my breath.

08-27-2017, 08:31 AM
yeah pretty much. War domain is pretty lack luster especially if warpriest remains as terribad as it is now. Melee in general need a TON of help in the modern meta and the cleric pass may be a way to throw us some kind of bone, but I wont hold my breath.

I don't think the domains will help melee clerics.

It lacks MP, most powerful melee classes are very backloaded (so no MC cleric can catch up) and the only benefit of cleric is the spells. But the vast majority of spells are redundant (can be acquired IG somehow), the offensive ones won't reach DCs on a melee cleric (not enough feats). So it is only the heals.

At that point, a DC caster cleric is way better as a PC.

However, since the devs balance around normal difficulty with a hire...who knows, maybe this is a success.

08-27-2017, 09:01 AM
You know,
The only thing that matters is the warpriest tree...

I think they are going to pull a fast one on us,
Since they are revamping base class, by adding domains,
I suspect they will do no tree work

And if that is the case,
They would have completely missed the boat
On a cleric pass

08-27-2017, 04:40 PM
You know,
The only thing that matters is the warpriest tree...

That's a fairly narrow minded view. Cleric has 3 distinct trees ... "DPS", healing, and casting. All of them need tweaks in their own way.

1. Warpriest needs to be more viable for melee and ranged based clerics

2. Radiant Servant needs to be less expensive, improved TU scaling, increased buff/debuff options

3. Divine Disciple needs tweaking of SLAs (meaning Flamestrike being 20 sp and 12 sec cooldown is not very great for a T5 ability)

I think they are going to pull a fast one on us,
Since they are revamping base class, by adding domains,
I suspect they will do no tree work

And if that is the case,
They would have completely missed the boat
On a cleric pass

I've been asking this for a while with no response. It does seem like they are taking the approach of domains as the "class pass". Unfortunate.

08-27-2017, 05:16 PM
That's a fairly narrow minded view. Cleric has 3 distinct trees ... "DPS", healing, and casting. All of them need tweaks in their own way.

1. Warpriest needs to be more viable for melee and ranged based clerics

2. Radiant Servant needs to be less expensive, improved TU scaling, increased buff/debuff options

3. Divine Disciple needs tweaking of SLAs (meaning Flamestrike being 20 sp and 12 sec cooldown is not very great for a T5 ability)

I've been asking this for a while with no response. It does seem like they are taking the approach of domains as the "class pass". Unfortunate.


08-27-2017, 09:22 PM
That's a fairly narrow minded view. Cleric has 3 distinct trees ... "DPS", healing, and casting. All of them need tweaks in their own way.

1. Warpriest needs to be more viable for melee and ranged based clerics

2. Radiant Servant needs to be less expensive, improved TU scaling, increased buff/debuff options

3. Divine Disciple needs tweaking of SLAs (meaning Flamestrike being 20 sp and 12 sec cooldown is not very great for a T5 ability)

I've been asking this for a while with no response. It does seem like they are taking the approach of domains as the "class pass". Unfortunate.

Atleast flamestrike is functional and deals damage. Have you used the mass inflict moderate SLA? That's an absolute joke. Let alone all of the dark disciple SLAs need to be retooled to self cast on the player if no target is selected. I'm not sure why it requires a hard target in the first place. But anyone who's used negative energy burst on a wizard and then switches ends up utterly confused until they figure it out. And it's also a major hindrance for undead splash builds.

On the matter of the past few comments; I agree that Warpriest needs to be viable. Warpriest needs to be on par with Swashbuckler in the sense that you are giving up any form of spellcasting option to focus on weapon damage and potentially CC abilities in that tree. Heck, even adopting the Warchanter formula with actually decent returns on the AP investment is better than the current warpriest.

Additionally; I feel like the Blood of Vol should get a feat similar to the lord of blades passive in changing your religious spellbook. Blood of Vol should have inflict spells given a free slot instead of healing spells.

Ameliorating strike should be racial healing; in the regards that Warforged/Bladeforged should get full healing and undead splash builds should also heal. There's no reason a god of constructs would suddenly give his followers positive energy, nor a goddess of undeath give them positive energy.

08-28-2017, 06:15 AM
Atleast flamestrike is functional and deals damage. Have you used the mass inflict moderate SLA? That's an absolute joke.

No, never bothered with the SLA, but I use Mass Inflict plain-old-spells. They're functional. What makes the SLA worse? Long cool-down or something?

08-28-2017, 08:00 AM
No, never bothered with the SLA, but I use Mass Inflict plain-old-spells. They're functional. What makes the SLA worse? Long cool-down or something?

The damage is exceedingly abysmal even when fully meta'd and you are slotted with a good amount of negative SP. If I had to guess the die on the SLA version is borked.

This also is the same for the Blood of Vol capstone for Angel of Vengeance with their inflict moderate SLA.

08-28-2017, 04:07 PM
No, never bothered with the SLA, but I use Mass Inflict plain-old-spells. They're functional. What makes the SLA worse? Long cool-down or something?

if you're talking about heroics ... maybe ... epics though ... foget abou dit.

08-29-2017, 10:48 AM
Sun Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 to Fire (Combustion) and Light Spell Power (Radiance) per Cleric level.

When you use Turn Undead you and your allies gain True Sight. in addition, for 20 seconds enemies in the radius of the Turn Undead have their incorporeal miss chance negated and will be inflicted with 10% vulnerability to Light damage.

Level 5: You gain Searing Light as an SLA.

Level 9: You gain Sun Beam as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Sunburst as an SLA


searing light as an sla seems redundant because cleric can get searing light as an sla at lvl 3 via divine disciple tree, unless you intend to remove it with the cleric/fvs work. if this is not the case then instead of searing light, could the sun domain give sun bolt instead?

08-30-2017, 01:17 AM
I know this doesn't belong here.

But looking at these free SLAs that clerics will be getting, on top of the ones they already have access to, can you throw FvSs some of that too please? FvSs are supposed to be the more casty blasty of the two aren't they? (Provided you play a Caster one and not a Warpriest of course)
They only have the one capstone, surely they deserve 1 or 2 more if Clerics are going to have up to 6 or 7 by level 14?

08-30-2017, 02:54 PM
Air Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Evocation spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level Cleric.

Your lightning spells will use Light Spell Power if it is higher.

Your light spells will use Lightning Spell Power if it is higher.

Your Turn Undead works on Elementals

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a bonus to Reflex saving throws equal to half you Cleric level, and points of Electric Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Shocking Grasp as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Lightning Bolt as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Chain Lightning as an SLA

Strange that this gets evocation DC's instead of spell power like the other domains.

Sharing Electic + light spellpower is cool. Builds I would want to use would prefer electric + positive; but either way works.

Does the bonus to electric resist also add your epic level? Electric damage keeps going up in epic levels, but a basic 40 resistance is going to be less and less effective if it doesn't include epic levels.

SLA's will run into max caster level issues pretty hard. Shocking grasp has a maximum caster level of 5... so as a spell it will never get better as soon as you get it. Since the base cleric class doesn't really have electric-damage spells; all 3 SLA's should be at least decent to make building electric spellpower (or getting it free) feel good.

Can you increase caster level/max caster level with destanies? If yes, does it take a divine sphere destiny or an arcane sphere destany to increase them? Having to choose between increasing your SLA's or your regular spells at epic levels could suck.

Can you increase the max caster level of shocking grasp and lightning bolt via the "Master of Air" feat? I would hope so.

Shocking grasp in general is fairly weak. Electric loop would be better.

Animal Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 Spot, +1 Listen, and +1 Reflex saving throws for every 2 Cleric levels.

Your Turn Undead works on Animals

When you use Turn Undead your party gains points of Constitution equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain 10 hit points per Cleric level. You also add 10 hit points for each epic level you have gained.

Level 9: You gain +15% fortification bypass.

Level 14: You gain the Feral Charge ability. Your character to briefly morphs into a bear and charges forward through foes, attacking all foes in the charge area. The attack does weapon damage based on your equipped weapon with a +3(W) bonus, and enemies must make a Reflex saving throw with a DC of 19 + Wisdom modifier + Trip Bonuses or be knocked down. Cooldown is 15 seconds.

Spot/Listen/Reflex isn't a great passive bonus, but this is ok since the HP coming later is good.

Being able to turn animals is cool.

Con on turn undead seems to be finicky; Not that many builds can really utilize having an extra 10 con for 20 seconds; for most it will be just like getting a very small amount of temporary hit-points (assuming that increasing the con does give extra health. Having this also immediately cure poisons and diseases would be a decent buff.

Bonus HP is probably the main draw of this destany; and they're pretty good.

Fort bypass and feral charge make this sound like a melee destany; but 15% fortification bypass is much worse then the melee benefits of other destanies, while HP disapears quickly without PRR/MRR to back it up; so the main draw in a hybrid melee/beefy tree here is the extra CC; so it needs to be workable in high-difficulty content.

Can you get workable trip DC's as a cleric in difficult content? Does this require you to pump wisdom much higher then is advisable in a melee build?

Chaos Domain

You cannot take this domain if you are Lawful.

Level 2: You gain +1 to Will saving throws for every 2 Cleric levels.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains 1d20 points of Universal Spell Power and 1d10 points (each rolled separately) of Melee Power, Ranged Power, Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating.

Level 5: You gain Chaos Hammer as an SLA

Level 9: Your spell critical chance is increased by 3%

Level 14: You gain Prismatic Spray as an SLA

+1 will save is fairly weaksauce. Most things that will saves effect you can be come immune to through spells and clickies. A cooler passive would be to have shiardi-type procs on chaos spells. 1% chance per 2 cleric levels.

Turn undead bonus is cool and thematically appropriate for chaos domain.

The SLA's are good and thematically appropriate; as long as prismatic spray counts as a cleric spell (uses wisdom for DC, buffed by divine destanies, etc).

Spell critical chance is good... but wouldn't it be more chaotic if they instead got spell critical damage instead?

Death Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Necromancy spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level Cleric.

You gain +2 to your effective Cleric level to Turn Undead, and +2 to the hit dice of undead effected.

Level 5: You gain Necrotic Ray as an SLA

Level 9: You are immune to Energy Drain.

Level 14: You gain Destruction as an SLA

This is a good, solid domain. But thematically better turning undead doesn't make sense for the death domain; that fits in the Sun domain. Death domain should have a charm undead or a buff undead effect instead.

Destruction Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 Melee and Ranged Power. You gain another point of each at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level Cleric.

You can cast your Cleric spells while raging.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to Melee Power and Ranged Power equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: Durability damage for your items is reduced by 75%.

Level 9: You weapons gain +2 to hit and damage.

Level 14: Your weapon strikes add a stack of Improved Destruction.

This appears to be for a warpriest; but looks a little lackluster in a few spots.

Able to cast cleric spells with raging is a cool effect that I know I won't appreciate as much as some other people.
Melee/ranged power is good. It's both good in the passive and in the turn undead bonus. No complaints here.

Durability damage reduced on items is fairly weak, and also fairly melee-only. Something like wracking strike or bonus damage to constructs might fit better here.

+2 to hit and damage is always useful for melee or ranged or whatnot; but it's also a rather small boost. Improved destruction would make sense here; as many classes can get the effect at level 4; and the debuff it applies isn't powerful enough to warrent a level 14 slot.

Improved destruction is not strong enough to be a level 14 ability nearly on-par with a chain lightning SLA or holy sword. It is; when fully stacked against a boss who lives for more then 16 seconds; 15% fortification bypass and -15 AC for the target. I would suggest moving this down to the level 9; and changing the level 14 to grant all favored weapons the Vorpal ability, which is upgraded to improved vorpal at level 20, and sovereign vorpal at level 28.

Earth Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Acid Spell Power (Corrosion) per Cleric Level

Your acid spells will use Light Spell Power if it is higher.

Your light spells will use Acid Spell Power if it is higher.

Your Turn Undead works on Elementals

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a bonus to Fortitude saving throws equal to half you Cleric level, and points of Acid Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Melf's Acid Arrow as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Stoneskin as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Earthquake as an SLA. The cooldown for this version is 15 seconds.

The main problem with this domain is that there is almost no way to use acid spellpower on a cleric, and one low-level SLA doesn't make very good use of the cool ability to get acid spellpower shared with light spellpower. Stoneskin and Earthquake are both great SLA's, but not spells that seem to go best with a high light-spellpower cleric; since that typically means they're focused on casting damage through divine deciple. Therefore I would propose that Acid Spellpower is instead shared with positive spellpower, which is more useful for a support-type cleric who would make good use of stoneskin and earthquake.

As I mentioned above, the acid resist for turn undead should be increased by the character's epic levels as well.

Replacing the level 9 ability with something like "Your Protection from energy, Protection from elements and Protection from elements; Mass spells now scale with acid spellpower". Would be a cool ability that grants a second use to having acid spellpower in this tree.

In it's current form, the only way I could see anyone ever picking this domain is for the earthquake SLA.

Fire Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Fire Spell Power (Combustion) per Cleric Level

Your fire spells will use Light Spell Power if it is higher.

Your light spells will use Fire Spell Power if it is higher.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains points of Fire Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Your Turn Undead works on Elementals

Level 5: You gain Scorching Ray as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Wall of Fire as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Firestorm as an SLA

This domain legitimately looks like one of the stronger caster-domains on this list (besides being keyed off fire which is often resisted). The spellpower is good, the SLA's are good, the spellpower sharing is good for both cleric spells and the granted SLA's and clerics can get a lot of use out of it.

The only thing I would change is having the fire resistance scale into epic levels a bit better.

Good Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Light Spell Power (Radiance) per Cleric Level. You gain +1 to the Heal skill for every 2 Cleric levels.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains temporary hit points equal to five times your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Deific Vengeance as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Blade Barrier as an SLA

Level 14: You gain +3 to hit, damage, and armor class against evil creatures in combat. You gain +3 to saving throws against spells cast by evil creatures.

Radiance spellpower is good for a caster cleric; It grants radiance spellpower, but both the SLA's it grant use different types of spellpower. It grants a small amount of positive spellpower, but has no other healing bonuses. It has 2 casting-dps spells, but no spellpower or DC bonuses to them, and it grants a small bonus to non-casting DPS and defense against evil creatures that doesn't seem to fit any sort of theme with the rest of the stuff it grants. There is no focus in this destiny, and most of the bonuses are fairly weak considering.

If this is supposed to be good for an unfocused cleric; the bonuses need to be larger, if it's supposed to have some in-built synergy or focus; then it needs to change up the abilities in a big way. In keeping with the unfocused focus; I propose the following buffs:

Level 2: Grants +2 radiance spellpower, +1 heal skill and +2 mana per cleric level.

Turn undead unchanged

Level 5: You gain Defiec Vengance as an SLA. Additionally you gain 2 melee, ranged and universal spellpower, and 2 physical and magical resistance ratings.

Level 9: You gain Blade Barrier as an SLA. Additionally you gain 2 melee, ranged and universal spellpower and 2 physical and magical resistance ratings.

Level 14: You gain +5 hit, damage and AC against evil creatures in combat. You gain +5 to saving throws against spell effects cast by evil creatures. Additionally you gain 2 melee, ranged and universal spellpower and 2 physical and magical resistance ratings.

This would make it weaker then the melee trees for melee, weaker then the caster trees for casters and weaker then the tank trees for tanks, but would feel a bit better to play as a jack of all trades-destroyer of evil.

Healing Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Positive Spell Power (Devotion) per Cleric Level

When you use Turn Undead your party gains 20 point of Healing Amplification.

Level 5: You gain Cure Moderate Wounds as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Panacea as an SLA

Level 14: Your healing spells are empowered, as if you had the Empower meta-magic. This does not increase their cost.

Positive spellpower is good and thematic; as is healing amp with turn undead.

Cure moderate as an SLA? With the current iteration of cleric, I would prefer a cure-minor as an SLA, as there is very little difference between the spells once you remove the max caster level in radiant servant, and cure minor costs less spellpoints. Another good option is close wounds.

Panacea is a good SLA to put in this tree.

So level 14 is just "you get +75 positive spellpower but aren't allowed to use the empower meta-magic on healing spells"? 75 is a lot of spellpower, but I'm not sure if more spellpower is really what healing clerics really need.

I would prefer a level 14 ability more like: "Party members death timers are reduced by 50%. Your Resurrection spell does not increase the number of death penalties the target has when they are raised, and your True Resurrection spell removes all death penalties on the target when they are raised."

This would make healing clerics once again better at raising dead then something that any character can do with a min-level-7 scroll.

Knowledge Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 to all skills.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains points of Intelligence equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Suggestion as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Feeblemind as an SLA

Level 14: You gain +4 Spell Penetration. You gain +2 to the DC of all spells.

Ok... It would also be cool if the level 2 ability granted +2 skill points per cleric level. That might open up some multi-class builds that find it hard to pick up all the skills they want with cleric's basic 2 skillponts per level.

Spell pen and DC are good buffs for CC style clerics. As are suggestion and feeblemind SLA's.

Law Domain

You cannot take this domain if you are Chaotic.

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Enchantment spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th.

When you use your Turn Undead your party gains a Sacred bonus to saving throws equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Order's Wrath as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Greater Command as an SLA

Level 14: You gain +3 to hit, damage, and armor class against chaotic creatures in combat. You gain +3 to saving throws against spells cast by chaotic creatures.

This almost looks as skattered and weak as the good domain; but it actually has a lot better synergy and is much better then the current good domain.

Enchantment DC is good with Greater Command, which comes as an SLA. Great for many cleric builds. Saving throws on turn undead can be situation-ally useful. It would be good if you could get no-fail-save on a 1 with this, perhaps as part of the level 9 ability. It would also fit the law+order theme to remove the chanciness of failing on a 1.

Order's wrath is there because it's a law/order domain; but it does not have synergy with anything else in the domain, as it is evocation (not enchantment) and a spell (doesn't benifit from hit/damage buffs). Since it fits the theme I don't want to take it out, but because it has no synergy I'd rather have it be stronger. So I propose this SLA deal 1d5+5 damage to chaos instead of the usual 1d4+4, and have a DC that's +3 higher then the basic spell.

Greater command is a great SLA and no adjustments need be made here.

Level 14 for +3 against a relatively small subset of enemies when the rest of the tree doesn't have a huge amount of melee synergy is rather weak. I'd like to see these bonuses increased to +5, although this could be spread out so that it's +3 at level 14 and +5 at level 20..

Luck Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saving throws. This increases by +1 at 6th level, +1 at 12th level, and +1 at 18th level.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to saving throws equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Displacement as an SLA

Level 9: You add +2 to the DC of your spells.

Level 14: You no longer automatically fail your saving throws on a roll of 1.

This seems to be a defensive domain of sorts. Bonus saves is good. The turn undead seems to be an exact copy of the turn undead for law domain, except that luck gets don't fail saving throws on a 1... which seems like it's removing the luck factor. Theme seems to be a bit missed there.

A more luck-based turn undead would be something like "Allies have a 20% chance of gaining 25x cleric level temporary hitpoints for 20 seconds."

Displacement SLA is good; level 5 seems to be way too early to get it. This should be the level 14 ability (most others get similar effects at about level 12, but cleric domains seem to be 1 step behind others most of the time). Having displacement as free-extended would make it very worthy of a level 14 abilty, and even just plain SLA displacement is almost level 14-worth.

Level 9 DC of spells is good.

No fail saves on a 1 should be changed into "re roll a failed save"; which is more luck-dependent then having no fail saves, while still being good. It should also be moved to level 5, which is a better level for this level of power in an ability.

Magic Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Evocation spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level Cleric.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to Universal Spell Power equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Chain Missiles as an SLA. (This shares a cooldown with the Archmage SLA.)

Level 9: You gain a number of bonus Spell Points equal to your character level x 10.

Level 14: You gain points of Universal Spell Power equal to your twice your Cleric level.

This domain seems to be a pretty standard casting domain that's good at being decent at all (damaging) spells but master of none. Not much I would change here.

Protection Domain
Level 2: You gain +1 to AC, PRR, and MRR. This increases by +1 at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to PRR and MRR equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain the Shield spell as a permanent effect on you.

Level 9: You gain Radiant Forcefield as an SLA

Level 14: Your Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating are increased by your Cleric level.

A pretty solid defensive domain. I would have liked to see a little more party-buffs and less self-buffs in a domain named "protection" (and not "invulnerability") But I suppose this works.

If I was to change it, it would be more like the following:

Level 2: You gain +1 to AC, PRR, and MRR. This increases by +1 at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to PRR and MRR equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain the Shield spell as an SLA. This version of the shield spell can target allies.

Level 9: Your turn undead now grants a Divine bonus to PRR and MRR equal to four times your cleric level for 60 seconds.

Level 14: Your Armor Class is increased by your Cleric level + your epic level. Gain Radiant Forcefield as an SLA. This version of Radiant Forcefield can be cast on allies.

Strength Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Strength and become immune to Strength damage.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to Strength equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: Your Reflex saving throws are now based on Strength instead of Dexterity.

Level 9: You become immune to knock down effects

Level 14: You always make your saving throw against Stun effects.

This is a pretty cool and thematic domain. However it would be nice to see "can cast spells while raging" in here; just to throw a bone to those strength-domain barbarian clerics.

Sun Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 to Fire (Combustion) and Light Spell Power (Radiance) per Cleric level.

When you use Turn Undead you and your allies gain True Sight. in addition, for 20 seconds enemies in the radius of the Turn Undead have their incorporeal miss chance negated and will be inflicted with 10% vulnerability to Light damage.

Level 5: You gain Searing Light as an SLA.

Level 9: You gain Sun Beam as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Sunburst as an SLA

This is a pretty strong casting domain and hits all the checkboxes that a caster wants besides DC's. I like it how it is.

Trickery Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Enchantment spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains points of Charisma equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Invisibility as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Mind Fog as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Charm Monster, Mass as an SLA

Gaining charisma is fairly weak and doesn't have much synergy with the rest of the domain. The rest of the domain looks pretty solid + good.

Having the turn undead also do a diplomacy-effect (with good DC or auto success) on mobs would fit the trickery theme and make the currently underwhelming turn a little more useful.

War Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 Damage with melee and ranged weapons. This increases at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to Melee Power and Ranged Power equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain proficiency in all martial and exotic weapons.

Level 9: Your tactical DCs are increased by half your Cleric level.

Level 14: You gain Holy Sword as an SLA.

Damage is nice, turn undead for melee/ranged power is nice. Tactics DC's are workable, Holy sword is very nice and nearly makes war-priests viable. With a little love to the warpriest tree, a melee cleric in this domain would do quite well; although...

Proficiency in martial and exotic weapons sucks. Every deity grants proficiency in the weapon it uses, so this is only useful if you want to use a non-deity weapon. Having this here pretty much is saying "take this domain to ignore warpriest and ignore deity weapons and just pick up khopeshes with kensai tree" or something. I would rather have clerics pay more attention to their diety's favored weapon.

Something like "Your deity's one handed favored weapon uses a 1d10 damage die and your diety's two handed weapons use a 2d8 damage die" would be one ability that helps clerics feel unique and reward them for using their favored weapons.

Water Domain

Level 2: You gain Water Breathing. You gain +1 to Swimming and +2 Cold Spell Power (Glaciation) per Cleric level.

Your cold spells will use Positive Spell Power if it is higher.

Your healing spells will use Cold Spell Power if it is higher.

Your Turn Undead works on Elementals

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a bonus to Will saving throws equal to half you Cleric level, and points of Cold Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Solid Fog as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Cone of Cold as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Greater Creeping Cold as an SLA

This is a pretty cool domain. As mentioned above I'd like to see the cold resistance scale better into epic levels, and I'd like to make sure the SLA's benefit from divine epic destinies and don't have severe caster-level limits. Other then that, I like this domain how it is.

08-31-2017, 12:53 AM
Most of these domains look nice. I think it would have been cool if they had added a Nobility type domain and you got to summon a follower at level 2. The follower would scale to cleric level and work like the skeletal knight in Pale Master. A couple of the Nobility domain level up abilities would buff your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets.

08-31-2017, 06:34 AM
I thought something better for Heal domain 14 lvl.

"Your healing spells/SLAs do not have healing decrease penalty of all types."
that means you can heal yourself well in Reapers, perhaps can heal warforgeds better(if devs allow it).

It'll be good for traditional playing in reapers. If there, I'd seriously consider to choose Heal domain than others.
At least it takes you 14 clr levels, not good for multi-classing.

09-02-2017, 11:42 AM
I think it would have been cool if they had added a Nobility type domain and you got to summon a follower at level 2. The follower would scale to cleric level and work like the skeletal knight in Pale Master. A couple of the Nobility domain level up abilities would buff your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets.

Oh man, that would be so bad ass., and might help- with one of the other issues I tend to have with the Cleric, where their Spell List tends to become outdated greatly at higher level due to it being so easy to get gear that is just better.

But having a Follower similar to the Skeletal Knight you can still buff with Bull's Strength for a tiny little boost would be really cool and fun. Especially if it was flavored in a way that really works well for the Cleric, maybe for a Lawful/Good Cleric it is a Paladin in training, or for a Chaotic one a Barbarian/Shaman in training. Or even a "Petitioner" sent to Eberron to earn ascension in the afterlife into an Angel or Demon/Devil.

09-04-2017, 06:36 PM
Most of these domains look nice. I think it would have been cool if they had added a Nobility type domain and you got to summon a follower at level 2. The follower would scale to cleric level and work like the skeletal knight in Pale Master. A couple of the Nobility domain level up abilities would buff your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets.

Very nice idea. Since there are domains to all types of builds a summoner build would be great, giving bonus similar to Warlock ES

09-05-2017, 04:08 AM
Damage is nice, turn undead for melee/ranged power is nice. Tactics DC's are workable, Holy sword is very nice and nearly makes war-priests viable. With a little love to the warpriest tree, a melee cleric in this domain would do quite well; although...

Proficiency in martial and exotic weapons sucks. Every deity grants proficiency in the weapon it uses, so this is only useful if you want to use a non-deity weapon. Having this here pretty much is saying "take this domain to ignore warpriest and ignore deity weapons and just pick up khopeshes with kensai tree" or something. I would rather have clerics pay more attention to their diety's favored weapon.

Something like "Your deity's one handed favored weapon uses a 1d10 damage die and your diety's two handed weapons use a 2d8 damage die" would be one ability that helps clerics feel unique and reward them for using their favored weapons.

Warpriests are dead unless the war priest tree bring something pretty unique. Holy sword is not that unique, virtually every class has it now.

Why would someone play a melee cleric?

Melee DPS will be, pending war priest, lacking. Not much melee power, no DBs, no truly special ability with good damage.
Casting + melee is dead in high end content.

So the only true benefit is the capacity to melee and heal. With self healing penalties in reaper, it is fair to say the devs don't intend for us to self heal much. And if you are going to be the party's main healing, then being in melee is a drawback. Going insta kills and heals is a much more powerful route.

I don't see the majority of the domains as properly balanced. Raging clerics won't be a thing, the SLAs across domains are not very balanced (destruction SLA vs firestorm?), the flavor is there but not the effectiveness.

I feel that most things the dev balance are based more on "sounds cool" than "it is a legitimate option IG, given others".

09-05-2017, 06:33 AM
Why would someone play a melee cleric?

You keep asking these questions but, you refuse to accept the answers.

09-05-2017, 09:13 AM
So the only true benefit is the capacity to melee and heal.

the niche is gonna be at cleric 14 holy sword domain to gain crit while at the same time running aura heal, which while not super self heals on reaper is still helping and in party with other front liners heals those acceptably. compared to a 14/6 kensei tier5 you lose the +20 MP from keen edge, granted. it's still gonna boil down to a decent upgrade to axel's 2hf build or variations thereoff, especially if you add silvanus.

no dps is not on par to dps classes but you get aura for that plus all the other benefits of being able to cast things useful coming with 14 or 15 cleric lvls

09-05-2017, 12:22 PM
the niche is gonna be at cleric 14 holy sword domain to gain crit while at the same time running aura heal, which while not super self heals on reaper is still helping and in party with other front liners heals those acceptably. compared to a 14/6 kensei tier5 you lose the +20 MP from keen edge, granted. it's still gonna boil down to a decent upgrade to axel's 2hf build or variations thereoff, especially if you add silvanus.

no dps is not on par to dps classes but you get aura for that plus all the other benefits of being able to cast things useful coming with 14 or 15 cleric lvls

It will be playable, as it was playable before domains. But it is a B- build and I am not a big fan of adding clearly dominated builds.

The big problem we have is that spells aren't worth that much nowadays. FoM, DW, protection from evil, and various other buffs can be acquired from gear, often better (cannot be dispelled).

And for a healer, the aura isn't necessarily amazing, specially once you consider the fact that by going melee you'll be in harm's way. Weaving healing spells with insta kills / CC, for example, is far better than trying to do it with melee attacks.

In my book every legitimate archetype should be able to shine given enough skill mastery and gearing. The battle cleric has, and even after the pass (unless war priest brings something awesome), will have a very obvious steel ceiling preventing it from becoming a decent build.

I understand though that these domains aren't necessarily built with balance in mind. I mean it was the exact same thing with deity domains. Silvanus gave a major benefit, and everything else was just a big bucket of mehh for melee (at least).

So clearly a bone for battle clerics, but the fundamental issues they have are not solved. Certainly does not make me want to play one anymore that I would right now.

09-05-2017, 04:58 PM
Would the Cleric domains make a good tanker?
Split or pure?

09-08-2017, 05:53 PM

As we work on a Divine pass, we want to add in our version of Domains for Clerics. Rather than having them simply be a series of spell options, we wanted players to pick a Domain that gave the Cleric interesting build options that worked with enhancement trees.

That said, we wanted to give the players a preview of how Domains work in DDO, and want options would be available for Clerics.

Starting at level 2, a Cleric will pick one Domain which will provide additional (free) class feats as they level.

Air Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Evocation spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level Cleric.

Your lightning spells will use Light Spell Power if it is higher.

Your light spells will use Lightning Spell Power if it is higher.

Your Turn Undead works on Elementals

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a bonus to Reflex saving throws equal to half you Cleric level, and points of Electric Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Shocking Grasp as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Lightning Bolt as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Chain Lightning as an SLA

Animal Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 Spot, +1 Listen, and +1 Reflex saving throws for every 2 Cleric levels.

Your Turn Undead works on Animals

When you use Turn Undead your party gains points of Constitution equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain 10 hit points per Cleric level. You also add 10 hit points for each epic level you have gained.

Level 9: You gain +15% fortification bypass.

Level 14: You gain the Feral Charge ability. Your character to briefly morphs into a bear and charges forward through foes, attacking all foes in the charge area. The attack does weapon damage based on your equipped weapon with a +3(W) bonus, and enemies must make a Reflex saving throw with a DC of 19 + Wisdom modifier + Trip Bonuses or be knocked down. Cooldown is 15 seconds.

Chaos Domain

You cannot take this domain if you are Lawful.

Level 2: You gain +1 to Will saving throws for every 2 Cleric levels.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains 1d20 points of Universal Spell Power and 1d10 points (each rolled separately) of Melee Power, Ranged Power, Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating.

Level 5: You gain Chaos Hammer as an SLA

Level 9: Your spell critical chance is increased by 3%

Level 14: You gain Prismatic Spray as an SLA

Death Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Necromancy spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level Cleric.

You gain +2 to your effective Cleric level to Turn Undead, and +2 to the hit dice of undead effected.

Level 5: You gain Necrotic Ray as an SLA

Level 9: You are immune to Energy Drain.

Level 14: You gain Destruction as an SLA

Destruction Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 Melee and Ranged Power. You gain another point of each at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level Cleric.

You can cast your Cleric spells while raging.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to Melee Power and Ranged Power equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: Durability damage for your items is reduced by 75%.

Level 9: You weapons gain +2 to hit and damage.

Level 14: Your weapon strikes add a stack of Improved Destruction.

Earth Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Acid Spell Power (Corrosion) per Cleric Level

Your acid spells will use Light Spell Power if it is higher.

Your light spells will use Acid Spell Power if it is higher.

Your Turn Undead works on Elementals

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a bonus to Fortitude saving throws equal to half you Cleric level, and points of Acid Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Melf's Acid Arrow as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Stoneskin as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Earthquake as an SLA. The cooldown for this version is 15 seconds.

Fire Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Fire Spell Power (Combustion) per Cleric Level

Your fire spells will use Light Spell Power if it is higher.

Your light spells will use Fire Spell Power if it is higher.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains points of Fire Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Your Turn Undead works on Elementals

Level 5: You gain Scorching Ray as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Wall of Fire as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Firestorm as an SLA

Good Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Light Spell Power (Radiance) per Cleric Level. You gain +1 to the Heal skill for every 2 Cleric levels.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains temporary hit points equal to five times your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Deific Vengeance as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Blade Barrier as an SLA

Level 14: You gain +3 to hit, damage, and armor class against evil creatures in combat. You gain +3 to saving throws against spells cast by evil creatures.

Healing Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Positive Spell Power (Devotion) per Cleric Level

When you use Turn Undead your party gains 20 point of Healing Amplification.

Level 5: You gain Cure Moderate Wounds as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Panacea as an SLA

Level 14: Your healing spells are empowered, as if you had the Empower meta-magic. This does not increase their cost.

Knowledge Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 to all skills.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains points of Intelligence equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Suggestion as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Feeblemind as an SLA

Level 14: You gain +4 Spell Penetration. You gain +2 to the DC of all spells.

Law Domain

You cannot take this domain if you are Chaotic.

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Enchantment spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th.

When you use your Turn Undead your party gains a Sacred bonus to saving throws equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Order's Wrath as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Greater Command as an SLA

Level 14: You gain +3 to hit, damage, and armor class against chaotic creatures in combat. You gain +3 to saving throws against spells cast by chaotic creatures.

Luck Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saving throws. This increases by +1 at 6th level, +1 at 12th level, and +1 at 18th level.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to saving throws equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Displacement as an SLA

Level 9: You add +2 to the DC of your spells.

Level 14: You no longer automatically fail your saving throws on a roll of 1.

Magic Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Evocation spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level Cleric.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to Universal Spell Power equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Chain Missiles as an SLA. (This shares a cooldown with the Archmage SLA.)

Level 9: You gain a number of bonus Spell Points equal to your character level x 10.

Level 14: You gain points of Universal Spell Power equal to your twice your Cleric level.

Protection Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to AC, PRR, and MRR. This increases by +1 at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to PRR and MRR equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain the Shield spell as a permanent effect on you.

Level 9: You gain Radiant Forcefield as an SLA

Level 14: Your Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating are increased by your Cleric level.

Strength Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 Strength and become immune to Strength damage.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to Strength equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: Your Reflex saving throws are now based on Strength instead of Dexterity.

Level 9: You become immune to knock down effects

Level 14: You always make your saving throw against Stun effects.

Sun Domain

Level 2: You gain +2 to Fire (Combustion) and Light Spell Power (Radiance) per Cleric level.

When you use Turn Undead you and your allies gain True Sight. in addition, for 20 seconds enemies in the radius of the Turn Undead have their incorporeal miss chance negated and will be inflicted with 10% vulnerability to Light damage.

Level 5: You gain Searing Light as an SLA.

Level 9: You gain Sun Beam as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Sunburst as an SLA

Trickery Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Enchantment spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains points of Charisma equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Invisibility as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Mind Fog as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Charm Monster, Mass as an SLA

War Domain

Level 2: You gain +1 Damage with melee and ranged weapons. This increases at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th.

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a Divine bonus to Melee Power and Ranged Power equal to half your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain proficiency in all martial and exotic weapons.

Level 9: Your tactical DCs are increased by half your Cleric level.

Level 14: You gain Holy Sword as an SLA.

Water Domain

Level 2: You gain Water Breathing. You gain +1 to Swimming and +2 Cold Spell Power (Glaciation) per Cleric level.

Your cold spells will use Positive Spell Power if it is higher.

Your healing spells will use Cold Spell Power if it is higher.

Your Turn Undead works on Elementals

When you use Turn Undead your party gains a bonus to Will saving throws equal to half you Cleric level, and points of Cold Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds

Level 5: You gain Solid Fog as an SLA

Level 9: You gain Cone of Cold as an SLA

Level 14: You gain Greater Creeping Cold as an SLA


I would like to see instead of the empower feat to healing spells changed to EMPOWER HEALING metamagic feat***** It makes SO much more sense to me. Only healing clerics take that feat, why not give it automatically? Also instead of cure moderate why not cure serious? or cure critical? Or why not heal spell in general? I have gotten a lot of feed back from other heal bot builders who are confused why the spell power earned in total is not more?! I don't know what to tell them, I do know that personally I would like Empower healing metamagic feat.


09-16-2017, 08:01 AM
It will be playable, as it was playable before domains. But it is a B- build and I am not a big fan of adding clearly dominated builds.

The big problem we have is that spells aren't worth that much nowadays. FoM, DW, protection from evil, and various other buffs can be acquired from gear, often better (cannot be dispelled).

And for a healer, the aura isn't necessarily amazing, specially once you consider the fact that by going melee you'll be in harm's way. Weaving healing spells with insta kills / CC, for example, is far better than trying to do it with melee attacks.

In my book every legitimate archetype should be able to shine given enough skill mastery and gearing. The battle cleric has, and even after the pass (unless war priest brings something awesome), will have a very obvious steel ceiling preventing it from becoming a decent build.

I understand though that these domains aren't necessarily built with balance in mind. I mean it was the exact same thing with deity domains. Silvanus gave a major benefit, and everything else was just a big bucket of mehh for melee (at least).

So clearly a bone for battle clerics, but the fundamental issues they have are not solved. Certainly does not make me want to play one anymore that I would right now.

I appreciate the theme -- battle clerics won't be as good at DPS as most other builds, and it cuts down your DPS to have to self-heal in the middle of melee. Good point, no one should play battle clerics if they are trying to lead the party in kills. OTOH, I have a Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter (12 Cl, 8 Fighter for Kensai capstone is the concept, he's only level 7 now) that REALLY wants the Strength Domain to be active right this minute. It would make him even more fun to play. I love that the Reflex saves will drive off of Strength. That adds a measure of survivability. And he can buff the rest of the party's strength stats? Now *that* is a party buff.

So -- when will these domains go live?


09-18-2017, 07:16 PM
I would like to see instead of the empower feat to healing spells changed to EMPOWER HEALING metamagic feat***** It makes SO much more sense to me. Only healing clerics take that feat, why not give it automatically? Also instead of cure moderate why not cure serious? or cure critical? Or why not heal spell in general? I have gotten a lot of feed back from other heal bot builders who are confused why the spell power earned in total is not more?! I don't know what to tell them, I do know that personally I would like Empower healing metamagic feat.


I prefer to get empower as a healer. I will indeed take empower healing, and you get can a -4 discount to SP with radiant servant.
Having free empower is that much more interesting to boost your lower level spells.
Free empower and discounted empower healing will give cheap sick CLW for 12sp before adding items or epic SP reduction.
If you get free empower healing and have to take empower it'll cost 21 for the same thing.
CMW SLA is a lvl 5 perk, you can argue for CSW, but CWW would just be OP. You can apply maximize, empower healing and intensify for free on it.
IF you also get free empower on it and it's affected by T5 RS cure focus I will spam it end game. It'll heal for as much as the heal spell for way less.

Some other domains have their own appeal for a healer, dead clerics heal no one:
- strength: Immunity to stun and knockdown is a life saver
- animal: HP and emergency CC
-luck: cleric15/monk2/pally3 with displace and no fail saves across the board.
It opens up a lot of possibilities to play around with enhancement, splashes, ED, twist and reaper.

09-21-2017, 08:30 AM
n my book every legitimate archetype should be able to shine given enough skill mastery and gearing. The battle cleric has, and even after the pass (unless war priest brings something awesome), will have a very obvious steel ceiling preventing it from becoming a decent build.

The battle cleric
Maxes some stat other than wisdom. ( Wisdom being the only stat you can't use for damage )
Has given up on DCs
Outside of Quicken and maybe Empower Healing or Extend doesn't care about metamagic feats
Casts pretty much buff and heal spells. ( which pretty much top out around level 6 )

This is of course a concept that cries for multi-class. Depending on the build you could have a character who has most of his levels as cleric but doesn't spend a single AP point in a cleric enhancement tree. And the cleric melee domains seem to actively encourage multi-classing.

War -> Fighter for the Tactical DC. ( you can forget holy sword, unneeded with kensei )
Destruction -> Barbarian ( for casting while raged )
Animal -> Tempest / Archer ( for hp [ a weakness of those builds ] and reflexes for their evasion )
Strength -> For the strength based monk ( so they can dump dex )

09-22-2017, 12:53 AM
The battle cleric
Maxes some stat other than wisdom. ( Wisdom being the only stat you can't use for damage )
Has given up on DCs
Outside of Quicken and maybe Empower Healing or Extend doesn't care about metamagic feats
Casts pretty much buff and heal spells. ( which pretty much top out around level 6 )

This is of course a concept that cries for multi-class. Depending on the build you could have a character who has most of his levels as cleric but doesn't spend a single AP point in a cleric enhancement tree. And the cleric melee domains seem to actively encourage multi-classing.

War -> Fighter for the Tactical DC. ( you can forget holy sword, unneeded with kensei )
Destruction -> Barbarian ( for casting while raged )
Animal -> Tempest / Archer ( for hp [ a weakness of those builds ] and reflexes for their evasion )
Strength -> For the strength based monk ( so they can dump dex )

Except this concept has never called for multi-classing since the days of tabletop. Clerics are one of the very few classes in tabletop that can hold their own in melee combat despite being a 'spellcaster' by traditional precepts. The only other class that does this? Warlocks. I suppose you can throw Psionics in as well but the point remains.

War Domain clerics in tabletop are honestly the equivalent of being a Paladin with full access to an actual spellbook.

The problem with DDO's War Domain? You aren't even remotely the equivalent of a Paladin and despite having full access to a spellbook, you're not going to be able to cast spells. Honestly, you don't have quick draw (which the devs seem to think you should pick up after it was changed), you don't have any sort of feat tax towards picking up metamagics for spell casting, and you really have to give up one or the other; casting or meleeing. Sure you can 'buff' and heal, but at best your clutch healing and you're arguably worse at that than a paladin in DDO. Because the paladin has Lay on Hands, that scales with him all the way to cap, doesn't really have a caster level issue, doesn't require metamagics to go off without a hitch, and generally blows any form of cleric healing out of the water.

Now you might say, "But Edrein, clerics have access to radiant savant and healing aura." Yeah, they do. You know how useless that aura is in anything above Epic Normal? Let alone the current metagame of Racial/Reaper TRs and runs in the epic range/cap. But to even use Aura, the cleric has to give up his actual melee bonuses from his melee enhancement tree (granted T5 warpriest is an absolute joke, we're still looking at the opportunity cost) and loses potential damage for some pitiful healing that isn't going to do him any good in content where he needs either a large defensive buff or a solid DPS buff to outkill the enemy.

I don't think War Domain, Strength Domain, Destruction Domain, or even Animal Domain need to be on par with the ridiculous cheesy strength of tabletop War Domain. But I think we need to stop looking through rose tinted glasses that say, "Clerics have always been terrible melees in DDO and needed a multiclass or should have to multiclass to deal damage." No, the domains need to be balanced across the board. All of the 'melee/weapon' domains are terrible. Their power is upfront and center within the first 5 levels mostly, and they drag along at level 9 and 14. They are noob traps to trick people into multiclass niche builds that are terrible both on paper and practicality. It's like the devs were like, "Oh hey, let's make a few really good domains and then the rest of these should be super flavorful, because we need a good 17 domains or so to pad out the list." So you've got a handful of decent and useful caster domains, some really meh caster domains, and some really awful melee/weapon domains because forget anyone wanting to make a non-caster cleric. Oh I'm sorry, forget anyone who wants to make a serious non-caster cleric. Anyone who wants to make their gimp aura-clerics are fine, they can pick up holysword and still do absolutely nothing towards contributing to the party, but hey said cleric sees bigger numbers on the scrolling text so they feel better. And that's all that matters anymore, making someone temporarily feel better about themselves while leaving the problem to fester longer.

09-22-2017, 04:51 PM
I appreciate the theme -- battle clerics won't be as good at DPS as most other builds, and it cuts down your DPS to have to self-heal in the middle of melee. Good point, no one should play battle clerics if they are trying to lead the party in kills. OTOH, I have a Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter (12 Cl, 8 Fighter for Kensai capstone is the concept, he's only level 7 now) that REALLY wants the Strength Domain to be active right this minute. It would make him even more fun to play. I love that the Reflex saves will drive off of Strength. That adds a measure of survivability. And he can buff the rest of the party's strength stats? Now *that* is a party buff.

So -- when will these domains go live?


I think the idea of Strength Domain sounds good but the application here is weak. +2 really isn't much, if it added more +2's as you level that would help more. And give the Stunning Blow feat as a freebie. When I think of Strength Domain Cleric, I think of Thorgrim swinging his war hammer and Rexor swinging great sword from Conan the Barbarian movie.

09-22-2017, 11:40 PM
Except this concept has never called for multi-classing since the days of tabletop. Clerics are one of the very few classes in tabletop that can hold their own in melee combat despite being a 'spellcaster' by traditional precepts. The only other class that does this? Warlocks. I suppose you can throw Psionics in as well but the point remains.

War Domain clerics in tabletop are honestly the equivalent of being a Paladin with full access to an actual spellbook.

If they did make melee domains so powerful that it could take a pure cleric and put him on equal melee footing with a pure paladin then imagine what could be done if a player were to take that domain and apply it to a multi-class build. It would create a too powerful character mixing the domain with enhancement trees like Kensei.

Nothing will bring clerics on par with paladins and the like until(if) the war priest enhancement tree gets a major makeover. Until that happens DDO battle clerics will have to multi-class to gain access to much more powerful enhancement trees.

09-26-2017, 01:39 PM
Hello Devs,

Mass Heal & Reincarnate casting times

While Druid & Divines begin to undergo their overview passes, I would like to mention:

There are two spells that they posses with long & extremely long casting times, Mass Heal & Reincarnation.

Quicken is recommended for both these spells simply for the safety of the caster,
even then the casting time is larger than normal.

This does yield hireling problems concerning mass heal being interrupted.

Now logically, perhaps one might consider the slower casting speeds is a balance measurement?
Or a distinction between classes?

But if this were the case then one must consider their equaling spells from a different class?

Resurrection = Reincarnation yet the Druid version is much, much slower than the other.
Mass Heal = Mass Regeneration yet the Cleric version is much slower than the other.

Notice the crossover, which indicates to me that the Designers did not have a distinctive birds-eye-view.
If a design approach were taken Mass Regenerate would actually be slower than Mass Heal.
This would be a point of view that cleric healing greatly trumps druid healing, which is not true for a smart player.

Considering the idea that Druids & Divines need more love,
I respectfully request that these two spells both have their casting time reduced appropriately.

Also, a few random ideas:

If the 3rd favored soul tree focuses on SLAs, then there is less concern about improving the Angel of Vengeance tree.
This also makes Clerics Healing > Favored Soul healing.

Regardless, the Radiant Servant tree could be less expensive, which should be easy to accomplish during future changes.

I love the ideas from Domains, and I think the Favored Soul class changes help balance the boost.
Perhaps, consider something similar for Wizards and Sorcerers?


Wizards get to choose a Spell School (in place of the domain) and get appropriate bonuses based upon that school.

Sorcerers get less choices but a few critical ones that are more general.

The design should be balance according to how much love these casters need.

Thanks for reading,

PS I have not pointed out the obvious ~ Warpriest Trees needs a lot of thought, and Druids in general need tons of consideration.

09-27-2017, 01:34 PM
I just realized that Cleric Offensive Caster types are much of the way thru the Class Pass now.

Divine Disciple is a new tree and its fairly well respected by most players.
Combine that with the new Domains, and it time for testing out how it works for real.

Uber healer types might need a action point cost adjustment, but since when is a "only heal" type toon hard to make?

09-27-2017, 02:58 PM
Animal Domain......Did SSG give this domain a vanguards shield rush. 30' w/ a .3w dmge to all in the path?

Sure looks that way. Because you have to have a weapon equipped, much like the mechanic of having a shield equipped.

As much as I like the whole pass, it's beginning to look like more power creep. Ravenloft better deliver content to challenge the new FotM :rolleyes::cool: or the big nerf hammer will appear.

09-30-2017, 12:46 PM
I have converted over 3 of my Clerics on a server so far, and really have not noticed a significant difference.

My 22 Archer Cleric, none of the Domains really spoke to them, and I went with Fire, figuring I might get a slight boost to Flame Strike, Cometfall, and a few things. So far, playing a few hours, there was a tiny difference, but nothing to be excited about. It might be because I was irritated at having to build from the ground up, try to remember all the options I had taken and wound up forgetting Zen Archery. Have not really gotten to test out Turning elementals, or if any of the feats, gear, enhancements do or do not help.

I had been really tempted to go Earth for the Stoneskin SLA, but ultimately didn't want to risk Acid Spell Power being nearly useless. In retrospect, Im not sure it would have really mattered to much, as Fire does not seem to help all that much.

I have a level 7 battle cleric I went with Strength, and while I have not played him more than a few minutes, on paper I am not really seeing much that stands out.

My third was a still pretty fresh Iconic. I had heard that the Sun Domain was bugged and there are also some conflictsnwithnthe two SLAs. I also misread two of the Domain's abilities, and went Fire rather than Sun. On one hand, I'm still toying with her, testing out different builds, (before Domains), but I feel from the little I test ran her that she came out even weaker than before. Not 100% sure, but overall it feels that way. Burns through SP like crazy, pun intended.

I can kind of care less about the Turn Undead party buffs. They are just far too short to be worth while in most cases.

All in all, its mostly underwhelming, and I really wish that the enhancememt trees, spells, and the many long term issues had been the focus instead of Domains, particularly with the Warpriest tree, and I fear that this will be seen as a good fix, leaving all those other things on the back burner for even longer. I understand for some styles of play this was a boon, and that it took a lot of work from the devs, so I am not trying to bash their efforts, it just isn't what I think was needed most for the game as a whole.

09-30-2017, 01:44 PM
I have converted over 3 of my Clerics on a server so far, and really have not noticed a significant difference.

My 22 Archer Cleric, none of the Domains really spoke to them, and I went with Fire, figuring I might get a slight boost to Flame Strike, Cometfall, and a few things. So far, playing a few hours, there was a tiny difference, but nothing to be excited about. It might be because I was irritated at having to build from the ground up, try to remember all the options I had taken and wound up forgetting Zen Archery. Have not really gotten to test out Turning elementals, or if any of the feats, gear, enhancements do or do not help.

I had been really tempted to go Earth for the Stoneskin SLA, but ultimately didn't want to risk Acid Spell Power being nearly useless. In retrospect, Im not sure it would have really mattered to much, as Fire does not seem to help all that much.

I have a level 7 battle cleric I went with Strength, and while I have not played him more than a few minutes, on paper I am not really seeing much that stands out.

My third was a still pretty fresh Iconic. I had heard that the Sun Domain was bugged and there are also some conflictsnwithnthe two SLAs. I also misread two of the Domain's abilities, and went Fire rather than Sun. On one hand, I'm still toying with her, testing out different builds, (before Domains), but I feel from the little I test ran her that she came out even weaker than before. Not 100% sure, but overall it feels that way. Burns through SP like crazy, pun intended.

I can kind of care less about the Turn Undead party buffs. They are just far too short to be worth while in most cases.

All in all, its mostly underwhelming, and I really wish that the enhancememt trees, spells, and the many long term issues had been the focus instead of Domains, particularly with the Warpriest tree, and I fear that this will be seen as a good fix, leaving all those other things on the back burner for even longer. I understand for some styles of play this was a boon, and that it took a lot of work from the devs, so I am not trying to bash their efforts, it just isn't what I think was needed most for the game as a whole.

? How can you be weaker than before?
You get things free.
As caster dps- go ele cold or maybe fire imho
As turner/insta - death is strong
As meleer- hmm i play reaper so i dont want to play melee right now

For me domains is awesome and fun!! Clerics are viable in a nice way But absolutely
In no way op (yet.. maybe some find something hehe)
So more ok options- perfect!
(Warlocks best still ofc in 80%+ of content/group compositions)

10-02-2017, 06:25 PM
? How can you be weaker than before?
You get things free.
As caster dps- go ele cold or maybe fire imho
As turner/insta - death is strong
As meleer- hmm i play reaper so i dont want to play melee right now

For me domains is awesome and fun!! Clerics are viable in a nice way But absolutely
In no way op (yet.. maybe some find something hehe)
So more ok options- perfect!
(Warlocks best still ofc in 80%+ of content/group compositions)

I'm not sure. For my archer, the Bow damage seems to have dropped somewhat, and I've respeced 3 or 4 times trying to get it back up. Spell Damage is improved a tiny bit, but it's not really anything to write home about.

10-10-2017, 11:06 AM
I have converted over 3 of my Clerics on a server so far, and really have not noticed a significant difference.

My 22 Archer Cleric, none of the Domains really spoke to them, and I went with Fire, figuring I might get a slight boost to Flame Strike, Cometfall, and a few things. So far, playing a few hours, there was a tiny difference, but nothing to be excited about. It might be because I was irritated at having to build from the ground up, try to remember all the options I had taken and wound up forgetting Zen Archery. Have not really gotten to test out Turning elementals, or if any of the feats, gear, enhancements do or do not help.

I had been really tempted to go Earth for the Stoneskin SLA, but ultimately didn't want to risk Acid Spell Power being nearly useless. In retrospect, Im not sure it would have really mattered to much, as Fire does not seem to help all that much.

I have a level 7 battle cleric I went with Strength, and while I have not played him more than a few minutes, on paper I am not really seeing much that stands out.

I would have thought animal, destruction and war domains would suit an archer. At level 20 str domain gives all +10 str each burst or aura activation.

10-12-2017, 12:19 AM
Looks great. I'm especially a fan of War Domain. I was actually thinking the other day "I have all these exotic weapons I never use because of proficiency issues..." and this would answer that and give cleric a breath of fresh air! I also love a lot of the other domains making cleric play with much more versatility. I still worry that cleric will be a mediocre caster compared to FvS, but that's not really a cleric's role anyway and the SLAs look good. The only thing I really worry about is the Strength domain immunity to strength damage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems to be unprecedented and I worry that it will be a fighter splash thing instead of a cleric thing (not that STR damage is super common, but it's still something I wonder about). Still I'm going to need to roll up some clerics when this goes live!

I have a pure 7th level cleric with the war domain, and I am receiving the non-proficient warning with bastard swords and repeating crossbows (yes I took tier two, at fifth level). Is anyone else having the same issue?

10-12-2017, 11:37 AM
I have a pure 7th level cleric with the war domain, and I am receiving the non-proficient warning with bastard swords and repeating crossbows (yes I took tier two, at fifth level). Is anyone else having the same issue?
Known bug: hopefully will be fixed in the next patch (knock on wood).

10-12-2017, 10:47 PM
Known bug: hopefully will be fixed in the next patch (knock on wood).

Ok, I will get my hammer.

10-16-2017, 01:50 PM
I would have thought animal, destruction and war domains would suit an archer. At level 20 str domain gives all +10 str each burst or aura activation.

I'm leary about Animal, just because I'm thinking it will be nerfed soonish.

Destruction was a maybe, as the Ranged Power looks nice, but was not sure if a third veesion of Imp Destruction would stack/work.

War, really offered very little. Already have all Simple and Martial, and an Exotic just isn't needed. Besides, I focused in Longbows, specifically. Ultimately, would walk away with +4 Damage and Holy Sword, but not sure it would matter due to already having a 17/x4 bow. (I mean I honestly am not sure. I already have a +7 enhancement bonus, as well as special Crit Range and Multiplier bonuses from Cleric, Ranger, and Divine Crusader).

10-23-2017, 02:45 PM
Divine Disciple granted Sunburst spell does not share cooldown with Sun Domain Sunburst SLA.

Also noted, Divine Disciple Searing Light SLA has had its cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 4 seconds,
which is nice and possibly why it now shares a cooldown with the Sun Domain Searing Light SLA.

Sun Domain Sunbeam SLA is very good.

10-25-2017, 02:42 PM
Played thru heroic domains:

Air Domain ~ its really nice
Law Domain ~ great vs chaotic foes
Sun Domain ~ also nice
Currently in Earth Domain which one has to be very careful in timing and placement, but great cc

Overall, Domains bring Clerics closer to Druids without becoming Druids or having the lag associated with Druid casters.
Hopefully the current patch on Colors Lag might help Druid casters lag some.

Powerwise, it nice but imho not overpowerful, there is still room below the top tier builds.
Great deal of variety added.

Obviously Warpriest trees needs love, and Radiant Servant has some 2 point feature enhancement stacks that should only cost one.

Looking forward to trying out the Fire Domain in the future, maybe vs Ravenloft?

10-25-2017, 02:49 PM
Played thru heroic domains:

Air Domain ~ its really nice
Law Domain ~ great vs chaotic foes
Sun Domain ~ also nice
Currently in Earth Domain which one has to be very careful in timing and placement, but great cc

Overall, Domains bring Clerics closer to Druids without becoming Druids or having the lag associated with Druid casters.
Hopefully the current patch on Colors Lag might help Druid casters lag some.

Powerwise, it nice but imho not overpowerful, there is still room below the top tier builds.
Great deal of variety added.

Obviously Warpriest trees needs love, and Radiant Servant has some 2 point feature enhancement stacks that should only cost one.

Looking forward to trying out the Fire Domain in the future, maybe vs Ravenloft?

Have also played through some of them.

The strongest for me so far is Cold and ele.
Bladebarrier + cone or chain is nice dps in solo low reaper heroics.
Fun and give variation but absolutely not OP. Warlock is stronger (but cleric-druid-arti is funnier imho :-).

Greater Cold is nice dps vs single, really liked that single + aoe from cone.