View Full Version : Shadowdancer Shrouding Strike attack does nothing

07-15-2012, 04:09 AM
This attack never executes. I've tried the following several times in different scenarios:

1. Set up a single enemy face to face, trading blows.
2. Do nothing for a few secs to prevent lag problems from interfering.
3. Click on Shrouding Strike.
4. Observe animation but no notification on screen or in log of hit/miss.

This happens every time. The animation is there but there is no attack. Bug or am I overlooking something?

07-15-2012, 04:38 AM
If it worked, you see a "cursed" symbol above the mob's head. That monster must die within six seconds, or the attack is wasted. If you are successful, the number of Shadow Charges of any feat that uses them (like Cloak of Shadows) rises, and is tallied in the hotbar window.
A successful assassination automatically adds to your Shadow Charge tally without needing to use the special attack, as it both marks and assassinates on the same attack.

Not sure what you're expecting, but this is not an insta-kill or sapping/stunning type of move. You're simply marking the target (with some damage thrown in) in order to gain Shadow Charges.

07-15-2012, 11:33 AM
Not sure what you're expecting, but this is not an insta-kill or sapping/stunning type of move. You're simply marking the target (with some damage thrown in) in order to gain Shadow Charges.

I'm expecting to see some attempt to hit the target and hopefully do damage. I see an animation and that's all. No hit, no damage, no notification of any attempted attack in log or overhead. If I take a swipe at a target, shouldn't there be an attack roll in the combat log? I'm pretty sure that out of many,many attempts in Searing Heights that I should have landed at least on hit. Nada.

BTW - Don't have any enhancements yet that can show me a tally of shadow charges. Will later today hopefully.

07-15-2012, 11:44 AM
Shrouding Shot works for me. I see the cursed symbol above their head and I can use abilities that require the charge. I haven't used the shrouding strike, yet.

This is no way to see how many charges you have, though.

08-22-2012, 05:10 PM
For dark monks, each damage dealing proc of ToD generates a shadow charge.

08-23-2012, 03:59 AM
What does it take to hold a charge? Just having Shrouding Strike does not seem to be enough tho it seems like it should.

08-23-2012, 05:33 AM
What does it take to hold a charge? Just having Shrouding Strike does not seem to be enough tho it seems like it should.

You need an ability that uses charges to see the counter:

Shadow Lance
Cloak of Shadows
Shadow Manipulation
Executioner's Strike/Shot
Shadow Form
Dark Imbuement

08-23-2012, 05:41 AM
This attack never executes. I've tried the following several times in different scenarios:

1. Set up a single enemy face to face, trading blows.
2. Do nothing for a few secs to prevent lag problems from interfering.
3. Click on Shrouding Strike.
4. Observe animation but no notification on screen or in log of hit/miss.

This happens every time. The animation is there but there is no attack. Bug or am I overlooking something?

It works for me, most of the time. I have noticed that if auto attack is on, it usually doesn't work though, and it doesn't work if I resume firing (I use a repeating crossbow) too quickly.

08-23-2012, 04:29 PM
I have shadow Lance and still no counter displayed anywhere that I can see.

You need an ability that uses charges to see the counter:

Shadow Lance
Cloak of Shadows
Shadow Manipulation
Executioner's Strike/Shot
Shadow Form
Dark Imbuement

08-23-2012, 07:34 PM
I see that this thread has popped back up. The original issue was fixed long ago. That issue was not about shadow charges. There are other threads that pertain to shadow charge issues, please use those :)