View Full Version : Lamannia is open with a preview of Update 10 Patch 2!

07-19-2011, 11:02 AM
Lammania is now open with a sneak peek Update 10 Patch 2! Click here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=206066) for the Lammania Release Notes.

Also, get ready for a party! We'll be getting together with visitors to Lammania on Wednesday, stay tuned for details!

07-19-2011, 11:04 AM

so crafting will be down untill after the update?


07-19-2011, 11:05 AM
Two new items can now be purchased from Silver Flame and Yugoloth patron vendors called "Mark of the Silver Flame" and "Mark of the Yugoloth" that can be used for high-level Cannith crafting recipes. These items can also be found randomly in chests and end rewards. Randomly-acquired marks are unbound, while vendor-purchased marks are Bound to Account.

Excellent change.

07-19-2011, 11:11 AM
Experience and gold is no longer awarded upon shard and crafted item deconstruction.

Don't care about the gold becuase it wasn't in long enough for me to even get any but, why take away the experience you get from deconstruction?

07-19-2011, 11:15 AM
Don't care about the gold becuase it wasn't in long enough for me to even get any but, why take away the experience you get from deconstruction?

Because you could get essentially unlimited crafting XP by crafting 1000 greater beatitude 1 (or similar shard that costs 0 greater and 4 lesser essences) and then deconstructing those 1000 shards over and over again. You get back nearly 4000 lesser essences when you deconstruct thsoe 1000 shards.

07-19-2011, 11:17 AM
Don't care about the gold becuase it wasn't in long enough for me to even get any but, why take away the experience you get from deconstruction?

It says only on shards/crafted items. Regular loot will still give gold/xp.

07-19-2011, 11:22 AM
Notes look good overall.

Unfortunately, sounds like the same 50 Adamantine Ore are still required. Grinding utterly trivial quests is not something to encourage. The cost is simply silly, but time consuming.

07-19-2011, 11:22 AM
Don't care about the gold becuase it wasn't in long enough for me to even get any but, why take away the experience you get from deconstruction?

Because they didn’t like the RUKrazy method of levelling a crafter and couldn’t come up with an actual solution that discourages that method. Poorly thought out rare ingredient grinds and a whole lotta item deconstruction is now the name of the crafting game.

07-19-2011, 11:23 AM
It says only on shards/crafted items. Regular loot will still give gold/xp.

Good wording catch, I could hear the Doom comments already

07-19-2011, 11:23 AM
I can't imagine there were that many people making use of the 22,000 clicks method but I can see how it was unintended and should be eliminated.

Why not just reduce xp gain per shard level by one (level 1 shard nets 0 xp, level 2 shard nets 1 xp etc.)? That way the click method is eliminated but there is still a small xp benefit for the other shards.

07-19-2011, 11:23 AM
from the known issues:

NEW: The Sustaining Symbiont is not working correctly.

/whine Aw c'mon! Its a brand new item! /end whine

Has it just broken, or has the fact that it's broken only just made 'the list'?

07-19-2011, 11:27 AM
Good wording catch, I could hear the Doom comments already

Does anyone really care about the xp/gold from deconstructing items?

The only reason the XP was relevant before was because it could be repeated thousands of time for no cost. Actual items aren't going to amount to much of anything.

As for removing that method of leveling, great, good move. That was a terrible, terrible game mechanic. But leveling the "right" way is still completely ridiculous at high levels, and that should be changed.

07-19-2011, 11:32 AM
Also, get ready for a party! We'll be getting together with visitors to Lammania on Wednesday, stay tuned for details!

*Crosses fingers in the hopes that prizes could be given away to live*

07-19-2011, 11:40 AM
Starting to look good...

I look forward to patch day :D

07-19-2011, 01:07 PM
Hate to say this, but I am uninspired to ever go to Llamma land ever again. Whats the point?

It seems to me that feedback from players who go there is, for all intensive purposes, ignored.

I would be happy to participate again in the future if this changes.

07-19-2011, 01:26 PM
I like most of this, but I'm very unhappy about the loss of shard decon XP. Once you get up there in levels, it's very hard to grind further due to the high cost of the recipes and the ever increasing XP curve. There were several levels that I had to use this to get through in order to get to a couple of levels that had reasonable recipes in them.

For example, it took much more time and effort to go from level 68 Arcane to 70 than it did to go from 70 to 75. There are times when grinding that XP was the best way to level up. Sometimes there is nothing that is reasonable to craft for XP, and this was an alternative.

07-19-2011, 01:31 PM
Hate to say this, but I am uninspired to ever go to Llamma land ever again. Whats the point?

It seems to me that feedback from players who go there is, for all intensive purposes, ignored.

I would be happy to participate again in the future if this changes.

sorry, could you run that by me again?

did it in fact require a chattering ring to craft a greater halfling bane weapon (before they shut down crafting) in 10.1?

because if not, then we actually have a very recent and very visible example of player feedback being incorporated.

07-19-2011, 01:33 PM
It seems to me that feedback from players who go there is, for all intensive purposes, ignored.

Ignored? OFC it is, they did not listen to the complaints about RAID loot being used as an ingredient did they?`Nope, they never listen.

07-19-2011, 01:42 PM
I like most of this, but I'm very unhappy about the loss of shard decon XP. Once you get up there in levels, it's very hard to grind further due to the high cost of the recipes and the ever increasing XP curve. There were several levels that I had to use this to get through in order to get to a couple of levels that had reasonable recipes in them.

For example, it took much more time and effort to go from level 68 Arcane to 70 than it did to go from 70 to 75. There are times when grinding that XP was the best way to level up. Sometimes there is nothing that is reasonable to craft for XP, and this was an alternative.

This one, coupled with rare/expensive/named mats, pretty much killed crafting for me.
How are we supposed to gain xp? Using large scales and slayer arrows?

RUKrazy metod was an alterantive. A painful one, but still...

07-19-2011, 01:50 PM
This one, coupled with rare/expensive/named mats, pretty much killed crafting for me.
How are we suppose to gain xp? Using large scales and slayer arrows?

RUKrazy metod was an alterantive. A painful one, but still...

There are plenty of recipes besides Greater Banes and other Eberron shard ones to use for leveling. Good leveling shards do start to run dry by 100, but there's tons of worthwhile stuff to craft even if you don't get to 100.

07-19-2011, 01:52 PM
Again legitimate players have to pay for other peoples exploits.

I never used the decon'ing of shards to level my crafting levels but to convert lessers to greaters and dry out all of my essences so I could carry on leveling from actually crafting shards.

I think it's pretty lame we are losing that nice little perk.

To add absolute insult to injury greaters are currently bugged in end rewards lists.....so a lot of people are definitely going to be decon'ing shards to get them.

We have to go through the process to decon them......so why take away the XP?

Maybe a more appropriate thing would be to add a timer for decaying XP per shards in a given time frame...that way the people "legitimately" decon'ing them still get some XP from it.

Again...take it from a crafting system that's working...your other game LoTRO...there is not one crafting action in that game where you do not get crafting XP.

07-19-2011, 02:14 PM
Noticed that we are limited to only level 75 on Lammania. Is the Live version going to be reset back to that too?

07-19-2011, 02:18 PM
Again legitimate players have to pay for other peoples exploits.

I never used the decon'ing of shards to level my crafting levels but to convert lessers to greaters and dry out all of my essences so I could carry on leveling from actually crafting shards.

I think it's pretty lame we are losing that nice little perk.

To add absolute insult to injury greaters are currently bugged in end rewards lists.....so a lot of people are definitely going to be decon'ing shards to get them.

We have to go through the process to decon them......so why take away the XP?

Maybe a more appropriate thing would be to add a timer for decaying XP per shards in a given time frame...that way the people "legitimately" decon'ing them still get some XP from it.

Again...take it from a crafting system that's working...your other game LoTRO...there is not one crafting action in that game where you do not get crafting XP.


someone mentioned that this might happen. you get rid of the things that everybody was ****ed about only to slip in a less annoying change so you won't get near the negative feedback. bad form

07-19-2011, 02:21 PM
Dear developers, whats the incentive to reach lvl100+ in crafting?

As it is now, by the time, you amass enough trash loot to reach lvl100, you'll have completionist feat on your character. That makes you turn your head the other way, as you force people to consider cannith crafting to be casual bore. There is no way to concentrate on crafting, as you have to spend most of your time questing and not crafting.

The other way is to have guild crafter to provide for the guild and receive trash from the guild. However, with unbound being double the level, that seems even worse.

The only current use i see is comfy tr twink gear, thats easily available around 40+ level. Medium banes, holy, pg etc..

Overall: hands down.

07-19-2011, 02:24 PM
*sigh* Why must the balancing act in DDO always be such an epic saga?

07-19-2011, 02:55 PM
Again legitimate players have to pay for other peoples exploits.

I never used the decon'ing of shards to level my crafting levels but to convert lessers to greaters and dry out all of my essences so I could carry on leveling from actually crafting shards.

I think it's pretty lame we are losing that nice little perk.

To add absolute insult to injury greaters are currently bugged in end rewards lists.....so a lot of people are definitely going to be decon'ing shards to get them.

We have to go through the process to decon them......so why take away the XP?

Maybe a more appropriate thing would be to add a timer for decaying XP per shards in a given time frame...that way the people "legitimately" decon'ing them still get some XP from it.

Again...take it from a crafting system that's working...your other game LoTRO...there is not one crafting action in that game where you do not get crafting XP.

...and it's not as if this method of crafting were any sort of surprise. It was thoroughly explained on the DDO forums in several threads LONG before 10.1 was ever released.

I do still think that the removal of the AMAZINGLY annoying crafting cooldown was a good thing. I just think that it caused a problem when coupled with the infinite-clicks leveling.

07-19-2011, 03:00 PM
*sigh* Why must the balancing act in DDO always be such an epic saga?

Because they hate guys like us who are able to exploit the game, but who choose not to.

07-19-2011, 03:10 PM
I'm happy with this. It's a solid compromise between requiring adventure packs that not everyone may have, and the old way that only required loot-gen stuff.

07-19-2011, 09:13 PM
sorry, could you run that by me again?

did it in fact require a chattering ring to craft a greater halfling bane weapon (before they shut down crafting) in 10.1?

because if not, then we actually have a very recent and very visible example of player feedback being incorporated.

And how good did 10.1 turn out after all that player feedback?

I thought so.

Many more examples of similar outcomes with bugs making it into live after having been reported on Llamma. Time and time again patches to the patches are rushed in to fix the very things bug reported LONG before they made it to live. This is what has turned me off to Llamma land.

P.S. no need to sling neg rep LOL. It is just a discussion. Sorry I don't agree with your point of view, neg repper, whoever you are. Please let me know what was so neg rep worthy.