View Full Version : Epic Destinies
- Shadowdancer and STR Rogues
- Dooooooom
- Shadowdancer No Shadow Jump?
- Technician
- Just how do destinies work? (what trees available)
- Shadowdancer Shadow Training III threat reduction stack?
- Yay for money-grabbing!
- Exalted Angel Astral Vibrance Not Working?
- Draconic Incarnation Darkvision from Draconic Incarnation not working
- Grandmaster of Flowers Everything is mothing epic moment glitched
- Fatesinger Masked Ball & Inspire Excellence
- Shadow Manipulation
- Shadowdancer Shadow Manipulation
- Shadowdancer Meld into Darkness
- Fury of the Wild Fury made placid?
- Which epic destiny is best for a Pale Master?
- Exalted Angel About Renewal.
- Fatesinger Happy bard
- Shadowdancer Untouchable
- Unyielding Sentinel Stance questions.
- epic destiny and TR
- Fatesinger Fragment of the song: Valor won't work on allies
- Unyielding Sentinel What about Fighter Stalwart Defender tanks?
- Grandmaster of Flowers Imp. Martial Arts
- Fury of the Wild Fury of the Wild or Shadowdancer?
- Magister Epic Summons
- Compilation of ED Bugs
- Picked wrong destiny, how do I switch?
- "reset tree"
- Fury of the Wild TOD Slayer Arrow
- Passive destiny levels
- Shadowdancer Shadow Form
- Legendary Dreadnought Master's Blitz
- Shadowdancer Shadow Charges.. how can i tell how many I have?
- Draconic Incarnation Pre-requisites on Draconic Incarnation issue
- Grandmaster of Flowers Bypass Foritification?
- Prereqs
- Shadowdancer Shadow Training II
- Draconic Incarnation Flyby attack
- Draconic Incarnation Dragon Heritage..Stack with 2ndary spell specialty?
- Draconic Incarnation enhacement effects on Energy Burst
- Shadowdancer Untouchable Not Working?
- Fury of the Wild Adrenaline and TWF
- Exalted Angel reborn in light
- Fury of the Wild Does the adrenaline +16 to threat range mean Frenzy have 80% to get extra crit mult?
- Legendary Dreadnought Legendary Tactics
- Fury of the Wild Lets talk about twists for Fury
- Draconic Incarnation Twists for a Draconic destiny Air Savant
- Shadowdancer Shadow Training 4 and doublestrike on finessable weapons
- Fatesinger Twisting Song abilities
- Twist of fates - unique combinations
- ED and TRs
- Unyielding Sentinel Untie Fanatacism, Bane and Purify from stances
- Shadowdancer Needs more uses for Shadow Charges
- My LVL 20 Stalwart Defender
- Draconic Incarnation Energy Sheath
- Legendary Dreadnought Overwhelming Critical Range?
- Epic Toughness and CON requirement
- Grandmaster of Flowers Epic Destiniy path chosen but not chosen
- Exalted Angel Leap of Faith + Abundant Step?
- Grandmaster of Flowers Serenity + Drow Racial SR
- Draconic Incarnation White Dragon Wizard
- Unyielding Sentinel AC twists
- Fatesinger Is Dirge as bad as I think?
- Fatesinger epic ability not working
- Grandmaster of Flowers Running with Wind - How much run speed increase at tier 3?
- Fatesinger quick question I can't seem to drag chord of disruption onto any hotbar?
- Magister Arcane Tempest Questions
- Shiradi Champion Double Rainbow effects list
- Shadowdancer What's your feedback?
- Void Incarnate
- Grandmaster of Flowers Generating Ki for Non-Monks?
- Volcano's Edge
- Fatespinner spell pen missing?
- Twists of fate; What are your choices?
- Legendary Dreadnought 2HF Feats: Junk with Legendary Dreadnought?
- Best Epic destiny for Targeted Class
- Epic destinies for TWF?
- Shadowdancer Twist of Fate
- Unyielding Sentinel stances
- Druid Epic Destinies - which?
- Legendary Dreadnought Unarmed Momentum swing
- Help with Epic Destiny Selection
- Cost of abilities
- Fury of the Wild Max burst?
- So why did casters get screwed in the trees?
- Shadowdancer Improved Invisibility (Displacement from start?)
- Endless Faith bugged?
- Magister Magister caster lvl don't work on Force Missile (or more)
- Grandmaster of Flowers A Dance of Flowers Question
- Shadowdancer Cloak of shadows: does it prevent PM aura-healing?
- Shiradi Champion Shiradi Champion maximized and spell point item
- Barb - LD or FotW?
- Draconic Incarnation Fearsome Invulnerability, add a bonus to SP suggestion
- Legendary Tactics
- Bulwark of Defense Epic feat choice
- Shadowdancer Shrouding Strike attack does nothing
- Monk tank: any destinies
- Druids and Epic Destinies
- Half-Elf Diliettantes and Epic Destinies?
- Shadowdancer Dark Imbuement
- Fury of the Wild Need some help for twists please & thanks!
- Legendary Dreadnought HOrc Momentum Swing animation borked
- Twists stacking question
- Legendary Dreadnought The Mornhnaught: ultimate twf dps
- Grandmaster of Flowers Serenity confirmed not WAI, Response = Dooooom?
- Legendary Dreadnought Headman's Chop question
- Fatesinger Non-stacking of Inspire Excellence WAI?
- Fatesinger Echos of Shiradi
- No Devotion?
- Twisting
- Shiradi Champion PRISM and bolt/blast?
- Grandmaster of Flowers Tactics, etc.
- Shiradi Champion Isn't it ironic
- Grandmaster of Flowers Running with Wind
- Twist Question
- Exalted Angel Judgement
- Fatesinger Passive party bonuses should not cost 6 ED pts.
- Draconic Incarnation Energy Burst and Dragon Breath
- Magister Question about Sigils
- Magister Magister 3 missing fate point
- Epic Destiny "Builds"?
- Magister for clerics
- Twisted "Reign" from fatesinger, but its does not regenrate when not on fatesinger.
- Shiradi Champion Shiradi force mage
- Fury of the Wild Ward against Weird
- Question regarding multi classing, ED's and LR's
- Few Epic Destiny questions
- Shiradi Champion Stay Frosty / Prism / Rainbow
- Exalted Angel Exalted Angel <-> Magister?
- Shadowdancer Shadow Training III and Subtle Backstabbing? Stack?
- Shiradi Champion Audience with the queen, nerfed or bugged?
- Unyielding Sentinel Basic question: Sentinel Stance
- Is there a destiny that gives a healing boost on outgoing spells?
- Draconic Incarnation Quick Spell Aug and Monk attacks question
- Exalted Angel un-needed change to Reborn in light
- Unyielding Sentinel Anyone know which abilities work with handwraps?
- Draconic Incarnation Draconic Breath Augmentation
- Exalted Angel FvS caster fresh to lvl 20 - whats good in EA?
- Double Rainbow bugged if twisted?
- Shiradi Champion No bow proficiency after reincarnation
- Exalted Angel Caster Level and turning undead
- Destiny AP Assignment
- Fatesinger: Glitter of Fame not working properly
- Fatesinger or Shiradi for ranged builds?
- Twists of Fate
- Grandmaster of Flowers Walking waves - is it granting any dodge?
- Shadowdancer Current Shadowdancer 'issues'?
- Shiradi Champion Animal Form
- Fatesinger Fatesinger's Repertoire passive not working?
- Cleric Healing Epic Destiny
- Fatesinger Tailwind useless now?
- More inclusive not exclusive ED benefits
- when exactly are fate points awarded?
- Unyielding Sentinel Stand Against the Tide weapon buffs
- Fatesinger Few Quick Questions
- Exalted Angel Endless Faith and Echos of Power
- Draconic Incarnation Dragon Breath targetting
- Draconic Incarnation Energy Sheath and Spell Aug
- A pair of ED... bugs? WAI?
- Legendary Dreadnought Devestating Critical. Does it stack with Overwhelming Critical???
- Fury of the Wild Ranged now exempt from Adrenaline? Seriously?
- Fury of the Wild Devs - so what's intended for Adrenaline and ranged?
- Epic Destinies
- Magister Best twists of fate for Palemaster Magister
- Completionist feat question
- Advice on Epic Destinies and Wizard
- What to twist for artificer
- Shiradi Champion Fey favor not working on spells: known issue?
- Unyielding Sentinel Bane of Undeath vs. Weapons of Good (Question)
- Shiradi Champion Runearms and Shiradi Champion not working together
- Shadowdancer Shadow Charges?
- Draconic Incarnation Does the Magister and DI spell pen stack?
- Shadowdancer feedback on chosen abilities for Shadowdancer tree
- Arty TR build ED choice
- Stupid TR stuff...
- Precise casting and Ascendancy
- Fatesinger EotA: Shiradi Champion
- Shiradi Fey Form & FVS DR
- Fatesinger Siren's Song on red and purple
- Legendary Dreadnought Twf and Dreadnought
- Fury of the Wild What counts as being raged?
- Melee Cleric - best destiny track
- Shiradi Champion Fey and Align Fang spell
- Unyielding Sentinel Finally got to use Undying Vanguard...
- Draconic Incarnation Best ap allocation for a draconic incarnation palemaster wiz
- Exalted Angel Divine Wrath
- meld into darkness
- Draconic Incarnation DI Point Allocation: Request for Advice!
- Twists of Fate...How do they work exactly
- Magister End game magister?
- Best ED for Pure Divine Caster
- Fatesinger Best point distribution for a wizard?
- Spell Pen Question
- Momentum swing and unarmed
- Shiradi Champion A bit new to ED and wondering about shirado
- Unyielding Sentinel Smite Evil
- Question on Twisting Fate
- Returning player wanting to level his Cleric
- Draconic Incarnation Twists and feat swaps / TR / etc.
- Shadowdancer Still not gaining shadow charges
- Unyielding Sentinel Healing Hands Question
- Draconic Incarnation Dragon Breath animation
- Draconic Incarnation Earth spells vs. Acid Spells, DI spell boosts
- Grand Master of Flowers
- Problems with Dodge % from Perfect Balance and Unearthly Reactions
- Shadowdancer Shadow manipulation
- Exalted Angel Help for non-melee cleric
- Legendary Dreadnought Adrenaline + Momentum swing?
- Shadowdancer Shadow form, untouchable, shrouding strike...come on guys fix this
- Grandmaster of Flowers Can't get Everything Is Nothing counter to start up
- Unyielding Sentinel Bane of the undeath
- Fury of the Wild Fast healing
- Summer Smoke proc rate
- Primal Avatar: First Impressions and Testings
- Shadowdancer Twist ideas for shadowdancer
- Test Request: primal avatar's tsunami
- Unyielding Sentinel Purify weapn working?
- Draconic Incarnation dc caster problems
- Magister Summon Kindred Being Typo
- Shiradi Champion How does spell power buffs affects passive damage procs?
- Magister Le Suck
- Unyielding Sentinel Smites not regenerating?
- Grandmaster of Flowers Ubiquity bugged?
- Shiradi Champion Rainbow & Double Rainbow
- Unyielding Sentinel US spectacularly disappointing.
- Fury of the Wild Gird Against Demons [Rank1] bugged
- Legendary Dreadnought LD and wraps
- twists.
- Shadowdancer Incorporeal or not incorporeal that is the question..
- primal avatar - Nature's fury
- Exalted Angel Renewal Questions
- Shadowdancer Shadow Charges
- Fatesinger What is duration of Echoes of the Ancestors?
- Exalted Angel Screen Shot Your Choices and Why
- Shadowdancer ap allocation for arti craftbot
- Unyielding Sentinel Unbreakable stance, sacred natural armor gain bugged?
- Legendary Dreadnought Does Pulveriser work on Sireth?
- Can innate abilities be twisted?
- Fury of the Wild Adrenaline
- Shadowdancer Dark Imbuement
- Critical Multiplier & Burst effects
- Artificer - Shiradi, Magister or Draconic?
- Why spend points on stats?
- Are twists of fate independent of what destiny is active?
- Shadowdancer incorporeal + displacement+dodge
- What ED for my build?
- Best epic destiny for an artificer?
- Shadowdancer Shadow Charge
- Gear?
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