View Full Version : Ranger Theorybuild - The Whirling Dervish

02-17-2013, 05:03 AM
Theorybuild - The Whirling Dervish

It's tough being Melee DPS these days. I've had my eyes opened on Epic Elite difficulties, and the days of Dumping AC, having a moderate amount of HP and killing stuff before it kills you are far and away over.

So I started wanting more for my money. How can build a character capable of taking on packs of Mobs or doing good single target DPS? I wanted said build to have great defenses, a stack of HP and not have to be reliant on a healer for emergency or out of combat healing. I also wanted some extras - toys such as Teleport and Displacements.

So this theory build really, really, REALLY strives to make the complete package for me. The build goals are:

1. Very good DPS vs. Trash Mob Packs
2. Very good Melee DPS vs. Single Target / Boss / Raid Boss
3. Good Defenses across the board, without major DPS sacrifices
4. Good Self-Healing, guaranteed delivery and for large amounts
5. Some measure of Versatility for interest and ease of play

As a Theorybuild, the number detail is lacking in this post on purpose, as no one likes reading through a wall of text and I can really get carried away with waxing lyrical about my latest great idea.

Core Build
Class Split: Ranger 14 ~ Fighter 4 ~ Monk 2
Race: Half-Elf

Starting / Finishing Stats (34pt Life)
Str 16 / 40 - (+3 Tome needed)
Dex 16 / 42 - (+4 Tome needed)
Con 16 / 34 - (+3 Tome needed)
Int 10 / 15 - (+3 Tome needed)
Wis 10 / 22 - (+3 Tome needed)
Cha 08 / 20 - (+3 Tome needed)

Feat List
- 7 Standard +3 Fighter +2 Monk +2 Epic = 14 Chosen Feats
Chosen Feats
- Dilletante: Rogue
- Power Attack, Precision, Combat Expertise
- Cleave, Great Cleave, Whirlwind
- Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
- Improved Critical, Overwhelming Critical
- Toughness, Quicken,
- One of: Ex: Khopesh/Ex: Bastard Sword/Empower Heal (I chose Khopesh due to my Greensteel availability).
Ranger Free Feats
TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Diehard, Evasion, Favoured Enemies x3
Bow Strength, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot,

Enhancement List
Ranger Tempest 2, Ranger Dexterity 3, Human Adaptability 2, Fighter Strength 1,
Fighter Haste Boost 2, Human Versatility 2, Improved Dilletante 3, FE: Damage 4,
Racial Toughness 3, Fighter Toughness 2, Human Improved Recovery 2, Ranger Devotion 4, Ranger Sprint Boost 1, Ranger Energy Resistance Boost 1

Epic Destiny - Shadow Dancer
+1 Dexterity x2, Acrobatic 2, Lithe 3, Shrouding Strike 3, Grim Precision 3,
Improved Invisibility 1, Sealed Soul, Untouchable, Executioners Strike 3, Shadow Form

EN/EH - DPS - Lay Waste, Momentum Swing, Rejuvenation Cocoon
EE - Defense - Improved Combat Expertise, Rejuvenation Cocoon, Unearthly Reactions

So how does it all of the build goals? I'll comment on points above:

1. High Melee DPS vs. Trash Mob Packs
- Power Attack as combat stance
- Full TWF Feat Line
- Ranger 12 & Tempest 2 for full 100% Offhand attacks
- Cleave, Great Cleave and *Whirlwind* as AoE Attack Specials
- Lay Waste & Momentum Swing for Additional AoE Attack Specials

This gives the Whirling Dervish its name, really. The ability to continually spin attacks across
multiple mobs as well, as well as giving the optimum number of attacks for TWF before any

2. Very good Melee DPS vs. Single Target / Boss / Raid Boss
- Precision as Combat Stance
- 3D6 Sneak Damage: Rogue Dilletante
- 6D6 Sneak Damage: ShadowDancer Core destiny
- Stacking Seeker Critical Damage (+15 from Items)
- Khopeshes & Overwhelming Critical for high Crit Multi
- Grim Precision Rank 3 to give 40% Personal Fort Bypass
- DC55 Executioners strike for mob instant Kills

The build delivers 9D6+13 Sneak Damage and x4 Crits, as well as the noted 40% Fort Bypass. The Lord of Blades can be reduced to a much easier to manage 20% Fortification with the addition of a simple Blasting Chime. Improved deception is a requirement in the build, so a Seal of Avithoul or the new Epic Backstabbers Gloves are very desirable. For myself, I also have a pair of GS Radiance Khopeshes banked on this TR.

Interestingly, with Half-Elf and Ranger making up the core components of the build, it becomes very easy to build a very High Dex for the purposes of Reflex Save, Ac and Executioners Strike DC. Despite the horrible 35% Activation chance, DC55 should work very well for popping off troublesome mage mobs in high diffuclty content.

3. Good Defenses across the board, without major DPS sacrifices
- 756 Hit Points
- 80AC standing in Light Armour, rising to around 100AC in CE mode with Buffs
- 57 PRR while in TWF Mode, 77 PRR in CE Mode
- F50/R57/W36 Self-Buffed Saves
- 24% Dodge - MDB 25 with Flawless White Dragonscale Hide and ShadowDancer's Lithe Rank 3
- 20% Static / 50% Buffed Concealment with Smoke 2 Item, Displacement Scrolls / Blind Procs
- 10% Static / 25% Buffed Incorporeal with Treads and ShadowDancer's Shadow Form
- For Epic Elites: Combat Expertise as a Combat Stance
- Adds 20 PRR through Improved Combat Expertise

4. Self-Healing
- 215% Healing Amplification
- 140 Devotion Spell Power Minimum
- Quickened Rejuvenation
- Quickened Cure Serious Wounds
- Empower Heal at Epic levels
- CSW Avg: ((3D6+6+12)*2.4)*2.15 = ((28.5)*2.4)*2.15 = 147HP Per cast Avg
- RjC Avg: ((5D6)*2.4)*2.15 = ((17.5)*2.4)*2.15 = 90.3 per tick(4) = 361HP Per cast Avg

Note that I expect to change out of GS Khopeshes when I get into Epic levels, looking at perhaps a pair of Celestia's or Balizarde's for the Planar Conflux set bonus and the improvement in DPS output. This will free up the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat choice and allow me to instead take Empower Heal.

5. Versatility
- Full Ranger Bow Feats
- UMD at Half Ranks

Add a Pinion from CitW, and Manyshot/IPS DPS is relevant and available at the touch of a button.With Epic level skills a ~30ish UMD should be feasible to get Displacements
running as needed and other toys such as Teleport.

Ermm, thats it. Comments and suggested improvements welcome.

02-17-2013, 05:14 AM
iirc whirlwind or spring attack, 1 of both doesn't work, dunno where i've read it XD

02-17-2013, 05:28 AM
iirc whirlwind or spring attack, 1 of both doesn't work, dunno where i've read it XD

Whirlwind has bugs at the moment. It does a useless double spin but hits mobs only once. Still, has merit with what I'm doing here, hence its inclusion.

02-17-2013, 05:37 AM
Theorybuild - The Whirling Dervish

Class Split: Ranger 12 ~ Fighter 4 ~ Monk 2

My good sir, that adds to 18, not 20

02-17-2013, 05:40 AM
My good sir, that adds to 18, not 20

Brainfart. It's Ranger 14 for the extra CSW and FE Damage rank.

02-17-2013, 05:54 AM
Alright, cool :). Looks like a fun build to play! Do you have any plans as to when you will have this build at cap?

02-17-2013, 08:03 AM
What about level progression? :)

02-17-2013, 09:03 AM
Brainfart. It's Ranger 14 for the extra CSW and FE Damage rank.

Another Brainfart - It's starting Int 10 for 10+3 Tome base for CE requirement. Updated.

Hmm, too much enthusiasm while writing and not enough post editing, lol.

Alright, cool :). Looks like a fun build to play! Do you have any plans as to when you will have this build at cap?

Rock through some raids and Epic questing. Apart from my Monk, I need another solid 25 character for Raiding and EH/EE questing,

What about level progression? :)

*shrug* I have it worked out for me personally, but it pretty much doesn't really matter once your at 20+. As a theory build, if you want to roll a similar build then feel free to customise to your own desires.

My progression is sketched out as:

1 Ranger - Power Attack, Dil: Rogue
2 Monk - Dodge
3 Ranger - Cleave (TWF)
4 Monk - Mobility
5 Ranger - (Diehard)
6 Ranger - Great Cleave (Precise Shot)
7 Ranger
8 Ranger - (ITWF)
9 Fighter - Ex: Khopesh, Spring Attack (Tempest 1)
10 Fighter - IC: Slash
11 Fighter
12 Fighter - Combat Expertise, Whirlwind
13 Ranger
14 Ranger
15 Ranger - Toughness
16 Ranger
17 Ranger - (GTWF, IPS)
18 Ranger - Quicken
19 Ranger
20 Ranger
21 Epic -
22 Epic - Overwhelming Critical
23 Epic -
24 Epic - Precision

02-19-2013, 03:31 AM
Level 6, 7 Banked

In progress, and burned up as much XP grind as possible while that 25% XP bonus was on for the mass outage, yesterday.

In typical TR style, picked up a Great Sword and was THF for the first 6 levels. Got level 7 banked as well. Great Cleaves offer some sick crits with a Great Axe in the early levels.

My plan has me picking up Khopesh Feat and ITWF by level 8, so another level of swinging the oversized pencil sharpners and then onto something with a little more finesse.

Defenses are great at this early level:
AC36 (72% Miss chance at level)
7% Dodge
130-odd HP
Evasion and +21 Reflex

End Gear
Initial thoughts on some end game gear:
- Epic Flawless White Dragonscale Hide Light Armour
- Epic White Dragonscale Helm (+50HP Set Bonus)
- Lootgen 20% HA of Superior Parrying Bracers
- GS HP+45 Smoke 2 Perma-Blur accessory
- Epic Grims Bracelet (Crucial Green Slot)
- Epic Elite Treads of Falling Shadow
- Epic PDK Gloves
- Epic SunSoul Belt
- Epic Adamatine Cloak of the Wolf
- Planar Focus of Prowess +3 Ins Str
- Epic Seal of Avithoul
- +7 Wisdom would be ideal on the seal, have a +2 Ins dex one already bound

More thought needed but looking to cover my bases early. Alot of these basics I have already.

More to Come
More fuller update when the build takes more shape in teen levels

02-22-2013, 05:39 AM
Level 13

Ok, thank you Turbine for the 25% Bonus XP. Been a massive help. And now thanks to the 25% Bonus, and a 30% Pot, and my Elite Streak, and several hours of help from TR running Guildies I'm upto 13. Yay me.

I stuck with the Great Swords and THF right upto the end of level 11. I smashed through content on a very epic Shadow crypt Grind that it was worthwhile just getting on with it with the weapons at hand than trying to craft up some suitable Khopeshes. The Cleave Spam is really great off the back of a 2D6 base damage weapon, so despite every Ranger reflex I had screaming at me to to pick up two weapons I did absolutely fine mashing through the mobs.

Onto the build itself, I picked up Combat Expertise and Whirlwind at level 12, and I've been playing around with Whirlwind a fair amount to see how it works.

Firstly the good; Crits from Whirlwind powered blows are excellant, I've been doing some 200pt+ Critical hits from a Greensteel (+5, 1.5[1D8] Base) Khopesh and thats without any kind of Seeker in my gear setup. Its a full 360 sweep as well, so I'll hit mobs behind me. This has real application as by the time I've cycled Cleave, Great Cleave and Whirlwind on a fresh set of mobs, they've taken significant damage *and* are more than likely a few of them are blinded to boot, resulting in a nice way to manage the aggro I've just generated cleaving through ranks of Mobs.

Secondly the bad; Similar to Cleave and Great Cleave, its main hand attacks only, so Whirlwind only shines in packs of 3 mobs or greater. And for some bizzare reason, the feat works by doing a Cleave, applying damage, and then performing another cleave but without any kind of damage application. What's with that Devs?

Defenses have started to tail off , though as I start to struggle to keep AC versus the Elite mobs I'm still fighting off. thankfully, my HP has had significant boosts with more Con and more HP gear. I'll finally pick up toughness at 15 - with enhancements, that will be another 67HP straight away.

9% Dodge
20% Concealment - Blur Wand
50% Concealment - Displacement Clicky for Major Fights
285ish HP
+21 Fort/+23 Reflex/+17 Will
100% fort

As for items, I hit level 12 and it was all change. Took some time to regear and the first pair of beauties to come out of the TR cache are my Radiance 2 Khopeshes from my previous life. With U17 finally landed, I've done some sneaky crafting of augment slotted items, ensuring I have a full set of +6 stat items with accompanying yellow slots. These were ML13 though, so I chewed my banked level and went upto 13. Nice though, as these items now have Immunity to Fear, Poison Proof +6 and Disease Resist +6 slotted, which will be very useful for an upcoming WizKing grind.

Oh, and in a moment sheer luck I ran a single Elite Church and the Cult with my missus, and pulled the new Silver Longbow - +3, Holy, 19-20/x3, Red Slot. Awesome little ranged weapon to use with Manyshot now that I've hit BAB11+ (3 Shots a manyshot Volley atm).

Other goodies such as my GS Mineral 2 HP Cloak Item, GS Cloak Displacement Clickies and my GS ConOpp Helm also came out to play.

More to Come
Build will progress will slow down as I start to hit the longer stretches of levelling up, but hoping to hit level 15 by Sunday evening, hopefully. Still, he's proving a tough nut to crack and he's been capable of some impressive Elite solo antics.

02-25-2013, 04:59 AM
Level 15
Well, bit of a Whirlwind Week (*du-dum* pun intended) for the Dervish in this TR build of mine, starting last Monday and finishing Sunday evening at level 15 with 3 AP banked.

Level 14 Equipment
As a TR, I was able to take some very nice trinkets out of my TR cache for this build at level 14:

White Dragonscale Hide Armour
Madstone Shield
Madstone Boots

The armour was a nice godsend as it will free me from my GS Min2 Accessory that I intend to rebuild as a Smoke 2 item in the future in a different slot than the present Cloak slot. It also looks very funky wearing White Dragonscale Hide and wielding dual Radiance 2 khopeshes with there flaming blade effect.

Boots are also a nice gift, as at the moment I'm not spell healing and just using a hireling. Extra DPS and HP, makes for more tanky Ranger bulling my through 4-5 mobs at a time. When the major need for my Spectral Gloves is past and I have my main self-healing spells, I'll swap these out for something more suitable and keep them handy for the clicky.

Thinking Defensively
The Shield was an unexpected pleasure in Elite WizKing. It was rough at some points for my TR partner and I, and necessitated a defensive strategy where I grabbed aggro while she could deal with the nasty traps or pull a lever under a hail of arrows. A Failed Evasion save from a Skeleton Wizard casting Lightning Bolt could mean 200pts+ damage as well. Owch.

So, I dropped into Combat Expertise Mode, S&B with the Shield and a single Rad2 Khopesh, and then used my Cleaves to still pump out a fair bit of DPS. My AC hit the heady heights of around 55 in this mode, with PRR at 22, Evasion, +25 Reflex, 9% Dodge and 20% Concealment Blur.

Since that WizKing run, I've reminded myself that sometimes a good Defensive strategy is better than trying to blaze through mobs at lightspeed taking to much damage. Dropping into this Defensive equipment mode is now a single Mouse-mounted button click away for my thumb, and is excellant for dropping into instead of becoming a regular pincushion to Archers.

Whirlwind Specific Notes
This feat needs some work and attention from the Devs. In its current form, it will stay in my build, but I hope the Devs do put somethought into its implementation.
The first spin, with a single Main-hand attack to all mobs in a 360deg arc around me, is fine, and I've done some pretty nasty crits on the spin with its bonus +4[W] damage for the mainhand attacks.

The second spind does nothing but leave you vulnerable to additional attacks before you resume either normal attacks or chain another Cleave on the end.

Anyways, at the moment in GH I'm playing like Barb, running straight past the first mob or two and then spin Cleaving my way thorugh 4-5 mobs for maximum effect. By the time I've gone through my Cleave-Great Cleave-Whirlwind chain I get 2 seconds of TWF before I can chain cleave again.

It's a great deal of fun!

Next Places to Visit
Its the usual now - All GH Quests done H/E/N, with Tor ran, then it'll be onto the orchard for a new Sigil and then awesomeness that is a Litany Grind. Play time is low this coming week though, so by next weekend I'll be happy if I've XP for 17, Gianthold is cleaned out and the Orchard stuff is underway.

03-04-2013, 12:07 PM
Level 17

Picked up enough XP finally to hit 17. Finally! It's been a bit of a bind trying to grab snatches of game time here and there, but the character is at lvl 17 finally. I've still got a good chunk of Necro4 to mine out for XP, but done a decent amount of Vol runs and some GoP farming as well. 2 peices to find for the Sigil (**** you Inferno!) and then on Litany goodness.

Nothing much to report on in terms of character or progression though, I'm catching up on Ranger levels now and finally pick up Ranger 11 at 17, with Tempest 2 coming at 18. Still, with TWF/SnB/Ranged versatility its been a pleasurable cruise of XP mining instead of some of the horror story builds I've tried in the past.


Picked up a couple of new trinkets, but wanted to comment specifically on augments. I've managed to fit in to my gear setup some nice permanent additions thanks to yellow slots on crafted accessories, including:

Proof against Poison +6
Proof against Disease +6

I've also picked up a Shield of Legend turn-in, namely Death's Door. I was tempted for different reasons to go with Bijio or Adherance, but plumped for Death's Door instead in the end simply for the addition Negative Energy Absorption charges on the shield making it a useful shield still in Epic levels. On the same note, I've also gone back and upgraded my Silver Flame trinket to the full 10 charges. Plenty of absorption for facing off against Beholders and doing the recent GoP runs against Cholthulzz.

Till next time ..

Seeya after the Litany farm when I'm roaming the Vale....

03-04-2013, 01:16 PM
To me it seems like you could gain a lot by dropping the two monk levels and picking up 2 more fighter levels - this would allow you to take Stalwart Defender 1 (you already meet the pre-reqs with Combat Expertise, Dodge and Diehard) - which woud be more STR, CON, AC, PRR, and HP.

You'd be short 1 feat this way. I woud probably drop Whirlwind Attack, though I sense that it's important to you.

Just some food for thought.

03-06-2013, 04:51 PM
Indeed. If you're going to be in light armor anyway, SD seems more better than monk's better. 4 dodge and 2 Reflex is nice, but you recoup 1 of those saves with SD 1 and then get 10% HP, 10 PRR, 10% AC from armor (which is probably only 1 or 2 AC but still), 2 Str and Con.

03-07-2013, 05:51 AM
To me it seems like you could gain a lot by dropping the two monk levels and picking up 2 more fighter levels - this would allow you to take Stalwart Defender 1 (you already meet the pre-reqs with Combat Expertise, Dodge and Diehard) - which woud be more STR, CON, AC, PRR, and HP.

You'd be short 1 feat this way. I woud probably drop Whirlwind Attack, though I sense that it's important to you.

Just some food for thought.

Interesting idea, and one I'd considered already during development of the build.... but yes, Whirlwind Attack is a key feat for me personally.

Indeed. If you're going to be in light armor anyway, SD seems more better than monk's better. 4 dodge and 2 Reflex is nice, but you recoup 1 of those saves with SD 1 and then get 10% HP, 10 PRR, 10% AC from armor (which is probably only 1 or 2 AC but still), 2 Str and Con.

Strictly speaking:
+1 AC, +10PRR when Shield is Equipped
Defensive Stance: +2 Competence Str/Con, +10% HP, +1 Competence Bonus on saves, 10 PRR, 10% AC Bonus from Armour and shields. 25% Threat bonus and move 10% Slower.

Sticking with the Monk levels, I get my +3/+3/+3 saves, Early Evasion for Heroic levels and 2 Feat slots. I don't get the 4% dodge as I'm not centered.

To me personally, theres Pro's and Cons here. 10% HP and 10PRR from the Stance are nice draws, at the sacrifice of additional threat (not a tank!) and also -10% Movement speed. I'd also be sacrificing a feat slot.

Really though, it would change the build significantly in losing Whirlwind attack. I've had 18 levels to play with this build, and since gaining Whirlwind its become a key part of the AoE trash DPS that the build can deal out in its Power Attack based stance.

Losing 10% movement speed would impact how the build plays as there's no mitigating that. The character plays from the front of the party, and am often guide within my Guild parties in running quests/raids so asking everyone to slow down seems opposite of what I want to do with the build.

Finally, that competence bonus to saves is the same bonus as the Alchemical Ritual for saves, and will not stack - I'd be losing the full +3 bonus to all saves, and that would really expose the Will Save on this character.

14 Ranger/6 Fighter really is another build entirely, so I'll stick with 14 Ranger/4 Fighter/2 Monk build for now.

I will say thanks for the input though! It's always good to reconsider options and build choices.

03-07-2013, 06:54 AM
It's tough being Melee DPS these days. I've had my eyes opened on Epic Elite difficulties, and the days of Dumping AC, having a moderate amount of HP and killing stuff before it kills you are far and away over.

This is false. AC dont work very well on EE and killing stuff before it kills you is easier nowdays on EE than in old epics. For mlee dps you are in wrong destiny, try LD.

Feat List
- 7 Standard +3 Fighter +2 Monk +2 Epic = 14 Chosen Feats
Chosen Feats
Dilletante: Rogue
- Power Attack, Precision, Combat Expertise
- Cleave, Great Cleave, Whirlwind
- Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
- Improved Critical, Overwhelming Critical
- Quicken, Ex: Khopesh or Empower Heal
Ranger Free Feats
TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Diehard, Evasion, Favoured Enemies x3
Bow Strength, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot

I really never tried Whilwind attack myself, but i heard it has a soo long animation and is weaker on twf. I think you are better only spamming cleaves/lay waste/momentum swing. Ex: Khopesh is a must because without proficiency you loose 20% (or 25% i forgot) AND the -4. you listed only 13 feats, i think 14th is toughness.

03-07-2013, 10:55 AM
I really never tried Whilwind attack myself, but i heard it has a soo long animation and is weaker on twf. I think you are better only spamming cleaves/lay waste/momentum swing. Ex: Khopesh is a must because without proficiency you loose 20% (or 25% i forgot) AND the -4. you listed only 13 feats, i think 14th is toughness.

The 14th Feat is Toughness.

The reason to give up Khopesh proficiency and take Empower Heal is if your chosen weapon mains are not khopeshes e.g. Balizarde, Celestia etc. Or swap it for Ex: Bastard Sword proficiency, and go dual Nightmares. Ofcourse, it depends entirely on what I can get to drop in the Raid.

03-07-2013, 12:02 PM
I have herd that cleaves and whirlwind interact differently when you are using hand wraps instead of weapons. Since you have access to them is there any chance you could look at how the feats (especially whirlwind) works for hand wraps and 2hf?

On another note, did you consider going for centered with 6 monk, you would get 6 dodge, shadowfade!!!, and other goodies like the possibility of stunning fist?

I would very much go for cocoon in epic levels, as a 14 ranger with heal amp you can get quite a bit of healing from it, and empower healing works wonders to. Its truly an amazing ability.

03-07-2013, 04:12 PM
I have herd that cleaves and whirlwind interact differently when you are using hand wraps instead of weapons. Since you have access to them is there any chance you could look at how the feats (especially whirlwind) works for hand wraps and 2hf?

I have a Monk character with Cleave/Great Cleave and on Humans and Half-Elves they work very well, with a smooth animation. Great Cleave even procs twice, although whether this is a bug or intended is not confirmed by the Devs at this point. I can comment that Great Cleave animation is currently borked on Elves, where they currently perform a weird half-hop spin kick that sucks in terms of length of time to execute.

I also tested Whirlwind Attack on an unarmed build in the recent past, and its not a bad attack at all. It has similar issues to an armed Whirlwind attack, but the animation is a Ryu 'Hurricane Kick' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHXkfPPoy8o), but does string well into the normal unarmed combat animation cycle.

On another note, did you consider going for centered with 6 monk, you would get 6 dodge, shadowfade!!!, and other goodies like the possibility of stunning fist?

Monk as in fighting unarmed and using robes was ruled out for this build. I wanted evasion, yes, but I also wanted some Armour to give some PRR to work with from BAB/Armour. Its hard enough to build PRR on a Light Armour/No Shield character, and currently at level 18 I've a 26 PRR rating already thanks to Tempest 2, my White Dragonscale and my 17 BAB.

If I went Monk I'd be severly pidgeon holing myself into Earth Stance and the associated Standing with Stone bonus from GMoF for additional PRR.

I would very much go for cocoon in epic levels, as a 14 ranger with heal amp you can get quite a bit of healing from it, and empower healing works wonders to. Its truly an amazing ability.

Absolutely. Its on both of my Twist Lists for DPS/Defensive modes at present.

03-08-2013, 03:34 AM
I had this build as a 12ranger(tempII) 6fighter(Stalwart) 2 monk and it was certainly fun, I have sinced changed the build but I think that if Whirlwind attack actually worked I would have left it as it was.

Hope you enjoy it and I hope the devs fix whirlwind too hehe.

03-11-2013, 08:07 AM
Level 19
I was trying to hold off writing this post and come back with the grand "I'm level 20 and now I'm Epic" but alas, no, my efforts to get to 20 have left me in touching distance but with no Cigar.

I'm past the 3 million mark on 34pt TR character though, so literally another 150K XP and I'll be onto the fun stuff atlast.

The character is solid, dependable and fairly hard to kill to boot. Single Target DPS could use a touch up, but Precision, Shadow Dancer & Seal of Avithoul will sort that out no problem.

It doesn't help that I've left my Favoured Enemies behind (Undead, Giant and Dragon) as I planned a little too forward thinking. I'll probably find some spare Siberys shards and swap them over to Undead, Elf and Evil Outsiders to see me through 19-20 Heroic content and also for Eveningstar / Underdark / Demonweb before swapping back to the previous three for Epic Giant Hold fun.

My Dex has also crept up past my Strength now, which is very nice for the defensive benefits and the "Strength? Oh, I have a lowly Strength of 32, but 34 Dex!" groan inducing comments I make in guild parties. I was even accused of being an Archer in one Pug group I ran in. The 'Grab 10 Mobs and cleave them into Oblivion' approach to destroying trash soon changed those comments.

On the Archer side, since passing the magic 4-Arrow Manyshot line I've really enjoyed softening up packs of mobs with my new Silver Bow. It's slotted it with a Greater Fire Ruby (+1D6 Extra Fire Damage) and I have a Heroic Elite Quiver of Poison (+1D4 extra Damage) from my run through of the new Heroic Gianthold, so I gets plenty of damage per arrow on Manyshot. Need to finish up the Deneith Favour though for the ammunition.

Gear & Build
Level 18 meant picking up another few trinkets out of my TR cache. A Devotion 66 Trinket of Melee Alacrity 10%, Cannith Propulsion Boots and Knost's Belt (Con +6 & GFL).

The Madstone Boots have been downgraded to occasional 'fun' use as I picked up Quicken at 18, and finally started using my Ranger Spell Healing. With a ConOpp Helmet and Torc in my current default gear setup, and Mana Bauble on switch for the clicky, I can safely heal myself very well in the middle of fights and out of combat at this level. Freedom atlast from the CSW pot chain drinking and swearing at an uncaring Cleric Hireling. The hirelings are now safely tucked away in the inn sipping there beer.

I also went through an upgraded my slotted gear:

Underwater Action Ring of Resistance +5, Yellow Slot: Deathblock
Charisma +6 Ring of Persuasion, Yellow Slot: Proof against Poison +8
Strength +6 Bracers, Yellow Slot : Proof against Disease +8

A new shield also made it into my gear setup, Light & Darkness. It's not unsurpressed yet, but I've decided to farm out added an unlocked PLIS to the list of 'want gear' as well so it will get its nice little DR 5/Epic.

Working on XP to get to 19 meant running around the vale a little bit, getting flagged for shroud and chomping at the painful XP/minute ratio. It got me there though, and I've crafted up a pair of new shiny Greensteel Warhammers.

These going to get the full Positive 3 treatment (Holy/Good Burst/Good Blast most likely) to have a excellent set of Undead beaters. There both crafted up to tier 2 already so they have the handy dandy Raise clickies and there decent DPS already. Oh, yes, I've finally got to play the Fall of Truth raid and am very excited to finish them up and get cracking some skulls. Literally.

Till next time .. More Shrouds please!

03-11-2013, 09:45 AM
Keep it up. Loving this progress.

03-15-2013, 07:44 AM
Level 20 - The Revelation

Finally nailed that last 65K to get to 20 ("And breathe...."). So time for some thoughts on the new toys I've unlocked, where my build is now, how the build plays, new strengths and where I'm going next

Yep, as a TR, I've gotten access straight away to chosen Epic destiny of Shadowdancer, with the full 24 Destiny AP to allocate (Interestingly, all my destinies were reset to to freely spend the AP).

I've already worked out the chosen Abilities I wanted:

T6 Shadow Form Rk1
T5 Sealed Soul Rk1
T5 Executions Strike Rk3
T5 Untouchable Rk1
T4 Improved Invisibility Rk1
T3 Grim Precision Rk3
T3 Shrouding Strike Rk3
T2 Lithe Rk3
T2 Dex+1
T1 Technician Rank 2
T1 Dex+1

Built just the way I want it for the balance of Offense, Defense and Utility!


I currently have 9 Fate Points, allocated as a T3 and T1 Twists. Although I don't have the twist slot for Momentum Swing just yet, I've decided to go for Lay Waste from LD and Perfect Balance from GMoF for now.

On my first life, I levelled Exalted Angel and Unyielding Sentinal to Lvl5/24AP, GMoF to Lvl4/16AP, LD to Lvl2/12AP and finally Shadowdancer to Lvl5/24AP.

Offense Improvements

Well, lets tot it up - +6D6 Sneak Attack, Shrouding Strike's +3[w] per use, and then Executioners Strike does +3[w], +1 Crit Threat, +1 Crit Multipler with the 35% chance to land an Execution - Instant Death or if saved, +100 Damage.

Interestingly, The Executioners Strike does work on offhand attacks, so with Tempest2 thats a guaranteed two saves for the Mob to make if it Procs - if it does save, then its still +100 Damage per hand. Also, that damage works just like Seeker, added to the base damage the attack makes and thus is multiplied up on a critical hit. I'm not wearing any Seeker gear yet and I've seen a 550pt Crit attack from this ability already. DC on executioners strike with 7 shadow charges is DC48, so still some room to build on there.

Lay Waste is also there now, for my 4th chained 'Cleave' Attack when I need it. Although restricted to once every 60 seconds until I can twist in Momentum swing, its a very useful 'knock you over and suck on these spam cleaves' trick in the arsenal. And another attack that adds +5[W] Damage and +1 Crit Multiplier.

I don't have my Seal of Avithoul equipped yet for Improved Deception, so I'm just going wax lyrical for a moment about Radiance. I've had my Greensteel Radiance 2 Khopeshes in my hands since I was level 12, and unless I've really needed a different weapon for DR Breaking then they've been such good utility. Blinding the mob, enabling my sneak attack damage and also boosting my defense has been golden.

While I was grinding out that little bit of XP for 20, I went ahead and did a solo Sins of Attrition run on Hard. Spam-Cleave Blindness, self-quickened heals, and a little bit of care and the run was fairly easily done.

So, unless there are seriously good reasons not too, I'll be holding onto my Khopeshes for now until I can get some Stars of Day/Celestia's sorted out. I'll need to hold atleast one Planar Conflux weapon for the PRR Bonus, it might as well be a fully upgraded and rocking Celestia methinks. Not to mention the +4 Artifact bonus to Hit/Damage :D

So how does that offense play?

Frickin awesome so far. Joined up a 6 man LFM for the Villagers chain in Eveningstar last night, and we blitzed it. It wasn't even funny. It was frankly redonkulous! There's lots of comments around about how EDs really provide a big power boost, and they do.


Defensively, I can now run around with almost my max 20% Dodge! Once I've got my 7 Shadow Charges, combined with my basic White Dragonhide Light Armour, Lithe, and twisted Perfect Balance I'm just 1% shy of my max Dodge bonus. Until I can get the Flawless Whitescale of course.

And of course, I have Shadow Form now to hit 25% Incorporeal defense. I still want to get my Treads of Falling Shadow for him though, until I can get that first Shadow Charge in.
Sealed Soul also adds a lot of assurance in terms of being Immune to Energy Drain. That's a very nice perk for a Fleshy. No need to break out the Silverlfame Necklace anymore!

Oh, and of course Quickened Cure Serious Wounds! Yay! The Heal Amp needs work (gear, lol), but its a significant markup on my current healing, and makes me very self sufficient with Sealed Soul where I don't really need ot bother with Scrolls or a Hireling.

So how does that Defense play?

Its gotten alot stronger with Shadowdancer. Although I'm sitting around the 525HP, 60AC mark, PRR 27, enemies have a hard time hitting me between being Blind (50% Concealment), Shadow Form (25% Incorporeal), and 19% Dodge that I've worked into my build so far. Sitting in pack of Dire Bears in the Kings Forest has been some great fun.
Still lots of work to go though - more HP to aquire, perma Blur 20% to acquire, and

New Gear

Precious little at the moment. I need to stack a couple more levels on before I do a mass change around of gear - the only Epic item I was able to strap on right away was my Woodsmans Boots for another +2 Dex (useful with Lithe and Executioners Strike).

So this is where I am at the moment at level 20:

Dual GS Radiance 2 Khopeshes - Holy, Flaming Burst, Flaming Blast
Dual GS Positive 2 Warhammers - Holy, Good Burst (To be crafted upto Pos3)
Silver Longbow with Slotted 1-6 Fire Damage
Light & Darkness Shield, Deaths Door Shield, Madstone Shield
Quiver of Poison

White Dragonscale Light Armour (Prot AC+5, Heavy Fort, Shield AC +4)
GS Helm - 300SP, Wis +6, Concordant Opposition
GS Cloak - 45HP, Mineral 2 (Prot AC +5, Heavy Fort)
Cannith Crafted - Goggles - Blindness Ward, Dodge 2%, Yellow Slot: Immunity to Fear
Cannith Crafted - Bracers - Strength +6, Yellow Slot: Proof Against Disease +8
Cannith Crafted - Gloves - Dexterity +6, Colourless Slot: Empty
Cannith Crafted - Ring 1 - Underwater Action, Resistance +5, Yellow Slot: Proof Against Poison +8
Cannith Crafted - Ring 2 - Charisma +6, Persuasion, Yellow Slot: Deathblock
Belt - Knosts Belt - Constitution +6, Greater False Life
Necklace - Torc of Price Raiyum de II - Transform Kinetic Energy
Boots - Epic Woodsmans Boots - Striding 30%, Ins Dex +2, Move Silently +15
Cannith Crafted - Trinket - Devotion 66, Melee Alacrity 10%

Notable Swap-Ins
Spectral Gloves
Silver Flame Necklace (x10 Charges)
Minos Legens
Mysterious Bauble
Madstone Boots
Cannith Boots of Propulsion
Shard of Xoriat
Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
2x GS Displacement Cloak Clickies

What's Next & Future Gear

I've started with a rough idea of where I want to go with gear, as a baseline:
Epic Helm of the White Dragon - +8 Con?
Flawless White Dragonscale Light Armour
PDK Gloves - +7 Strength, +2 Ins Con, 30% Heal Amp
Seal of Avithoul - Ins Wis +2, Sneak Attack +5, Exc Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception
Planar Focus of Prowess - +3 Ins Str?
Seal of Dun'Robar or Epic Adamantine Wolf Cloak - 4% Dodge!

There's still a lot to decide upon here, my major concern though is getting the new Armour (Scales banked already!) and the new Helm (maybe a bit more trouble, especially for atleast a EH version with +8 Con).

Epic Destiny wise, I'll move over to Legendary Dreadnought shortly to get it up to 4, then move over to Primal sphere and work towards being able to twist Rejuvenation Cocoon. Quest wise, time to get CitW flagged and start working on (Dual?) Celestia.

I'll report back once the flagging is done and I'm in Epic GH. Hopefully with

03-15-2013, 02:13 PM
I don't want to sound like an idiot but do you think Epic White Scale is superior to Epic Black Scale, for me the only builds that can really benefit from the Epic White Scale over the Epic Black Scale are builds that are aiming for max AC and don't either use a shield or are a Tempest (+4 shield bonus) so we are talking pretty much about monks and clonks.

The issue with the white scale is that all of its bonuses can be easily replicated through either gear or slotting, whereas this isn't the case with the black scale. If the base AC and max dodge are = on both armor versions then I think the Black beats out the white.

Again this is obviously a personal choice but I feel that the devs have done a great job on the black scale but have left the white scale seriously wanting....

03-16-2013, 05:58 AM
I don't want to sound like an idiot but do you think Epic White Scale is superior to Epic Black Scale, for me the only builds that can really benefit from the Epic White Scale over the Epic Black Scale are builds that are aiming for max AC and don't either use a shield or are a Tempest (+4 shield bonus) so we are talking pretty much about monks and clonks.

I think they both could work very well - but I don't think the Black Scale is massively superior to the White Scale. The build is about balance after all - Offense & Defense. And in the gear, I need to concentrate on the defensive angle more as there is so much Offensive potential in the character build itself through feat choices and Epic Destiny choice.

The issue with the white scale is that all of its bonuses can be easily replicated through either gear or slotting, whereas this isn't the case with the black scale. If the base AC and max dodge are = on both armor versions then I think the Black beats out the white.

While, yes, the bonuses can be replicated, the actual amounts cannot.

The white scale can be upgraded to a full +8 Protection AC Bonus and a +8 Shield Bonus, unavailable anywhere else. Along with Heavy Fortification built in, this makes the White scale, in my opinion, a vastly superior option in that in consolidates a lot of gear requirements into one item slot IF your gunning for as much AC as you can cram into your build.

Which I am :)

The White scale set bonus also adds an invaluable extra +50HP as well, which considering light HP nature of the main class (Ranger 14) is much needed to flesh out the HP requirements.

Again this is obviously a personal choice but I feel that the devs have done a great job on the black scale but have left the white scale seriously wanting....

I think they both serve there own niche very well, and I think there both well designed when fully upgraded.

What I did consider is having both armours for swapping between as difficulty calls for, but that's simply down to the Black Scale having an extra 20% Fort bypass. I left my having to design and carry around almost two complete gear sets though as many of the White scale bonuses would still be wanted in the Black Scale setup.

And thus, I decided on the Flawless White Scale Light Armour.

03-25-2013, 09:07 AM
Level 23 - The Gear Challenge

Well, proud to say I'm still going with this build, facing up to epic levels with a smile and wink to mobs before smashing them into oblivion.

Quest Progress

In terms of quests, flagged through all of Eveningstar (Villagers/Drow/Demonweb quests), completed the High Road pack a pair of times and then flagged through Epic Gianthold leaving me with the options of running CitW, Tor and FoT. 95% of that was done solo, and thanks to my regenerating SP supply it was never a problem.

But now I've hit 23, and all those alluring Epic items I've been stocking up and starting to get unlocked where making changes to my gear layout is becoming more viable.

Play Notes

I'm destroying trash now. I've got the DPS to mow through mobs on EN/EH, but am yet to prove my build properly in an EE quest. The one quest I've tried on EE (Deal and the Demon) was a 6 man affair, but with a little careful play (Shield use, self-healing, etc) I was the only character not to suffer a death. We did complete though.

I've still a weak point in my Will Save. If a caster even thinks of holding me, I'm bait for several seconds. Generally though I've got the damage mitigation and the evasion to not make this a serious problem in EN/EH - some serious EE play will see if I can live through it. Executioner's Strike is upto DC51 now though - assassinating enemy Caster's has become a very favoured tactic of mine.

Dodge Items

One small revelation that I've had, is in deciding to dump Epic Grim's Bracelet as my necklace of choice, and instead to go for an Epic Jorgundal's Collar instead. I absolutely love having permanent melee alacrity, and Jorgundals offers me that along with two lovely customisable slots.

Gear Setup at 23

So this is where my gear setup is now, after getting lucky and pulling the much wanted Treads out of my first chain completion of the High Road pack.

Armour: White Dragonscale Light Armour
- Heavy Fort, Protection +5, Shield AC +4, Greater Cold Resistance

Helm: Cannith Crafted
- Charisma +6, Melee Alacrity 10%, Yellow Slot: 100SP

Necklace: Cannith Crafted
- Wisdom +6, Resistance +5, Yellow Slot: Deathblock

Goggles: Cannith Crafted
- Blindness Immunity, Dodge 2%, Yellow Slot: Fear Immunity

Trinket: Epic Planar Focus of Prowess
- Insight Str +3, Planar Conflux

Gloves: Epic PDK Gloves
- Str +7, Ins Con +2, Heal Amp 30%

Bracers: Standard Loot
- Heal Amp 20%, Superior Parrying

Belt: Knosts Belt
- Con +6, Greater False Life

Boots: Epic Treads of Falling Shadow
- Striding 30%, Dex +7, Ins Dex +2,

Ring 1: Epic Seal of Dun'robar
- Constitution +7, Dodge 4%,

Ring 2: Epic Seal of Avithoul
- Insight Wisdom +2, SA+5, Exc SA+3, Improved Deception

Important Benchmarks
So, finally getting close to some the benchmarks I set out in post 1.
Sneak Attack - 9D6+13, 40% Fortification Bypass, with Improved Deception
- It's lovely proccing that Improved Deception for solo sneak attack. An extra 45 Damage per swing with Tempest2 100% TWF is lovely.
Hit Points - Just broken 600HP. Not amazing, but getting there and I've got room for improvement (2 more epic levels, White Dragon set...)
Dodge - 20% - 7% Tempest Feats, 3% Perfect Balance twist, 6% Items, 4% Shadow Charges
- I'm actually hitting my MDB Limit with heroic White Dragonsclae and Lithe. With the new armour, 3% cloak and 2 more shadow charges (I can hold 7) I'll be at 25% Dodge.
Incorporeal - 10% Permanent, 25% Semi-Permanent (1 Shadow Charge)
Concealment - 0% Permanent, 50% On Demand Clickies (4 Clickies at 1.5 Minutes)
- Still to finish my Blur item... see below.

What Item's are to come?!

Lvl 25 - Epic Flawless White Dragonscale
- The eponymous Flawless Armour - I have the Flawless Scales, the Relics, and 2 of the 3 needed commendations. I've also looted a Sapphire of PRR +12 to slot straight away, handy!

Lvl 24 - Epic White Dragon Helm (EH Version)
- I've gotten hold of the Dexterity +8 version, meaning I wont have to try and farm out some EE Treads of Falling Shadow now, and that the EH version will do just fine when I can get some. For the Green slot, I have banked a Sapphire of False Life 30 already.

Lvl 25 - Epic Jorgunadals Collar - EE Version
- Oh yes, made a nice trade for this item and I'm happy to say I've got the top end, full-on 15% Melee Alacrity version. Got a Sapphire of Resisance +5 at the moment for the Green slot, but would like to slot in a +7 version as soon as possible.

Greensteel Belt of Smoke 2
- Shards made, just need to make up the blank item. I've ummed and arred over the GS slot location for a while - and the belt seems like the most promising slot for now.

Mithril Cloak of the Wolf
- Need to make this, and need to get started lol! It will be my 3% Dodge location, as well as Diversion & some Exceptional Seeker to boot.

And the Future....

Well, with the above setup just about done, I've seen a way to push the gear up even higher but will need to wait for Mabar to do that.

1. Change Mithril Cloak of the Wolf to Epic Cloak of Night (lvl 24) - Maintains the 3% Dodge, gives me a different place for Deathblock and also Ghostly. This then free's the boots slot from holding Ghostly, and allows me to put Exc Dex +1 into the freed up Yellow Slot.

2. Change Treads of Falling Shadow to Halcyon Boots - Get the benefit of keeping the Dex on Boots along with fitting in Potency 80 for self-healing. Halcyon Mind also gives a little SP Regen thats missing from the old Torc/ConOpp setup. More slots to customise as well,

3. Change the Dragon Helm to a +3 Ins Dex version
Maintains set Bonus and keeps the Dex pumped as much as possible.

More Dex, alot more healing Spell Power and a small SP Regen 'to boot'.

What about the Weapons?

I'm still principally using my GS Radiance2 Khopeshes. I have a nice pair of the Star of Day swords (Holy Burst/Radiance/Brilliance and GreaterGood/Radiance/Brilliance) that I'd like to use, but that means feat swapping away from Khopeshes permanently and I'd like to get ... *drumroll* .... TWO Celestia's from CitW. So I'll hang on for now.

I may pre-empt the change though at 24, when I finally get Overwhelming Critical and my Star of Day crits won't feel as wimpy. *Shrug* It's hard giving up Khopeshes! :D

03-26-2013, 04:24 PM
i really love this build, and i thought using fort penetration and sneak attack damage to this degree on a ranger were fresh ideas (though maybe im just uneducated) and i like the stance swapping

personally i disagree with some of your gear choices and combat expertise but thats just me and i think i will definately be trying this build at some point

03-26-2013, 05:20 PM
personally i disagree with some of your gear choices and combat expertise but thats just me and i think i will definately be trying this build at some point
CE is a pre-req for Whirlwind Atk; w/out it he'd have to call it the Cleaving Dervish, which isn't nearly as cool. :cool:

03-26-2013, 05:49 PM
For fun I thought I would try to come up with a 28-pt F2P version of this build; part of my ongoing quest to prove I can "downgrade" any build concept without ruining it (too) much. ;) Consider it a flavor variant on my Tempest trapmonkey.

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.16.01
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

Level 21 True Neutral Human Female
(2 Fighter \ 3 Rogue \ 15 Ranger \ 1 Epic)
Hit Points: 314
Spell Points: 185
BAB: 19\19\24\29\29
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 5

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 21)
Strength 17 26
Dexterity 13 17
Constitution 14 17
Intelligence 12 13
Wisdom 8 8
Charisma 8 8

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 17
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 20
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 20
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 20

Level 1 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge
Feat: (Human Bonus) Mobility

Level 2 (Ranger)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Undead

Level 3 (Ranger)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness

Level 4 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR

Level 5 (Ranger)

Level 6 (Ranger)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Giant
Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack

Level 7 (Ranger)

Level 8 (Rogue)
Ability Raise: STR
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
Enhancement: Human Versatility I
Enhancement: Human Versatility II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage I
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage II
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance I
Enhancement: Ranger Tempest I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity I
Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I
Enhancement: Rogue Wand and Scroll Mastery I

Level 9 (Ranger)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons

Level 10 (Ranger)

Level 11 (Ranger)

Level 12 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack

Level 13 (Ranger)

Level 14 (Ranger)
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III
Enhancement: Human Versatility III
Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage III
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance II
Enhancement: Ranger Tempest II
Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity II

Level 15 (Fighter)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Great Cleave

Level 16 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR

Level 17 (Ranger)

Level 18 (Fighter)
Feat: (Selected) Combat Expertise
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Whirlwind Attack

Level 19 (Ranger)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Elf

Level 20 (Rogue)
Ability Raise: STR
Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage IV
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance III
Enhancement: Ranger Devotion I
Enhancement: Ranger Devotion II
Enhancement: Ranger Devotion III
Enhancement: Ranger Devotion IV
Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I

Level 21 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Overwhelming Critical

A net loss of two feats compared to the original build; I dropped Quicken and Precision, leaving the lvl 24 feat open for whatever. Sneak atk dmg is almost the same, though; and I added rgr 15 which gets me an extra FE and 2nd lvl 4 spell slot (FOM + CSW). Plus rogue splash means full UMD & trap skills, ofc.

03-27-2013, 08:29 AM
i really love this build, and i thought using fort penetration and sneak attack damage to this degree on a ranger were fresh ideas (though maybe im just uneducated) and i like the stance swapping

personally i disagree with some of your gear choices and combat expertise but thats just me and i think i will definately be trying this build at some point

Yes, and I think this build really shines with U17 content, where having Sneak DPS and Fort Bypass on a Ranger base is amazing versatility.

Combat Expertise is the necessary evil of taking Whirlwind Attack, unfortunately. However, I think that its a very usable feat when combined with Improved Combat Expertise for the extra 20PRR. That's invaluable, and as I put in the very first post the build looks to its defenses extensively when running EE content.

Gear is always going to be personal - I know everyone must be face-palming over me not going for Flawless Black Dragon armour, but I have my reasons and my personal preferences, so I'll list what I go with. Everyone is free to choose there own setup of course :)

CE is a pre-req for Whirlwind Atk; w/out it he'd have to call it the Cleaving Dervish, which isn't nearly as cool. :cool:

Oh indeed :)

For fun I thought I would try to come up with a 28-pt F2P version of this build; part of my ongoing quest to prove I can "downgrade" any build concept without ruining it (too) much. ;) Consider it a flavor variant on my Tempest trapmonkey.

A net loss of two feats compared to the original build; I dropped Quicken and Precision, leaving the lvl 24 feat open for whatever. Sneak atk dmg is almost the same, though; and I added rgr 15 which gets me an extra FE and 2nd lvl 4 spell slot (FOM + CSW). Plus rogue splash means full UMD & trap skills, ofc.

This is nice, and a viable alternative for a 28pt first lifer.

The only noticeable problem I spotted is you have no Khopesh feat, which has debatable value for a first life, un-geared toon anyway. However, that means its no Quicken or Precision feat at 24 if you want to take Khopesh.

Still, for a more basic version, its got value. I'd go dual Rapiers with this, and take Precision as the final feat choice, but possibly a lot earlier than 24. Having FoM and Trapskills are good choices for a newer player, and means you'll have a strong contribution in variety of areas - AoE Melee, Single Target DPS Melee, Defensive Melee, Ranged Versatility, Self-Healing, Trap Skills, Full UMD...

03-27-2013, 10:18 AM
The only noticeable problem I spotted is you have no Khopesh feat, which has debatable value for a first life, un-geared toon anyway. However, that means its no Quicken or Precision feat at 24 if you want to take Khopesh.
Yeah, it's a pretty feat-challenged build; w/out extra feats from monk it becomes tough to squeeze all one would want onto it. What I really wish I could figure out is how to squeeze in Emp Heal+Quiken for Rejuvenation Cocoon + CSW. I considered taking extra ftr lvls (possibly while dropping rog splash); maybe rog 1 / rgr 15 / ftr 4 or even rgr 14 / ftr 6. To be honest, dropping CE+WA for other feats is probably more sensible, but it defeats the purpose of this build. :)

I took IC:Slash for scimitars with the option of adding Khopesh later; but IC:Pierce for rapiers (or picks) is also an option, esp. if you plan on Deathnips, Balizardes, and/or Celestias.

What I like about this build concept is the way it adds layers of functionality as it levels. Early on, you're a standard melee-oriented rgr with a bit of sneak atk and (in my case) UMD+trap skills. Then you get Manyshot for burst ranged DPS, Tempest I + IC for better melee DPS, +7% Dodge from D/M/SA chain, and (in my case) W&S Mastery I. Then you get Power Atk for even more melee DPS; and CL+GC for AoE DPS vs mobs. Then you get IPS for ranged DPS vs mobs, higher-lvl rgr buffs & CSW for greater self-sufficiency, Whirlwind Atk, OC, Rejuvenation Cocoon.

03-27-2013, 11:06 AM
What I like about this build concept is the way it adds layers of functionality as it levels. Early on, you're a standard melee-oriented rgr with a bit of sneak atk and (in my case) UMD+trap skills. Then you get Manyshot for burst ranged DPS, Tempest I + IC for better melee DPS, +7% Dodge from D/M/SA chain, and (in my case) W&S Mastery I. Then you get Power Atk for even more melee DPS; and CL+GC for AoE DPS vs mobs. Then you get IPS for ranged DPS vs mobs, higher-lvl rgr buffs & CSW for greater self-sufficiency, Whirlwind Atk, OC, Rejuvenation Cocoon.

And it doesnt stop there :D

In Epic levels you get more Sneak DPS, gain the ability to remove Sneak Damage immunity, lower your threat output, add more AC & Dodge to the build, pick up 25% Incorporeal, gain Immunity to Energy Drain, oh and add a Single-Target Insta-Kill to the pramful of toys.

As an aside, the Missus & Myself are having great fun challenging each other for Kill-count in quests - I have my AoE/Radiance toys with my 30s CD/35% chance Insta-Kill, she's a full on Rogue 20 Pure with Assassin 3, Max Int and 15s CD Assassinate and 23D6+25 Sneak Attack Damage. I don't rely on my Insta-kill, but it's such a "In your face!" moment when I can run in and send a mob packing while she sneaks around :D :D :D

03-29-2013, 07:30 PM
I acquired my first Celestia last night. That is all :D

04-03-2013, 08:16 AM
Level 25 – The Final Progression - Capped & Geared

And done.

The Whirling Dervish is capped at level 25, with all necessary gear obtained, slotted and equipped. I thought I’d present some actual numbers in the post again, of the final benchmarks I’ve managed to reach at the this point, and what’s in store for the Whirling Dervish next.

Obligatory Screenshot


Yep, that is ship & self-buffed!

Play Notes

Soloed all of Eveningstar/Schindylrryn/Demonweb on EH without a problem. Soloed most of Epic Giant Hold on EH also without a major problem, including Executing Giants in EH Tor.

I’ve said it many times before but I’ll say it again – spamming Radiance in a mass of mobs with the defences I have is a great ticket for sailing through content. Having a working Executioners Strike in EH content was useful.

So I’m set for Epic Elites now, properly geared, built and ready for some action.

The only real concern I have now is my available spell point pool, but I somewhat mitigate through equipping my bauble for buffing after resting and am looking to slot a Topaz of +200SP when I have a Celestia fully upgraded. Rejuvenation Cocoon will also make a big difference with SP efficiency.

15% Permanent Melee Alacrity with Triple Cleave chain – Cleave, Great Cleave, Whirlwind
40% Boss/Undead/Golem Fortification Bypass
9D6+13 Sneak Attack DPS, with Improved Deception and dual Radiance weapons on 17-20 Crit.
DC54 Executioners Strike – 7 Base, +25 Character Level, +15 Dex Mod, +7 Shadow Charges
725HP with just the Ship +2 Con buff
40PRR - Light Armour & 22BAB, TWF Tempest, +12 PRR Augment, Shield Bonus
20% Blurry – Attained: Smoke 2 Greensteel item equipped permanently, with 50% Blurry available on 6 Displacement Clickies, for 9 Minutes total
25% Incorporeal – Attained: ED Shadow Form ability, with 10% Permanently equipped
25% Max Dodge – 19MDB with Flawless Dragonscale +6MDB from ED Lithe
25% Actual Dodge – Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, 2/3/4% Items, ED Perfect Balance, ED Untouchable (6 charges)
Immunity to Energy Drain - Gear allows for Deathblock/Fear Immunity as well
45 Fort Save
52 Reflex Save
33 Will Save

Current Gear List
Epic White Flawless Dragonhide Armour - +7 Enh, Heavy Fort, Protection +7, Shield AC +6, +12 PRR
Epic White Dragon Helm (EH) - +8 Dex, +50HP Set Bonus, +7 Wisdom, Resistance +7
Epic Jorgundal’s Collar (EE) – 15% Melee Alacrity, Exc Con +1, False Life +30
Epic Treads of Falling Shadow (EN) – 30% Striding, Dexterity +7, Ins Dex +2, Ghostly 10%
Epic Seal of Dun’Robar – Constitution +7, Dodge 4%, Tendom Slice 10%
Epic Seal of Avithoul – Insight Wis +2, Sneak Attack +5, Exc Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception
Epic PDK Gloves – Strength +7, Insight Con +2, Heal Amp 30%
Epic Mithril Cloak of the Wolf – Exceptional Seeker +4, Attack Bonus +3, Dodge 3%, Diversion 20%
Epic Planar Focus of Prowess – Ins Str +3, (Prowess Set Bonus to Unlock)
GS Belt – Smoke 2, +45HP, Perma 20% Blurry, 2x Displacement Clickies
Standard Loot Bracers – Heal Amp 20%, Superior Parrying +4 AC/Saves
Cannith Crafted Goggles – Blindness Ward, Dodge 2%, Immunity to Fear or Deathblock as needed

Notable Swap-Ins
Cannith Crafted Goggles – Blindness Ward, True Seeing, Immunity to Fear or Deathblock as needed
Cannith Crafted Trinket – Devotion 66, Electrical Absorption 33%
2x GS Smoke 1 Cloak – Displacement Clickies
Draconic Necklace – GH Clicky
Mysterious Bauble

The Future
This will be the last update post for quite some time I think, as the build is essentially finished with 90% of the gear goals met – just the last 10% takes the longest to grind out!

I’m pretty sure I’ll post in the future if I keep up with Azraiyel’s grinding and achieve newer heights or better gear levels.

Further Optimisations/Goals
1. Obtain 2nd Celestia – More Greater Sunburst/Fiery Detonation spam!
2. Unlock PDK 375 Favour
3. Get Planar Conflux Set Bonus - +4 Att/Damage, +15 PRR (3 Commendations?..)
4. Upgrade Celesta no.1 to Green Slot, with Good Luck +2 (25 Commendations...)
5. Upgrade Celesta no.2 to Green Slot, with +200SP (25 Commendations...)
6. Fully upgrade Flawless Dragonscale armour for additional AC (12 commendations....)
7. Slot Flawless Dragonscale with +14PRR Augment
8. 2x Alchemical rituals for AC/Saves
9. Obtain and fully upgrade Halcyon Boots... (8 commendations?..)
10. Obtain and fully upgrad Lvl 24 Epic Cloak of Night from Mabar...

1. Grind through ED's to reach Primal Avatar and Rejuvenation Cocoon
2. Grind through ED's to reach Draconic Incarnation and Energy Sheath

So, see you all in about 70 commendations time...


04-03-2013, 11:38 AM
make a black dragon set, you will like it better.

04-03-2013, 12:13 PM
Congrats on capping. :) I'm curious how you feel this compares to, say, your Angel of Death (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=396525). Which do you find more fun / effective?

04-03-2013, 12:48 PM
irrelevant stuff, dodge, bla bla, incorporeality, - 10 PRR, 7 will save , dual Clubs of the Silver Flame...
Can lead pug citw after drunk leader faceplants on the keyboard


04-03-2013, 01:42 PM
make a black dragon set, you will like it better.

Please feel free to post a gear-set that incorporates every effect that I have in my current gear set, but incorporates the Black Dragon armour instead.

Congrats on capping. :) I'm curious how you feel this compares to, say, your Angel of Death (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=396525). Which do you find more fun / effective?

Effectiveness - The Whirling Dervish, hands down. It's almost everything the Angel of Death is ... and yet its far more. More DPS, far more Defense, more deadliness with Executioners Strike, Ranged options etc etc etc.

Fun Factor - When played at cap, the Angel of Death provides some very nice melee numbers flying by on the screen, with the Exalted Smites giving of some very enjoyable big numbers. However, the Whirling Dervish competes admirably - dual Celestia's with Greater Sunburst and Fiery Detonation proc's going off all over the screen is going a hell of a lot of fun.

I think overall the Angel of Death really is a pre-cursor to the step up that the Whirling Dervish is. I took the lessons from that build, my EE experiences with U16 and my wants for a new build (Mass-AoE, Boss DPS, Much higher defences) and produced the Whirling Dervish with it.

However, remember that the Angel of Death was all about putting a unique pure Paladin build together, with a destiny not many cared to consider in the face of Fury of the Wild.

Can lead pug citw after drunk leader faceplants on the keyboard

Hell yeah - Anytime :)

Must run more CitW .... need .... another Celestia...

04-03-2013, 09:30 PM
Effectiveness - The Whirling Dervish, hands down. It's almost everything the Angel of Death is ... and yet its far more. More DPS, far more Defense, more deadliness with Executioners Strike, Ranged options etc etc etc.

Fun Factor - When played at cap, the Angel of Death provides some very nice melee numbers flying by on the screen, with the Exalted Smites giving of some very enjoyable big numbers. However, the Whirling Dervish competes admirably - dual Celestia's with Greater Sunburst and Fiery Detonation proc's going off all over the screen is going a hell of a lot of fun.

I think overall the Angel of Death really is a pre-cursor to the step up that the Whirling Dervish is. I took the lessons from that build, my EE experiences with U16 and my wants for a new build (Mass-AoE, Boss DPS, Much higher defences) and produced the Whirling Dervish with it.

Congratulations on realizing this wonderful build Arlathen and snagging yourself a Celestia, good luck on the next one. Have to say I was curious about the above as I've been following your builds closely. I appreciate the time you have taken to give us a glimpse on how they feel when you're getting down and dirty. Screenshots for style.

04-04-2013, 08:43 AM
Please feel free to post a gear-set that incorporates every effect that I have in my current gear set, but incorporates the Black Dragon armour instead.

im not doing your gear for you sorry ;) but the black set is more dps by far, and of course you will have to make some tradeoffs.

almost any build on the planet can solo eh anything. its not that difficult. in ee your defenses are worth much less and you are better off going with more dps and less ac.

04-04-2013, 01:00 PM
If you have two celestias, I wonder how a Tempest II/Ninja I with either Levels of Rogue/Fighter or Paladin would work out........

I'm loving the base Tempest II platform (Have a 12Ranger/6Fighter/2Monk capped at 25 atm) and have a celestia on another toon so maybe looking at some kind of celestia tempest build.

04-04-2013, 01:39 PM
If you have two celestias, I wonder how a Tempest II/Ninja I with either Levels of Rogue/Fighter or Paladin would work out........


2 Paladin is very strong with a good amount of Charisma with the ridiculous saves needed at End Game.

Although, 14 Ranger gives a 4th level spell remember, I find it difficult to give that up presently as CSW becomes a key, efficient healing spell when you start stacking up the heal Amp and Devotion spell power.

My exact class split though was always about the amount of feats I wanted on the build. I've already gotten my 27th level pigeon-holed for either Exotic: B.Sword Proficiency or IC: Ranged at the moment; there's other choices as well here.

Quick update as well: Looted Pinion in last nights CitW run. Another 25 Commendations of upgrades to add to the pile *groan*.

04-07-2013, 05:07 AM
i just wouldnt use ce
yes i know its a prereq, i dont really care for whirlwind either, though i realize that you do
im not sure id use whirlwind , never built for it so ive never used it but its effects seem overly hyped here though having an extra cleave is fun but if its as slow/buggy/whatever as people say i wouldnt want to invest too much into getting it to have it be meh

04-07-2013, 06:45 AM
i just wouldnt use ce
yes i know its a prereq, i dont really care for whirlwind either, though i realize that you do
im not sure id use whirlwind , never built for it so ive never used it but its effects seem overly hyped here though having an extra cleave is fun but if its as slow/buggy/whatever as people say i wouldnt want to invest too much into getting it to have it be meh

I'll say it again - Whirlwind is another significant way for me to proc Radiance blindness amongst many mobs that I'm engaged with. I have 9D6+13 Sneak Attack damage. Performing a triple Cleave is farm more likely to gain me DPS and Defence over just a double Cleave.

CE means another +20PRR in Epic Elites. Once I've unlocked my Planar Focus bonus as well, that takes me from 40PRR to 75PRR. That takes me from 21.52% to approx. 33% Physical damage reduction. That's too much to ignore.

Finally, sometimes it's actually worth testing these things out instead of completely relying on forum hearsay. Try Whirlwind for yourself. If your expecting just another damaging Cleave attack, you'll be disappointed. Find a way to make it really work for you, you'll be happy.