View Full Version : Halfling Daggermaster Rogue12-13/Ranger6/???1-2

08-19-2013, 07:32 AM
Hey guys just rolling up a build I've been wanting to do for a long time and the E-Pass has made possible a Halfling Daggermaster...it focuses on both TWF with them as well as throwing them (the ranger levels REALLY help with this)

Updated Build

True Neutral Halfling Rogue12/Ranger6/Arty2 (Mech/DWS)

Str 6
Dex 18 (+3 tome by level 21)
Con 12
Int 18 (Lvl ups here)
Wis 10
Cha 8

Skills: UMD, Search, DD, Spot, Hide, MS,Bluff,Balance,OL, Haggle, Jump,Tumble
Non-Rogue Lvls: Max in above order any class skills, than cross class...use rogue levels to catch up skills in order.

Lvl Order: Rogue 1-6, Ranger 7-12, Arty13-14, Rogue 15 - 20


3 Quick Draw
6 Precision
Ra7 FE: Undead
Ra8 Rapid Shot, TWF
Ra9 Diehard
9 DM of Healing
Ra10 Precise Shot
Ra11 FE: Construct
Ra12 Manyshot, ITWF
12 Empowered Healing
15 IPS
Ro18 Improved Evasion (swap to opportunist at Lvl 25)
18 GTWF or ???
ED Shiradi w/ Shadowdancer twists or vise versa
21 Epic Sneak Attack
24 Combat Archery
25 Epic Reflexes
27 Blinding Speed
28 Doubleshot

08-19-2013, 10:32 AM
Assassinate DC is still based on # of rog lvls, isn't it? So going INT-based on such a heavily-MCed rogue means you're going to have an uphill struggle w/getting your DCs high enough, I should think.

08-19-2013, 11:03 AM
Assassinate DC is still based on # of rog lvls, isn't it? So going INT-based on such a heavily-MCed rogue means you're going to have an uphill struggle w/getting your DCs high enough, I should think.

Well this build is for a duo that primarily does normal and occasionally hard (elite is reserved for doing raids for loot way above level) so DC is slightly less of an issue but I'm wondering the target DCs for assassinate becuase I'm debating "splashing" 2 more rogue lvls simply for the +2 Assassinate DC.

IOW how often will I hit with Assassinate with only 14 rogue levels doing at-level normal dungeons.

Mind you the other option is to go Mech/DWS focus and not worry about Assassinate DC and let my Single-class Shadar-kai Acrobatic Assassin handle it.

08-23-2013, 04:37 PM
No one knows the target Assassinate DCs for normal difficulty and whether its possible for a non single-class rogue?

09-04-2013, 05:09 PM
OK so research and help from others shows DC for most rogue enhancements will be fine in the majority of Normal difficulty stuff (for both epic and heroic) and a fair chunk of Hard but Elite is just no...so since 90% of the time we do normal content and almost never elite I have no worries for that.

No comes the matter of level order...this is always the hardest part for me. Any suggestions?

Edit: Also I'm still short a lvl or two since the build is Rogue12-13/Ranger6 any suggestions even just a single highly synergistic enhancement could be worth it

So far a couple options I've thought of

Arty 2 - Runearm for extra effects and damage imbue (Up to 2D10) for throwing daggers and your arty dog makes for a good distraction (send you dog into battle and sneak by whilst they are looking towards it) since it would die so easily due to only having 2 arty levels (works better the higher your character level)

Barb 1 - The +10% speed is nice and tier 1 of Occult slayer has some decent enhancements

Druid 1 - Beguile reduce enemy attack speed/spellpower by 2% per strike

Fighter 1 - Haste Boost assuming it actually works with ranged weapons properly

Bard 1 - Fascinate is Perform based so would be a good oh-sh*t button if I get caught sneaking.

Bard 2 - Flickr is a nice, if unreliable way to get free SA and aggro shedding occasionally for a few seconds, also adding a damage buff to fascinate (I wonder is taking both Mech and SS W&S Mastery would stack)

and if all else fails...

Monk/Fighter 1-2 - extra feats of course...don't know if i really need em though

09-09-2013, 10:48 PM
Ok well I've narrowed it down to Arty 2 or Bard 1/Rogue 13

Arty 2 - Runearm for extra effects and damage imbue (Up to 2D10) for throwing daggers and your arty dog makes for a good distraction (send you dog into battle and sneak by whilst they are looking towards it) since it would die so easily due to only having 2 arty levels (works better the higher your character level)

Bard 1/Rogue 13 - Fascinate is Perform based so would be a good oh-sh*t button if I get caught sneaking, 2nd Rogue Feat, +1d6 SA

Any suggestions?

09-11-2013, 03:49 PM
Ok so fascinate doesn't really work since whilst you can use it w/o breaking stealth the noise as it should attracts enemies to you and imo flickr doesn't proc enough to rely on.

So it's looking like Rogue12/Ranger6/Arty2 is the best option simply for the extra 2d10 damage on throwing weapons and the extra effects from the runearm itself, as well as the construct which is useful for opening doors without breaking stealth and as a sacrificial distraction. The single rogue feat will likely be oppurtunist as the other feats are kinda meh imo...with a high enough reflex save improved evasion is wasted.

Here' what it will look like

True Neutral Halfling Rogue12/Ranger6/Arty2 (Mech/DWS)

Str 6
Dex 18 (+3 tome by level 21)
Con 12
Int 18 (Lvl ups here)
Wis 10
Cha 8

Skills: UMD, Search, DD, Spot, Hide, MS,Diplomacy,Balance,OL, Haggle, Jump,Tumble
Non-Rogue Lvls: Max in above order any class skills, than cross class...use rogue levels to catch up skills in order

Lvl Order: Unknown...suggestions? (

What I know so far:

- Need 4 Lvl of Ranger by Lvl 12 to be eligible for empowered healing)

- Would like Ranger 6 ASAP due to Sniper Shot

- Arty rune arm is a big damage boost but can wait until higher levels as its less damage at lower levels

- Want as much rogue as possible due to SA

- Lvl 1 will be rogue


3 Quick Draw
6 Precision
9 DM of Healing
12 Empowered Healing
15 IPS
18 IC: Ranged
ED Shadowdancer or Shiradi
21 Epic Sneak Attack
24 Combat Archery
25 Epic Reflexes
27 Blinding Speed
28 Doubleshot

Class Feats (feats at class level X)


10 Opportunist


1 Bow Str, FE: Undead
2 Rapid Shot, TWF
3 Diehard
4 Precise Shot
5 FE: Construct
6 Manyshot, ITWF

09-12-2013, 08:22 AM
The single rogue feat will likely be oppurtunist as the other feats are kinda meh imo...with a high enough reflex save improved evasion is wasted.
I disagree: no matter how high your Reflex saves are, everybody rolls a 1...usually at the worst possible time. :p And since you presumably plan to take Knife Specialization, you can't take Evasive Dance from Tempest.

09-12-2013, 01:58 PM
I disagree: no matter how high your Reflex saves are, everybody rolls a 1...usually at the worst possible time. :p And since you presumably plan to take Knife Specialization, you can't take Evasive Dance from Tempest.

My plan is to use Improved evasion until I pick up epic reflexes than switch to oppurtunist

09-30-2013, 06:20 PM
Could you please move the final version of the build to the OP?


09-30-2013, 06:45 PM
Could you please move the final version of the build to the OP?


Will do :D

Edit: Done