View Full Version : Taking offers on high quality scrolls- Sos, Chronoscope, and more!

08-05-2011, 03:43 AM
Creme de la creme of the scrolls listed- plenty more, ask if you're looking for something in particular.
Keep in mind these listed are things I have plenty of interest in crafting for myself- but I'm looking for offers even more interesting than that.

Charged Gauntlets 4 FRDS
Envenomed Cloak 5FRDS
Helm of Frost 3 FRDS
Boots of Corrosion - Sold

Antique Greataxe 2 FRDS

Spectral Gloves 2 FRDS

Vault of Night
Sword of Shadows - Leave an awesome offer

Red Fens
Gloves of the Claw - Taking offers
Bracers of the Claw - Taking offers

Jid'z-teka - 2 FRDS

Named Items
Bloodstone - 1 FRDS
Spectral gloves - 2 FRDS
Spectacles of spirit sight - 2 FRDS
Jorgundal's Collar - Leave an offer
Firestorm Greaves - Leave an offer

Some DQ Raid scrolls
A ton of essences at a cutrate price
Some LDS, not in a hurry

PM me.

08-05-2011, 04:01 AM
Pm sent

08-05-2011, 07:13 AM
Some of your items are a tad bit-overprized... but maybe someone will buy em. These 3 items are prized excessively high:

Belt of mro scroll for 2 reds? It's worth 1 large scale, maybe 1 FRDS; there's so many of em available.
Spectral gloves scroll for 3 reds? I guess it was reasonable before red fens came, but I think I'd pay at most 3 large scales atm.
Spectacles of spirit sight: 3 reds? What? Worth between 1 large scale and 1 FRDS.

08-05-2011, 07:35 AM
I might be interested in the SOS scroll, could you give a rough idea of what level of offer you're looking for? I'd like to know whether I can compete at all.

08-05-2011, 10:50 AM
prices are way to high no thx

08-05-2011, 10:52 AM
funny price

08-05-2011, 11:27 AM
Pm sent

08-05-2011, 01:26 PM
I don't know where to begin so I guess I'll start at the top. You're prices wouldn't have been bad for the 1st month or so when any of these packs came out but now I'd go;
Charged 2-3 reds
envenomed 3-4 reds
helm 2 reds
boots 1-2 reds
great axe 1 red
spectral glove <1 red
sos 3 red
belt <1 lds
jidz 1 red
Now please keep in mind that these are still high, but you may come across someone who's desparate but not a complete imbecile. Just trying to help ;-) (both you and complete imbeciles)

08-05-2011, 01:54 PM
*Brain implodes*

You just blew my mind into a b'jillion little pieces. Thanks alot!

08-05-2011, 02:14 PM
Well i offer 3 Frds for the cloak.

08-05-2011, 02:51 PM

08-05-2011, 03:01 PM
Haek you cheap bastard!

08-05-2011, 04:38 PM
Well i know who wont get songs or buffs next raid -.-

08-05-2011, 08:17 PM
Prices have been adjusted -slightly- For those with issue with prices, please keep in mind that these are scrolls that I'm interested in crafting myself, so it may be worth a little more to me than other sellers who can farm these out for profit, and hopefully my buyers value it highly too as a needed ingredient rather than merely a trade good. Many of the prices you've suggested or offered are lower than what these scrolls have auctioned for recently, in particular the envenomed cloak and SOS.