View Full Version : Bag Deposit Box Temporarily Unavailable

02-25-2015, 02:52 PM
The Bag Deposit Box has been temporarily disabled due to a bug. We will let you know when the Bag Deposit Box is once again available.

02-25-2015, 02:59 PM
The Bag Deposit Box has been temporarily disabled due to a bug. We will let you know when the Bag Deposit Box is once again available.

Do us all a favor and be quick about it + dont screw it up, some of us actually had things stored in there.

02-25-2015, 03:02 PM
The Bag Deposit Box has been temporarily disabled due to a bug. We will let you know when the Bag Deposit Box is once again available.
So, what happens to all the seals, shards, scrolls, epic tapestry's, scales, etc that we had in that bank??

02-25-2015, 03:06 PM
Holy ****....I have all my collectables and ingredients in there.

Will I not be able to access it? Will I lose everything?

Sad...just sad.

Can I have a refund for the upgrades and go back to storing everything in green bags?

02-25-2015, 03:08 PM
Nothing should be lost; just access has been temporarily disabled.

02-25-2015, 03:11 PM
Nothing should be lost; just access has been temporarily disabled.

Do we have a ETA? 545 spots and there all full..

02-25-2015, 03:17 PM
I need access to myself please.

02-25-2015, 03:26 PM
all my carefully collected bits of Deity Dung are stored there - oh my - and if I can't air it out... the SMELL!

02-25-2015, 03:45 PM
The Bag Deposit Box has been temporarily disabled due to a bug. We will let you know when the Bag Deposit Box is once again available.

The lack of rage in this thread makes me sad.

02-25-2015, 03:47 PM
Just bought a extra 250 now I can not get to them. But if it means the will stack like the bags I will be happy to wait.

02-25-2015, 03:57 PM
Can we please get a rough possible ETA. Are we looking at a day a week next update, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

02-25-2015, 04:29 PM
Can we please get a rough possible ETA. Are we looking at a day a week next update, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

At a guess, I'd say after the mimic event. Bag/collectible related shenanigens right at the time when they do an event involving bag/collectable shenanigens? If they're not connected then that's a heck of a co-incidence.

02-25-2015, 04:29 PM
I'm guessing by the time-stamp of the latest comments, that is still down. Bugger.... oh well, I really wanted to play some other game anyhow... this is happening more frequently, now that I think about it...

02-25-2015, 04:37 PM
My tip:
Some players made a nasty exploit, most of there exploited mats are in the deposit box and now turbine closed it till they make the investigations and point the ac's what will be baned to avoid the dups spread around the market.
Just a personal tip.
If it's the case then I don't mind if they close the deposite boxes even for days. Just don't forget to give this days like a bonus to vip subscribers : )

02-25-2015, 04:37 PM
At a guess, I'd say after the mimic event. Bag/collectible related shenanigens right at the time when they do an event involving bag/collectable shenanigens? If they're not connected then that's a heck of a co-incidence.

I would hope that they would just turn off the Mimic event instead if that was the case.

02-25-2015, 04:47 PM
Turbine charges people money for this, breaks it, offers what for compensation? Redress of damages? What kind of place are you running here anyway?

02-25-2015, 04:49 PM
I would hope that they would just turn off the Mimic event instead if that was the case.

I would hope that too. Though I'm kinda looking forward to seeing how it plays.

02-25-2015, 04:55 PM
I would hope that they would just turn off the Mimic event instead if that was the case.

I didn't even know the Mimic even was going on...

All my heart seeds, and epic tokens are in there.. Just capped so it's time to ER/TR, and I can't. And of course, Turbine says they're "sorry for the inconvience." Ugh.

02-25-2015, 04:55 PM
I need access to myself please.

Access yourself too much and you'll go blind.

02-25-2015, 05:06 PM
i'm a crafter all i need to craft gear for my low lvl TRs is in there, so, i can't TR until this is sorted, and you have no eta, and you don't mention any compensation, and that's right before the weekend, when my TR buddies and i were aiming to TR.

what on earth are you doing?
if you're fixing something, fine, if you'er investigating, also, fine, i don't care. but you should keep the players in the loop. once you disabled the bag bank, you can pretty much tell us what's going on.

no one can access it anyway to remove evidence of foul play.

your public announcements really need to include more information that's actually information, and not the "sorry, deal with it" you usually announce.

it's like saying to a patient : "oh, you're ill, you might get better, not sure when, and not sure what you will need to do, and as your doctor, i'm not going to tell you about any treatment or disclose any information regarding your condition, you'll just have to trust me..."

i can see how that statement will work, well, that's what turbine just said to us, the players.

02-25-2015, 05:08 PM
This just provides further proof.

Unit tests, NOT important at all...

02-25-2015, 05:29 PM
Turbine charges people money for this, breaks it, offers what for compensation? Redress of damages? What kind of place are you running here anyway?

Hi, you're new here. You'll get nothing other than a limp wristed apology at best.

02-25-2015, 05:37 PM
The lack of rage in this thread makes me sad.

I don't get outraged at this game often, but if I cant access my seeds by TR time (i'm level 22 now), lets just say I'll be highly disappointed...

02-25-2015, 06:01 PM
Maybe it's to shut out the free players that were also able to use the 12 slots of the bag deposit box?

02-25-2015, 06:11 PM
was wondering - if you are planning to fix something with the bag deposit box, can you make it so that cookies/cakes can also be stored in the bag deposit box?

according to the ddo store description for the bag deposit box:

"You can put anything into your Bag Deposit Box that goes into a bag, quiver, or cookie jar, with the exception of Bound to Character items."

but cookies and cakes are unable to be stored as of yet.

((also: is it possible that you can make it so that the magical d20 from the anniversary event can either be stored in the bag deposit box or the shared bank now? it is useless now, but would like to transfer it to my main character - it says bound to account but cannot be put into bank))

The Bag Deposit Box has been temporarily disabled due to a bug. We will let you know when the Bag Deposit Box is once again available.

02-25-2015, 06:16 PM
Panic! Okay read forums before panic button is hit...10-4

Please fix this soon, went to get stuff and it is gone.

02-25-2015, 06:21 PM
This is functionality we paid money for, and that we rely on. All my TR and crafting mats are in there, and I am due to TR in a few days. Please fix this ASAP, it's more important than yet another festival for which we have to store more mats.

BTW, I have over 8000 Motes of Night from the last festival that was messed up - I take it those will never be useful again?

02-25-2015, 06:28 PM
I'm getting ready to epic TR a toon and all my heart seeds are in my bag deposit box. I really enjoy the game but this is really the last straw. Obviously you could have given everyone notice and let them at least get their items out or better yet give them extra bank slots, but my guess is this was an exploit and you felt it much better to tick off your honest customers (its always worked before). - Soon to be ex-customer

02-25-2015, 06:32 PM
Stuff happens, and you all are acting like its the end of the world.

Grow up.

02-25-2015, 07:01 PM
I'm getting ready to epic TR a toon and all my heart seeds are in my bag deposit box. I really enjoy the game but this is really the last straw. Obviously you could have given everyone notice and let them at least get their items out or better yet give them extra bank slots, but my guess is this was an exploit and you felt it much better to tick off your honest customers (its always worked before). - Soon to be ex-customer

Heart seeds, Tokens of the Twelve, Augments, Jewelers Toolkits, Thunder-Forged Dwarven Ingots, Tapestry Shreds, Scales, etc etc etc.

Kind of ticks me off more than a little bit, every time I turn around something is broke or down or bugged. No warning, no ETA for fix, will probably require a third 3-hour downtime this week to fix, if they can even fix it that soon.

02-25-2015, 07:06 PM
I've seen a lot of bugs and bad "fixes" in this game but this one...this one takes the cake.

I've been meaning to play StarCraft 2...this looks like a good time to do it.

02-25-2015, 07:30 PM
Just great...all my heart seeds are there and I was planning to TR. This better be quick. Fanboi is mad.

02-25-2015, 07:32 PM
Tears of Joy

Turbine is taking things seriously they should take seriously.

02-25-2015, 07:35 PM
You got to be effin' kidding me there! I just paid for the upgrades, shoved a gazillion crafting materials up there to free some space and have access from all toons. BAMM! Turned off. Temporarely unavailable means "Holy guano get the devs something is very very broken!". Great! ETA much?

02-25-2015, 07:47 PM

So sick of this..

02-25-2015, 08:13 PM
The Bag Deposit Box has been temporarily disabled due to a bug. We will let you know when the Bag Deposit Box is once again available.

I had all my mysterious frags which I farmed over a month - 16000 in all in that shared vault - I assumed we would be using them during the mimic event? Did it not occur to you that people might access their frags there from combined toons? Is anyone at the helm there? There are a few quests you can legitimately farm them in because the mini boss yields are quite high.....I wont say what quests cause I'd rather they didnt nerf em - but many on the game chats know the 3 best ones...for legitimate farming -- and you get some decent xp along the way - xp per minute

Hopefully your not going to have great mysterious frag rewards during the event - if you do - a great many honest players are getting screwed....sad sad sad

02-26-2015, 12:10 AM
Wait... what's a bag deposit box

02-26-2015, 12:53 AM
Cordovan, can we at least get an ETA on access to this again? It's pretty important. This is something people paid money for in most cases in order to hold our gazillion ingredients and make them available between toons. I keep everything I regularly use for various toons in there, so it definitely induced rage today when I went to get some stuff. I want to pull out my black dragon scales, for example, because I have a toon that just hit 14. I want to pull out my heart seeds, because I'm ready to ETR. You get the idea.

I get that there is exploiting, but I'll be honest. I don't really care about the exploiters because they don't affect my gameplay. Taking away access to the shared bank does, in a very direct way. I can only assume the reason we got no warning is because of an exploit issue. If that's the case, the least you guys can do is make sure it's only pulled down for a day or two and make sure the community knows when it will be accessible again. Otherwise, it's tremendously unfair to everyone.

02-26-2015, 02:31 AM
The Bag Deposit Box has been temporarily disabled due to a bug. We will let you know when the Bag Deposit Box is once again available.

Ok, i dunno what that bug is, but i also recommend you guys also run a test on dragging bag to deposit bag TIME FRAME. Coz I find it hard to believe that you guys found a better than polynomial time algorythm to compare the deposit bag items with the bag items, and I strongly suspect that the recent lags (that you fellows -I am sure- are aware of) are due to the handling of those "bag tossing into the deposit".

Unfortunately the zillions of new guild ships demanding more instances and more effort from the servers is also one lag-causer you wont be able to lessen, but the depo one, you may be, with some brainstorming.

02-26-2015, 04:10 AM
Wait... what's a bag deposit box

it's o k ..just the game bag is not accessing ..the players stashes are safe

02-26-2015, 04:10 AM
I need access to myself please.


Wait... what's a bag deposit box

So many replies rattling around my head - but they're the ones that are usually funnier when I don't let them out. :rolleyes: :p

02-26-2015, 04:14 AM
I hadn't seen anything wrong with the bank so I'm mystified why it needed to be closed, stopping me from accessing stuff I need. I really liked the extra storage and there is stuff in there I'd like access to.

I'd have preferred if they could have enabled the ability to remove stuff already in the there.

Are we being punished because some of the "my exploits don't affect your game so stop whining" crowd have found another way to affect our game?

02-26-2015, 04:19 AM
Wait... what's a bag deposit box

Lol that was more or less my first thought too.

I haven't used the bag deposit at all because I don't really trust Turbine's bank storage algorithms: raid box items mutating or vanishing (so yes, I have like 12 1st life heroic toons with raid boxes or even the raid items themselves permanently being carried around in case the character ever actually reaches the dizzy heights of L23, because I don't believe the box will be safe in the bank), how slow the banks are to use, people getting banned because of accidentally duping, etc...

So although I find most collectibles useless (you can only turn them in for random augments and I loathe random reward turn in systems. Where the rewards aren't random, they are so low power as to be pointless for anyone who's been around for a while. Cannith ingredients are useless until Turbine actually start maintaining the system they introduced), and I have multiple red & green bags on most characters... that stuff has still taken an age to collect and I don't want it all vanishing, mutating, or - and I learned this lesson last summer - becoming inaccessible or really hard to use next time Turbine decide to fix a bag/bank exploit by effectively punishing entirely innocent people. Wait, wait... that sounds kinda familiar... Yeah. I reckon I made the right call, which is a shame. I would have liked to have been wrong on this one.

In fact, last summer I was all set to leave because of the way they'd implemented the exploit fix. Luckily they were able to adjust it before my sub ran out. This kind of fix is the sort of thing that drives players away but in this case because I don't use the deposit box it doesn't affect me one iota so naturally I don't care (that's a lie, I do care, but it depends on what the bug really is, and they aren't telling. Hence all my supposition about it being Mimic-exploit-related).

But if it is mimic exploit related then really - the answer is to suspend the mimic event, not interfere with players' day to day business.

02-26-2015, 05:13 AM

This is the best thread I can remember reading on these forums.

Thank you very much to everyone who posted in it.

02-26-2015, 06:28 AM
The lack of rage in this thread makes me sad.

I think it's more that everyone is distinctly unsurprised. I mean, honestly is anyone surprised that something new is broken?

That being said, I made the mistake of actually buying and using something. I doubt I'll make that mistake a second time.

02-26-2015, 06:34 AM
Mind you, I didn't start playing until... Oh heck, about a year and a half before MotUD. Yea, I always wanted to have more inventory (who doesn't). But, We didn't have the "Bag Bank" until very recently. Now, as experienced players (not to exclude new players, but, older players would be more likely to have gotten it), we all know to keep fundamental, needed, and wanted assorted things that we store in bags, on the just in case. (To be honest I have 4 Huge Ing bags in my account bank, and, I'm rather certain that's a low side.). The point is, we all know that new additions always have bugs, or in this case, a possible ulterior motive. So, if you have what you need/want, for now, don't worry. Turbine has always fixed this kind of thing.

02-26-2015, 06:41 AM
well another patch and hot fix and we get screwed again now I cant get any thing I had in the shared bag they could of gave us a heads up so we could get stuff out we would need

02-26-2015, 07:17 AM
Just remember everyone;

Exploiting is a victimless crime and does not hurt anyone.

People exploiting bags is not hurting anyone.

02-26-2015, 07:40 AM
Just remember everyone;

Exploiting is a victimless crime and does not hurt anyone.

People exploiting bags is not hurting anyone.

no, it's not.
because of duping you have a shattered plat economy.

also, the duping players have geared up to the teeth , while us honest ones are pretty much left to farm the gear properly, which take s ages. while this doesn't hurt anyone directly, i'll admit, it really effing upsets me. this is in fact an understatement of how i feel about it, because frankly if i expressed my true depth of feeling, i would probably end up banned from forum for life, for use of indecent language.

02-26-2015, 07:47 AM
no, it's not.
because of duping you have a shattered plat economy.

also, the duping players have geared up to the teeth , while us honest ones are pretty much left to farm the gear properly, which take s ages. while this doesn't hurt anyone directly, i'll admit, it really effing upsets me. this is in fact an understatement of how i feel about it, because frankly if i expressed my true depth of feeling, i would probably end up banned from forum for life, for use of indecent language.

.... it's called "sarcasm"

02-26-2015, 08:02 AM
Nothing should be lost; just access has been temporarily disabled.

but even when the exploiting was going on they were not turned of you did fixes so i keep that as a trusted method to store my scales, thunderforged ingred, augments, heart seeds epic scroll, seals and shards with max out space and most of it filled we need access to our stuff i don't see how it is fair to just say it is disabled with no warning for us to get things out leaving your ddo store or asah as the only method to get the items we need till you someday turn it back on! I know stuff happens but this needs to be a top priority fix PLEASE! Ty loyal ddo player since pre release!

02-26-2015, 08:11 AM
i'm a crafter all i need to craft gear for my low lvl TRs is in there, so, i can't TR until this is sorted, and you have no eta, and you don't mention any compensation, and that's right before the weekend, when my TR buddies and i were aiming to TR.

what on earth are you doing?
if you're fixing something, fine, if you'er investigating, also, fine, i don't care. but you should keep the players in the loop. once you disabled the bag bank, you can pretty much tell us what's going on.

no one can access it anyway to remove evidence of foul play.

your public announcements really need to include more information that's actually information, and not the "sorry, deal with it" you usually announce.

it's like saying to a patient : "oh, you're ill, you might get better, not sure when, and not sure what you will need to do, and as your doctor, i'm not going to tell you about any treatment or disclose any information regarding your condition, you'll just have to trust me..."

i can see how that statement will work, well, that's what turbine just said to us, the players.

I am near complete with a bachelors in Web Game Design. If I started talking about how object oriented programming worked most people would not get it. They just want to play.
You may bet hard cash Turbine is pulling out their hairs trying to get whatever the current trouble is fixed asap. I have a general explanation of what is going on and will continue to happen for the lack of planning in the beginning before the launch in 2006.
Everything these days is object oriented; considered an object. The monster you kill is an object. The loot you find. Also the buff symbols, chat windows, the little square where your armor class is displayed.. all objects. There are relations between these objects: is-a and has-a. A human is-a character object that has-a weapon object. A dungeon is-a map object that has-a box object, has-a monster object (that has-a weapon object), and onward.
These object, entity, relations must be carefully planned before programming starts. What programmers did so many years ago was figure they were smart.. and they were.. and started writing code they knew how to do. The Ghost in the Machine, however, must never be ignored. More and more objects were continually added with code before planning to the last detail on paper. The entity relations started going haywire. For example: while running down the road in the Orchard toward the location of the zombie caravan encounter I noticed an altar and a chest in the middle of the road. I recognized the objects as belonging to the map of the Temple of Vol (temple has-a chest, has-a altar) yet there they were related that time to the Orchard object. Somehow the entity relation got associated with the incorrect object.
Now, 9 years later, there are so many improper entity relations previously uncharted on paper first no one knows where to immediately look to find them all. To keep users playing the hotfix must be continually implemented while, hopefully, some small team forever sifts through old code to find what is causing 9 years of poor entity relations. Meanwhile users must have always something new or become board with a game and move on to another. .. So update after update is added to already improper design to be followed by the hotfix that is even more code that may affect entity relations.
Look at that wall of text I wrote. You may very well understand object oriented programming. Most will not; they know other things. All Turbine may say that most will understand is "something is broke and we are working on it." They may even be able to tell us what a symptom is: the Bag Bank is causing Object X to vanish, for example. They won't be able to tell us the cause until they know. .. And when they know they'll fix it.
The doctor example you mentioned.. what you want is like calling a doctor and telling him you're sick. The doctor asks "what's wrong". You answer "I don't know. I'm just sick. Fix me." You might be able to be a little more specific: I have dizziness. Still tests must be run to find the cause of the symptom before a treatment is prescribed. How long will that take? Who knows until the cause is finally discovered.

02-26-2015, 08:20 AM
because of duping you have a shattered plat economy.Baloney. The introduction of astral shards shattered the platinum economy. But you know what? It's a make-believe economy. It doesn't matter if it's shattered.

i'll admit, it really effing upsets me.And it doesn't bother me a single bit.

02-26-2015, 08:21 AM
Just remember everyone;

Exploiting is a victimless crime and does not hurt anyone.

People exploiting bags is not hurting anyone.

This! Hurting victims is turbine's M.O

02-26-2015, 08:31 AM
Baloney. The introduction of astral shards shattered the platinum economy. But you know what? It's a make-believe economy. It doesn't matter if it's shattered.

And it doesn't bother me a single bit.
Oh, but you know what? My real life fun is based on that make-believe economy. So it does matter if it's shattered. Enough with this statements already.

The fact that this is a game doesn't mean it's not important to us. We play the game to have fun and everything that impacts the game will impact our fun. If we were like "Oh, my characters got deleted, I got charged for an extra 100$ and my account was banned. It's ok, it's just a game *happy smile*" then we would seriously need mental help.

You may not care one bit because you are having fun with other aspects of the game. How about grinding loot? Am I right? So what if they just introduced "Because of dupers, the space available in the server is limited. Weapons and gear will get deleted after 6 months of having them." Oh, but it's just a game. And since I play with random loot, this doesn't bother me a single bit.

02-26-2015, 09:33 AM
Cordovan, can we at least get an ETA on access to this again? It's pretty important. This is something people paid money for in most cases in order to hold our gazillion ingredients and make them available between toons. I keep everything I regularly use for various toons in there, so it definitely induced rage today when I went to get some stuff. I want to pull out my black dragon scales, for example, because I have a toon that just hit 14. I want to pull out my heart seeds, because I'm ready to ETR. You get the idea.

I get that there is exploiting, but I'll be honest. I don't really care about the exploiters because they don't affect my gameplay. Taking away access to the shared bank does, in a very direct way. I can only assume the reason we got no warning is because of an exploit issue. If that's the case, the least you guys can do is make sure it's only pulled down for a day or two and make sure the community knows when it will be accessible again. Otherwise, it's tremendously unfair to everyone.

We are working to get the Bag Deposit Box reopened as quickly as possible, and expect to have more news soon. Once we are ready to deploy a fix, we'll have a bit of downtime, and the Bag Deposit Box will reopen. The current plan is to get that done before the weekend, but it all depends on how things progress in the next day or so.

02-26-2015, 09:38 AM
No heads up so can get stuff out that you need ... 100s of items unavailable ... time off to enjoy and ... trying new games since it is POINTLESS to play DDO atm ... and temporarily unavailable .... WRONG ... already into a new day and still not up ... that aint temporarily ... put it back up ... work on it on your own time then just run a hotfix .... way to constantly shut down your game .... working on your resumes I guess?

02-26-2015, 09:45 AM
We are working to get the Bag Deposit Box reopened as quickly as possible, and expect to have more news soon. Once we are ready to deploy a fix, we'll have a bit of downtime, and the Bag Deposit Box will reopen. The current plan is to get that done before the weekend, but it all depends on how things progress in the next day or so.

couldn't the event had waited until after you got the fix? We just had 2 events, we did not need another event immediately.

Couldn't you had made the bag deposit 'withdraw only' while it was being fixed?

I actively use this bank, and yes I have paid real money to expand it.

02-26-2015, 09:56 AM
No heads up so can get stuff out that you need ... 100s of items unavailable ... time off to enjoy and ... trying new games since it is POINTLESS to play DDO atm ... and temporarily unavailable .... WRONG ... already into a new day and still not up ... that aint temporarily ... put it back up ... work on it on your own time then just run a hotfix .... way to constantly shut down your game .... working on your resumes I guess?

dude calm down. all games have their issues. you should be happy they're fixing the issues instead of leaving them there hanging. god i swear some of you people are so ungrateful.

02-26-2015, 10:16 AM
dude calm down. all games have their issues. you should be happy they're fixing the issues instead of leaving them there hanging. god i swear some of you people are so ungrateful.


I suppose if you bought a new car and it had to go back in the shop 3 times in the first month you bought it you would still just be grateful you have a car?

Be happy they are fixing things that should not have made it to a production vehicle in the first place?


So on a smaller scale, this is why people are complaining. They (we) have paid money for this product and things like this keep happening. Inconvenience while we play, and downtime when they patch it.

02-26-2015, 10:18 AM
dude calm down. all games have their issues. you should be happy they're fixing the issues instead of leaving them there hanging. god i swear some of you people are so ungrateful.

And I suppose when your cable goes out and they say "we will be there eventually next week" ... you say thank you? ... what a tool

02-26-2015, 10:26 AM
The Bag Deposit Box has been temporarily disabled due to a bug. We will let you know when the Bag Deposit Box is once again available.

I have over 400 items stored there like all my augments, most of my old epic scrolls, seals and shards. That also includes most mats for greensteel, cannith, thunderholmes etc. So hoping that this won't take weeks or until next **** update before it's fixed is an understatement.

02-26-2015, 10:32 AM
dude calm down. all games have their issues. you should be happy they're fixing the issues instead of leaving them there hanging. god i swear some of you people are so ungrateful.


What a silly statement. We're paying customers. Not some kind of entourage.

02-26-2015, 10:45 AM
And I suppose when your cable goes out and they say "we will be there eventually next week" ... you say thank you? ... what a tool

Well, speaking as someone whose entire state was knocked off the modern grid by a freak windstorm for a week one summer, and her town knocked off for 3 days to 2 weeks by a massive flood, and lost ALL utilities with ZERO eta of them coming back, I have had a lesson in doing without something for a bit until it can be fixed, and yes, I said thank you when they finally got things working again. Everyone around me was screaming they should have known the disasters would happen and had a plan to have us back up in hours, with no thought to the reality of how much money it would take these companies to have enough manpower and supplies to make that pipe dream happen. I learned then a good lesson in need vs. want.

I want my bag deposit back. I really do. I'm as annoyed as the rest of you, however, I can still get on the game and play. Fun can still be had. Loot can still be chased. Trs can still happen, it's faster than ever to farm heart seeds (21 quests of any epic level of your choice and you are there, choose short easy ones) for the Etr's now and everyone has their own plan for fast token farming. Crafters I think are probably being hit the hardest by this, but even they can still play the game and have some fun. Crafting is not the super fun support your toon entirely on the basis of crafting in this game that is in others.

We as a playerbase can't control that this is going on. But we can control whether we choose to act like mature adults during this time or flip our lids. Reasonable discussion and even reasonable complaints that are well written and logical go a lot further, flipped lids just get skimmed by the readers. I say this as a ten year veteran of customer service jobs before I switched to a small office and mainly do basic bookkeeping. No one is enjoying this situation, including Turbine employees. They want to turn it back on for us also. Whatever needs fixing, be it an actual potential people could lose their stuff in it bug or an exploit bug, and I have seen plenty of evidence in the forum that a large portion of our playerbase wants things fixed and often can be quoted 'even it means shutting something down for a bit'.

I agree warning would have been appropriate for people to grab what they needed, but also see that it's possible that which this bug may be is something important enough that they needed to do it this way and deal with the fallout from the playerbase.

You have a choice, allow yourself to stew about it or go play the game and have fun. I'm going to go have fun, and keep an eye on this situation and realize that even without that stuff my ability to quest and enjoy myself is only impacted slightly until it's resolved. And may Ilmatur save the workers at Turbine if the banks get wiped.

02-26-2015, 10:46 AM
And I suppose when your cable goes out and they say "we will be there eventually next week" ... you say thank you? ... what a tool

What do you do? Smash your tv? Change companies? I've had cable and both of the major satellite providers. They ALL go down sometimes. I guess there's always bunny ears.

02-26-2015, 10:52 AM
I have over 400 items stored there like all my augments, most of my old epic scrolls, seals and shards. That also includes most mats for greensteel, cannith, thunderholmes etc. So hoping that this won't take weeks or until next **** update before it's fixed is an understatement.

He just said they are hoping to get it back up by this weekend. Why do you jump to the conclusion that it might take weeks or months?

02-26-2015, 10:52 AM
I am near complete with a bachelors in Web Game Design. If I started talking about how object oriented programming worked most people would not get it. They just want to play.
You may bet hard cash Turbine is pulling out their hairs trying to get whatever the current trouble is fixed asap. I have a general explanation of what is going on and will continue to happen for the lack of planning in the beginning before the launch in 2006.
Everything these days is object oriented; considered an object. The monster you kill is an object. The loot you find. Also the buff symbols, chat windows, the little square where your armor class is displayed.. all objects. There are relations between these objects: is-a and has-a. A human is-a character object that has-a weapon object. A dungeon is-a map object that has-a box object, has-a monster object (that has-a weapon object), and onward.
These object, entity, relations must be carefully planned before programming starts. What programmers did so many years ago was figure they were smart.. and they were.. and started writing code they knew how to do. The Ghost in the Machine, however, must never be ignored. More and more objects were continually added with code before planning to the last detail on paper. The entity relations started going haywire. For example: while running down the road in the Orchard toward the location of the zombie caravan encounter I noticed an altar and a chest in the middle of the road. I recognized the objects as belonging to the map of the Temple of Vol (temple has-a chest, has-a altar) yet there they were related that time to the Orchard object. Somehow the entity relation got associated with the incorrect object.
Now, 9 years later, there are so many improper entity relations previously uncharted on paper first no one knows where to immediately look to find them all. To keep users playing the hotfix must be continually implemented while, hopefully, some small team forever sifts through old code to find what is causing 9 years of poor entity relations. Meanwhile users must have always something new or become board with a game and move on to another. .. So update after update is added to already improper design to be followed by the hotfix that is even more code that may affect entity relations.
Look at that wall of text I wrote. You may very well understand object oriented programming. Most will not; they know other things. All Turbine may say that most will understand is "something is broke and we are working on it." They may even be able to tell us what a symptom is: the Bag Bank is causing Object X to vanish, for example. They won't be able to tell us the cause until they know. .. And when they know they'll fix it.
The doctor example you mentioned.. what you want is like calling a doctor and telling him you're sick. The doctor asks "what's wrong". You answer "I don't know. I'm just sick. Fix me." You might be able to be a little more specific: I have dizziness. Still tests must be run to find the cause of the symptom before a treatment is prescribed. How long will that take? Who knows until the cause is finally discovered.

Summry: Spaghetti code.

02-26-2015, 11:01 AM
He just said they are hoping to get it back up by this weekend. Why do you jump to the conclusion that it might take weeks or months?

yeah where would I ever get that from

02-26-2015, 11:02 AM
Well, speaking as someone whose entire state was knocked off the modern grid by a freak windstorm for a week one summer, and her town knocked off for 3 days to 2 weeks by a massive flood,

I think everyone would understand if DDO servers were down due to a natural disaster.

Being down again and again because of limited testing or bad code is different.

02-26-2015, 11:03 AM
couldn't the event had waited until after you got the fix? We just had 2 events, we did not need another event immediately.

Couldn't you had made the bag deposit 'withdraw only' while it was being fixed?

I actively use this bank, and yes I have paid real money to expand it.

This is the ONE event that is tied to an anniversary - which btw - Happy Anniversary DDO!

02-26-2015, 11:04 AM
no, it's not.
because of duping you have a shattered plat economy.

also, the duping players have geared up to the teeth , while us honest ones are pretty much left to farm the gear properly, which take s ages. while this doesn't hurt anyone directly, i'll admit, it really effing upsets me. this is in fact an understatement of how i feel about it, because frankly if i expressed my true depth of feeling, i would probably end up banned from forum for life, for use of indecent language.

The economy has been shattered many times over. Some were bugs and some were just oversights.

02-26-2015, 11:12 AM
Well, speaking as someone whose entire state was knocked off the modern grid by a freak windstorm for a week one summer, and her town knocked off for 3 days to 2 weeks by a massive flood, and lost ALL utilities with ZERO eta of them coming back, I have had a lesson in doing without something for a bit until it can be fixed, and yes, I said thank you when they finally got things working again. Everyone around me was screaming they should have known the disasters would happen and had a plan to have us back up in hours, with no thought to the reality of how much money it would take these companies to have enough manpower and supplies to make that pipe dream happen. I learned then a good lesson in need vs. want.

I want my bag deposit back. I really do. I'm as annoyed as the rest of you, however, I can still get on the game and play. Fun can still be had. Loot can still be chased. Trs can still happen, it's faster than ever to farm heart seeds (21 quests of any epic level of your choice and you are there, choose short easy ones) for the Etr's now and everyone has their own plan for fast token farming. Crafters I think are probably being hit the hardest by this, but even they can still play the game and have some fun. Crafting is not the super fun support your toon entirely on the basis of crafting in this game that is in others.

We as a playerbase can't control that this is going on. But we can control whether we choose to act like mature adults during this time or flip our lids. Reasonable discussion and even reasonable complaints that are well written and logical go a lot further, flipped lids just get skimmed by the readers. I say this as a ten year veteran of customer service jobs before I switched to a small office and mainly do basic bookkeeping. No one is enjoying this situation, including Turbine employees. They want to turn it back on for us also. Whatever needs fixing, be it an actual potential people could lose their stuff in it bug or an exploit bug, and I have seen plenty of evidence in the forum that a large portion of our playerbase wants things fixed and often can be quoted 'even it means shutting something down for a bit'.

I agree warning would have been appropriate for people to grab what they needed, but also see that it's possible that which this bug may be is something important enough that they needed to do it this way and deal with the fallout from the playerbase.

You have a choice, allow yourself to stew about it or go play the game and have fun. I'm going to go have fun, and keep an eye on this situation and realize that even without that stuff my ability to quest and enjoy myself is only impacted slightly until it's resolved. And may Ilmatur save the workers at Turbine if the banks get wiped.

I concur.....it's just the bag bank - all the quests and raids are still open - if it was in the bank before today then you didn't need it to do yesterday's quests. The game plays entirely the same without the bag deposit.

I can only see the people who are on track to TR/ETR right now as being chuffed....but guess what - I am guessing most are like me - if I am TRing alot I keep my seeds and tokens on my character. So really there likely aren't that many people that are really stuffed on this bug....

Hoarders - thats what it really is - you need access to your cache so you can riffle through it and stroke your obsession.....chill out and go rererecount your collection of cornflakes that look like Bob Dylan.

02-26-2015, 11:14 AM
I concur.....it's just the bag bank - all the quests and raids are still open - if it was in the bank before today then you didn't need it to do yesterday's quests. The game plays entirely the same without the bag deposit.

I can only see the people who are on track to TR/ETR right now as being chuffed....but guess what - I am guessing most are like me - if I am TRing alot I keep my seeds and tokens on my character. So really there likely aren't that many people that are really stuffed on this bug....

Hoarders - thats what it really is - you need access to your cache so you can riffle through it and stroke your obsession.....chill out and go rererecount your collection of cornflakes that look like Bob Dylan.


It doesn't affect me so it's okay.

02-26-2015, 11:16 AM
I think everyone would understand if DDO servers were down due to a natural disaster.

Being down again and again because of limited testing or bad code is different.

Not really. This is a natural disaster in it's field. And it's not all that unusual. My job has downtime because our new accounting software goes crazy without warning, and the company we bought it from needs time to figure out what it's doing and fix it. Neither they nor Turbine want downtime, but software is a lot harder than most people give credit for. And in a perfect world, everyone at every job from medical to trash collection would know exactly how long it will take to fix any problem. But the world isn't perfect, and that traffic jam slowing down the garbage truck messes up the entire route, the rodent in the middle of nowhere that just died on a power line screws it up for hours for people with no power and spoiling food, patient a responds better to treatement than b. These lessons in life are universal and should definitely be applied even to small things like this.

The point is, we do not NEED bags to play the game. We WANT them. The game can be played and enjoyed without it. And I do KNOW what it's like to not know when things are coming back, including things more important than something in my virtual world. I don't say this lightly. But people do have a choice, they can rage and work themselves up into a frenzy and be angry and unhappy, or they can choose the other route, focus on something else while monitoring this (I'm not saying it's not important to express they wans it back at all) and be happy while showing turbine the same urgency in a calmly written complaint that will actually be read and have weight.

02-26-2015, 11:21 AM
In one of the many ironies regarding ddo-customer relations, i remember the bank deposit box being heavily derided on these forums at the time of it's introduction as being an utterly useless addition to the game.

Now suddenly it's INDISPENSABLE!! Even for a couple of days.

02-26-2015, 11:30 AM

It doesn't affect me so it's okay.
No I am saying if you are a reasonable human being then you would think it's not the game breaking disaster that causes a person to quit the game that some people are making it out to be.

At most it is an inconvenience.....like missing a green light because the person in front of you is turning left. Some people will freak out and scream 'three rights makes a left you moron'....others will fiddle with their radio dial and not have a coronary at the age of 32.

To quote the sage - Freakers gonna freak freak freak.

02-26-2015, 11:40 AM
Not really. This is a natural disaster in it's field. And it's not all that unusual. My job has downtime because our new accounting software goes crazy without warning, and the company we bought it from needs time to figure out what it's doing and fix it. Neither they nor Turbine want downtime, but software is a lot harder than most people give credit for.

I do work in IT as a Systems/LAN Admin, so I understand these things. But if my servers/network had as much trouble as Turbine has had, I would lose my job.

But people do have a choice, they can rage and work themselves up into a frenzy and be angry and unhappy, or they can choose the other route, focus on something else while monitoring this (I'm not saying it's not important to express they wans it back at all) and be happy while showing turbine the same urgency in a calmly written complaint that will actually be read and have weight.

Assuming that people are raging or in a frenzy because they post their aggravation here is not necessarily correct. I am still playing, still enjoying (for the most part) and yet still want Turbine to know this IS affecting me and will certainly have an affect on how I spend my money down the road. I know you are trying to be moderate and positive here, you are a good person in-game and here on the forums. But not all of us can post rainbows and unicorns when we are aggravated at something. You seem to be able to do so - that's great.

02-26-2015, 11:43 AM
No I am saying if you are a reasonable human being then you would think it's not the game breaking disaster that causes a person to quit the game that some people are making it out to be.

At most it is an inconvenience.....like missing a green light because the person in front of you is turning left. Some people will freak out and scream 'three rights makes a left you moron'....others will fiddle with their radio dial and not have a coronary at the age of 32.

To quote the sage - Freakers gonna freak freak freak.

With this I can agree.

That post is a lot different then the "hoarders with an ego" post you made.

02-26-2015, 11:52 AM
Any word on why you are doing this would have probably helped. Even if it's for fixing an exploit, I assume the reason you would disable it is so nobody can actually exploit anymore, so don't see what harm it would do telling us something generic as this? I really hope there won't be some more downtime again during the weekend, I'd personally rather not have access to the bank even though I also have all my important stuff in there (hundreds of things) than get weekend downtime.

02-26-2015, 12:02 PM
Any word on why you are doing this would have probably helped. Even if it's for fixing an exploit, I assume the reason you would disable it is so nobody can actually exploit anymore, so don't see what harm it would do telling us something generic as this? I really hope there won't be some more downtime again during the weekend, I'd personally rather not have access to the bank even though I also have all my important stuff in there (hundreds of things) than get weekend downtime.

nah mate, bad idea. a lot of weekend players here. and as you probably saw on some of the posts, they TR, for that they need some crafting materials ,for low lvl gear, but more importantly, their tokens of the 12\heart seeds.
so, if this is not fixed then they can't move forward.

as for taking it offline, if it's to fix an exploit, i'm all for it, take if offline. also, don't remember who it was that talked about a "heads up" about the bag bank going to be disabled, man, if it's in order to fix\catch the exploits \ the exploiters , the worst thing that turbine can do is give a heads up.
so, as far as hot fixes are concerned, i never expect the reason for the hot fix, NOR should turbine give the reason . however once it's taken down or fixed, i do expect to be notified of the reason. that is all.

02-26-2015, 12:15 PM
I do work in IT as a Systems/LAN Admin, so I understand these things. But if my servers/network had as much trouble as Turbine has had, I would lose my job.

One does have to wonder how much this has to do with the turnover we hear about at Turbine. I would ask though, do work for an external server with the constant traffic of a mmo type entity? Or one like my husband works on, where it's company only? It does make a difference. :) I ask becuae I have learned all IT is not created equal after listening to a guy complain to my husband how hard his job is for a small company of only 50 connections, whereas my husband has to deal with six interconnected dc's, corporate, venders, and the users for e-com purchasing. It was interesting how it's the 'same job/position', yet completely different.

Assuming that people are raging or in a frenzy because they post their aggravation here is not necessarily correct. I am still playing, still enjoying (for the most part) and yet still want Turbine to know this IS affecting me and will certainly have an affect on how I spend my money down the road. I know you are trying to be moderate and positive here, you are a good person in-game and here on the forums. But not all of us can post rainbows and unicorns when we are aggravated at something. You seem to be able to do so - that's great.

I'm not asking for unicorns and rainbows, just basic civility and trying to point out to people to be generally helpful that they have a choice, honestly it feels like a lot of the posters in these forums have forgotten that in the manner they post in. And thank you, that is a lovely thing to say, as I do try really hard to be positive (against my natural negative the sky is falling inherent nature, it's all learned behavior I chose to embrace) and pleasant. :) And having worked in customer service for so long, I know full well where the rage filled ones go. :)

02-26-2015, 12:48 PM
We are working to get the Bag Deposit Box reopened as quickly as possible, and expect to have more news soon. Once we are ready to deploy a fix, we'll have a bit of downtime, and the Bag Deposit Box will reopen. The current plan is to get that done before the weekend, but it all depends on how things progress in the next day or so.

Since this is a paid service we are not being provided.. (yes I bought 2 upgrades and am a VIP, I pay/paid for the service) Should we start submitting tickets to get items out of our shared bank? I know at least a handful (3) of people in my group that planned on ETR'ing last night but couldn't get to our heart seeds... There should have been a heads up or a work around available prior to the closure .. right now there is a LOT of spite and vinegar flowing freely in almost every Pug i'm in...

02-26-2015, 01:14 PM
Since this is a paid service we are not being provided.. (yes I bought 2 upgrades and am a VIP, I pay/paid for the service) Should we start submitting tickets to get items out of our shared bank? I know at least a handful (3) of people in my group that planned on ETR'ing last night but couldn't get to our heart seeds... There should have been a heads up or a work around available prior to the closure .. right now there is a LOT of spite and vinegar flowing freely in almost every Pug i'm in...

heads up would've been a pretty bad idea if it's about an exploit.

as for the spite going around, i actually have a bit of bile coming up myself, but that's because there was no ETA stated .
after some of the comments though, it all subsided a bit, even though i'm still upset a bit, i'm not as nearly outraged as i was when it all started.
so, just read some of the comments, the long ones preferably, and you'll feel a bit better about turbine.
not defending here, just saying they're trying.


still and ETA would be nice, and some more testing before implementing would be pretty darn nice as well(to avoid those problems in the future), QA is your friend here.

02-26-2015, 01:44 PM
Remember when in-game chat was broken and it was impossible to click on the **** thing? I mean, communicating with others in a MMO, that's pretty minor right?

...remember how it took more than half a year to get that fixed?

02-26-2015, 01:54 PM
Remember when in-game chat was broken and it was impossible to click on the **** thing? I mean, communicating with others in a MMO, that's pretty minor right?

...remember how it took more than half a year to get that fixed?

oh yea, that was fun haha, you couldn't know it was actually broken until you got a tell with "why aren't you answering ?!" or something like that.
as i recall though, it was minor, because it could be fixed by re-logging, unlike this thing.

02-26-2015, 02:14 PM
oh yea, that was fun haha, you couldn't know it was actually broken until you got a tell with "why aren't you answering ?!" or something like that.
as i recall though, it was minor, because it could be fixed by re-logging, unlike this thing.

Relogging didn't fix it, but you could bypass it by 'enter' or whatever key you bind to chat. Of course it always went to the default window so you had to type /p or /g every single time...

02-26-2015, 02:17 PM
Relogging didn't fix it, but you could bypass it by 'enter' or whatever key you bind to chat. Of course it always went to the default window so you had to type /p or /g every single time...

oh yes, you're right, not fix, bypass.

02-26-2015, 03:34 PM
No heads up so can get stuff out that you need ...

To be fair, I don't think devs usually have a heads up for a bug...

"Hey guys, we're planning to break this important feature totally on purpose just fyi!"

02-26-2015, 04:06 PM
To be fair, I don't think devs usually have a heads up for a bug...

"Hey guys, we're planning to break this important feature totally on purpose just fyi!"

I wish I had a crystal ball to know if live code will break once a change goes live.

02-26-2015, 05:48 PM
I wish I had a crystal ball to know if live code will break once a change goes live.

Nah, you want a ball that tells you what the public will do with the code and the ways they will find to break it. : )

02-26-2015, 06:14 PM
Nah, you want a ball that tells you what the public will do with the code and the ways they will find to break it. : )


02-26-2015, 09:54 PM
I would hope that they would just turn off the Mimic event instead if that was the case.

Hear! Hear! I don't do these idiotic things; I play the game to play D&D. I haven't played since they started up the mimic thing, either--so maybe it really is time to look for some other game to play, instead of DDO.

02-26-2015, 10:20 PM
Over a day and a half-- still no fix, no updates, just a cryptic message, "we're working on it".

Well, yeah, we kinda figured you were working on it--that's what we, the customers, pay you for after all.


Couple that with yet another unwanted thingy (mimics? what are those?... <snerk> ) to bother with, makes me less and less interested in playing.

Take today: Logged in, checked bank (no vault), and then I kinda lost interest, so I just logged out, went and did other things. Played other games I'd forgotten I like.

May not bother logging in at all tomorrow... hmmm... vip renewal is coming around again, not that far off... I'll have to re-think this.

02-26-2015, 10:41 PM
Feel free to complete the sentence!
... when all quest completions were lost and the consolation effort was having your choice of an item you couldn't use.

02-26-2015, 10:53 PM
Feel free to complete the sentence!

... when I recently renewed my VIP membership and discovered the bag deposit is broken due to a bug.

02-26-2015, 11:55 PM
To be fair, I don't think devs usually have a heads up for a bug...

"Hey guys, we're planning to break this important feature totally on purpose just fyi!"

To be fair, I'm pretty sure this important feature was "broken" on purpose. I mean, I suppose the timing could be coincidental . . . but that would require good faith that has long been absent.

02-27-2015, 12:05 AM
I wish I had a crystal ball to know if live code will break once a change goes live.

Like a development server that matched live's code?

Welcome to 1970.

02-27-2015, 09:51 AM
if deposit bag is unavailable because of the mimic .. i would like to request to drop the event and give me back my deposit bag. and thank you

02-27-2015, 11:38 AM
The Bag Deposit Box is back up!
Everyone can stand down from DefCon 1 now.

02-27-2015, 11:56 AM
BTW, I have over 8000 Motes of Night from the last festival that was messed up - I take it those will never be useful again?

I'd love to know an answer to that as well as the other random Mabar things I still have.

But if it is mimic exploit related then really - the answer is to suspend the mimic event, not interfere with players' day to day business.

I would concur with this also. I've seen it voiced a few times throughout this thread so far.

To quote the sage - Freakers gonna freak freak freak. I really needed that giggle, thanks Spoonwelder lol

Now to be honest, I haven't logged into this event as of yet (**** the flu), but if this supposed to be the Mabar replacement...? That sucks. So for from what I heard from my guildies is that what gets turned in random? I don't want random things that BTCoA. I want a list of things and work on what I want if I bother to do this mimic hunt at all.

I'm fully aware Mabar had issues, but I loved it. If nothing else, can the Mabar pumpkin vendor be brought back next to this woman who can repel the mimics? And the motes, fangs, etc can at least be traded and upgraded to the things we really want?

Yeah, that's asking too much, probably.
